VOLUME ONE, NO. 13—October 6, 1988—October 19, 1988 FREE Give the People Light and they will find their own way. Tithe Wisconsin Light1 Light Inside... MADER'S GERMAN RESTAURANT • A TIME TO DIE H SUED Nazi Germany Begins FOR DISCRIMINATION Their Slaughter Page 2 a [Milwaukee]- Mader's, one of • SISTERNEWS/VIEWS Milwaukee's internationally known German restaurants, has Keeping The been slapped Es with a suit by Michael, a former part-time Rabble Out Page 4 employee of the restaurant. The suit charges that the restaurant discriminated • MADAM ASCHSWESTER 'against him in his effort to attain a She Answers Your Most management position because of his Personal "Gay appearance." Questions. Page 5 The suit, filed with a prominent • THEATRE X Milwaukee law firm, requests in excess of $30,000 which includes lost wages, Looking For Milwaukee's interest and punitive damages. Most Lovable Page 6 The charges have nothing to do with job performance, but center on alleged • FILM statements made by Victor Mader, the "A World Apart" restaurant's owner, to other employees Reviewed that he did not want Michael representing Page 7 his restaurant or new bar because, as Michael told Light, "He (Mader) thinks I have a Gay appearance." Loulan Wows An anti-discrimination complaint was filed with the Wisconsin State Equal Capacity Rights Division on September 29, 1988 Audience which charges Mader's to be in violation of Wisconsin Statute 111.36 which By Jamakaya prohibits such discrimination. Michael began work at Mader's in "We don't have to hid about being January, 1988, working 30 hours a week. Lesbian anymore, and we don't have to Milwaukee's He told Light that during the time of his hide in our bedrooms." famous downtown German restaurant, Maders, has been sued for discrimination. employment with the restaurant, he had So declared JoAnn Loulan to the 300 received no complaints as to his Lesbians who crowded the pews and choir performance. In fact, he told Light that loft of Milwaukee's Kenwood Methodist Congressmen Sensenbrenner, Roth, the feedback from Mader was that he was Church on October 1 to experience the wit more than competent in the performance and wisdom of the woman billed as the Petri Against AIDS Bill of his duties. "Dr. Ruth of Dykedom." According to Michael, the bar manager Loulan is a California psychotherapist resigned in June, 1988. As a new [Washington, D.C.]- On September 23, penalties for transmission. These who specializes in the area of Lesbian manager was not hired, Michael, as 1988, the U.S. House of Representatives, coercive measures are bad health policy. relationships and sexuality. She is the bartender, handled the operation, doing for the first time in history, passed Nonetheless, these flaws author of Lesbian Sex and Lesbian are far the ordering, etc. legislation establishing federal policy for outweighed by the benefits of the Passion: Loving Ourselves and Each bill." In August, Michael said, he decided fighting the AIDS epidemic. The AIDS Federal Policy Act incorporates other. that since he was functioning, in effect, as In a 367-13 vote, the House passed the three AIDS bills: H.R. 4757 (formerly True to her reputation as an outrageous bar manager, he would ask Mader, for the AIDS Federal Policy Act of 1988 (H.R. 3071), the AIDS Counseling and Testing comedian, Loulan kept the enthusiastic position. At that time, Mader told him 5142) which expedites AIDS research, Act of 1988, and H.R. 4850 audience doubled over with laughter (formerly that the position had been offered to authorizes $1.2 billion over three years for 3825), the AIDS Research through much of her two hour Act of 1988, another person who, then worked for the voluntary AIDS testing and counseling, both sponsored by presentation, "What's So Funny About Rep Henry Waxman restaurant. and establishes a federal commission to (D-Calif.); and H.R. 2881, the Lesbian Sex?" National When that person turned it down, study and make policy recommendations Commission on AIDS Act, sponsored by Michael said, he again applied for the job. regarding AIDS. J. Roy Rowland (D-Ga.). Mader told him, Michael said, that the In the Wisconsin delegation, voting with Numerous AIDS organizations — includ- other person still wanted the job. Michael the majority were Democrats Les Aspin, TURN TO AIDS BILL, PAGE 8 told Light that he questioned the other Robert Kastenmeier, Gerald Kleczka, Jim person who informed him that he did not, Moody and David Obey and Republican in fact, want the job but that Mader would Steve Gunderson. Senate Passes not give Michael the job because he Included among the 13 no thought he looked Gay. votes on this humanitarian piece of AZT Funding Bill Another employee of the restaurant legislation were Republicans Thomas confirmed this, telling Michael that Petri, 6th District, Toby Roth, 8th District [Washington, D.C.]- The United States Mader had told him that he didn't want and James Sensenbrenner, 9th District. Senate on September 29, 1988, approved Michael for the job because of his "Gay These districts comprise the a bill by Senator Lowell Weicker (R-CT) to appearance." north-eastern part of the state from extend by six months the federal Michael has sworn statements as to the northern Milwaukee County to Vilas government's funding for AZT (Retrovir) alleged events from both of these County and includes the cities of for low income individuals. The current employees who, Michael says, have since Sheboygan, Green Bay, Appleton and program expired on September 30, the resigned in protest. others. end of the 1988 fiscal year, and requires According to the process now set in In addition, the House rejected various further Congressional action to continue. motion a copy of the complaint to the State "hostile" amendments offered by Now it is up to the House. will be sent to Mader. Following that, Representatives William Dannemeyer JoAnn Loulan The Weicker bill would provide up to $15 determination will be made as to whether (R-Calif.) and Bill McCollum (R-Fla.) by million to continue the program through To break the ice and to "release the or not the complaint has probable cause. overwhelming margins that startled even March 31, 1989. Weicker also persuaded thirteen year-old in all of us," she began Should this be the case, Mader can either AIDS lobbyists working on the bill. Burroughs-Wellcome, the manufacturer with a rapid fire delivery of anatomical settle out of court or allow the suit to go to "We applaud the courage of the U.S. of the drug, to contribute $5 million to pay and sexual terms which put the audience litigation. Congress for passing this historic for the drug. in stitches. She then gave a lesson in legislation and for rejecting amendments Human Rights Campaign Fund Lesbian Anthropology, questioning the that would have undermined its Executive Director Vic Basile said that it theory that thumb rotation developed as a effectiveness in fighting AIDS.," said Vic is important to remember that Weicker is means to eat food. She rotated her thumb Basile, Executive Director of the Human up for re-election and is facing a stiff Don't Miss An in a suggestive manner and Rights Campaign Fund.(HRCF) challenge. "If he had not been in the mischievously mused, "I don't think so . "Members of the House have sent a clear Senate, we would not have funds to pay Issue- . ." The audience cracked up. signal to Dannemeyer and others who for AZT. We must see that he remains in Loulan threw her entire body into her support irrational, punitive and Congress." Subscribe to performance, strutting across the stage, homophobic AIDS actions that the time The Human Rights Campaign Fund has mugging and, at times, grunting, has come for responsible AIDS policy." committed the maximum of $10,000 it can groaning and gyrating in various sexual Wisconsin Light! Steve Smith, HRCF lobbyist noted that contribute to Weicker's campaign. Gays poses. She brought down the house with "The House is to be commended for and Lesbians may make personal her uninhibited demonstration of safer Special Limited passing the bill, although the legislation contributions to Weicker's re-election oral sex using the protective dental dam. is not everything we wanted. It does not campaign by sending checks made out to And whether she coined them or not, Offer. See Back protect HIV-infected people from "Weicker '88." Send these to the she delivers what can best be described discrimination, which is a major Human Rights Campaign Fund, 1012 14th as great "Loulanisms:" "Absence Page for Details omission. It also includes some St., N.W., 6th Floor, Washington, D.C. TURN TO LOULAN, PAGE 11 mandatory testing and endorses criminal 20005. October 6, 1988—October 19, 1988—WISCONSIN LIGHT-2 OUR HISTORY A TIME TO DIE II 1933: Nazi's Begin Killing "Filthy Queers" in Brutal, Hideous Ways By Terry Boughner Then he continued, "In the days before His name was Hans. Later, I would the Nazis, there was much life for us, for learn his last name and a lot else about homosexuals, in Germany. It was open. him as well, but when I first met him in a There were many bars and other places. Gay bar in Munich that Summer of 1970, No one enforced the law." he was just Hans and that was enough. As Hans told it, he and Frederick were It was early, the bar was nearly empty, students together at the University of only a couple of guys talking together, so I Munich. They met that way, in class, had ordered a beer and settled in.
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