Issues 11 Sportscards & Photographs

Issues 11 Sportscards & Photographs

Size 4” X 5” Set Availability x - Rare Front B&W posed player picture with blue facsimile autograph, player Complete Set # 41 No Number Variants # 40 Woodward’s Variants # 5? name and position, team name, year, sponsor logo & dial location, sponsor promotional statement, blue lucky number VG EX NRMT Back Blank Set Price $125.00 $265.00 $425.00 Mark none Common Price $3.50 $7.00 $10.50 No Number Set Price $175.00 $375.00 $600.00 y No Number Common Price $5.50 $10.50 $15.75 y Woodward’ s Variants Price $75.00 $150.00 $240.00 z Woodward’ s Variant Common Price $17.50 $35.00 $52.50 z No # Woodward’s No # Woodward’s No # Woodward’s Variant Variant Variant Variant Variant Variant # Name VG EX NRMT NRMT NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT NRMT NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT NRMT NRMT ¨ By Bailey BC 7.00 14.00 21.00 ¨ 31.50 ¨ George Grant BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Baz Nagle BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 (July 20, 1960) ¨ Urban Henry BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 (August 29, 1960) ¨ Dave Barrus BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 (July 20, 1960) ¨ Ted Roman BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ “Nub” Beamer BC 5.00 9.75 14.75 ¨ 22.00 ¨ Bill Herron BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ 52.50 ¨ Hal Sparrow BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Neal Beaumont BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ 63.00 (August 11, 1960) ¨ Ed Sullivan BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ Bill Britton BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Tom Hinton BC 7.00 14.00 21.00 ¨ 31.50 (August 2, 1960) ¨ Mike Cacic BC 5.00 9.75 14.75 ¨ 22.00 ¨ 68.25 ¨ Sonny Homer BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ Don Vassos BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 (August 11, 1960) (August 11, 1960) ¨ Don Vicic BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ Roy Cameron BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Bob Jeter BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ 52.50 (August 2, 1960) ¨ Jim Carphin BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 (August 11, 1960) ¨ Jim Walden BC [QB] 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ Joe Carruthers BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Jim Jones BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 (August 29, 1960) ¨ Bruce Claridge BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Earl Keeley BC [QB] 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ Ron Watton BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ Steve Cotter BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Vic Kristopaitis BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 (August 2, 1960) ¨ Lonnie Dennis BC 5.00 9.75 14.75 ¨ 22.00 (August 29, 1960) ¨ Joe Yamauchi BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ 52.50 ¨ Randy Duncan BC [QB] 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 ¨ 63.00 ¨ John Lands BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Dave Skrien BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 ¨ Norm Fieldgate BC 7.00 14.00 21.00 ¨ 31.50 ¨ Vern Lofstrom BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 (Assistant Coach) (July 20, 1960) (August 2, 1960) Wayne Robinson BC ¨ Willie Fleming BC 8.75 17.50 26.25 ¨ 39.50 ¨ Doug Mitchell BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 (Head Coach) (July 20, 1960) ¨ Gordie Mitchell BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 Don Branby BC ¨ Jim Furey BC 4.25 8.50 12.50 ¨ 19.00 (August 29, 1960) (Assistant Coach) ¨ Frank Gilliam BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 ¨ 15.75 # Associated Items VG EX NRMT ¨ Waxy Envelope 1.00 3.00 5.00 n (Size ?) SAMPLE 10 Sportscards & Photographs : Team Specific Issues Sportscards & Photographs : Team Specific Issues 11 # Name VG EX NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT ¨ Brock Aynsley BC 3.50 7.25 10.75 ¨ Eagle Keys (Head Coach) BC 4.00 7.75 11.75 ¨ Don Wunderly BC 3.50 7.00 10.50 Tony Moro BC Dan McDonough BC Eric Guthrie BC [QB] Lorne Watters BC Lou Harris BC Bob Hornes BC Grady Cavness BC Terry Bailey BC Lions Logo Slade Willis BC Alan Wilson BC Ray Nettles BC Joe Fourqurean BC Elton Brown BC Ken Johnson BC [QB] Curtis Wester BC Mike La Hood »LaHood BC Pete Palmer BC Don Moorhead BC [QB] Jim Young BC Layne McDowell BC ¨ Luther Howard BC 3.25 6.25 9.50 Brian Sopatyk BC Ross Clarkson BC Ivan MacMillan BC Dan Dever BC Barry Ardern BC Gary Robinson BC Lions Logo Other items may exist. Any information on missing items would be appreciated. 1975 LIONS TEAM ISSUE A very unusual pinback set (again) in that there are so many play- the players first name. Most of the known pinbacks are on an orange ers involved and also because each item has an action slogan that background but there is at least one white background item as well. describes the sort of punishment the player should dish out to the There are 38 confirmed pins and 8 unconfirmed but the set is priced opposition, or the players regular nickname (“Dirty” combined with as a whole. The known slogans are indicated in the listings. his jersey number for Jim Young = Dirty 30) or in some cases just (Novelties & Souvenirs) Pinback Size 2 1/4” diameter Set Availability y - Extremely Rare Front B&W posed player head picture, player specific slogan, jersey num- Complete Set # 46? ber, orange background Back ? VG EX NRMT Mark ? Set Price $110.00 $200.00 $300.00 Common Price $3.00 $5.00 $7.00 SAMPLE 12 Sportscards & Photographs : Team Specific Issues Sportscards & Photographs : Team Specific Issues 13 # Name VG EX NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT ¨ Gene Beard CAL 3.75 7.50 11.00 ¨ Wayne Holm CAL [QB] 4.25 8.50 12.75 ¨ Gig Perez CAL 3.75 7.50 11.00 (Error, left side picture missing) ¨ Craig Koinzan CAL 4.50 9.00 13.25 ¨ Ron Stewart CAL 3.75 7.50 11.00 ¨ Basil Bark CAL 5.25 10.50 15.50 ¨ Larry Lawrence CAL [QB] 4.25 8.50 12.75 ¨ Dick Suderman CAL 5.25 10.50 15.50 ¨ Dave Crabbe CAL 3.75 7.50 11.00 ¨ Hugh McKinnis CAL 4.50 9.00 13.25 ¨ Leo Taylor CAL 3.75 7.50 11.00 Other items may exist. Any information on missing items would be appreciated. 1971 STAMPEDERS TEAM ISSUE This season is easy to differentiate from the other season’s press known if a corrected Taylor was issued. sheets as there is no writeup. The Leo Taylor photo has the same This Stampeder team was the 1971 Grey Cup Champion. pictures of Jesse Mims on it as the Mims photo does in error. It is not Photograph - Composite Size 10 1/8” X 8” Set Availability y - Extremely Rare Front Large B&W chest up photo, player name, team logo, large B&W Complete Set # 27? posed player photo Back Blank VG EX NRMT Mark none Set Price $87.00 $185.50 $282.00 Common Price $3.50 $7.00 $10.00 # Name VG EX NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT # Name VG EX NRMT ¨ Frank Andruski CAL 5.00 9.75 14.00 ¨ John Helton CAL 7.00 14.00 20.00 ¨ Jesse Mims CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ John Atamian CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Fred James CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ John Senst CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ Basil Bark CAL 5.00 9.75 14.00 ¨ Jerry Keeling CAL [QB] 7.00 14.00 20.00 ¨ Herb Schumm CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Lanny Boleski CAL 5.00 9.75 14.00 ¨ Craig Koinzan CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Gerry Shaw CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Jim Bond CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ Granville Liggins CAL 5.00 9.75 14.00 ¨ Howard Starks CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Joe Forzani CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Dennis Kemp CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ Leo Taylor CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ John Forzani CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ Jim Lindsey CAL [QB] 4.00 8.00 11.50 (Error, both pictures are Jesse Mims) ¨ Jim Furlong CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Rudy Linterman CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 ¨ Terry Wilson CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ Wayne Harris CAL 8.75 SAMPLE17.50 25.00 ¨ Brian Marcil CAL 3.50 7.00 10.00 ¨ Herman Harrison CAL 7.00 14.00 20.00 ¨ Hugh McKinnis CAL 4.25 8.50 12.00 Other items may exist. Any information on missing items would be appreciated. 12 Sportscards & Photographs : Team Specific Issues Sportscards & Photographs : Team Specific Issues 13 Size 2 7/8” X 5 1/2” Set Availability x - Rare Front Ticket details, B&W game action player picture, player name, All- Complete Set # 10 Promotional # 4 Intact Pad Format # 1 Star notation, ticket holders name, team and opponents name, game details, sponsor logo, game number EXMT NRMT Back Sponsor logos, legal terms and conditions Set Price $8.50 $12.75 Mark none Common Price $0.75 $1.00 Sponsors Renfrew Chrysler & Jeep, Calgary Herald, Channel 7, Molson Promotionals Price $0.50 $1.00 Canadian Intact Pad Format Price $12.00 $17.75 y # Name EXMT NRMT ¨ Pre Karyn Drake & .75 1.00 Touchdown Horse (June 17, 1998) ¨ 1 Vince Danielsen CAL 1.00 1.50 (July 1, 1998) ¨ 2 Kelvin Anderson CAL 1.00 1.50 (July 16, 1998) ¨ 3 Mark McLoughlin CAL 1.00 1.50 (July 30, 1998) ¨ 4 Terry Vaughn CAL 1.50 2.00 (August 13, 1998) ¨ 5 Jeff Garcia CAL [QB] 1.50 2.00 (September 7, 1998) ¨ 6 Marvin Coleman CAL 1.00 1.50 (September 18, 1998) ¨ 7 Alondra Johnson CAL 1.50 2.00 (October 4, 1998) # Name EXMT NRMT ¨ 8 Tony Martino CAL 1.00 1.50 (October 18, 1998) ¨ P Front Cover .25 .50 ¨ 9 Fred Childress CAL 1.00 1.50 (Size 5 3/4” X 5 1/2”, Memorabilia / 1998 Schedule) (October 25, 1998) ¨ P Back Cover .25 .50 ¨ P Bring A Friend Coupon .05 .10 (Size 8 1/2” X 5 1/2”, ¨ P Stamps Store Coupon .05 .10 Jeff Garcia Jersey / Vintage ticket books & stubs) 1999 STAMPEDERS TEAM ISSUE By the time the 1999 season rolled around Stampeders fans now action from a particular year and each identifiable player has been expected some sort of collectible to be handed out at every game, and included in the listings, for either team.

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