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OW you an g l fasl, accural identification of up Your investigalors can If lrain in lhirly minul s to Ihirty si illegal or ontrall d subslanc s,onsile. or less. Inslructional aid include a VIIS lraining film. Thl' IK ysl 111 IS ompos d of individual, If Each kil is quipp d wilh a r porl pad whi h conlninpd antI disposabl ' lesl packs which arc colour b comes parl of lh vid n sysl m Plus a full c()(kd for spccifi drugs. colour polylesting manual. Each t{ sl, on av 'fa i{" yiC'lcls resulls in only lhree NIK is the world leader in narcotics field t sling. minute s with full aSS\lr<l1l e of ch mical safely and Pref rred by more law nfare m nl, governm nlal 'I'f{ ctiveness. and civilian agencies. Wilh our p 'cial syslell\ Thal' prof s ionalis111 you of polyl .sting you e<ln an d pend on! {'V( n ide nlify a ('o!lIpkt{ unknown. And JI' . easy l lIn(krslallcl. NIK 60·Pac The most commonly used narcotics tests in one cost· efficient kll. NIK Porta·Pac Order No.0398-6060 The bnefcase kit measures g' x 12'1>' xl ·. Order NO .0398-6020 BECTON' The ideal starter kit that DICKINSON provides a total solution. Order NO .0398·6oo0 '11/('8(1 (//1([ (/ wiele 1 m'iety oj' olilerj'ine products are availablej'rorn LONGUEUIL, QUE. TEL: (514) 442·9215 FAX: (514) 442·9581 OTTAWA SALES, ONT. TEL: (613) 737·0261 FAX: (613) 737·0261 MISSISSAUGA,ONT. TEL: (905) 629-9171 FAX: (905) 629-9184 EDMONTON, AB. TEL: (403) 973-3999 FAX: (403) 973-3291 FREDERI CTON, N.B. TEL: (506) 385·2484 FAX: (506) 385·2499 GOULDS, NFLD. TEL: (709) 368·0999 FAX: (709) 368·0991 TRURO, NOVA SCOTIA TEL: (902) 893·3288 FAX: (902) 893-3227 BLUE LINE Volume7 Number3 MaQazina March 1995 Commentary 5 - EDITOR I PUBLISHER - "It was a close call... But what about next Morley S. Lymburner time, " says Blair McQuillan as he takes us Phone (905) 640-3048· FAX (905) 640·7547 through a one year run-down on bullets - Contributing Editors - Halifax to host CIS Conference 6 Civilian Scene of Crime Officer 6 Ballistics & Firearms Manfred Benton Survival Tactics Craig Best RCMP members protest Bill C-58 9 Case Law Gino Arcaro International Justice Centre selected 9 Supervisory Principles Robert Hotston New Witness Protection Program 10 Peer Counselling Neil V. Thompson Computers & Technology Tom Rataj New OPP Deputy Commissioner 11 Banned auto dialing helps police 11 - ADVERTISING - Conversation with Chief McCormack 12 Mary Lymburner (Toronto) Gary Miller was assigned to interview Phone (905) 640-3048 FAX (905) 640-7547 Ron Ganton (Vancouver) both the out-going and in·coming chiefs of Phone (604) 274-3849 FAX (604) 274-9091 Canada's second largest police force. Richard Hubbard (United States & Quebec) Ten-Seven 16 Toll Free (800) 268-5503 Fax (905) 513-1377 Squad honoured by FBI Teenfound guilty in officers death - CONTRIBUTING WRITERS - Divorced women most likely victims Gary Miller Myron Love Wildcat strike after charges brought Craig Best Blair McQuillan Ontario Chief issues hollow points After 40 years of police work Metro Neil Thompson Morley Lymbumer Citizen crimejighters have little to do Toronto Police Chief Bil1 McCormack Police Board Member charged - ILLUSTRATION - looks back upon a fruitful and rewarding One Chance In A Billion 18 Tony MacKinnon Bette Clark career. "I observed a man who genuinely Dave Sills Dave Bluestein Jennifer Clay ofH elix Biotech Corp. takes empathized with the people he serves," us through the basics of DNA. General Manager reports Gary Mil1er, the Blue Line writer Industry News 20 Mary K. Lymbumer, M.Ed. assigned to interview the outgoing chief. Instant Audio· Visual Link now possible Blue Line Magazine is published monthly, September "Assured of a very comfortable police to June, by Blue Line Magazine Incorporated with a Major purchases by western agencies pension, the chief still lives in modest mailing address of: 12A-4981 Hwy. 7 East, Ste.254, Money Concepts - Cindy Malazdrewicz 21 circumstances, having raised, with his wife Markham, Ontario, L3R 1N1. Product News 22 Jean, three sons and a daughter in a rented Editonal and copy is considered to be completely separate How safe can VB home in Scarborough. In fact, the Chief from adve!1ising sales No commitnent for editorial coverage can Battle ofthe guns heats up loon any part of a sale agreement All ar1lcles are protected by and Mrs. McCormack are immediately like­ copyright No pirtO/lllis publication maybe reproducedornnsmrtled Case Law - Gino Arcaro 24 able down to earth people." In any loon or by any means, electronic or mechanICal. IIlCluding First Response - Tracy Mitchell-Ashley 25 photocopying and recordlflg or byanyinfamabon storage orretneval We feel this month's cover is an apt system Wlihout permission from Ihe publISher. The Last Noose - Manitoba 26 tribute to a retiring leader that worked hard The authors, advisors and publisher accept no liability whatsoever for any injunes to persons or property resulting from the Blue Line Classified 28 under trying circumstances to do his best applICation or adoption of any of the procedures. tactics or Letters To The Editor 30 for the men and women who worked under considerations presented in thiS magazine. Readers are cautioned and advised lIlat articles presented herein are edited and supplied Patch Profile - V ofT Police 30 him. Well respected by his peers both in for your personal awareness and should not be used for further Canada and around the world, Chief action until appropriate advice and guidance is received from a SUper.!1Sor or Cro'Ml Attorney. List of Advertisers McCormack has gained a reputation of Blue Une Magazine is an independent publication designed being an uncompromising realist. As one to entertain, educate and upgracle lIle skills of those involved in lIle law enforcement profession. It has no d~ect control from a law Artcal Graphics 29 political pundit put it, "He doesn't spend a enforcement agency and its opinions and articles do not necessarily Bell Arte Camera great deal of time whittling square pegs to reflect Ihe opinions of any government police, or law enforcement 7 agency. Beretta 4 fit in round holes." Blue Line Magazine is printed in Canada We are sure you will enjoy Gary's -Member- Canadian Law Enforcement Learning 10 interview with both the outgoing and in­ Intem.tional Association of Law Enforcement PI.nn .... Confertech 23 coming chiefs of Canada's second largest Can.dian Advertising Rates & Data The Canadian Press Newswire Conium Computers 15 police agency. Periodical Publi.h .... Exchange Glock 8 The second theme of this month is Inlernational Police Association forensic identification. Given the recent Helix Biotech 28 dismissal of charges in the Moran case and L.E.O. Products 24 the anticipated evidence in the Simpson ~ M.D. Charlton 29 case we thought you would like to know (Ifi) Nicholls Distributors 2 more about DNA evidence. In this issue Jennifer Clay of Helix Biotech Corp. has Nine-One-One Outerwear 25 submitted an article on DNA evidence P.P.E PADS Fitness Supplies 23 demonstrating its strengths and weaknesses. CARD Police Concepts & More 21 This month we resurrect the issue of CCP) Rocky Shoes & Boots Inc. 32 bullets. It was one year ago today that Blue Streetquip 20 Line first brought the issue to a head. ISSN #0847 8538 Inspite of a mysterious lack of communi­ Canada Post Canadian Publications Mail SWS Sales 27 cation by the Ontario Sol. Gen.' s office we Product Sales Agreement No.176796 Triangle Technologies 22 hope some progress is being made. I-__________ BLUE LINE March. 1995 ------------------\CD ~------------------------------------- Magazine Beretta 'D' Models: Everything you like about a revolver ... ... and more. I!2Dc.mturUI.w.n aI • ." , ilir .. IOf. "1I) db 10+1 r.lljXl<ll): 15 plus One Ewn if Ule n 1and funclion of a tandard revolver i econd nature to you, you'lI make a remarkably asy lran ilion lo lh B retta 92D (9rnrn) or 96D (.40 calib r). Our J) mod '1 ( double action on ly erni-automati ' pistol . They offer many of the same qualiti of a tandard revolver, but WiUl va Uy SLIP rior safely, reliabilily and firepower. Beretta D Models are known for the total reliability that ha mad lh 13 'I 'll<l Ul ' handgun of choi e of lhousand oflaw enforcement agenci and police for in over 50 ountri . They arc avail­ able in sl~U1darcl and lhe n w full capacily compact Cenlurion model.
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