Education Division documents.No.5 Education in Guinea- Bissau I978- 8I. The lmpact ofswedish Assistance. An evaluation madejointly bythe Ministry of National Education,Bissau, and SIDA. Edited byRoycarr- Hill and Gunilla Rosengart. Kf xi; ér { idag 1 I; . 'EIél" . :13.:;} HE;' . / ~ :£%@:?Eg€€€'åi = =;}' i,"é V - , . €f{'€}::£:£:' B; ':iEEEt:.'5' ~ 'K; ;r ,su ' - 5;:; än" -1. L :* - -{1' . " EI - *€;ä. - ?1<> iliéin. X!*t:'T:* !-FW. EiEa::?€£5?i:EuiEESfH ii: 1.:* - .fnf.'@e] Eéiiiii Ti. @i TE ] - {? M }'.1. @ "! J.. " ' Tt ~ ...Ö' - om =1. "! jim; >::x @@@w.2,1 [ [~[~ ! {' IM" ~ ** -~ s ~f ii .} ' Öl'- kb. oil"" S.I;;;EéE ' ~s.pgl - ?!?£::: @ ~ du- egg wr " 'ip. £ .iiii!"' lill" ! {, Dig -4 "1 t;. -t:'' ,i '-"' [ å ~T?$"J?'= ~ - = £ Ab N I l - mi -Å ~ - . - Et - - > il 1 3%..-7. *4; ö, **R ,cl . ; - - il - ~"9 éé 4:;/ ] é ii' * : ~ ,- 7' .2' ill x : *1. 1/ ' .l 4 % *1** .I - 61*-; <X 3 : . .l XX, - - {{9= { 1;-%}:7; 5; = I {GÅ -<1 ~ "mlmlll lmlllm 71;3 Septemberl982. Q}"l'lfil~immnauu !"~~ R E P U B L l Q U E D U S E N E G A L Pirada 9 ' Ö # * UM D än Bifnmge Pitche @ Q ÅGHEU Bl$snni ' Mansabé Gamamu~n . @ Ej GABU (: O c A O I O . B ATÅ G A B l3 Mansöa amhadinca 0 .€0 Bit) ~~~ Galnmaro / mig,1' ~ $ S ' ! , ! ~ UM," ~ ~. ~ ä 0 ~E 0 tin AÖÖ ...A ,Q 3Jöä ,MÖ ".@~@ Car~ - néPUBUQUE 0 ~~~@ M + Q ~ v mm névoLUTloNNAlnE DE GUINEE - / 1;>.: E liF) @ @ £ { L £@"ri?} 7 0 : /0}L I Vi APA AD Vi INISTRATIVO acm 21 (7 DA Ö - @ <7 POBHCA DA GUmé BlssAU 13. o Capital de sector ~3%%L @ Capital de regiån ÖZQD57Y'Ö (Mb 5 I D A TABLE 0F CONTENTS Page List of Tables . - V List of Diagrams . Vll Abbreviations - . Vlll Foreword ,v.@,. 1X 1 aida 1 CHAPTER UTV 0 SUMMARY = 1 0.1 Background 1 0.2 The Education System 2 0.2.1 Participation in Basic Education 2 0.2.2 Equality between Areas and Generations 3 4 0.2.3 , Ouality and Relevance of Teaching 0.3 Swedish Aid - - 5 0.3.1 The Aid Programme So Far 5 0.3.2 Recommendations for Future Aid 6 I INTRODUCTION 8 - 1.1 Objectives of the Evaluation £3 1.2 Methodological Approach £3 1.3' Structure of the Report 1 1Ö Annex 1.1 Terms of Reference for the Evaluation ].3 II ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 15 2.1 Introduction 155 ] 2.2 The Period after Independence .55 2.3 Perspectives . 1'7 2.3.1 Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries 1.€3 2.3.2 Human Resources IZEJ 2.3.3 Health I2(J 2.3.4 Natural Resources 221 2.3.5 Transport and Communication ;222 2.3.6 Industry - 1225 2.4 Public Finance and Balance of Payments 1215 2.5 Foreign Aid ;255 ' 2.6 The Implications for the Education Sector 2265 iii 5 I D A Page III DEVELOPMENT OF THE EDUCATION SECTOR IN THE REPUBLIC oF GUINEA-BISSAU 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Historical REtrOSpECtivE 29 3.3 Changes since Independence 32 3.A The Present System ...i 36 3.4 =1 Pre- school....} 38 7 Elementary Education 238 3.4.2 Basic 3.4.3 Complementary Basic Education Al ~T4TÄ""mintegrated2Eq~Jlar Education Centres (CEPI) Az 3.4.5 Secondary Education 43 3.4.6 Hiqher Education As 3.4.7 Teacher Training 45 3.4.8 Vocational Training 47 3.4.9 Comrades Institute 48 3.4.10 Adult Education and Alphabetisation 49 3.5 Proposals for Reform in the System of National Education (SNEF) sO 3.6 Administration and Budget 51 IV THE OBJECTIVES OF SWEDISH AID TO THE EDUCATIONAL SECTOR OF GUINEA-BISSAU 53 V DESCRIPTIDN oF THE SWEDISH AID To THE EDUCATION SECTOR 563 5.1 Introduction 563 5.2 The Five- Year Agreement of I978 f36 5.3 Results Obtained 159 5.3.1 Types of Aid 139 6] 5.3.2 Aid by Sub Sectors . VI ANALYSIS oF THE DEVELOPMENT IN THE EDUCATION SECTOR, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE FIVE OBJECTIVES oF THE GUINEA-BISSAU/SWEDEN AGREEMENT 63 6.1 Introduction ! OIIOIIQIIOIIOOIOIIIOOIIOOIO 633 6.2 School Participation Rate 6£L 6.2.1 Decrease Since 1977/78 UIQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOICO €55 6.2.2 Some Important Factors OIIIDIIOOOIIIIOOOOIOOI 6E7 (ii) 5 I D A Pane 6.3 Equality in the Education Sector 72 6.3.1 £qual Access 72 6.3.2 Access to Educational Resources 78 6.3.3 The Transition to Complementary Basic Education 81 6.4 Quality of Teaching £35 6.4.1 Link between Teaching and Productive Life 853 6.4.2 Development of Teaching Staff 9(] 6.4.3 Drop- 0uts 593 6.5 Conclusions $98 Annex 6.1 Visit to Bolama 1(]3 Annex 6.2 Visit to Bissau 105 Annex 6.3 Visit to Bafata and Gabu 1[]7 Annex 6.4 Visit to Biombo 1J.O Annex 6.5 Visit to Tombali 1 ].2 VII CDMMENTS dN SOME SUB SECTORS THAT RECEIVE SWEDISH SUPPORT 115 7.1 School Construction 1 ].5 7.1.1 Developments since 1977 1 ].5 7.1.2 New Schools for ist to 4th Grades (EBE) 117 7.1.3 New Schools for 5th and 6th Grades and Special Schools 12Z[J 7.1.4 Adaptation and Maintenance 1222 7.1.5 General Comments 1223 7.1.6 Summary 1224 7.2 School Books and Other Textbooks I125 7.2.1 A Brief Description of the Situation concerning School Books in 1979 .125 7.2.2 A Brief Description of the Situation concerning School Books in May/June 1982: Comparison and Commentaries 127 70 ~ 0 ~ ~ Umm ~ ~ yIllOlOlOOOOOU.U.OIIOIOIIOIOOOOI 130 7.3 School Furniture and Teaching Materials 130 7.4 working Creatively in the Schoo1s 133 7.5 Training and Upgrading of Teachers 137 7.6 Alphabetisation 138 iiii) S I D A Page VIII SECTOR SUPPORT VIS- A - VIS PROJECT SUPPORT TO THE FIELD OF EDUCATION IN GUINEA-BISSAU 142 IX CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 145 List,of Material Consulted 151 (iv) LIST 0F TABLES Page CHAPTER II 2.1 Public Investment Program, 1980, Planned and Implemented (in millions of Guinean pesos) 19 2.2 Surface Area, Number of "Tabancas", Resident Population by Sex and Number of Families, in each Region and Sector in 1979 27 CHAPTER III 3.1 Twenty Years of Development of Primary Education in the ZOnes Occupied by the Colonial Regime, 1954-74 30 3.2 Number of Students (Children and Adults) lst to 4th Grades, 1975/76 to 1980/81 39 3.3 Number Uf Pupils, Children 1978/79- 1981/82,EBE 39 3.4 Teaching Staff in Elementary - Basic Education 1977/78 - 1980/81 4() 3.5 Number of Pupils, 1977/78 - to 1981/82, EBE lil 3.6 Teaching Staff in Complementary Basic Education, 1977/78 to 1980/81 2£2 3.7 CEPI Students, 1978/79 to 1980/81 ZI3 3.8 Lycee Students, 1977/78 to 1980/81 AEl 3.9 Teaching Personnel in the Lycee 1978/79 - 1980/81 4£1 3.10 Students with Giants, 1979/80 to 1980/81 £15 3.11 Number of Students in the Comrades Institute 1977/78 - 1980/81 £18 3.12 Number of Adult Students 1977/78 - 1980/81 ££9 3.13 Current Budget of MNE,"Tg79=T98?W . 532 CHAPTER V 5.1 Distribution of Aid to Different Projects 1978 - May 1982 .58 CHAPTER VI 6.1 Enrolments in the Four Grades of EBE, 1978/79 to 1981/82 £55 6.2 Enrolments (incl. Repeaters) and Repeaters in the First Glade by Region, 1978/79 to 1980/81 €36 6.3 Distribution of the Ages of Students in the First Class of EBE - Day School: Evolution from 1975/76 to 1980/81 <58 6.4 Proportion,of 6 and 7 year old Children among Normal (non - Adult) Enrolments in Glade 1 from 1975/76 to 1980/81 <58 (v) Page 6.5 School Participation Rates by Region: Elementary Basic Education, 1978/79 74 6.6 School Participation Rates in the First Glade of EBE - Day School of.children aged 7 years, 1978/79 75 6.7 Students Enrolled in the First Glade in Urban Centres and in the Rural Zones in Different Regions, by Sex, 1980/81 76 6.8 Distribution of Students at Different Levels of Education Compared with the Distribution of the Current Budget, 1979/80 80 6.9 Total Enrolments in the 4th, 5th and 6th Glade - Day School - 1978/79 to 1980/81 €32 6.10 Passes in the 4th Glade in 1979/80 and Enrolments in the 5th Glade in 1980/81, by Region and Sex £33 6.11 Distribution of Teaching Personnel between the Three Principal Categories in Elementary Basic.Education in the Autonomous Sector of Bissau and the Rest of the Country, 1978/79 to 1980/81 91. 6.12 Distribution of Teaching Personnel between the Two Principal Categories in Complementary Basic Education, in Bissau and the Rest of the Country, 1978/79 to 1980/81 922 6.13 Drop- out Rate during the School Year, - GtBdE 1, 1979/8Q £96 6.14 Drop- dur Rate during the School Year, Glade 1, 1980/81 963 CHARTER VII 7.1 Number and Classification of EBE Schools in the Bafata Region, 1977 and 1981 116 7.2 Schools Built within the RECREE Programme, 1981/82 1 ].8 CHARTER IX 9.1 Possible Areas of Cooperation 15E) (vi ) LIST oF DIAGRAMS CHAPTER I 1.1 The Classical Evaluation Model 10 CHAPTER III 3.1 Paths Through the Educational System 36 3.2 Number of Students Enrolled in the School- system by School - Year, Sex and Age, 1980/81 37 CHAPTER VII 7.1 Model for Planning Resource Needs 135 7.2 Some Concrete Consequences of this Model 135 7.3 Implications for School Buildings 136 (vii) LIST oF ABBREVIATIONS* CBE Complementary Basic Education (Grades 5-6) CEPI Centros da Educacao Popular Integrada Integrated Popular Education Centres EBE Elementary Basic Education (Grades 1-4) GDP Gross Domestic Product GDP German Democratic Republic GEOP Gabinete de Estudo elJrientacåo Pedagogica - unit for Curriculum Development and Teacher Orientation MNE Ministry of National Education PAIGC Partido Afiicano da Independéncia da Guiné e Cabo Verde The African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde PPND Professores de Posto Nåo - Diplomads - Teachers with 6- 9 years of general education but without teacher training - SNEF Sistema Nacional da Educagåo e Eormagap the reform proposal for a National System of Education and Training Exchange Rate - June 1982 100 Cuinean pesos = 15.20 Swedish crowns 1 US $ 5.90 Swedish crowns * T.N.
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