DOCUMENT 'RESUME I ED 022 962 VT 006 932 By- Agan, R.J.; And Others THE DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION OF A COORDINATED AND. INTEGRATED PROGRAM OF OCCIPATIONAL INFORMATION, SELECTION, AND PREPARATION IN A SECONDARY. SCHOOL. FINAL REPORT. APPENDIX A. Kansas State Univ., Manhattan.; Paola High School, Kans. Pilot-Project Instructional Team. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau No-BR-S-0027 Pub Date Jul 68 Contract OEC-5-85-078 Nme-417p. EDRS Price MF-S1.75 HCeS16.76 Descriptors-*CURRICULUM GUIDES, GRADE I L GRADE 12, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH, *OCCUPATIONAL GUIDANCE, OCOPATIONAL INFORMATION, *OCCUPATIONS, *TEACHING GUIDES, *VOCATIONAL EDUCATION These instructional materials ("Commonalitiesin Occupations," 11th year and "ExperiencesinOccupations,"12thyear) are for teacher useinconducting interdisciplinary occupational education courses for high school juniors and seniors. The development of these materials. followed 3 years of pilot experimentation by a team of teachers engaged in .an interdisciplinary approach to vocational education. Some of the content objectives are (1) to provide occupational information, selection, and preparation, (2) to identify common and differential aspects of vocation subjects,. and (3) to give guidanceinself-assessment by students. Some units are (1) Occupational Commonalities Orientation, (2) Observation and Evaluation; and (3) Human Relations: Employer-Employee Relations. The material is designed for presentation by the teacher and each course covers an academic year. Students should be high school juniors and seniors with vocational education as either an interest or an occupational objective. The document is mimeographed and illustrated with drawings, charts, tables, and graphs. A descriptive report related to these materials is VT 006 931. (CH) Appendix A Project No. 0E-5-0027 Contract No. OE-5-85-078 A.. , a i /..% bs..t vanitonot re.I Nt. COURSE OF STUDY th 11---YearmCommonalities ED022962. 1/4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATINGT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. Course of Study CWIMONALITIES in OCCUPATIONS Generalkelated VOcational Information For Exploratory Experiences inOccupations Prepared by Pilot-Project Instructional Team of Paola High School and R.J. Agan, Professor ofVocational Education and Graduate Assistants assigned toproject July1968 Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas ii Foreward This manual portrays the concepts developed by a team of teachers engaged in an interdisciplinary and unified approach to vocational education for a rural community high school. The lessons prepared do not necessarily represent complete original thinking but rather combining of the common elements of all the vocational fields into high school instructional units for juniors and seniors. The preparation of materials follows 3 years of pilot experi- menting by these teachers in the Paola, Kansas, secondary school (Unified School District No. 368). This experimental research was made possible by a cooperative contract between the U. S. Office of Education and the College of Education at Kansas iState University. The objeative of the teachers in preparing this manual was to be complete enough in the details of the lesson plans that other teachers interested in duplicating such a common and inter- disciplinary approach to vocational education in other sdhools might be able to do so. The lessons were developed by the teachers who were assisted by a team of graduate assistants at Kansas State University. Raymond J. Agan, Ed. D. Professor of Education Teacher Educator in Vocational Education Kansas State University iii II. INTRODUCTION: A Pilot Project through the Kansas State University, College of Education, with the title of "The Development and Demonstration of a Coordinated and Integrated Program of Occupational Infor- mation, Selection and Preparation in a Secondary School System" was introduced to the Paola Public Secondary School System, Paola, Kansas, under Contract No. 0E-5-85-078 with the U.S. Office of Education in May 1965. The first two steps in the Research Pilot Program in Vocational Educatian consistedvof twa surveys"A survey of employment con- ditions and opportunities in Miami County, and a survey of the activities and duties performed by a sample of 500 employees, and the competencies required and desirable. Two research consultants and a team of four research workers, each a college graduate, conducted this phase of the research. Also, the current occupational status was obtained from the 1964 and 1965 high school graduates from Paola, Osawatomie, and Louisburg. The graduates from Paola High School in 1960 were surveyed to determine what happened to them occupation- ally during a five year period following graduation. A. Histojy and Basismotmd: Vocational Education has long been divided into several fields: Trade and Industrial Education, Agricultural Ed- ucation, Homemaking Education, Distributive Education, and Office Educ,ition. Each divigion was handled as a separate field, with little or no attempt to reach any common teach- ing elements of the program. This proposal and innovation in vocational education was an attempt to find those elements which are common to all vocational fields, and present them to those students who will probably go into industry, as well as to the college- bound students who will benefit from the information. B. Organizational Structure: The proposal was orgainzed under a principa; investigator, Dr. R.J. Agan, Professor of Educatian and Agriculture at Kansas State University, with a Central Steering Committee made up of supervisors from the Kansas State Board for Vocational Education and Head Teacher Educators from state universities and colleges which prepare vocational teadhers. The actual project was directed by a coordinator under the direction of Kansas State University and the Paola school administration. The course units were taught by a team of teadhers from the local school staff who had tratning and experience in vocational education. iv Under the plan a course was provided for Juniorstudents called "Commonalities in Occupations". This course provided information common to all occupations and helped prepare the students for part-time occupational experience in the Senior year. Considerable emphasis was placed 'on the study of occupations. The students were provided opportunities to explore occupations while observing them at first-hand. It served as a feeder to the Seniorcourse, "Experiences in Ocaupations". A unique feature of thiscourse of study is the counsel-..- ing plan. Each teadhing team member has several stud;.! ents to advise, with the selection made according to the specific field in which the teacher is prepared. The school counseling service is available foruse of the student and /or the team of teadhers. The teaching team includes the specific fields of Agriculture, Business, Health, Home Economies, Industrial Arts, and Guidance. It is recommended that the students be enrolled ina related vocational course during the Junioryear. During the Senior year, the student should been- rolled in a specific vocatianalcourse that relates to their part-time job. OBJECTIVES: A. Of the Course of Study To develop and organize a coordinatedprogram of vocational education to include: Occupational in- formation, selection, and preparation for secondary school students; to give guidance in self-assessment by students relative to their dhoice of vocation; to identify common and differential aspects of vocatianal subjects; and to use both individual and team teaching tedhniques in offering the program. B. Of Vocational Education: To prepare students in the dkills, knowledge, attitudes, understandings and appreciation common to the vocational areas and assist them to make a beginning in the world of work. PROCEDURES: A. Commonalities in Occupations (Junior Year): 1. Units included in the course whichare common to occupations: Occupational CommonalitiesOrientation Personal Health, Dress, andGrooming at Work Application, interview, andFollow-up A Study.of Occupations Observation and Evaluation Trade and Industry Occupations Health Occupations Agricultural Occupations Distributive Occupations Safety Procedures, Habits,and Attitudes Office Occupatians Home Economics Occupations Ecomonic Concerns Use of GraphicRepresentations at Work Money and BankingServices for Workers Principles of Business andIndustrial Management Human Relations: Employer - Employee Relations Worker Benefits andResponsibilities 2. Some of the studentactivities include: Self-evaluation. Preparation of a persanaldata dheet. Four exploratory observationswhidh include: Preparation of an InterestOccupation Study. Preparation of anapplication letter andapplication form. Requesting an interviewand having an interview. Observing the particularoccupation and eval- uating the experience. (Eadh observation, 2 weeks 1 hr. each day). Role playing in activitiesof the world of work. Regular class participation. 3. Some of the studentbenefits include: Exploration of severaloccupations in person. First band observatian ofrequirements for obtain- ing and holding a job,getting along withothers, techniques used in severaljobs, and desirable aspects of several jobs. Occupational information aboutdifferent:occupations and jobs within thoseoccupatians. TABLE OF CONTENTS
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