‘I AM A LIBERAL AS MUCH AS A TORY’ WINSTON ChURCHIll AND thE MEMORY OF 1906 Winston Churchill, in his notorious election radio address of 4 June 1945, claimed that a socialist government, if elected, ‘would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance’. Less well remembered, but of considerable significance, are the passages in the broadcast that Punch, 21 May Churchill devoted 191: Under his master’s eye to the Liberal Party. Scene Richard Toye – Mediterranean, on board the examines how Admiralty yacht Churchill frequently Enchantress summoned up the Mr Winston Churchill: ‘Any memories of 1906 home news?’ to bolster his own Mr Asquith: ‘How can there be with position in politics. you here?’ 8 Journal of Liberal History 54 Spring 2007 ‘I AM A LIBERAL AS MUCH AS A TORY’ WINSTON ChURCHIll AND thE MEMORY OF 1906 N MAY, after the Allies supporters might well have This article explores Church- had achieved victory in reflected that Churchill, who ill’s use of the ‘heritage of 1906’ Europe, the Liberals (with had in the past advanced his during his post-Liberal phase, the exception of Gwilym own career by twice switching in order to show how interpre- Lloyd-George) had with- party, was now trying to cloak tations of the pre-1914 Liberal Idrawn from Churchill’s gov- his habitual opportunism in governments remained relevant erning coalition, at the same rhetoric of a particularly hyp- to British politics for decades time as Labour. He now casti- ocritical kind. He laid claim Churchill after Liberal England’s ‘strange gated them for this, at the same to Liberal values in order to death’.5 Such interpretations time emphasising that although win votes, whilst at the same deployed were highly contested: Church- there was ‘a great doctrinal gulf’ time he accused the Liberals ill had to defend his record as between Tories and socialists, themselves of having put party his own well as exploit it, and he often ‘There is no such gulf between before country: ‘I am sorry to history as did both things at the same time. the Conservative and National tell you that they have yielded By 1945, of course, Church- Government I have formed and to the tactical temptation, nat- a Liberal, ill’s career as a Liberal in the the Liberals.’ He argued, ‘There ural to politicians, to acquire formal sense was long over. It is scarcely a Liberal sentiment more seats in the House of and the had begun in April 1904 when which animated the great Lib- Commons, if they can, at all as a young MP – having had eral leaders of the past which we costs.’4 As if Churchill himself memory the Conservative Whip with- do not inherit and defend.’2 In a had ever disdained to grub for of the drawn from him that Janu- speech at Oldham a few weeks a vote! ary – he accepted an invitation later, he reiterated these senti- Whatever the merits of his Asquith– from the Liberals of North-West ments. ‘I am a Liberal as much claims to uphold Liberal values, Manchester to contest the seat as a Tory’, he claimed. ‘I do not however, his efforts to present Lloyd at the next election. He made understand why Liberals pre- himself as an heir to the party’s the symbolic gesture of cross- tend they are different from us. traditions were more than a flash George ing the floor of the House of We fight and stand for freedom in the pan. They were, rather, glory Commons on 31 May. But how and we have succeeded in bring- part of a strategy that he had long did he remain a Liberal? ing forward a programme that used intermittently over the pre- days, as a With the benefit of hindsight, it any Liberal government led by vious twenty years, and which might seem that his decision to Mr Lloyd George or Mr Asquith he would employ systematically rhetorical join David Lloyd George’s coa- would have been proud to carry with much fervour throughout lition government (in 1917, as through in a Parliament.’3 the final decade of his career. He resource in Minister of Munitions) put him The claims about the Lib- deployed his own history as a support of beyond the pale of true Liberal- erals could be seen as rather Liberal, and the memory of the ism. But this was not necessarily desperate stuff – almost as des- Asquith–Lloyd George glory his current how it seemed at the time, for perate, perhaps, as the ‘Gestapo’ days, as a rhetorical resource in the full, drastic consequences allegation. Fuming Liberal support of his current priorities. priorities. of the 1916 split between Lloyd Journal of Liberal History 54 Spring 2007 9 ‘I AM A libERal as MUCH as A TORY’ WiNstON CHURCHill AND THE MEMORY OF 1906 George’s supporters and those A sign of this was seen dur- George]’, Churchill said in his of former Prime Minister H. H. ing the 1923 election – the last speech. ‘I am proud to have Asquith were not immediately he fought as a Liberal – when been associated with him from apparent. At any rate, the 1923 he strove, not for the last time, the very beginning of those reunion of the Asquithians with to demonstrate that he was not large insurance ideas.’10 Lloyd the former Coalition Liberals merely a ‘warmonger’. Accord- George, in his initial response to secured Churchill’s place within ing to The Times report of a the Budget, expressed his pleas- the fold, albeit only temporarily. speech he made at Leicester, ‘He ure that Churchill had under- The reconciliation was attended described the social legislation taken to complete the scheme by an element of comedy. The which had been passed between of insurance that the pre-war National Liberal Club’s portraits 1905 and 1914, and said that he Liberal government had only of Lloyd George and Churchill did not think that there was any been able to establish in limited had been taken down in 1921 important modern Act of social form: ‘I am very delighted that and consigned to the cellar; now legislation in which he had not my right hon. Friend, who was they were brought up again and been concerned.’7 It is a little sur- associated with me at that time restored to their former glory.6 It prising that during this election, in carrying through that scheme is not clear whether the picture which was fought on the issue of has in his first year of Chancel- of Churchill was again removed Conservative plans to introduce lorship undertaken the comple- in 1924 when, at the start of Feb- protectionism, he did not evoke tion of the scheme.’11 Churchill ruary, he declined the offer to the memory of the 1906 ‘free may therefore not only have fight Bristol West for the Liber- trade’ election more explicitly.8 succeeded in appealing to pro- als. That moment should be seen Perhaps he sensed that there gressive opinion in general, but as his definitive break with the was little political capital to be also in blunting some of Lloyd party; by the end of the year he gained from doing so. George’s own political attacks. had been appointed Chancellor When he was at the Treasury, On the other hand, he could of the Exchequer in a Conserva- In later Churchill continued to refer to sometimes be damaged by sus- tive government. the 1906 era and to play up its picions within his own party In December 1905, when years, social reforming aspect. He did that he was ‘playing up to Lloyd Britain’s last Liberal govern- so in order to secure a ‘progres- George’, who was very much ment was formed, Churchill when sive’ lineage for the measures he distrusted by other Conserva- had been appointed Under-Sec- Churchill now put forward. (It was of some tives.12 The memory of the 1906 retary for the Colonies. In 1908, relevance that Lloyd George and era was a double-edged sword. he had replaced Lloyd George talked Asquith were, at the time of his But if Churchill sought to as President of the Board of appointment, both still in active appeal to liberal opinion, in the Trade, when the latter was made about his politics, although the latter at broadest sense, this did not pre- Chancellor of the Exchequer. In last retired from the Liberal vent him attacking the Liberal his new role Churchill made pre-1914 leadership in 1926.) As Martin Party when he thought it right significant contributions to career Daunton has argued, Churchill to do so. Even though, until at social reform, notably through ‘consciously seized the mantle of least 1931, he remained open to the creation of trade boards to in his David Lloyd George’ and aimed the idea of renewing his political enforce minimum wages in the ‘to appropriate the ideology of cooperation with Lloyd George, ‘sweated’ trades, the introduction speeches, “new Liberalism” which had, to he clashed with him repeatedly of labour exchanges, and (in col- a large extent, migrated into the in public, notably over Britain’s laboration with Lloyd George, it was Labour Party’.9 1925 return to the Gold Stand- who dealt with the health side) generally An example of this occurred ard, the 1926 General Strike, the introduction of National in April 1925, when Church- and the Liberal Party’s ambi- Insurance to protect workers his con- ill presented his first Budget. tious proposals for public works.
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