February 1, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E51 PERSONAL EXPLANATION leum oil in electric transformers as electrical EPA’s broad generalization that ‘‘oil is oil’’ insulation. disregards renewable oils that, I believe, have HON. HENRY J. HYDE The intent of section 1403 was to provide an improved effect on the environment in case clarity for the new Oil Spill Prevention, Con- OF ILLINOIS of a spill. EPA’s broad policy impedes the re- tainment, and Countermeasures (SPCC) regu- placement of fluids known to be harmful to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lations. As some of my colleagues know, elec- environment with fluids that have proven, test- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 tric transformers, whether the small buckets ed benefits for the environment. Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, on January 31, on telephone poles or those pad mounted on f 2006, I was absent for the following vote for the ground, include some quantities of oil used CHARLES WARREN CILISKE personal reasons. Had I been present, I would as an electrical insulation and thermal dissipa- have voted ‘‘present’’ on rollcall No. 1. tion medium. f Under SPCC, small and rural utilities and in- HON. TED POE stitutions that have their own electric trans- OF TEXAS IN MEMORY OF THE ‘‘COLUMBIA’’ formers—including hospitals, schools, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND ‘‘CHALLENGER’’ HEROES military bases—will be required to build sec- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 ondary containment diking around their electric HON. TOM DeLAY transformers in case there is a spill of the oil Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, today I want to con- used in transformers as thermal insulation. It gratulate Charles Warren Ciliske on his recent OF TEXAS offer of appointment to the U.S. Military Acad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES should be noted that by the government’s own estimates, facilities with less than 10,000 gal- emy at West Point. Charles sought a nomina- Wednesday, February 1, 2006 lons of storage capacity account for less than tion to West Point through my office, com- peting with a group of highly qualified appli- Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to re- 2 percent of the total volume of oil spilled in cants. He was selected for a nomination and member 14 heroes of our Nation’s space pro- the United States. Furthermore, the amount of West Point has offered him an appointment to gram. volume contained in electric transformers is their celebrated institution. I am proud to give Three years ago today, on a clear blue well below this figure. him a Congressional nomination. morning, the space shuttle Columbia exploded All those facts aside, section 1403 was in- Charles is currently a senior at Kingwood in the skies above Texas, killing all seven cluded in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 as a High School in Kingwood, Texas and he pos- members of her crew. means to provide an alternative to the in- sesses many qualities that will make him an The tragedy reminded us of a similar cloud- creased costs of Federal regulations on rural excellent cadet at West Point, and an excel- less morning almost 17 years to the day ear- communities and institutions that have electric lent officer in the United States Army. He has lier, when the space shuttle Challenger was transformers, providing regulatory relief for shown the ability to dedicate himself to a goal lost moments after liftoff. bio-based oils that have proven environmental over the long-term, and to succeed with this The 14 men and women who died on these benefits. Specifically, local communities and dedication. Charles is a 4-year varsity swim- missions were extraordinary individuals, but institutions that have electric transformers can mer on the Kingwood High School Swim they were typical of the men and women avoid the costs of constructing secondary Team and was Captain of the team this sea- NASA employs. diking containment around their transformers if son. He is a 5-time High School All-American, Courageous. they use bio-based, non petroleum oils as in- 2003 Rookie of the Year and 2005 District Dauntless. sulation. In addition, many older electric trans- Swimmer of the Year. Also in 2005, he was on Driven by a spirit of exploration and a desire formers still contain Polychlorinated Biphenyls the Team 5A Texas State Champs and was a to understand the unknown. (PCBs) in their electrical insulation. By pro- National Runner-Up. The Columbia and Challenger crew mem- moting these alternatives to petroleum-based Charles has proven himself academically as bers knew the risks of spaceflight, but they oil used as thermal insulation in electric trans- well, earning the AP Scholar Award. He is a chose to serve anyway—not in spite of the formers, we provide a smart and environ- member of the USA Swimming Academic All- risks, but in part because of them. mentally friendly option to encourage the re- American Team and a member of the National They gave their lives in the hard and noble placement of PCBs. It should be noted that Honor Society. this provision was retained in the final legisla- work of discovery, in service to their country The clincher for Charles was the interview tion without opposition or controversy. and for all mankind. by my Service Academy Nomination Board. Though these 14 heroes have slipped the Additionally, in 1995, Congress passed the Edible Oil Regulatory Reform Act. This statue Nothing can replace a personal encounter to ‘‘surly bonds of earth,’’ their legacy remains, establish credibility and repute. His inter- grounded in the hearts and memories of those set forth specific guidelines for implementing regulations on oil spills. The Edible Oil Regu- viewers said that he was an exceptional can- who strive every day to finish their life’s work. didate, with excellent character and strong f latory Reform Act states ‘‘. in issuing or enforcing any regulation or establishing any in- moral values. They were impressed by COMMENTS ON SECTION 1403 OF terpretation or guideline relating to the trans- Charles’s professed dream to attend the U.S. ENERGY POLICY ACT OF 2005 portation, storage, discharge, release, emis- Military Academy, and knew he understood sion, or disposal of a fat, oil, or grease under the gravity of the commitment to the Academy any Federal law, the head of that Federal and of becoming an officer in the U.S. Army. HON. JOE BARTON They recommended him to me without res- OF TEXAS agency shall differentiate between and estab- lish separate classes . and consider dif- ervation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, I believe that Charles is a fine ferences in the physical, chemical, biological, Wednesday, February 1, 2006 Texan who will serve his country with distinc- and other properties, and in the environment.’’ tion and I wish him good fortune in this new Mr. BARTON of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Nearly a decade later, EPA continues to main- chapter of his life. today to address the Energy Policy Act of tain the position that ‘‘oil is oil.’’ EPA has ei- 2005 that was signed by the President in Au- ther been unwilling or unable to differentiate f gust. This Act is the most comprehensive en- between the different classes of oils. I raise COMMENDING THE SAN ANTONIO ergy legislation in 30 years, and I believe it will this issue because I want to make clear how STOCK SHOW AND RODEO lower energy prices for consumers, spur our the author of section 1403 intends it to be in- economy, create hundreds of thousands of terpreted. HON. HENRY BONILLA jobs, and take unprecedented steps to pro- Section 1403, Regulation of Certain Oil OF TEXAS mote greater energy conservation and effi- Used in Transformers, reads as follows: ‘‘Not- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ciency. I want to highlight one provision that I withstanding any other provision of law, or rule included in the House passed version of this promulgated by the Environmental Protection Wednesday, February 1, 2006 legislation and which was retained in the final Agency, vegetable oil made from soybeans Mr. BONILLA. Mr. Speaker, today I wish to conference report. This provision promotes en- and used in electric transformers as thermal recognize and offer my congratulations to the ergy efficiency of electric transformers and im- insulation shall not be regulated as an oil iden- San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo for re- proved public safety, but also promotes strong tified under section 2(a)(1)(B) of the Edible Oil ceiving honors as the ‘‘Large Indoor Rodeo of environmental stewardship. This provision, Regulatory Reform Act (33 U.S.C. the Year for 2005’’ and ‘‘Top Rough Stock Re- [section 1403,] governs the use of non petro- 2720(a)(1)(B)).’’ muda of the Year Award.’’ Everyone who VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:52 Feb 02, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A01FE8.052 E01FEPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS.
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