WEATHER Fair today aad taalght, with MIDDLETOWN- a Ugh In the 41s aad a low ia the Mf. Increasing cloudiness tomorrow, Ugh la th« 4h. Sea tied flank Register BAYSHORE EDITION luuM dilly. MoMiy Uiroufh Friday, tnterca u Second Clan Itttttr u tha Pod MIDDLETOWN, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1959 VOLUME LXXXH NO. 70 Offict u Mldmetown. New jcriey. under additional «ntnr Perron dated AUI. 20. 1MT. 7c PER COPY Ziegler Cites U. S. Lively Debate Progress in Space On Atom Test PORT MONMOUTH-Dr. Hans K. Ziegler, chief icientist at the U.S. Army Research and Devel- opment Laboratories, said last Berry night that this country has made "remarkable progress in its two Looms in UN years of space explorations." Plan Is UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) Speaking before the local chap- -A lively debate shaped up to- ter of the Armed Forces Com- Union Beach ty in the General Assembly oa munications and Electronics As- sociation, he noted that "import- Jelled i Asian-African resolution op- ant scientific results" had been Council Fills ising French atomic tests ia obtained in this country's probe le Sahara Desert. of outer space. Housewives Told A key group of delegates faced] Dr. Ziegler said that the Unit- Police Post he choice of offending Franca ad States' explorations of space Holiday Supply ir making an exception for her "have proven the feasibility of Hear Commuters J ifter going on record last night using satellites for communica' igainst further nuclear weapon tiona." Now Assured Protest on Depot J ests. "In the near future, such satel The showdown la slated after lltes will provide unlimited op- WASHINGTON (AP) — A new Auto Vandalism * the assembly gives quick and portunities for communication." labeling plan helped today to ease the cranberry scare. unanimous approval to a U.S.- he added. CAN YOU TOP THIS? That appears to ba what Theodora D. Parsons of Red Bank, seated second from right, UNION BEACH — Borough The government yesterday aS' Soviet proposal to turn all dis- He noted that existing com- former New Jersey attorney general, seems to be asking hit predecesior, Walter D. Van Riper, as the pair engage Council last night returned thi armament proposal* over lo munications systems are grad- sured housewives they didn't in a battle of wit et last night's meeting of the Monmouth Bar Asioeiatien «t Old Orchard Country Club, Eaton- eight-man local police force to the It-nation East-West con- ually getting to a point whre have to worry about including cranberries in their Thanksgiving town. Interested listeners are State Sen. Richard R. Stout of West Allenhurst, left, president of the bar associa- full strength by approving thi ference opening la Geneva la they will no longer be able to February. meet requirements. Thus, tha menus—if the berries they buy tion; Edmund J. Canzona of Red Bank, right, who will succeed Stout as president in January; Milton Arthur Stain appointment of William Parcells are labeled as being safe. The disarmament resolution Is communication satellites are of Long Branch, retiring secretary, standing left, and Samuel Carotenuto of Red Bank, who will become the n»w 610 Aumack Ave. the answer to the communica- Secretary of Welfare Arthur S. iponsored by sit 82 members, so :heir approval in the Assembly tions problems, dealing with Flemming told berry shoppers to secretary. Van Ripar was the principal speaker et the monthly dinner meeting. The appointment is temporary, is a formality. ehannela and cable limitation look for one of these labels: subject to Civil Service examina ' problems, he reasoned. 1. "Examined and passed by tion. Mr. Parcells finished secon With that out of the way, the Assembly turns to an Asian-Afri- The scientist predicted that tbe Food and Drug Administra- in the most recent police candl Post Office Time Running Out Auchincloss, can resolution expressing grave through explorations of space, tion of the U.S. Department ol date tests. Health, Education and Welfare." concern over the French plans man may eventually be able to In another police matter, Rich to test an atomic bomb in the change climatic conditions, 2. "Certified safe under the 9 Four Mayors plan approved by the U.S. Gov- Issue , ard Campbell, 535 Park Ave Sahara and calling on France not Knowledge gained should go' a Retarded Children s asked that council take immedi to hold the test. long way toward being able to ernment for cranberries." Thi! statement must be signed by thi ate action to protect automobile: The Assembly's Political predict weather conditions, he Meyer Says Discuss '35' packer or distributor who has parked at the railroad station. Committee, which Include* all added. NEW SHREWSBURY — This the testing done in line with gov- NEW SHREWSBURY — The Is Unit Seeks Home 81 UN members, approved tbe In comparing the United States' borough will be included in the He reported that broken cai procedures, Flemming sue of having one post office serve resolution last week. But the ap^ceTchTevem^rswimthose^f Time is running out for the ank, but its lease expires at preparation of a uniform re- windows had become so common this borough is not dead. Coun- «-M vote (with !• abstentions) Russia, Dr. Ziegter expressed the saw. Monmouth County unit of thethe end of this month. gional resolution on improving place of late that most commuter! Misuse or the labels will be re- cilman Philip H. Meyer, Jr.. the now park at less convenient loca- fell short of the two-thirds ma- state Association for Retarded Borough Council has contracted Rt. 35, according to a statement (See ZIEGLER page 2) garded as a crime, the secretary Mayor and Council last night. tions. jority required for AssenMg Children. to buy the house and plans to by Mayor Karl K. Baron at last added. He reported that a survey is approval. At the time, there The unit operates a training tear it down to provide an accessnight's borough council meeting. Cranberry industry spokesmen under way to determine which of- "The vandalism reached i was speculation that the vote center at 62 Monmouth St., Red road to the White St. parking lot. Woman, 70, assured housewives there will be fice can best serve the north end Mayor Baron reported that he peak last week," he said, "whei would fall similarly short in plenty of certified berries for the of the borough. Seek New Site had met informally yesterday 10 windows in my car were bro the Assembly and France would eke out a technical victory. holidays. This year's crop was Fifty per cent of what the bor John F. Monaghan, executive with Rep. James C. Auchincloss, ken." But last night the Political Critically estimated at just under 125 mil ough wants will be accomplished Hazlet Man director of the county unit, said Mayor Bernard B. White of Matthew J. Hanas, council ma Committee, by a 60-1 vote, ap- lion pounds, compared with about if one mailing address for the the group hopes to rent a build- Shrewsbury, Mayor George A. in charge of police affairs, sai proved a separate appeal to all 9ft million pounds in recent years, north end is achieved, he said, ing at 23 Riverside Ave. to con- Gray of Red Bank, Mayor F. Hurt by Car that the juveniles believed res- nations to refrain from nuclear although the south end will con- Gets Raritan tinue its work. Bliss Price of Eatontown, Free Industry representatives here ponsible for the offenses had been weapon tests, without mentioning EAST KEANSBURG—Mra. Ul tinue to be served by several post •Several obstacles stand in the holder Director Joseph C. Irwin welcomed the agreement, but ii ipprehended. the Sahara project. France cast llan Rockwell, 70, of Clark St., offices. way, however. and Philip H. Meyer, chairman Salem, Ore., that state's agricul- Board Post the lone negative vote. The West Keansburg. is in critical First, the unit would need of the Shrewsbury Planning Mayor Boyle K. Patterson ture director called it utter non- In other business, council voted United States and Britain were condition today in Riverview Hos- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Wil- subdivision from the Planning Board. commended that Mr. Hanas _ sense. Director Frank McKennon to suspend the liquor license is- amot£j7 natioaa ahejainiog. pital after being struck by a car described .as. "comic. opera" the sued to Clarence M. Petty and liam M. Phillip*. M Knoll Ter., Board. K solution to the Rt. 35 prob- what might be done about provi plan which includes impounding Flossie Lambertson, trading as Hazlet, was appointed last night Second, a variance also would lem' that would be satisfactory ing adequate police supervisic France.has made clear shfrht- n"lfi yCBlCrUalJr• pimi niiivii nibiuub« mi as a member of the Board of Ed- Mrs. Rockwell suffered possible „ Locust Grove Inn, for five days be needed. to all communities in the area at the psrking area. tends to go ahead with the desert of 0 cranberrieg ucation. hip and spine injuries when she test and the use of labels on starting at 2 a. m. Nov. 30, tor The property involved extends was discussed. tests within a few months—with He replaces George E. Tib- In other business, an ordinanc was struck by a car as she was those tested. Oregon will not use selling, serving and delivering from Riverside Ave. back to West The plan is to authorize prep- setting alcoholic beverage sal or without the approval of the betts, whose resignation was ac- crossing Palmer Ave. the labels, he said. alcoholic beverages to a minor. Front St.
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