Università degli Studi di Palermo (Sicilia, Italia) TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo TheThe UniversityUniversity DI COSA STIAMO PARLANDOofof PalermoPalermo ? THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM MAINSTREAM OUT-OF-MAINSTREAM EDUCATION EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Life Long Learning offer vocational, mainly medical (mainly vocationa, but also academically oriented) 1st cycle (Bachelors' degree) 2nd cycle after-Ba short specialisation course (Masters' degree) 60-120 ECTS ["master universitario di I livello "] doctoral cycle after-Ma short specialisation course (doctoral degree) 60-120 ECTS ["master universitario di II livello "] BOLOGNA PROCESS Specialization School 120-300 ECTS vocational, mainly medical LF Donà dalle Rose, Padova 2005 TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo WeWe workwork ForFor betterbetter learninglearning ofof ourour studentsstudents (Bologna proc.) FacultiesFaculties N.N. 1212 Degree courses :: Ist Cycle 3yrs Bachelor’’s degree N. 56 2nd Cycle 2yrs Master’’s degree N. 69 Doctoral Cycle 3yrs PhD N. 45 DepartmentsDepartments N.N. 6565 TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo WeWe are:are: AcademicAcademic staffstaff Professors : 1250 Researchers : 877 Administr./Technical: 2450 Students 65,000 TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo EducationEducation Agriculture Architecture Economics Faculties Pharmacy Law Engineering Humanities and Arts Medicine Education Sciences Mathematical,Physical and Natural Sciences Science of Physical Education Political Sciences TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo EducationEducation andand ResearchResearch :: - Departments N 65 - Promote research activity and are responsible for the 45 PhD courses ( Doctoral/graduate/research schools) - Sectors: - Economics and Law Biology and Earth Sciences - Cultural Heritage Agriculture - Education Engineering - Arts Physics - Tourism Architecture - Languages Business Administration - Pharmaceutical Sciences Computer Sciences - Medical Sciences Biotechnology - TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo ResearchResearch andand InnovationInnovation :: UniNetLab University labs network for testing and transferring new technologies - - Lab of Chemical Engineering,Processes and materials - - Lab of Physics and Relevant Technologies - - Lab of Building Technology - - Lab for Management and Enjoyment of Cultural Heritage - - Lab of Architectural Heritage Survey and Restoration - - Lab of Calibration and Testing for the Electric and Electronic Sector - - Lab for Sustainable Development and for Energy Saving - - Lab for the Characterization of Materials - - Lab for Sanitary Engineering TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo InternationalInternational RelationsRelations -- ObjectivesObjectives :: -Joint Research -Cooperation -Mobility of Students, Post-graduates and Professors -International Education with Joint and double degrees TheThe UniversityUniversity MobilitMobilitàà ErasmusErasmusofof PalermoPalermo International Relations - Student Mobility: 450 Mobility Bilateral Agreements with 250 Universities in the E.U. Lifelong Learning Programme(LLP) Student Mobility Placement Palermo International 234 Agreements with Universities in: Relations 60 Relations 50 40 30 20 - 10 - Joint 0 1989/1990 1990/1991 The University 1991/1992 1992/1993 Research 1993/1994 1994/1995 1995/1996 of Palermo 1996/1997 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002 : 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 147 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2 Africa 24 America 47 Asia Europa 14 Oceania The University of Palermo TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo InternationalInternational RelationsRelations –– Education:Education: Joint Education Program with double degree: -1st Cycle: D.D: Organic Farming and Quality Management Ain Shams Univ.Cairo Egypt Engineering Agriculture Seville Univ.Spain Computer Science La Marne La Univ.Vallè France -2nd Cycle: Eur. Master Programme in System Dynamics Rabdoud Univ. Nijmegen NDL Bergen Unv. Norway Lund Univ. Sweden Integrated Cultural Tourism and Regional Development Helwan Univ. Cairo Egypt -Doctoral Cycle: PhD Immunopharmacology Stockolm Univ. Sweden Model Based Public Planning and Policy Management Bergen Unv. Norway International Relations Manouba Univ. Tunis Applied Physics Lomonosov Univ. Moscow Russia Oral Sciences Hiroshima Univ. Japan Mediterranean Fruit ripening Ain Shams Univ.Cairo Egypt Derecho Costitutional Granada Univ. Spain TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo InternationalInternational RelationsRelations –– EducationEducation:: Joint Education Programme: 1st Cycle Three year (Bachelor level) Double degree in: -Agroingegneria (University of Palermo) -Ingeniero Tecnico Agricola (University of Sevilla) TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo InternationalInternational RelationsRelations –– EducationEducation:: Agroingegneria 1st year 2nd year 3rd year UNIPA 60 Cfu 55 - 65 Cfu 60 Cfu DOUBLE DEGREE EUITA 60 Cfu 55 - 65 Cfu 60 Cfu IngeneiroTecnico Agricola Education Programme jointly awarded by the Universities of Palermo (UNIPA) and Seville (EUITA) TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo InternationalInternational RelationsRelations –– EducationEducation:: 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year UNIPA UNIPA UNIPA UNIPA UNISTO UNISTO UNISTO UNISTO Immunopharmacology Doctoral degree UNISTO UNIPA UNISTO Licentiate PhD PhD Degree Degree Degree Doctoral Programme jointly awarded by the Universities of Palermo (UNIPA) and Stockholm (UNISTO) TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo UniversityUniversity andand EnterpriseEnterprise.. WeWe workwork toto spreadspread technologicaltechnological innovationinnovation LiaisonLiaison OfficeOffice ArcaArca -- IncubatorIncubator ForumForum PatentPatent OfficeOffice SpinSpin OffOff TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo UniversityUniversity andand EnterpriseEnterprise • A bridge between the University and Enterprises • It makes available to students a network of companies where they can receive on-the-job training • It provides a “shop window” for companies for the research being developed by the University TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo UniversityUniversity andand EnterpriseEnterprise In cooperation with the University of Palermo the ARCA Consortium directs a business incubator on the university campus in order to support innovative business initiatives in the start-up phase. What is a Business Incubator? A Business Incubator is a business development tool able to accelerate the growth and the success of new enterprises supplying location, consultancy and other balanced services Tha main goal of an incubator is to generate successful companies that achieve financial independence at the end of the support program. IlIl modellomodello didi incubazioneincubazione inin fasifasi generare definire lanciare consolidare Idee d’impresa Progetti d’impresa Nuove imprese Nuova conoscenza Valore economico Modello di Ndonzuau, Pirnay, Surlemont (2002) Fase 1: Generazione della business Idea Fase 2: Definizione di un nuovo progetto imprenditoriale Fase 3: Lancio dell’impresa Spin-off Fase 4: Rafforzamento della creazione di valore economico • TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo UniversityUniversity andand EnterpriseEnterprise Universities and research centers operating in Siciliy have competence in industrial sectors with high rate of growth Telematic networks make possible the delocalization of immaterial production centers Local enterprises and public bodies are asking for innovative solutions The development of a network of high-tech enterprises will help the research centers to focus their activity on themes useful for the local development. TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo UniversityUniversity andand EnterpriseEnterprise - Consortium for the application of the research and the creation of innovative companies - Our aim is to support new enterprises coming from spin-off of research groups located in Sicily ARCA consortium participants : University of Palermo Associazione Sintesi (that associates the universities of Palermo, Catania and Messina) Sviluppo Italia Sicilia (the regional branch of the national development agency) Easy Integrazione di Sistemi (a private consulting company) . TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo UniversityUniversity HospitalHospital Beds 530 Day Hospital 141 Health Care staff 263 Teaching staff 450 TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo InternationalInternational RelationsRelations Binational University The Italo-Lybian University Foundation Multinational University Polytechnic of the Mediterranean TheThe UniversityUniversity ofof PalermoPalermo CooperationCooperation activitiesactivities withwith ArabArab countriescountries Courses in the University of Palermo Arabic Language and Culture History of Islamic countries Joint Courses with Arab Univeristies Bachelor’’s degree in Organic Farming and Quality Management Ain Shams Cairo Univ. Egypt 4 year course in Italian Language and Culture Garyounis Unviversity Benghazi Lybia Master in Integrated Cultural Tourism and Regional Development Helwan Univ. Cairo Egypt PhD in International Relations Manouba University Tunis Binational University The development of collaboration between the Sicilian,Calabrian and Lybian Universities in the sectors of Education,Culture,Research, Art and Science. Purposes: Institution of advanced training course Joint development of basic
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