ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the British Thoracic Society will be held on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 4:30PM virtually on Zoom. Please register in advance via Zoom: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FREtv- O6SYeHAq-FBBfXNw It would be fair to say that the BTS Strategic Plan highlighted in the 2019 AGM papers and Annual Report and aligned to the 4 UK Nations’ Health Plans, took a step back in 2020 due to the unprecedented challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic placed upon the global population and global healthcare. Specifically, this presented both the British public and our healthcare systems with huge challenges at all levels. Respiratory medicine, BTS and its members have stepped up to this task with impressive innovation, dedication, hard graft and positivity. BTS is, and has been, one of the premier sources of guidance on the management of COVID-19 with a dedicated website hosting BTS guidance, as well as information from government sources across the four nations and allied specialist societies. The webpages have been, and continue to be, viewed hundreds of thousands of times. We are all aware that we are not out of the fire by any stretch and the prospect of managing “endemic” acute COVID-19, COVID-19 follow up including “Post COVID-19 Syndrome” together with seasonal “Winter pressures” allied to our “usual” population of patients with respiratory disease is going to remain challenging. As with the general population, this has not been without a physical and emotional cost, with many of our members being infected and suffering stress, anxiety and potential burnout. However, the respiratory community continues to remain highly resilient, adaptable and motivated, providing the highest possible care for our patients. More than ever, BTS continues to strive to be more effective in pursuit of our objectives for patient benefit, by:- finding ways of unifying the professional and patient voice within our structures; promoting awareness of the respiratory workforce and how it contributes to patient care and innovation in delivery across the patient pathway; promoting awareness of respiratory disease and its significant impacts on health outcomes, mortality and health inequalities; producing world-class clinical standards and related quality improvement tools; seeking more effective synergies with others; promoting equality of opportunity and outcomes in all that we do; developing effective communication and engagement systems. We have used the threat of the pandemic to realise opportunities for increased advocacy, implementing synergies with other bodies, and conducting the business and educational events of the BTS virtually. The Officers, HQ staff and I would like to thank all of our members for their unstinting hard work and dedication during this past tumultuous year. Members who were actively involved in planning, delivering and evaluating the effectiveness of what we do are listed on the inside back cover of this booklet. Jon Bennett Chair of the BTS Board of Trustees 2 BRITISH THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 4.30pm by Zoom Please register in advance via https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FREtv-O6SYeHAq-FBBfXNw After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing more information about joining the AGM. Please send apologies to [email protected] A G E N D A The Society’s President, Dr Mohammed Munavvar, will be in the Chair. 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Wednesday 4th December 2019 (Paper 1) 3. Matters arising from the minutes if not elsewhere on the agenda 4. Report from the Chair of the Board of Trustees Members are referred also to the Annual Report from the Board of Trustees which can be found here: https://www.brit-thoracic.org.uk/about-us/governance-documents-and- policies/ 4.1 Professor Jon Bennett will give a brief overview of activities during the year. He will focus on the Society and the speciality’s work in relation to COVID-19 in pandemic and endemic stages, re-setting and follow-up respiratory services; the Board’s revision of BTS strategy for the coming 3 years; and changes in BTS head office staffing and structure. 5. Report from the Honorary Treasurer 5.1 Report and financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2020 (Paper 2) 5.2 Investments 5.3 Membership Fees for 2021, including the raising by ERS of the annual fee for ERS membership from £20 to £30 a year. 5.4 Revision of membership administration arrangements. 5.5 Delegate rates for Meetings in 2021 5.6 Appointment of auditors for 2020/2021 6. Report from Editors of Thorax and British Open Respiratory Research (BORR) 6.1 The annual reports from the Editors-in-Chief are enclosed (Papers 3a and 3b) 3 7 Office Bearers and Trustees 7.1 President and President-elect 2021 The Honorary Secretary will report. Following the call for nominations in the summer of 2020, Rachel Moses was nominated and was returned unopposed. She will serve as President-elect with effect from December 2020, serving as President for one year from November 2021. Dr Graham Burns will serve as President in 2021. 7.2 Chair of BTS Board The post of Chair is advertised in the year before the current incumbent demits office, as required by the Society’s constitution. This allows for effective handover to take place during the coming year. Following advertisement in the summer of 2020, interviews took place in October. The Board is pleased to announce that Dr Paul Walker will take over as Chair of the BTS Board in November 2021, serving for three years until November 2024. 7.3 Honorary Treasurer Dr John Park will succeed Dr Paul Walker as Hon. Treasurer with effect from the AGM, serving until November 2023. 7.4 Trustee appointment during the year Following due process including interview, Dr Charlotte Addy was appointed as Chair of the Workforce and Service Development Committee, and thereby Trustee and will serve for three years, until November 2023. 7.5 The Honorary Secretary will report on plans to replace the Lay Trustee, Alice Joy. 8. Election of members of Council The board agreed in June 2020 to extend the length of service of all members of Council, Standing Committees and Chairs and members of Advisory Groups by a year, so that the hiatus in the work of BTS Committees and related activities would not cause disadvantage to those who would otherwise miss out on almost 6 months of service. An election for members of Council was not therefore necessary this year. 9. BTS Medal and Meritorious Service Award 9.1 BTS Medal The President will award two Medals and recipients will make brief responses: Dr Bernard Higgins Professor John Moxham 9.2 BTS Award for Meritorious Service The President will make this award to Dr David Smith who will make a brief response. 10 Votes of thanks 10.1 To all members of BTS. 10.2 Officers who will stand down at the AGM:- Dr Mohammed Munavvar, President Dr Paul Walker, Honorary Treasurer 4 10.3 Trustees who will stand down at the AGM:- Dr Justine Hadcroft and Dr Graham Wilson, co-Chairs of the Workforce and Service Development Committee 11. Date of next AGM 5.30 pm on Wednesday 24th November 2021. 5 PAPER 1 MINUTES of the meeting of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the BRITISH THORACIC SOCIETY held on Wednesday 4th December 2019 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, London SW1P 3EE Dr Mark Elliott presiding. The meeting was quorate, with 62 members attending. 1. Apologies for absence had been received from Dr Ian Campbell, Miss Cassandra Lynch, Dr Rod Lawson, Dr Hazel Morrison, Mr Alan Anderson, Dr Richard Lee and Dr Melissa Wickremasinghe. 2. Minutes of the last meeting (Meeting paper 1) 2.1 The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 5th December 2018 were confirmed as an accurate record. 3. Matters arising There were no matters arising. 4. Report from the Chair of the Board of Trustees 4.1 The Chair of the BTS Board of Trustees, Professor Jon Bennett, presented a brief report on BTS activities over the past year and summarised the achievements in 2019. He noted that 1 in 6 BTS members plays an active role in the Society for which he and all Trustees were extremely grateful. Professor Bennett emphasised that every activity undertaken by the Society was to help deliver the best outcomes for patients. 4.2 Core activities included the successful Summer and Winter Meetings and the high quality BTS short course programme. The Sumer Meeting had made a surplus for the second year running after 10 years of being in deficit. Professor Bennett noted the Summer Meeting now has a much stronger identity. 4.3 The BTS Guideline for Bronchiectasis in Adults had been published in late 2018 and the BTS/SIGN British Guideline on the Management of Asthma was published in July 2019. Work on further Guidelines continued during the year. The BTS Quality Standards for the Outpatient Management of Pulmonary Embolism was published in October 2019. Several Clinical Statements will be published shortly. It had been another busy year for the Society’s Audit Programme. Adult NIV, Smoking Cessation and Adult CAP audits are all in progress. Professor Bennett acknowledged the enormous amount of work that goes into the Quality Improvement work at BTS and thanked all those involved with this aspect of the Society’s work. 4.4 Respiratory Futures continued to develop. Professor Bennett highlighted what an excellent resource this is for people working is respiratory medicine and encouraged BTS members to promote the site when possible.
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