Public Document Pack Procurement Board The council is now holding virtual meetings. This plays a part in helping us to maintain the safety of the public, staff and councillors. The City Mayor has asked that, as far as possible, there is still public involvement and input into the decision-making process. Therefore, should you wish to raise a question or comment on any of the items listed, which will be presented at the meeting on your behalf, you can do so in writing, by sending an email to the address at the bottom of this agenda. Please do this by 4.30pm on the day before the meeting is due to take place. Further information on the coronavirus and what it means for Salford can be found on the council website - DATE: Wednesday, 17 February 2021 TIME: 10.00 am VENUE: Microsoft Teams Meeting AGENDA 1 Apologies for absence LINK TO LIVE AUDIO BROADCAST This link will work if you are using a Microsoft device. If you are using an Apple or android based device, you will need to download the Microsoft Teams app in order to view the meeting via this link. join/19%3ameeting_M2UxYTJkYjgtNmI0NC00NGNkLWI4MTMtZDB mMzEwODJjNjBm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2 268c00060-d80e-40a5-b83f- 3b8a5bc570b5%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2211b92587-2ccd-43bf- a58e- 1c84a3b4ee72%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d 2 Declarations of interest 3 To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held (Pages 1 - 2) on 22nd January 2021 4 Matters arising 5 Decision items - Part 1 (open to the public) 5a Request for Approval - Contract Extension - Information and Advice (Pages 3 - 100) Services 5b Request for Approval - Contract Award - Postal Services (Pages 101 - 108) 5c Request for Approval - Exception to Contractual Standing Orders - (Pages 109 - 182) Active Lifestyles For Adults and Physical Activity in Schools Service 5d Request for Approval to go out to Tender - Statutory Homeless (Pages 183 - 190) Supported Temporary Accommodation Projects 6 Public Briefing/Information Items (open to the public) The primary purpose of this section of the agenda is to provide members of the public with all relevant information on the respective matter(s), other than those elements which, in accordance with the relevant sections of the Local Government Act 1972, remain confidential and require any arising decision(s) to be taken in Part 2 of the agenda. 6a Request for Approval to Award a Contract for SAP Licences by (Pages 191 - 196) Salford City Council on behalf of Liverpool City Council with SAP UK Limited 7 Any other business - Part 1 (open to the public) 8 Date and time of next meeting 10:00am on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 via MS Teams Live. 9 Exclusion of the public 10 Decision items - Part 2 (closed to the public) 10a Request for Approval to Award a Contract for SAP Licences by (Pages 197 - 206) Salford City Council on behalf of Liverpool City Council with SAP UK Limited Contact Officer: Carol Eddleston, Senior Democratic Services Advisor Tel No: 0161 793 3316 E-Mail: [email protected] Agenda Item 3 Procurement Board meeting held via MS Teams Live 22nd January 2021 Meeting commenced: 11:32 Meeting ended: 11:51 Present Councillors Kelly and Merry. In Attendance Jackie Ashley Senior Project Manager Chris Conway Category Manager Sandra Derbyshire VCSE Commissioning Manager Anthony Hilton Head of Strategic Procurement Carol Eddleston Democratic Services 1. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of City Mayor Paul Dennett and Councillor Hinds. 2. Declarations of Interest As Lead Member for Housing, Councillor Kelly declared an interest in this item as the Strategic Development element of the contract was funded from the Housing and Neighbourhood budget. However, this did not impact on her being able to participate fully in the meeting. 3. Minutes of Proceedings The minutes of the meeting held on 6th January 2021 were approved as a correct record. 4. Matters Arising There were no matters arising. ITEMS FOR DECISION – PART 1 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) 5. Request for Approval – Contract Award – Pendleton Leisure Centre – RIBA3 External Design Fees Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director Place seeking approval to award the contract for Pendleton Leisure Centre RIBA3 external design fees. The procurement strategy for both professional services and the work’s contractor was approved at the Procurement Board meeting on the 9th December 2020, following which, the design fees for the main professional services had been sought; the architectural lead external fees, via Bloom Procurement and the SCC internal fees co-ordinated by the Engineering & Design section. The recommendation within the report dealt with the external fees for the RIBA3 work stage tasks: Review Stakeholder feedback; Refine & develop the brief; Risk and mitigation action development; Material strategy developed; Layout & elevations drawings; Pool filtration strategy fixed; Sustainability strategy agree; Project cost refinement; Documents to support Sport England funding application provided, and Planning application submitted. Page 1 The proposed external designer, GT3 Architects, was based in the north east and had submitted its prosed Social Value officer prior to the current lockdown restrictions. As a result, officers would discuss with them what they might be able to offer in practice at the current time. In the meantime, steps would be taken to ensure that the promised donation of £500 to the Trussell Trust was directed to Salford. Members of the board welcomed the report and progress being made to bring forward this project which was very important for the whole of Salford but particularly so for the residents of Pendleton. RESOLVED, THAT: The contract for Pendleton Leisure Centre RIB3 external design fees be awarded to GT3 Architects via Bloom Procurement, with a full contract value of £225,529. 6. Request for Approval – Contract Extension – Strategic Development of VCSEs As outlined in minute 2 above, Councillor Kelly declared an interest in this item as Lead Member for Housing. However, she was able to remain and participate fully in the meeting. Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Directors People and Place seeking approval to extend the contract for Strategic Development of the VCSE sector through engagement, support and influence, and promoting volunteering in Salford. Salford Community and Voluntary Services (SCVS) was the city-wide membership organisation for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE), providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration within the city. The document pack included a comprehensive presentation on the April – September 2020 highlights, which showed that the contract continued to provide good value for money, and even more so since the pandemic had begun. SCVS were currently also focused on supporting residents and other VCSE organisations through the COVID19 pandemic, providing invaluable support to the city’s humanitarian response, the City Council’s engagement and communications activities, and coordinating volunteer support for a wider range of activities, including testing. A further 12 months’ extension to the contract would allow a soft touch review to be carried out in coming months ahead of a further report being presented to Procurement Board with recommendations for service delivery beyond 31st March 2022. Members of the board commended the outstanding support that SCVS continued to provide to individuals and organisations across the city in very difficult circumstances and asked for their comments and gratitude to be passed on. RESOLVED, THAT: the contract with Salford Community and Voluntary Services (SCVS), for Strategic Development of the VCSE sector through engagement, support and influence, and promoting volunteering in Salford, be extended for a period of 12 months at a cost of £265,568. Page 2 Agenda Item 5a Part 1: Open to the public REPORT OF The Strategic Director for People TO Procurement Board ON 17 February 2021 TITLE: Approval for an Extension of Contract for Information and Advice Services RECOMMENDATION: That the Procurement Board: Following approval of 2 years funding provision and a recommendation that the contract extension for Information and advices services is extended for a further two years (Lead member for Adult Services and Wellbeing 4 February 2021 ( Non- Integrated Funding) and Adult Commissioning Committee (Integrated Funding) on 10 February 2021) Procurement Board are requested to approve the extension of the contract for Information and Advices Services for 2 years (1 April 2021 to 31 March 2023) as detailed in the table below to enable a robust Option Appraisal/review to be undertaken. The contract would be extended implementing Cabinet Office Guidelines Regulation 72, whereby contracts may be modified without a new procurement procedure. Note that prior to the end of the period of time covered by the exception as indicated above, the Strategic Director will determine whether the service is to be decommissioned or, in consultation with the Corporate Procurement Team, will agree to undertake a compliant procurement process to re-let the contract by the end of the exception period. Sample D – Extension of Contract Page 3 Detail required Answers Contract Reference Title/Description of Contracted Service/Supply/Project Information and Advice Services Name of Contractor Salford Citizens Advice Bureau Type of organisation (to be supplied by Corporate Charitable Trust Procurement) Status of Organisation SME (to be supplied by Corporate Procurement) Value of Contract Extension £577,186 Per Annum (estimated average) Existing Contract Term 01/04/2020 to 31/03/2021 Extension Period 01/04/2021 to 31/03/2023 Contact Officer (Name & Sandra Derbyshire 0161 793 2570 number) Lead Service Group People Services Funding Source Revenue Budget Mayor’s Employment Charter x Ethical Contractor Committed to sign up to the Charter x Accredited Living Wage Employer x EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to request an extension to contract for Information and Advice Services.
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