DRAFT SIXTH FIVE YEAR PLAN 1980-8^ AND ANNUAL PLAN 1981-82 V O LU M E-II NIEPA DC D00224 STATE PLANNING BOAR TRIVANDRUM tv*\ ; Systzm^ Unit, V ‘do :v •! I*vs>r'i e of Educational 1 1 ^ in I i A ministration 17-D ,S a A u i t . i-dc. M ar^ .NewDeIhi-110016 i^ cc, No..... 2 ^3/ / . , Date................ ......r;. PRINTED BY THE S, G. P. AT THE GOVHBNMENT PRESS. TRIVANDRUM, 1980 CONTENTS Volume II Page No. Stateunent GN 1 Outlay and Expenditure 1 Statem ent GN 2 Outlay and Expenditure Scheme-wise 4 Statem ent GN 3 Selected Targets and Achievements 65 ^ Statem ent GN 4 Minimiun Needs Programme—Outlay and Expenditure 77 Statement GN 5 Minimum Needs Programme—Targets and Physical Achievements 82 Statemient GN 6 Gentrally Sponsored Schemes—Outlays 84 Stuteirieiit II' 1 Major and Medium Irrigation Projects—Outlays and Expenditure 91 Statem ent IF 2 Major and Medium Irrigation Projects—Phasing of Outlay- 92 Statem ent IF 3 Major and Medium Irrigation Projects—Benchts, 'Targets and Achievements 94 Statem ent IF 5 Flood Control, Drainage, Anti-Sea Erosion and Water Logging Projects—Outlays and Expenditure 98 Stater.neiit IF 6 Flood Control Projects—Targets and Achievements 98 Stater-Tient 11’ 7 Re(|uirements of Scarce Materials 99 Statemient IF 8 Employment 99 Statenuent IF 10 Irrigation Schemes Benehting the IVibal Areas and Backward Areas—Outlays 100 Statemient IF 11 Irrigation Schemes Benehting the I ’ribal Areas and liackvvard Areas Physical 1 argets 100 Statenieuit 11' 12 Water Rates for Principal Crops 101 Statennemt 11- 13 I’iiiancial Returns from Irrigatimi Prcijects 101 Statemient IF 14 Maintenance of Major and Medium Irrigation and Flood Control Projects 101 Statemient IF 15 Minor Irrigation Programmes—Outlays and Expenditure 102 Statemient IF 16 Selected Physical Targets for Minor Irrigation Programme 103 Statermcnt IF 17 Maintenance of Minor Irrigation Works 103 ‘Statennent IF 18 Minor Irrigation Programme-—Requirement of Materials 103 Stateimenit IF 19 Minor Irrigation Programme—Employment r Potential 103 Stateimenit PR I Power Programme 104 Sta temien.t PRII Power Generation Projects—Phasing of Beneiits 105 5ta teraien t PR III Transmission System—Outlay, Expenditure. Target; and Achievement 106 37/40^30/MC. IV Page j V b l Statement PR IV Transmission and Distribution—Programme for Reducing Losses IIB Statement PR V Rural Electrilication Programme (for Pumpset Energisation, Village Electrification and Service Connections) iia Statement PR VI Rural Electrification—Financial Allocation and Expenditure 120 Statement PR V II Power—Investigation and Surveys 120 Statement WS I Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Schemes—Outlays and Expenditure 121 Statement WS 11(A) Rural Water Supply Scheme— Outlays and Expenditure 129 Statement WS 11(B) Riiral Water Supply—Financial Progress 152 Statement WS 11(C) Rural W ater Supply—Physical Progress 154 Statement WS 11(D) Rural W ater Supply—Physical Pr()gress (Pribal Sub Plan Area) 155 Statement WS 11(E) Rural W ater Suj>ply under Special Component Plan (Financial and Physical Progress) 15b Statement I Large and Medium Industries Outlays and Employment 164 Statement SCP 1 Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes 169 Statement SCP X II Special C!omponent Plan for Scheduled Castes— Targets and Achievements 170 Statement I’SP I State Plan Outlay under Tribal Sub-Plan 171 Statement ISP II Tribal Sub Plan—Physical I’argets and Achievements 173 Employment Statement 174 CONTENTS \olum e II Page Xo Statement GN 1 Outlay and Expenditure I Statement GN 2 Outlay and Expenditure Scheme-wise • 4 Stateiment GN 3 Selected Targets and Achievements 65 State'ment GN 4 Minimum Needs Programme—Ouday and Expenditure 77 State^ment GN 5 Minimum Needs Programme—Targets and Physical Achievements 82 Stateiment GN 6 Centrally Sponsored Schemes—Oudays 84 Statemieiit IF 1 Major and Medium Irrigation Projects—Outlays and lixjjenditure 91 Stateiment IF 2 Major and Medium Irrigation Projects—Phasing of Outlay 92 Stateinient IF 3 Major and Medium Irrigation Projects—Beneiits, Targets and Achievements 94 Si<itcmient IF 5 Flood Control, Drainage, Anti-Sea Erosion and Water Logging Projects -Outlays and Expenditme .. 98 Stateinient IF 6 Flood C Control Projects—'Vargets and Achievements 98 Stateinient IF 7 Requirenunits of Scarce Materials 99 Stateinient IF B Employment 99 Stateiment IF 10 Irrigation Schemes Benefiting the Tribal Areas and Backward Areas—Outlays 100 Stateinient IF 11 Irrigation Schemes Benefiting the Tribal Areas and Backward Areas—Physical Fargets 100 Slatemient IF 12 Water Rates for Principal ('Irops 101 Staterme:nt IF 13 Financial Returns from Irrigation Projects 101 Stateim ent IF 14 Maintenance of Major and Medium Irrigation and Flood CJontrol Projects 101 Stateiment IF 15 Minor Irrigation Programmes—Outlays and Expenditure 102 Staterment IF 16 Selected Physical I ’argets for Minor Irrigation Programme .. 103 Staternient IF 17 Maintenance of Minor Irrigadon Works 103 Stateraiient IF 18 Minor Irrigadon Programme—Requirement of Materials 103 >tatenme:nt IF 19 Minor Irrigation Programme—Employment Potential 103 jtatemnemt PR I Power Programme 104 )tM teirriejnt PR II Powei- Generation Prefects—Phasing of Beneiits 105 Itateiiinemt PR III Transmission System—Outlay, Expenditure, Target, and Achievement 106 ;i7/40036i/MC. IV Page No Statement PR IV Transmission and Distribution—Programme for Reducing Losses iia Statement PR V Rural Electrification Programme (for Pumpset Energisation, Village Electrification and Service Connections) 118 Statement PR VI Rural Electrification—Financial Allocation and Expenditure Statement PK VII Power- Investigation and Surveys 120 Statement WS I Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Schemes--Outlays and Expenditure 12J Statement WS 11(A) Rural Water Supply Schemc—Outlays and Expenditure , , 12!) Statement WS 11(B) Rural W ater Supply—Financial Progress 152 Statement WS 11(C) Rural W'ater Supply—Physical Progress 154 Statement WS 11(U) Rural Water Supply—Physical I’rogress (Tribal Sub Plan Area) 155 Statement WS 11(E) Rural Water Supply under Special Component Plan (I'^inancial and Physical Progress) 156 Statement I Large and Medium Industries Outlays and Employment 164 Statement SCP I Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes 169 Statement SCP II Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes— Targets and Achievements 170 Statement r s p I State Plan Outlay under Tribal Sub-Plan 171 Statement TSP II 'fribal Sub Plan—i^hysical Targets and Achievements .. 173 Employment Statement 174 Heads of Developmeait—Outlay and Expenditure (Rs. in lakhste) 1980-81 1980-85 1981-82 Head/Sub Head of Development 1979-80 Actuals Approved Anticipated Proposed Capital Proposed Capital Outlay Expenditure Outlay Content Outlay Content (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) I. A g r ic u l t u r e a n d A l l ie d S e r v ic e s Research and Education 187.04 110.00 299.39 1400.00 450.00 Crop Husbandry 180.00 90.00 659.05 1210.00 1275.07 9183.75 1314.70 Land Reforms 1968.45 362.21 659.48 600.00 589.00 3795.00 8.00 Minor Irrigation 751.00 8.00 473.34 665.00 665.00 4000.00 3410.00 780.00 Soil and Water Conservation 693.00 159.02 180.00 200.50 1250.00 268.00 254.00 33.50 Command Area Development 19.17 80.00 80.00 659.00 Food 75.00 137.50 15.00 1.06 100.00 625.00 1000.00 500.00 Animal Husbandry 125.00 161.99 305.67 305.67 1722.00 261.00 Dairy Development 337.95 65.75 139.13 180.00 117.31 976.00 305.00 218.00 88.30 Fisheries 369.21 460.00 494.90 2959.25 Forests 1711.50 576.00 347.85 190.41 285.00 285.00 2580.00 1433.00 370.00 203.00 Investment in Agricultural Financial Institutions 150.00 150.00 150.00 1100.00 1100.00 Marketing 150.00 150.00 2.26 10.00 7.49 127.30 13.03 Storage and Warehousing 20.00 12.00 5.00 100.50 100.50 17.00 Community Development and Panchayats 17.66 769.79 2941.01 2226.50 15125.40 2583.40 3306.70 539.50 Special Programme for Rural Development 221.53 220.00 234.66 1791.92 324.85 Development of Backward Areas Including Hill Areas 30.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 55.00 T o t a l I — A g r ic u l t u r e a n d a l l i e d S e r v ic e s 4212.48 7558.68 7610.49 48070.12 13520.10 9564.48 2613.11 n . C o -o p e r a t io n Oedit Co-operatives 146.59 246.65 235.55 1361.95 Marketing 500.00 300.00 100.00 20.87 17.10 17.10 350.00 225,00 Processing Co-operatives 75.50 55.50 4.66 5.00 5.00 100.00 80.00 15.00 15.00 Consumer Co-operatives 48.91 29.60 34.85 301.75 Others 208.75 68.00 46.75 47.49 106.65 113.52 686.30 110.50 133.50 30.50 T o t a l II—C o- o p e r a t io n 268.52 405.00 406.02 2800.00 1124.25 592.00 247.75 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) III. Irrigation, Flood Control & Power Irrigation (a) Water Development (Survey, Investigation & Research) 37.49 40.00 40.00 355.00 60.00 (b) Irrigation Projects 3657.10 4190.00 4190.00 27145.00 27145.00 5340.00 5340.00 Sub-Total (a+b) 3694.59 4230.00 4230.00 27500.00 27145.00 5400.00 5340.00 Flood Control and Anti—sea Erosion Projects 646.17 250.00 250.00 3050.00 3050.00 550.00 550.00 + 350.00* -1-350.00* + 3100.00* + 3100.00* +600.00* +600.00* Power (a) Power Development (Survey, Investigation and Research) 72.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 400.00 75.00 75.00 (b) Power Projects (Generation) 834.00 1626.00 1176.00 6550.00 6550.00 1275.00 1275.00 +6585.00** +6585.00** T-985.00** 985.00** (c) Transmission 1381.00 1460.00 1460.00 10650.00 10650.00 1850.00 1850.00 (d) General (Including Distribution and Rural Electrification) 1844.00 1821.00 3000.00 16700.00 16700.00 3100.00 3100.00 Sub Total (a-j-b+c+d) 4131.00 5007.00 5736.00 34300.00 34300.00 6300.00 5300.00 +6585.00** +6585.00** +985.00** +985.00** hO Total—III Irrigation Flood Control Anti Sea 8471.76 9487.00 10216.00 64850.00 64495.00 12250.00 12190.00 Erosion and Power +350.00* + 350.00* + 3100.00* 4-3100.00* +600.00* + 600.00* +6585.00** +6585.00** +985.00** +985.00** IV.
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