A Panorama COVERING roirNsiiiM or 01 Local IIOLMDEL, MADISON Peoplesop] And MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND E vventa IU 1A WAN SOROCKj M M em ber •6th YEA R — 28th W EEK ■•I Mttarti MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1964 M#» Jfn$y Prees Aaaoclatfoa Single Copy Ten Cent* New Faces At Reorganization Of The Maiawan Township Committee Maiawan IJoroii'di Council Organizes For The New Year .T ‘ - - ... H i f \ - i r~Tirr^ipinni~r T"--*: Two aew member* •( the Maiawan Township Commute*, Charles* and mayor lor the year. Shawn almvc (loll to rig h t) arc Daniel II. V . Drydcn and Jay KrlviUky, were sworn In to start three-year terms llowncy, Mr. Ilrydcn, Mayor IVaphagen, Mr. Krivltrky and fiillHirl 0t the annual reorgaidiattoB al the conimltlee Thursday. The commit-1 Hickman, lee voted unanimously tn dect Henry Traphafea commltteee chairman) Support Hospital Cover Girl M aiawanS governing bmlv, organl/ed ut cenimonlea at 12 o’clock; Ilyrne and Councilman l.eon Chrlstlnat. Standing, (left to right), are Township School Tax Himo, V» ^r > |)o ), pose* for Us ofilchd picture before embarking: t'ouncilmen Warren Ryan, Vernon K. ■ayshon area mayor*, la la- Uttic Suslu sSwilxor, seven, ;» hllUon, (ieorge tommr and Mgural addreaie* al arsaatia- new roHidem of (he Strathmure .on Its municipal business for the year. Shown above, (left to rig ht)1 Robert R. Colot. " ‘ sealed, are Council president Warren Hutchinson, Mayor lutward K. i Mm mealing* In Iheir n Inactive development in MaiawaH Town* Mmmunlllea, have * ' ‘ ■hip is a cover gtrl of (he Jan. 14 ■Ian far a Bay there Canunaatly Down, Borough’s Up l.(K)K macaeine, and the ulory Hwfttal u meet the aaril al Ibe of her move Inin a new To Sell Bondi Final figures on the 1984^5 bud­ $1.79 per $100 In 1!MI while the 11 V i ne Takes tacrttoiag bayahar* pafriadas. home in Iht* l^vitt cnmmunity Order To Hand Over get tn be lubmltted by the Mata­ borough's will rise fnun Sl.fi!> per a feature ot the tpcclut housiiiK The Mutawun Borough Councfl M anm M to «4 appall far 100 in IW3 to $2,117 per SI0U in Tuesday night voted to receive * M t e m / firt aI th * piaaaed wan Keclonal Board of Education edition. for action by the voters Feb. 4 1964. But added assessments to Culled ‘T heir W rit ttouw,” Ihe Maiawan Office b 1 d a Jun. 28 tor a comblm d kMpUal wera m a* ky Mauwaa come in during the year will help M iyw Edward E. Hyraa, Mayer shows the amount lo he raised hy four * - pholo • essay chroni­ $l,0M,MM bond l*aue, aulhorlxed taxation as $1,707,051.13 as against the situation as asuinst the 196.ri cles eveiKs of (iioving day for Council Organizes to finance coaviruction of a new Books Given Lanzaro CarHaa MUg, KaypM, aa4 portion of the tas. sewage disposal plant a n d to M ayar H aary^ fraphaie a a l Mai- $I,560,7K!.IJ taxes needed for IVIr, and IMtk. Ralph J. Switzer Taxes Determined For New Year extend the tewer avsUin. A WKtor wai served yesterday <m ing die mayor that h. and persona M M Taw w hla. LaaC J a a r , school* In the current year. The and their three children, lh e total budget for the school year Tha township tax for schools will family moved from a New Ro­ A total of worth ol Mayor .Jo.'+eph A. l.an/.aro. Marl- >ul)ordinate to him under the IH3) b a a to l Mayar Laria CaMtMa Hvfm?, a Kv‘pul>lican, be $5<iO.OH».21 in Lhe last half of sewer bonds, part of a $215,H I aha caliaa aa heal n aMaali far tltrting next Ju ly I will be $2,501,- chelle, N.Y., «purtmenl where wu-s in as itia\or (NV;v Years t>on» Township, by Joseph T. township committee government (continued nn page thirteen) they had lived (or eiJ*ht year*. Issue, will be sold to finance the M r DMart al tha flaa. fiO.'i.l] as against the current li|*- Dav .succeeding John W. Apple- CraiLse, f<ir the new firm of town­ immediately must turn over to tho They chose the '‘Handier," a construction of t h e disposal rtaasW «ha ba**al are ure of $2,091,426.HS. The l»64-6!> ^.ile, as the Maiawan iJoroiii;)) plant, '(he balance of the Issue ship attorney*. Parsons, Can/.ona, appointees of the mnjoriiy of itus aafer aM> by ih t Bayshare budget provides for 5200 pupils and three • bedroom, tingle - slnry Council organized for the vear. is repaid hy a federal g r a n t IMair und Warrwi, Red >iank. odvis- council sworn into office Jan. 1 un­ CaatawaUJr HaJpltal Carpi cam- 22t teachers as against 40:15 pupils Appellate ( oiii't home In Strathmore * al - G e o i"’ \K. Connor, n ftcptihlican. wan, a community being built by which the borough obtained. der the Plan 1C Faulkner Act form ■ t M a l laadtag d tb aaa la the and IM teachers in the- current and KnlJrit H Colot, a Democrat, Levin und Sons, Inc., the nation** Another W M .IM w o r t h ol of government all official book* layakara ana. Ite JM f kaa year. , wen* kuorn in to slail thrceyra! largest homebuilder. The specicil sewer as*essim»i)l bonds, will go and records. This the mayor d©- aa aatlaa la pntkaM Ike laad The board kept the tax levy in­ Voids Bus Appeal terms on tliL* IhmouhIi i th.it { “ How We 1,1 ve” Issue af LOOK on the block io finance the ck» Three Four-Year rlined to do himself or to order tho far tMhaapital la Ike HabnM- crease to a modest $144,261 des­ DenuMials hold l»y a II! m;»jon»v. J w»» prepared under |he direction tension of Ibe sewer system lo 1963 “ holdovers" to do Jan. I when, k iH U a area. pite a sharp |acking-up of the Board Taking Bid Henry v.'.ls sutifn in as fmr { hy a 3-2 vole, new officials weco o| John l*t'(er. iiiaRaxlne^ ou^h J more than M per cent ol the Pnsls To C.O.P. teacher's salary guide and the need "Compounded Error" home living editor, and a ionli- borough. Work on both the dis­ placed In variotm key t»Hic«*s by tho to add 28 teachers by appropria­ neiu • bopping cadre ol writers A k l.'ii* o:j !/ maJor uppoinffvr, posal plant und tho extension ot incoming council io ousi those ting $100,000 ol the $181,081 In free whom the mayor was seeking to Appellate Division of Superior and photogrupliers. ' change, V'mren! DeMam. Mauv.tiii | the system has been completed. Split Four Two-Year Name Traphagen aMorni'v, vv.js oa/oeij as horooiih ! balances available as of Inst June Court rejected appeal of Freder­ Only (he Frencau section of the tMild over. attorney, succ^edin^ Kdw«rd W. J With Madison Dems The mayor sought to get tho M. A $188,IS8 hike in state aid to ick Wehrle, Cliffwood Beach, (Mini borough Is without sewers aA Currie. Mr, I'urrie will | council to consent tn holding over a total of $6M,.VU also eased the a rutin# of the State Bourd of present. Township Mayor comimie its counsel for the bond- i Republican Party torik strong (continued on page four) tax situation on a $410,17!) overall CJfion Dec. 4 upholding a decision Demand Payment infl for the recent exicnsion ot tlie | noots in Madistjn 'lownship on or­ budget increase. of Frederick Kaubifiger, Stale Committoo Organize* sewer system und inioroved ire.it- • ganization day under rhe new form The taxes will tie apportioned In Comtni*siom*r of [*'ducalion, thut a For Appraisals incut olunt. i of govornoient. U>« Faulkner Plan For Now Ymt 1964 at «,*55,285.11 for the town­ bid on which Mr, Wehrle obtained Townships Slate D in which the elected members of Marlboro Names ship and $!i7S,6r>7..H for the boruugii the contract to provide school bus An rtteinpt by M jv o i Hyim* io appoint Frank Ferruno (o a two- thf,initially ctowen ccwncil draw by Committeeman Henry Traplui- on an enrollment in prospect of transportation in lhe current ttcliool Township Warned lot, f<»r .Jepgihs of tyrms on U r 2172 lor the township and 1152 for year for the Matawan Regional year term as borough building in­ Board (!onlcs{s Siipciiiitcndenl tn, atirtinx hi* ihlr^ yetr on the By Clemin$haw Co. spector, (o Succeed John Thaler, Hoy^niiag % h1v ^ O ; th> the borough. Using tax estimates Hoard of Education did not con­ dra^f throe RepuWlcani, (totiald Matawin Township Committee, (roi)iiflijcd on page tbirieen) ol $59,000,000 for the township and form with the requirements of 23 Seeking 10 Macrae, Richard* DeafeJ' dnd^iJon- [al(t?w6od (Man If . in i elected mayor by uitanimoui HAtute, -The Maiawan Township Commit­ $28,000,010 for the borough, to ap­ tee Monday night received a tie- aid Tierney g a i n e d four*year «ota o( the five .m an ta MmiUt- pear in forthcoming tax duplicates, Deciiion wa< issued yesteiduy Seati At Stake rO onlirm «d,P<y,So ard ir.ond for payment of 11878 from No Soriout Holiday terms.
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