EKING VIEW March 24, 1972 Speeches by Premier Chou And Samdech Sihanouk Chinese Government gives banquet celebrating 2nd anniversary of coming to China of Samdech and Madame Sihanouk, Prime Minister and Madame Penn Nouth and founding of N.U.F.C. and P.A.F.N.L.Q @w Label, Old Conspiracy "Renmin Ribao" Commentator on the "Hussein Plan'* Shanghai: In a New Workers' Quarter Vol, 15, No. 12 March 24, 1972 Published in English, French, Spanish, Japanese and German editions >± A CONTENTS THE WEEK Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei Meets Arab Diplomatic Envoys to China Communique on Talks Among Representatives of Korean, Japanese and Chinese Table Tennis Associations Kiangsu's Grain Target Exceeded ARTICLES AND DOCUMENTS Government of People's Republic of China Gives Grand Banquet — Celebrating Second Anniversary of Coming to China of Samdech and Madame Sihanouk, Prime Minister and Madame Penn Nouth, and Founding of N.U.F.C, and- P.A.F.N.L.C. 4 Premier Chou En-lai's Speech 4 Samdech Norodom Sihanouk's Speech 6 Statement of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman 9 New Label, Old Conspiracy — Renmin Ribao Commentator 9 Sabotaging Arab People's Struggle: "Hussein Plan" Strongly Condemned 10 Shanghai: In a New Workers' Quarter 12 In a People's Commune: Li Chih-chi and His Scientific Experiment Group 14 Breeding and Popularizing Fine Sorghum and Maize Strains 15 Albania Achieves National Electrification 16 Report From Chile: A Visit to Chuquicamata 18 - Japanese Monopoly Capital Infiltrating and" Expanding in Latin America 19 FRIENDSHIP LOG 20 ROUND THE WORLD 21 Thai People's Armed Struggle: New Battle Results Okinawa "Reversion" Fraud: Japanese People's. Rallies and Demonstrations ON THE HOME FRONT 22 Cultural Troupes on the Grasslands Postal Service in Frontier Regions Output .of .Medicinal Herbs Published every Friday by PEKING REVIEW Peking (37), China Post Office Registration No. 2-922 Printed in the People's Republic of China Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei people will surely win in their strug• tennis circles and players of various Meets Arab Diplomatic gle against aggression. Asian countries and help, popularize Envoys to China and promote table tennis in Asia and Communique on Talks Among raise its standard. For this purpose, the table tennis associations of the Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei on Representatives of Korean, March 18 met with the Ambassadors three countries will consult with Japanese and Chinese to China of the Syrian Arab Repub• other table tennis associations in Asia lic, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Table Tennis Associations on the convocation of a preparatory meeting at' the earliest possible date, Democratic Republic of the Sudan, The representatives of the table in order to make concerted efforts for the Arab Republic of Yemen and the tennis associations of . Korea, Japan the founding of a new Asian table Algerian Democratic People's Re• and China recently held talks in Pe• tennis organization. public, the Charges d'Affaires ad king on the current situation and interim of the Embassies in China future development of table tennis in "The table tennis associations of of the Republic of Iraq, the People's Asia, and other matters of common the three countries believe that this Democratic Republic of Yemen and concern. A communique was issued proposal will win positive approval the Kingdom of Morocco and the on March 15. It said: "The three and support from table tennis circles Head of the Mission of the Palestine sides unanimously hold that the and players in Asia." Liberation Organization in Peking. 'Asian Table Tennis Federation,' as is On the evening of March 15, Viee- known to all, is at present controlled On behalf of the Arab diplomatic Chairman of the N.P.C. Standing by a tiny number of persons. They envoys to China, Youssef Shakra, Committee Kuo Mo-jo and Chairman use the 'Asian Table Tennis Federa• Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Re• of the Chinese Physical Culture and tion' to obstruct friendly exchanges public to China, told of the plan put Sports Commission Wang Meng met among . table tennis circles of forward recently by King Hussein and had a cordial and friendly con• various Asian' countries and the of Jordan to set up a "united Arab versation, with the delegations of the healthy development of table tennis kingdom." table tennis associations of Korea and in Asia. For this reason, the majority Japan. Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei of member associations of the 'Asian thanked the diplomatic envoys for Table Tennis Federation' have long The Chinese Physical Culture and the briefing. He stated: The Jorda• lost interest in it. This is an indis• Sports Commission gave a banquet nian reactionaries brought up the putable fact. It has become the the same evening to welcome the plan of the "united Arab kingdom" common desire in Asian table tennis guests from Korea and Japan. Wang at a time when the anti-imperialist circles to form a new -organization Meng and representatives of the table struggle of the Palestinian and other truly representative of table tennis in tennis associations of Korea and Arab peoples is growing in depth Asia. Japan Choi Gi Uk and Yaichiro Ya- day by day. This is a. plot aimed at mamoto spoke at the banquet, hailing "The three sides unanimously point splitting the unity of the Palestinian the success of the talks among the out that the so-called extraordinary and other Arab peoples and under• representatives of the table tennis general meeting of the 'Asian Table mining their struggle against impe• associations of the three countries Tennis Federation' recently held in rialism and Zionism in a vain attempt and the issuing of the communique. Bangkok was called by the tiny to ultimately liquidate the revolu• They pledged to work hard to found number of persons for the sole pur• tionary cause of the Palestinian a new Asian table tennis organization pose of continuing to obstruct the people. at an early date to further promote healthy development of table tennis the friendship among table tennis in Asia. The number attending was Foreign Minister Chi Peng-fei said: circles and players of the Asian so small they dared not even make The Chinese Government and peo• countries. ple have always supported the public the list of participants. At the Palestinian people and the people of meeting they proclaimed that they all the Arab countries in their just would comply with the constitution Kiangsu's Grain Target of the International Table Tennis struggle against U,S.-Israeli aggres• Exceeded Federation. This is an out-and-out sion. It is our consistent stand that deception. One of China's main grain pro• the national rights of the Palestinian ducing areas, Kiangsu Province in people must be restored and Israeli "The table tennis associations of the lower reaches of the Yangtze Zionism must withdraw from all the three countries hold that it is River has had successive good Arab territories it has occupied. We necessary to found as soon as possible harvests. Last year's average per-mti firmly believe that so long as they a new organization truly representa• yield exceeded the target set for persist in unity and struggle, the tive of Asia table tennis in order to great Arab people and Palestinian enhance the friendship among table (Continued on p. 11.) March 24, 1972 3 Celebrating Second Anniversary of Coming to China of Samdech And Madame Sihanouk, Prime Minister and Madame Penn Nouth, And Founding of N.U.F.C. and P.A.F.N.L.C. HE Government of the People's Republic of China Attending the banquet on invitation were Nguyen T gave a grand banquet on the evening of March 19 Van Quang, Ambassador of the Republic of South Viet at the banquet hall of the Great Hall of the People to Nam to China; Ngo Thuyen, Ambassador of the Demo• warmly celebrate the second anniversary of the coming cratic Republic of Viet Nam to China; and Hyun Jun to China of Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, Head of State Keuk, Ambassador of the Democratic People's Republic and Chairman of the National "United Front of Cam• of Korea to China, and Madame Hyun Jun Keuk. bodia, and Madame Sihanouk, and Samdech Penn Nouth, Prime Minister of the Royal Government of National Present were Chinese Party and government lead• Union of Cambodia and Chairman of the Political Bu• ers and leading members of departments concerned, in• reau of the N.U.F.C. Central Committee, and Madame cluding Chiang Ching, Yeh Chien-ying, Chang Chun- Penn Nouth, and the second anniversary of the founding chiao, Yao Wen-yuan, Li Hsien-nien, Chi Teng-kuei, Li of the National United Front of Cambodia and the Peo• Teh-sheng, Wang Tung-hsing, Kuo Mo-jo, Hsu Hsiang- ple's Armed Forces of National Liberation of Cambodia. chien, Nieh Jung-chen, Chi Peng-fei, Wu Teh, Chang Premier Chou En-lai and Samdech Sihanouk spoke at the banquet. (For texts of their speeches see below.) Tsai-chien, Teng Ying-chao, Chang Hsi-jo, Wang i Kuo-chuan, Lin Chia-mei, Yu Li-chun and Hsu Attending the banquet on invitation were Ieng Han-ping. Sary, Special Envoy of the Interior Part of Cambodia; Sarin Chhak, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the The banquet was pei-meated with a warm at• R.G.N.U.C., and Madame Sarin Chhak; and all the other mosphere of unity and friendship between the peoples distinguished Cambodian guests in Peking. of China and Cambodia. Premier Chou En-Sai's Speech Respected Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, Head of State closest friend, and Madame Sihanouk, and Samdech of Cambodia and Chairman of the National United Penn Nouth and Madame Penn Nouth came to China Front of Cambodia, and Madame Sihanouk, and were accorded a warm welcome by the Chinese Government and people.
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