102 Years Old ... and NEW E^eiy Thursday VOL CIl NO. 31 NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUG. 4, 1977 IPTEEN CENT 8 Dayison-Chtirton Ganvithen In Youth Concert New Neptune Black and White’s Asks Halt In Nuptials -Held: ■ In Auditorium ' Half Way Houses Festival of Music 12,13 'RKD BANK —[ The F irst Presbyterian Church here was OCEAN' GROVE — Robert Car- NEPTUNE TWP. — William. withen, weU4aspwit organist, w i 11 OCEAN GROVE — Something is Greers, president of the Ocean the setting for the wedding of Mar­ beginning, to develop, here in garet Conover Davison and John present a Festival of Mu?ic on the Grove' Home Owners Association, famous Hope-Jones Orgin~|n the Ocean Grove that you-should know (Burnside Ohurton, Jr., on Sunday, about. People are doing strange asked the township committee Tribute to die late July 3. Associate Minister the (Rev. great Auditorium, Ocean Grove, Tuesday night to take steps against New Jersey, on .Wednesday, Aug­ things - like the little Scottish lady Blanchard iRoriiaine performed the who 'stopped a .man on Main Ave­ any further expansion of boarding G. L. Hergesheim er ceremony,’ assisted by the Rev. ust 17, at 8 P.M. .. -This event will be co-sponsored nue and told him, in' a shocked homes with mentally and physical­ Howard Milkman, minister of the voice, that she had heard there is by REV. HAROLD D. FLOOD Watehuns; Presbyterian Church by tte Hannah-Crosman Post 2233, ly handicapped persons in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the a pied piper going up and djiwn Grove. (Founders’ Day message of Plainfield. the streets Ocean Grove. : ' U.S. and Auxiliary, and the Mon­ .to ; -Mr. Green pointed out. that sev­ Sunday, July 31, Ocean Groves And the yoiihg lady who built a Auditorium.) > mouth Chapter of the American theatre prop castle in the costume eral of the large guest houses in Guild of Organists. The evening is Ocean Grove have deteriorated in­ dedicated, to honor the Gold Star room of the Youth Center and will The annual Founders’ D^y-cb-: have to dismantle it because it’s to sleeping quarters for the men­ sertfance is a time when we recog­ Mothers of District Six, Mon­ too large to remove from the mouth County, V.F.W, tally 'handicapped'.' The .township's nize with deep appreciation ths building, ‘ Code enforcement department in­ contributions of . time, «E energy, ■Robert Carwithen is a graduate Yes, there a r e strange* things NEPTUNE POLICE jLT, 'WILLIAM PJEAVES explains safety fea­ of ,.Curtis Institute, Philadelphia, tures of the hew red and black striping adopted for use on all spects Ocean Grove properties for of money, and of dedicated, service happening in Ocean Grove, partic­ that have been given by the.earlv and .Westminster Choir. C ollege, ularly in the Youth Center. B u t Neptune Black and >Vhite Police vehicles to Police Commissioner safety and cleanliness but Mayor ■Princeton. He 'is the Organist and Almerth Battle. The] new. red stripes are fluorescent, thus giving Joseph JX Pepe pointed out 'that fathers and mothers of Ocean: don’t panic. This is the time of Grove, in order, that this place Choirmaster of the First Presby­ year when young'people of all ag­ better side visibility after dark at emergency scenes. The new the Grove isn’t -.governed by the terian Church in Germantown, side markings will first appear oh four new -Ford L.T.D, Police might bi here for us to enjoy, to­ es (the youngest is 2 and t h e township’s rules and regulations. day, - Pa.A-and has served in 't'h a t’ ca- oldest is in college.) begin to lose cruisers reccntlv purchased. In other business the municipal paiity since I960. ' ■ Those first Methodist leaders their Identities and become all Commissioner Battle stated the-new Police vehicles also feature committee adopted a $49,800 ordi­ ■ Local' residents will recall chat a reversing of ,the Slack and white markings to provide a white who came to this place — and all sorts of fanciful creatures and. nance .for repair of concrete work who accompanied them here, and Mr. Oanwithen was t h e organist people as they sing, dance, and roof which Js cooler- 'in summer months and a black hood which for the Ocean Grove Auditorium redanes reflectioa afld. eye’strain to .the, drivers. Patrolmen Crane at the municipal building. Held for who supported their feaderghip -- wander through the exciting lands were people vof vision a n d of summer'^programs from 1971 thru of make-believe on their ''vay to aad Bleckle sta^Jb»a£ new Police Vehicles are inspected by iNep- study \yere bids for a sweeper, .1973. He has since returned for turie PoIici^C6m m | > er Almerth Battle at rear of Neptune. four sanitation trucks and. two Christian commitment. It’s because the annual Youth. Concert in Ocean of what they did here some one three very successful organ coe- Grove’s great Auditorium. ; ; • Municipal i^nipleicjf ' . ‘ •' - " ’- heavy duty dump trucks. certs in • the Auditorium, during, * . -- hundred ;«d eight years ago—aiid This year it’s “ALICE IN WON­ daring the immediate years that which Ire has shown himself to be DERLAND,” 'and the dates a re mm equally well -versed in the classical followed — that Ocean ‘ Grove Friday and Saturday, August 12 & 11 st 'Fi Coneer^Shigust II. stands today as a Christian Sea­ and popular music of . the great 13. Several parents are worWng Cavalvade' In era of the theatre organ. The. Fes­ side Resort, a place that Continues long and hard hours in the cos­ to provide an effective witness, h r ....... • .... tival program 'will utilize all : as­ tume room of- the . Youth .Center pects of the great organ and dem­ Grove Aug. 8 Christ and His Church. :■ creating the unusual costumes in­ But, while we recognize our debt onstrate his unique ability as a dicated, in Dexter Davison’s dram­ performer arid arranger, The. di­ of gratitude to t h e Founders of. atization. of the famous Lewis OCEAN GltOVE—CALVACADE, Ocean Grove, we are equally cog­ versified program will include CarroH- children’is classic. No cos­ works by famous classical com­ 10 uniquely talented college-age nizant of the fact, that the Founders tume Is -.iass^wd unless the singers and technicians, will pre­ alone, with all of their dedication, posers, familiar show- tunes,' "old child playing the. part is satisfied and new pops” ani.some hymns.’ sent their nationally, acclaimed were not the only ones responsible? with the costume. multi-dimensional sight and sound for the -preservation of all that And the satisfied, child is very Ocean Grove stands for. Indeed, apt to don his outfit and try it out concert on Monday, Aug. 8 , at 8 Lifeguard Events PJM. in the Ocean Grov< Auditor­ were it not for those who have by bursting tihrough the Youth Cen come after the Founders, Ocean At Grove Monday ter doors and-cavorilng down Main ium. Grove would soon have become Avenue, ■ The production employs 3 huge like any other community up and U the weather is kind oh Fri., rear-projectioi' screens, 7 projec­ OCEAN GROVE — Lifeguard's down the coa^. and Sat. :evenings, Aug. 12 & 13, tors, 3 dissolve units and an elec­ There have been countless men from six communities will com don’t run for your doctor If you tronic programmer, all beautifully and women with strong Christian, happen to see thifeo blonde Alices pete here in the % h Annual Ocean integrated with the finest audio conviction, and with unfaltering Mrs. John Burnside Churton, Jr. (tiiey’re a ll, different: heights, but § ; 3 - ; Grove. Invitaiiorial Lifeguard Tour­ and lighting equipment. '' ' commitment to the ideals and pur­ nament'this' Monday night,' August they’re all the same girls), a white poses of Ocean Grove, who have The bride is the daughter of rabbit with a waisteoat and an en During the Bicentennial, CAV­ 8. The Tournament, which , will be­ come and gone in every year of •Mr. and Mrs. James Lyle .Davison 'brmoiis poekel watch, and a varie­ ALCADE was chosen as the spec­ our history And these people, lead­ of Neptune City. Mr. Churton is the gin- at 6:30 am :the beach In front ty:'of animals, btate, butterflies, ial feature for the 200th Anniver­ ikL by (Mrs. Marina Karklina I«ng, enhanced ers and followers alike, have seen son of Mr. and Mrs. John of Ocean Pathway, -will feature, ten bees, caterpillars — even a cupper sary National Salute '-to the U.S. Burnside Churton, Sr., of Hunting- by vocal renditions by Fred Jones, Ocean Grove baritone soloist, to it that — under Qod’s protec­ man squads from Long Branch, colored centipede - running- thru Army Chaplaincy at. FORT Mc- tive care, and following the lead­ • • ton, '-Wiest 'Virginia, the Streets or wandering -through wilt take plaC e-T lfo^yriV t^, the Ocean Grove A''on; Bradley'Beach, Belmar and CLELLAN,. ALA., and the 4th of ing a His Spirit — Ocean Grove Mrs. Donald Morris of Plain* Sandy Hook as well as host Squad, Auditorium P a rk Auditorium. Wffs.' I^ng EScently1' rttdlftSPfrom » successful Can­ adian concert Jour.' TOerc wilt lie no admission charge but a July Celebration at FT. MeHENRY, could and would carry on. % field, the bride’s sister, was matron Ocean Grove. JuSt follow them to the Auditor­ of honor, while' Mrs. William silent free-will offering will be tafeen. e .__________ ___ 'Baitimore, Birthplace of the Star- Each year, on Founders’ Day, Scheduled events include the ium and enjoy one of the best fun- we list the names and think grate­ Galatro, Oakhurst, and Miss Kath­ packed evenings of your summer Spangled? Banner.
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