Monday, March 28, 1994 • Vol. XXVI No. 113 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S CBS, Buckley to visit Notre Dame By EDWARD IMBUS column three times a week. On News Writer "Firing Line," he gained a repu­ tation for asking difficult but William Buckley, one of the pertinent questions to a wide leading and most respected variety of guests including conservative voices in America, Margaret Thatcher, Groucho will be speaking on "Reflections Marx, and every president on Current Contentions", at the since Richard Nixon except Bill Stepan Center on Tuesday night Clinton. at 7:30. The lecture will be followed Buckley has been given sev­ by a question and answer ses­ eral awards and honorariums. sion with Buckley, and later a the most notable being the reception open to the public. Presidential Medal of Freedom. CBS National News will also He has also received over 35 be on campus. following Buck­ honorary degrees ley to Notre Dame to gather in­ He has served in the federal formation and tape footage of government as a high level con­ Buckley for a feature story on sultant through many ad­ the news magazine show "Eye ministrations, from being ap­ to Eye." pointed to the U.S. Information agency to the National Security Buckley, most well known for Council and the United Nations. his Emmy-winning PBS TV Tickets to the lecture cost $3 show "Firing Line," comes to for members of the Notre Dame Notre Dame with distinguished community and $5 for the gen­ credentials. After graduating eral public. According to the from Yale University with hon­ sponsoring Student Union ors. he founded the conserva­ Board, tickets are still available tive journal "National Review" at the LaFortune information in 1962. Buckley wrote several desk. The reception in the best-selling books such as Dooley Room of LaFortune "Right Reason," and currently after the lecture is open to all, march in a Take Back the Night march sponsored by the Campus Alliance for Rape Elimination writes a nationally syndicated free of charge. l~t,nn•>h~•rtn,~ on Sunday night. Dougherty discusses health care reform Parietal By VIVIAN GEMBARA Family Conference. His dis­ The current health care pro­ said. News Writer cussion focused on the ethical gram is not working due to the The need to remain focused resolution dimensions of health care ra­ numerous "eligibility require­ on working towards a common With health care rationing an tioning. ments," Dougherty said. good was also stressed. inevitable part of the future, it According to Dougherty, ra­ Excessive paperwork, age, Dougherty suggested that ex­ passes income, geography, employ­ tensive research, involving sta­ is important that citizens put tioning is the equitable distribu­ By KATE CRISHAM their directional equipment up tion of a resource, and he said ment and physical background tistical and outcomes experi­ front and make sure values are he was in favor of it. are some examples Dougherty ments. be implemented in order Assistant News Editor With rationing, Dougherty offered. taken into account, according to find the best solution. The Office of Student Affairs to Charles Dougherty, professor explained, all Americans would His opinion on the Clinton In his criteria for health care administration was favorable in rationing, Dougherty warned - has approved a Student Senate of philosophy and director of be provided coverage, and the resolution recommending that that they are determined to against creating a plan specific center for Health Policy and increasing cost of health care the morning parietal policy be would be more controllable. provide universal health cover­ to the poor while the middle Ethics at Creighton University. changed from 11 a.m. to 10 "We have thirty-five million age. According to Dougherty, class and higher continue to Speaking to a full auditorium a.m. every day, according to uninsured, and we spend more their fault is that they aren't use the system to their individ­ at the Center for Continuing Student Body President Frank than any other country. One out admitting up front that heath ual limits. While a two-tier sys­ Education on Friday, Dougherty Flynn. of every seven dollars is spent care rationing will be included. tem is seemingly inevitable, was the guest lecturer for the A letter from Vice President on health care," he said. Dougherty referred to the people must share the majority seventh annual Philip Clark of Student Affairs Patricia philosopher Immanuel Kant of benefits and restrictions to­ O'Hara to Flynn states that the and various Catholic teachings gether, he explained. Dougherty cited Oregon's re­ resolution will become effective as a basis for his explanation of at the beginning of the Fall moral duties in regard to pro­ cent health care changes as a viding health care. With the potential problem for their ten­ Semester 1994. The resolution, which was understanding that human dig­ dency to be directed towards initiated by the Student Senate, nity is a basis for human rights. the lower classes, rather than was approved unanimously by he supported the idea that all equally amongst all. He com­ the Campus Life Council (CLC) should receive health care. mended Oregon for collecting before being sent to Student Because all humans are equal, feedback at town meetings and Affairs. he said, rationing is an ethical incorporating citizen opinions In her letter, O'Hara stated means by which to evenly dis­ and values into the final plan. that her decision to approve tribute this care. Dougherty's Disadvantages to rationing in­ reoccurring point on equality the resolution "was influenced cluded the potential for prema­ by the virtual unanimity with was the Catholic teaching that ture deaths, lower quality of life respect to this change." She special responsibility be paid to and the possible inequity to­ the poor, sick and disadvan­ wards the poor, according to said that the unanimous deci­ taged. sion of the CLC to support the Dougherty. He also warned resolution, as well as support "We have to simply suspend against the dangerous effects people from judgment and treat from various rectors implies a rationing could have on the "level of consensus" of support people's condition, treat them doctor/patient relationship. for the change. regardless of how they are re­ While rationing is an in­ garded by society." Dougherty evitable part of the future, he Flynn was pleased that the said. "Human life has dignity supported the idea that doctors Student Senate was responsible because it is a part of God, not be a direct part of the ra­ for initating the resolution . health care is not something tioning process. Rationing one sells or gives to another but "The letter said that she was should be left to the expertise influenced by the 'consensus' it is a social and communal of the social level of society, not of support all over campus," convention." the individual level, according said Flynn. "It was nice that it Specific points were made by to Dougherty. Dougherty as guidelines for Dougherty received his Ph.D. was a student group that was able to bring about that Computer whizzes health care. His primary point in the mid-1970s from Notre was that rationing be justified Dame and has spent his entire change." "The wishes of the students Two judges test solutions submitted by one of the 21 teams competing in every case. Citizens should career at Creighton University, for the $100 first prize in the first annual Undergraduate Computer expect to pay a responsible where he instructs medical and are being heard," he said. "I commend Student Affairs for Programming Contest held Saturday in the Fitzpatrick Engineering level of tax for the care. he dental students. Building. approving the resolution." --------------- ~--- --- page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, March 28, 1994 INSIDE COLUMN WORLD AT AGLANCE ( S.R. 23: The 37 killed as massive tornado strikes the southeast U.S. PIEDMONT TENNESSEE "One man ran down the aisle yelling A tornado caved in the roof of a church 'Get on the floor!' " said worshiper crowded with Palm Sunday worshipers, Elwanna Acker, 63. "Then the roof site of the killing 19 people. Eighteen others died as came down. The woman right next to twisters and violent thunderstorms tore me died." through the Southeast, battering two Piedmont\ "People were praying," she said. other churches, hundreds of houses and "People were worrying about their Domer Drive a nursing home. ALABAMA a rc grandchildren." The tornado hit Goshen Methodist @ A nursery filled with children in a "Drivers, start your Church about 11:30 a.m., shattering win­ (!l church wing did not collapse. engines!" dows and toppling a brick wall on a pew Sixteen bodies were found inside the Welcome to the fourth of children in Easter outfits waiting to church, and one man was found outside annual Domer Drive, an off sing in a pageant. At least 90 people in a van, apparently killed by part of a road vehicle race, spon­ were Injured, said authorities in this __ _j\_ toppled telephone pole, Cherokee sored by the Notre northeastern Alabama town. Six chil­ County sherifrs deputies said. An 18th Dame/Saint Mary's Fun in FLORIDA dren, ages 2 to 12, were among the dead. ~~.-r6~,,, victim died while being driven to a hos­ the Mud Club. The course Worshipers said they heard wind pital, and a 19th died at a hospital. for this year's driving 100 miles Gulfoi'"\ .-/' challenge is the northern against the church, then the lights went c:::::s Mexico \...,_. -· About six miles away, the Union 100km boundary of the Laura Ferguson out. Grove Methodist church was demol­ University of Notre Saint Mary's "At that minute, things started hitting AP ished by a tornado during services, but Dame-Douglas Road.
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