March 1982 Foodof the Mistletoebirdnear PumicestonePassage, south-easternQueensland IOHN LIDDY The diet ol the Mistleioebird Dtcaem hitundinaceum was studied near Eeerburrum soulh-easternQueensland, by examinalion ol material voided by 92 brrds over a three- vear oeriod- Between lale December and June. the basic food ol the few birds present in lhe area is lruit ot the Viscaceous mistletoe Nololhixos subaufers. Mistletoebirds congregale in the area between July and Novemberto feed on the lruits of the Loran- thaceous mistletoe Amyema cambagei. Epicarps of neilher fruit are eaten. Material voided did not contain the chilinous remains of arlhropods. 'I hc basic food of thc Mistlctricbird 1)ftoc,llr Studl '\rea Itir urtdinate'um consistsof thc fruits of various Mist nettirg and bandirrg*activitics harc bccn spccicsoI mistletoc\.Thc onlv other food rc- calricd oul sincemid-I971 on a farnt at (iruic- cordcLlrvith sonrc frcqucncy is berries of the 'Ircc bank (26 58'S.. I5.l {)4'l-.). somc ll kn] cast Introduccd Pcpper S<hinusaleilo which ol Becrburlunr.soulh-eastcrn Mc- hus bccn rccordcdas bcing catcn by Mistlctoc- Queensland. Arthur (l97ll) plcsclllcdu map anclaeriul phott> birrlsfronr such widcsprcatllocalities as Wanga- graph sho*,ingthc location of (itwicbank and ratta. Vic. (('hcncv l9l5). Barcllan.N.S.W. 'foucrs, its surrouncls.Thc farnr fronts Punriccstonc (( hisholnr l9ll{). ( harters (( ohn Qltl. Passagc.uhich is thc \\ atcr\\'a,vl)ct\\ccn llrihie 192(r).Mounl Mar,vPlains. S.A. (Bochnr 1957). lslanrlanil lhc adjaccntcoast ol sorJth-castcrn an(l Nangccnan.W.A. (Sedglick l(.)..18).Occa- [ixccpt for u rclativclynarrow sttip rionallvotlrcr fruits harc bcctr Quccnslarcl. rccrrrclcdas bcing of nati\c \cgctation along thc forcsl'rorc.thc catcn, an(l thcsc includc such divcrsc spccics larnr is srrrroundeclbv cxtcnsivcplantations of rs thc saltbushcs I..tttltylacnu t()tn(nt()\u ill(l cxotic pilrcs I'intLr ([i(rttii, P. tcoda antl P. tari- llltagotliu tpincscenr (Sullir,an l9ll). natirc figs l i<rrrsp. (Jatman I95-1),Afr.ican Boxtlto r Lviun lcnttis:itltrt (Watson I955). Nati\c .Abou1hall of thc 20 lra [urnr is clcarccland Ilrtrrnv 1)i21oc.r'r'lospttlntttu.r (Jcrrard 1932). cultivttc(l for snrall ctops. Thc unclcarcrlpor- ha\r,thorn (rutagaeur sp (Quir'u1 l9(r0). (iln- lions c()n\i\t of a thin rrrxXlctlbarrcl along thc pntsrnulrttida (( lelancl I952). ancl thc Illacl- southc r and \\cstcrn boundarics.and a morc bcrrY Night\ha(fc Solanunt ttigrttrn ((;rilliths cxlcnsiverrca of nroclilicclopcn forcsl along thc t917t . rortlrcrn boun(lary.1'hc PunriccstoncPassagc lrorrtagc is f lingccl u,ith thc nlatrgrovcs l.,.rji- Young birds arc letl sntall althropoil\ (La\\. ttrus unni<uloltun, At'iccnniu motina, Bru- rcncc and L,ittlciohnsl9l6). anclthc rcmainsof guiera gyrttnrtrhizu, Ii.rtott'uria agallo<'lw antl spidclshavc bccn found in thc stonrachof rn llltizopltortt rl,r'/oso,r'arying fron'r scattcred in maturc bird (Rosc l97J). trccs 1o staudsof about 100 m in rviclth.A salt nrarslt, No accounthar hccn publishcdof thc Llietol gcncrall_vl0 to -10m wiclc.occLrrs behincl mrjch thc Mistlctochircl'l lhroughout thc vcar for anv lr'culit\ ltc ptcscrrlp!pcr' ,lr'!rrnf,jn1;p;111 ,;l lhe dict of thc Mi\tlctocbird ncar punticcstonc Passagc.south-castern Queenslancl.antl is basccl ' on thc idcntificationof matcrial roidcd o\'er a lhl(l\ u5cd \crc provided b\' the ALr\tralian llird- bandinF Schenre, Divi\ion of Wildlitc Rcscarch, thrcc vcar pcriorl to Mav I9110. ( stRo 12 I Ltddy.Food ol the lUistebebrrd Corela 6 (1) ol the mangrorcs,exccpt \\hcre sandbanksin- ilssociats(l\ototlti.ros is attributcLlto thc cessa- trrltlc. Cosuurina glau(a ts thc dominant trec of tion ol burning irr l9(r7. thcsc sandbanks. Thc ripc fruit ol Antv'tnu is globular.pcarll- 'l'rccs of thc nodi6ccl opcn foro\t afc gcnc- pink in colour ancl is quitc cor'rspicuous.Ihc rall! l0 to 20 m in hcight, and arc principally rrcrugc rvcightof thc lipc fluit. nrirrurcpicurp. l\lclaltrr<'e (luitlqucn?r r id, Casuo'irtu gluucu, is t).101 g. while thc air<lrictlvoidctl sccd avcr- llu<alypttrs tcrcti()rnis, I'.. gumnilcra, Il. sig- ages0.020 g. Earlli in the fluiting scasons{)mc nctta, l:. clrcpanoplnlta, Ii. tcsscllaris, Ilanksiu fluits arc calcn b!' Mistlctocbirdsbcforc thev int<'grifrliu, Tristania suttt'colct'tsan<l Aca<'ia arc fully colourc(1.The ripc fruil ol No/ollriror uulu<ttcarpa. Cupuniopsis qna(o!dk)ides \tccLrfs is globular. and not fqadilli rlistinguishcdfronr along thc lantluard side of thc salt ntarsh. lhc rj\l ('f lhc l,rliuacr. lhc cpi(Jrn i. erccn. Thc fruit is rclatiletv snrall.thc air-(lricdscc(i 'I'hc oliginal largc cucalyptsof thc arca wcrc avcraging 0.0{)54g. No satisfactory n'rctl'ro(ll'ras loggcdbcibrc l9:i9. Much ol thc forest js now bccn founclto (letcrmincr|hcthcr or not \'o1o- \parscly overgronn u'ith La:|.lal|la Lantqna thi.r()r fruits arc sullicientl-"-r'ipe to bc catcn h\ ..//r?4ia,particularl-v along ctlgcsancl fircbrcaks. Mistlctocbirds.and lrcnccthc wcight of the ripe Various fruit antl othcr cxotic trecsgrow in thc fruit nrinrrscpicarp has not bccn establishcrl. of small was clcarcd arcas thc farm. A rlam []et\\'eenDeccmber un(l .lune Mistlctocbir<ls corlstfuclc(lat thc (luring c(lgcof thc opcn [orcst ilrc rclativcly scarcein 1l'rcstu(ly arca, alr(l sonrc- 197.1. tinresare abscnt.The_v arc nrostplcntiful duIing 'fhe whcn cxisting 20 ha farm rvrs initially thc Scptcnrbcrand Octobcr, thcv congrcgatc An1\'('na honrc arca of a grazing propcrty of about 500 in tlre arca to fecdon the ripc fruit\ of -l'hc fruits, ha rvlrichuas burncclannuall_y until 1965. tambagei. Thc ahundancc of ,4rn_\'.'r,r.r an(i consequcntl_yof Mistlctocbir(lsal\o, \'aries natiVcforcst of thc surrounclingarca was clcal- fronr ycar to Both \\,crcpa[ticularl)r plenti- ccl bctrvccn l96T and 1970 an(l plunted \\'ith vcar. lul 1977un(l I9lJ0,but wcrc much lcss Pirrr.rsp. Thc last nring of thc study arca il cluring plcntiful duling li)78 anrl 1979.An abun(tancc low tcmpctaturcburn occurrcdin 1967. of lipc fluits docs not neccssarilyncltn an 'fhrcc Lorlnthiiceousmistletocs occur in thc ubunclanccof Mistlctocbirds.Thus. although stu(l-varca. Thc most plcntiful is .4nt,-emocant- Mistlct,'chir.l.ucrc gcrrilullr lrr(\(lt in \'ont- bn3r,i,thc onlv ho\t heing (. glarrco.D.tldrolrh- parativell,lalgc nunrbers(lurir'rg thc spring of t11()?\'itcllina is much lessplentiful: thc principal l9ti0. fcw wcrc prcscnt alrcl only 0nc \\'as nc{tc(l host is ,[/. quinqu(ncrvi.! an(l it also occurs on J0 August, n,hcn ripc Amytmu fruil- 'l'. plenliful occasionally on ('. ,(/otr(a, stuty'colcns,ll. wcrc nlore than {t anv lin're during gurnrnilcra, ll. tarctit<n'nis at\(l An!:()Dlurru the previous ninc vears. Thc itbuntlanccof vorxlsiana. A fcn, plants of L\'tiatla exo(dtpi Mistletoebirtlsthroughout thc ycar in thc stu(l-v occtff' 0l'l C. glctuca. iirca can bc tluantificdby considcringthc num- bcrs ol birds ncttc(l bet\\recn.luly I97l an(l Iloth Viscaccousn]istlctocs oI tl]e arca arc .lanua11 l98l (Tablc l). sccontlar! hcnriparasitcson the Lolanthaccous nristlctoc:,.Thc mo\t plenliful, Notothi.xossutt- Melhods cuf{,Ir.!,occurs on about onc tenth of all maturc Most Mistletoebirdsvoid nristlctocsccds \\,hilc Antytna ancl Dandroplttltoe plants in thc afca. caught in thc misl nct. rcstrainc(lin a calico I'istun artiutlutulrl also occurs on both ,4m.r'crra holdingbag or whi)c bcing lranillctlrluring bantl- antl Dandroplttltoc, not infrcquentll- in associa- ing anci examinalion.For thc tl'rrcc to \\ith l/cars tion \<trttli.utr, but is lclativcl_vscarcc. Ma_v,1980. r'oided material was collectedan(l Arcas closcto mist nelting iites colltainsc\,c- idcntilicd;sonrc nratclial voiclctl *lrilc thc birtls rul thousanclfruiting ,lni,r'r,rna,sevcral huntlrctl wcrc caught in thc mist ncls u/a\ not rccovcrc(I. \()t()tlti.\()s,and lcssthan tcn cach of Dcndntplt tltor, L\'\ianu and I lsclu. I)cndfttllttlt()t i\ :nr\l Results uncomn]onin opcn forcst arcas wav from thc During thc thfcc y-carpcriod. Nlistlctocbir(ls rctting sitcs. Thc abundancc of lrn\.cno antl wele handleda total of loti times.and 92 (ll5(tr,) Nlarclr l9B2 .l Ltddy: Foorl of the lvlrstletocbrftl l3 .I'AI]LL, I pcrioclbctrcctt capture ancl rclcii\c.lnd nlall\ halc \'oidcd bct\rccn l0 1o l6 scc(ls.Bctwccn Nrrnrbcrs r,l i\li\tlcl()cbird\ ncllc(l r)clr I)unricc\l(,ne cight arrtl lcr sccilsalc oflcn \oided togcthcr l)r\\a!c. \orlh-La\tcrn QLrccnsland.Jul] I9?l lr) .lanuarl l9fil. uhcn thc birtls arc bcing harrdlcdduring hantl- ing and cxanrination.[jrcc-flring birtls. observctl \unrbcr ()l through binocululs.appeaf to \oi(l only t\\'o to Nlr)r)lll \l i\llct()ebir(l\ Nctting NIi\llel()chir(i\ four secrlslogethcr. but it has not bccn possiblc ncllcd {'a!\ ncttc(lPor (lir\ to lerif,vthis b,vcxanrining thc roirlctln'ralcrials. lncl it is possiblcthal scvcralsccrls loiilctl sinrul- Jrn rllrr] I Io 0.I till'rc0uslYappca r as onc. l:cbrlrrr\ I 0.l -fhc \lurch : 0..1 avcragcucight of a ripc lrrrtarc flui1. \Dnl r 0..r Nithout cpicarp.is 0.l0l g. At rslcasc.Mistlc- '1 \l;r\ I] toebilds ucigh bctuccn 7 an(l l0 gran]s. \\ith Jurrc 1 0.1 an avcragcof aboLrt8.5 g. A Mistlctocbif(lcon- JLrl\ 1.1 l0 1.1 sunringsal l6 ,4nty<,mulruits rvoulcithcrcforc .\u!rr\t J+ lll :.-l tcnrporalilt'irrcrca:c its u,cightb,v aboul 20 pcr scntcnrh! r 91) il 5.{) ccnt.Thc nofnral\wilt passagcof nristlctocscstls Oclobcr l.) I.2 thfough thc Mistlctocbif(l (Keast I958) thu\ Norrnrber lr tl 1.9 rcplesenls thc fapi(l ilischargc of substantial l)cclnrbcr I I5 0.5 quuntitiesof rron-nutlitivcballast uncl nrusl ha\u sigrrificanta(lvantage\ for ca\c ol 11igh1.
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