Agenda AGENDA for a meeting of the ENVIRONMENT, PLANNING AND TRANSPORT CABINET PANEL in the ASHBOURNE ROOM at County Hall, Hertford on WEDNESDAY 2 NOVEMBER 2016 at 10.00AM ___________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS OF THE PANEL (11) (Quorum 3) D Andrews (Vice-Chairman), D A Ashley (Chairman), D J Barnard, N Bell, H K Crofton, A S B Walkington, N A Hollinghurst, M D M Muir, S J Taylor, R Sangster, R H Smith Meetings of the Cabinet Panel are open to the public (this includes the press) and attendance is welcomed. However, there may be occasions when the public are excluded from the meeting for particular items of business. Any such items are taken at the end of the public part of the meeting and are listed under “Part II (‘closed’) agenda”. The Ashbourne Room is fitted with an audio system to assist those with hearing impairment. Anyone who wishes to use this should contact main (front) reception. Members are reminded that all equalities implications and equalities impact assessments undertaken in relation to any matter on this agenda must be rigorously considered prior to any decision being reached on that matter . PART I (PUBLIC) AGENDA 1. MINUTES To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2016 (attached). 2. PUBLIC PETITIONS The opportunity for any member of the public, being resident in or a registered local government elector of Hertfordshire to present a petition relating to a matter with which the Council is concerned, and is relevant to the remit of this Cabinet Panel, containing 100 or more signatures of residents or business ratepayers of Hertfordshire. Notification of intent to present a petition must have been given to the Chief Legal Officer at least 20 clear days before the meeting where an item relating to the subject matter of the petition does not appear in the agenda, or at least 5 clear days where the item is the subject of a report already on the agenda. [Members of the public who are considering raising an issue of concern via a petition are advised to contact their local member of the Council. The Council's arrangements forAgenda the receipt Pack of1 ofpetitions 157 are set out in Annex 22 - 1 Petitions Scheme of the Constitution.] If you have any queries about the procedure please contact Nicola Cahill, by telephone on (01992 555554) or by e-mail to [email protected] 3. ADOPTION OF THE REVISED MINERALS AND WASTE DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (MWDS) Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment 4. LOCAL AGGREGATE ASSESSMENT 2016 Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment 5. REVIEW OF BUS SERVICE POLICY CHANGES Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment 6. SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL TRANSITION YEAR: ST ALBANS CONNECTIVITY HYBRID SHUTTLE Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment 7. THAMESLINK 2018 TIMETABLE CONSULTATION Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment 8. ENVIRONMENT, PLANNING & TRANSPORT PERFORMANCE MONITOR Report of the Chief Executive & Director of Environment 9. OTHER PART I BUSINESS Such Part I (public) business which, if the Chairman agrees, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration. PART II (‘CLOSED’) AGENDA EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC There are no items of Part II business on this agenda. If Part II business is notified the Chairman will move:- “That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item/s of business on the grounds that it/they involve/s the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph/s . of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the said Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.” Agenda Pack 2 of 157 2 If you require further information about this agenda please contact Nicola Cahill, Democratic Services, telephone number (01992) 555554 or email [email protected]. Agenda documents are also available on the internet at: https://cmis.hertsdirect.org/hertfordshire/Calendarofcouncilmeetings.aspx. Agenda Pack 3 of 157 3 Minutes To: All Members of the From: Legal, Democratic & Statutory Services Environment, Planning and Ask for: Theresa Baker Transport Cabinet Panel, Chief Ext: 26545 Executive, Chief Officers, All officers named for ‘actions’ ENVIRONMENT, PLANNING AND TRANSPORT CABINET PANEL, 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 ATTENDANCE MEMBERS OF THE PANEL D Andrews (Vice Chairman), D A Ashley (Chairman), N Bell, H K Crofton, N A Hollinghurst, M D M Muir, R Sangster, R H Smith, I M Reay (substituting for D J Barnard),S J Taylor, A S B Walkington Upon consideration of the agenda for the Environment, Planning and Transport Cabinet Panel meeting on 14 September 2016 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below: Note: Declarations of interest were made by D A Ashley and S J Taylor in relation to the matters on which conclusions were reached at this meeting and is recorded at item 5. PART I (‘OPEN’) BUSINESS ACTION 1. MINUTES 1.1 The Minutes of the Cabinet Panel meeting held on 30 June 2016 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 2. PUBLIC PETITIONS 2.1 There were no public petitions. In order to accommodate officer commitments, the Chairman agreed to vary the order of business and take item 5 immediately after item 3. 3. INFORMATION REPORT ON GROUNDWORK HERTFORDSHIRE [Officer Contact: Tony Bradford, Head of CountrysideAgenda Pack Management 4 of 157 Service 1 (Tel: 01992 556028) 3.1 The Cabinet Panel considered a presentation which updated them as to the work of Groundwork within the county and across the east of England. 3.2 Members heard that Groundwork Hertfordshire, which was part of the national Groundwork Federation, had been established in 1985 with the support of Hertfordshire County Council. Members heard that as an environmental community charity Groundwork worked towards a vision of a society of sustainable, vibrant, healthy and safe communities. 3.3 The Cabinet Panel were advised that Groundwork’s main areas of activity were to; improve people’s prospects, create better places and to promote greener living and working by assisting people to understand the impact their activities have on the environment. 3.4 Groundwork Hertfordshire delivered projects and programmes across the county, funding for which could be attributed to sources such as Landfill Communities fund, Private Sector, Housing Associations and a recent addition, the Tesco ‘Bags of Help’. Schemes included ‘Sprouting out’, which helps residents at homeless shelters learn to grow their own fruit and vegetables and to eat healthily, ‘Green Aiders’ which worked to assist vulnerable and elderly Hertfordshire residents for whom garden overgrowth presented access and safety concerns, ‘Herts Healthy Homes’ a free information and support service that helps vulnerable individuals to stay healthy and safe in their home all year round and the ‘Green Team’ a volunteer initiative established for young people not in employment or education. 3.5 It was noted that a joined up approach between Hertfordshire County Council’s Countryside Management Service and Groundwork would prove time and cost effective. However, pension obligations and TUPE arrangements had proved challenging in the past and would need to be fully addressed before any further steps could be taken. Conclusions: 3.6 The Cabinet Panel noted the presentation and acknowledged the valuable work undertaken by Groundwork and its volunteers. 4. BUS SERVICES BILL [Officer Contact: Matt Lale (Tel: 01992 588633)] 4.1 Members considered a report which informed them as to the emerging Bus Services Bill which was being processed through 2 CHAIRMAN’S INITIALS Agenda Pack 5 of 157 . parliament. 4.2 Members heard that the Bill was expected to provide the option for combined authority areas with directly elected Mayors, or if the Secretary of State so provides in regulations, other suitable governance arrangements to be responsible for the running of their local bus services. 4.3 The Cabinet Panel noted that the Government had described the main benefits of the Bill as: • Providing the option of franchise bus services to areas willing to strengthen their governance with a directly elected Mayor; • Supporting a thriving local bus market with the passenger at its centre; • Allowing cities to promote an integrated transport system supporting the growth and development of their areas. 4.4 In debate members welcomed the letter sent by the Executive Member to The Minister for Transport. Members asserted that in the interests of upholding the principals of Localism, access to franchising powers should remain as flexible as possible to facilitate local decision-making. 4.5 Members requested that the Executive Member write again to the Minister to express their disappointment at the response received, particularly in relation to the last paragraph which stated that access to franchising powers would be limited to Mayoral Combined Authorities in the first instance. 4.6 Members welcomed the news that Hertfordshire would be well- placed to take advantage of partnership powers, as the Intalink Quality Partnership was well-established. Officers advised that a report identifying future options would be brought to the December meeting of the Cabinet Panel. Conclusions: 4.7 The Cabinet Panel noted the report and requested that a follow up letter be sent to the Minister for Transport. 5. HERTFORDSHIRE ENVIRO -TECH ENTERPRISE ZONE - PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT [Officer Contact: Claire Cook (Tel: 01992 555573)] D A Ashley and S J Taylor declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to item 5 of the agenda as members of the Local Enterprise 3 CHAIRMAN’S INITIALS Agenda Pack 6 of 157 . Partnership Board. They remained in the room and participated in the debate and vote. 5.1 The Cabinet Panel considered a report which outlined proposals for a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), Dacorum Borough Council, St Albans City and District Council and the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to develop and operate the Hertfordshire Enviro-Tech Enterprise Zone.
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