Spring List 2021 + Covers

Spring List 2021 + Covers

ABERCONWY NURSERY ABERCONWY NURSERY, GLAN CONWY, NORTH WALES. LL28 5TL Rachel Lever, Tim Lever & Gemma Hayes Tel: (01492) 580875 www.aberconwynursery.co.uk [email protected] The Welsh Alpine Plant Specialists List of Alpine Plants Spring 2021 ABERCONWY NURSERY PRICE LIST: SPRING 2021 We are pleased to provide you with a copy of our new spring price list. This list cancels all previous lists . We hope that you will find something of interest. We grow alpines & rock garden plants (including some dwarf shrubs, acid loving plants, and ferns) as well as various other interesting plants from time to time. We grow only p lants that we like and find interesting, and tend not to be constrained by categories! All of our plants are grown on the nursery site, sometimes in small numbers per variety. As a result the stock situation can change suddenly. Some listed items can sell out quickly and unlisted varieties often become available throughout the year. Most of our plants are offered in 6cm to 9cm pots as appropriate for the needs of the plant. All plants are offered from the nursery subject to their remaining available . Plan ts can be ordered in advance for collection at the nursery. A few days notice of collection would be helpful, so that we can collect the plants together, especially if the order is large. There is no need to send payment with the order. Payment can be made on collection. We do not supply plants by mail order. Please ask if you cannot find what you are looking for. We have extensive growing areas beyond the sales area, and not all of our stock is out on display to customers at any one time. If you are looki ng for a number of specific plants in the list, it can save a lot of time if you send your list to us a few days before your visit, so that we can assemble the available plants from the far reaches of the nursery site for you. If you are travelling from a distance to collect specific plants, please ring to check current availability, as some items can sell out very quickly, especially at the start of the season. We have a large, covered 'Alpine Tunnel' with net sides, in which we can grow and display a larg e number of alpines. This serves to protect the plants (and our customers) from the extremes of wind & rain to which our site is prone, without Viola pedata bicolor making the plants 'soft'. In normal times, we are able to deliver orders of plants to the many AGS, SRGC and ot her shows that we would usually attend. Unfortunately this option is not available in times of Covid Restrictions. We hope shows and plant fairs will return in the not too distant future. If we know we will be attending any shows or plant fairs this year, we will post the news on our website. OPENING TIMES 2021: 23 rd March 2021 to 30 th September 2021 Tuesday – Saturday: 10am-4pm (subject to any future COVID restrictions) PLANT LIST: MARCH 2021 CASTILLEJA miniata £4.00 DIONYSIA 'Aisbett' £6.00 All plants are offered from the nursery subject to their remaining available. CELMISIA allanii £5.00 aretioides 'Bevere' £5.00 Some items can sell out very quickly. bellidioides £4.00 aretioides FMF2002 £5.00 ACHILLEA clavennae £3.50 ANTENNARIA dioica 'Minima' £3.50 gracilenta £4.00 'Bernd Wetzel' £5.00 x huteri £3.50 ARENARIA festucoides £4.00 ramulosa £4.00 bryoides ENF 96/5 or JLMS 02-44 £7.00 x lewisii 'King Edward' £3.50 ARMERIA juniperifolia £3.50 sessiliflora £4.00 'Charlson Jake' £5.00 ACIS autumnalis £4.00 juniperifolia (dwarf-dark) £3.50 CHAMAECYTISUS demissus £4.00 'Charlson Petite' £5.00 nicaeensis £4.00 juniperifolia 'Alba' £3.50 CHIONOHEBE pulvinaris £4.00 'Charlson Pip' £5.00 rosea £4.00 ARUM creticum 'Karpathos' £4.00 CLEMATIS 'Lunar Lass' £4.00 'Charlson Thomas' £5.00 AEONIUM sedifolium £4.00 ARUNCUS aethusifolius (dwarf form) £4.00 marmoraria £4.00 'Corona' £6.00 AESCHYNANTHUS buxifolius KR7798 £5.00 ASPLENIUM scolopendrium Undulatum Group £4.00 tenuiloba 'Ylva' £5.00 curviflora ENF 93/3 £6.00 AETHIONEMA 'Warley Ruber' £3.50 trichomanes Incisum Group £4.00 COLCHICUM agrippinum £4.00 'Emmely' £6.00 ALCHEMILLA faeroensis var. pumila £3.50 ASTERANTHERA ovata £5.00 davisii £5.00 'Eric Watson' £6.00 ALLIUM callimishon £4.00 ASTILBE glaberrima 'Saxatilis' £4.00 CONVOLVULUS boissieri £5.00 'Ewesley Theta' £7.00 ANCHUSA cespitosa £5.00 'Willy Buchanan' £4.00 CORONILLA minima £4.00 gaubae DZ 00-34-1 £6.00 ANDROMEDA polifolia 'Blue Ice' £6.00 AUBRIETA glabrescens MESE536 £4.00 orientalis £4.00 'Gerben' £6.00 ANDROSACE carnea x pyrenaica (pink) £4.00 AZORELLA filamentosa £4.00 valentina ssp. glauca 'Citrina' £5.00 'Harlekin' £6.00 ciliata £4.00 trifurcata £4.00 valentina ssp. glauca 'Pygmaea' £5.00 'Inka Gold' £7.00 delavayi (v.dwarf white) £4.00 BENTHAMIELLA CORREA pulchella 'Pink Mist' £5.00 iranica £6.00 globifera £4.00 patagonica F&W 10111 (white) £5.00 reflexa nummularifolia £5.00 janthina SLIZE 265 £7.00 halleri £4.00 BETULA michauxii nana £4.00 CORYDALIS 'Craigton Blue' £4.00 'Lycaena' £6.00 hedreantha £4.00 BLECHNUM penna marina var alpinum £4.00 flexuosa 'Purple Leaf' £4.00 'Lysithea' £6.00 himalaica £4.00 BOLAX gummifera £4.00 'Kingfisher' £4.00 'Manuela' £6.00 hirtella £4.00 BRIGANDRA calliantha £5.00 pachycentra £4.00 'Markus' £6.00 idahoensis £4.00 BURKARTIA lanigera £5.00 CRASSULA sarcocaulis £3.50 michauxii DZI 00 41/4 £8.00 jacquemontii (lilac) or (pink) £4.00 CALCEOLARIA integrifolia 'Kentish Hero' £5.00 setulosa 'Milfordiae' £3.50 'Monika' £5.00 lactea £4.00 CALLIANTHEMUM anemonoides £5.00 socialis £3.50 mozaffarianii JLMS-02-54-PR3 or MK1 £8.00 mathildae £4.00 kernerianum £5.00 CREPIS incana £4.00 odora PM/MK 9953/2 £7.00 muscoidea f. longiscapa 'Dolpo Lilac' £4.00 CAMPANULA arvatica £4.00 CYANANTHUS lobatus 'Albus' £4.00 revoluta DZJ00-44-1 £6.00 muscoidea 'Litang Dwarf' £4.00 asperuloides £4.00 lobatus x microphyllus 'Sherriffs' £4.00 sarvestanica ssp. spathulata £7.00 muscoidea Schacht's Form £5.00 cashmeriana £4.00 sherriffii £4.00 'Schneeball' £6.00 robusta ssp purpurea 'Dolpo Dwarf' £4.00 chamissonis 'Superba' £4.00 CYCLAMEN graecum £5.00 tapetodes EGW 1 or T4Z 0186 or ENF 92-1 £6.00 sarmentosa from Namche £3.50 cochlearifolia 'Elizabeth Oliver' £3.50 graecum album £5.00 tapetodes 'Compact Pin' or 'Peter Edwards' £6.00 selago £6.00 'Covadonga' £4.00 DAPHNE 'Beauworth' £6.00 termeana JLMS 02-24 PMR1 £6.00 selago 'Red Eye' £6.00 hercegovina nana £4.00 DELOSPERMA congestum £3.50 'Tess' £6.00 studiosorum 'Conwy Gem' £3.50 'Hilltop Snow' £4.00 congestum 'Album' £3.50 'Yellowstone' £6.00 studiosorum 'Doksa' £3.50 'Joe Elliott' £4.00 DENDROBIUM kingianum £8.00 zetterlundii £7.00 vandellii £4.00 'Margaret Brine' £4.00 DIANTHUS 'Alice Lever' £4.00 zschumellii T4Z-GBG 166-2 £7.00 x marpensis £4.00 persicifolia v. planiflora £4.00 'Conwy Silver' £4.00 DODECATHEON dentatum £4.00 ANEMONE leveillei £4.00 persicifolia v. planiflora f. alba £4.00 'Conwy Star' £4.00 meadia from Cedar County £4.00 obtusiloba 'Big Blue' £4.00 portenschlagiana 'Resholt's Variety' £3.50 'Eileen Lever' £4.00 pulchellum 'Sooke Variety' £4.00 ANEMONELLA thalictroides £4.00 pulla 'Alba' £4.00 'Eira Wen' £4.00 DRABA 'Buttermilk' £4.00 thalictroides 'Blushing Bride' £5.00 raineri £4.00 'Eleanor Parker' £4.00 ossetica JJ04-55 £4.00 thalictroides f. rosea £4.00 'Timsbury Chimes' £4.00 'Freda Woodliffe' £4.00 rosularis £4.00 ANISOTOME imbricata var. imbricata £5.00 'Timsbury Perfection' £4.00 freynii £4.00 yunnanensis £4.00 ANTHEMIS cretica ssp. leucanthemoides £3.50 tommasiniana £4.00 microlepis 'Leuchtkugel' £4.00 DRYAS integrifolia 'Greenland Green' £4.00 marschalliana £4.00 waldsteiniana £4.00 microlepis v. degenii £4.00 x suendermannii £4.00 AQUILEGIA bertolonii £3.50 x wockei 'Puck' £4.00 'Rivendell' £4.00 ENKIANTHUS campanulatus 'Wallaby' £6.00 grahamii £4.00 zoysii £4.00 'Rivendell's Daughter' £4.00 EPIMEDIUM grandiflorum 'Mt Kitadake' £4.00 ottonis subsp.amaliae £4.00 CAREX firma 'Variegata' £4.00 squarrosus £4.00 grandiflorum 'Nanum' £4.00 pyrenaica (dwf fm) £3.50 CASSIOPE lycopodioides 'Jim Lever' £6.00 DICENTRA canadensis £4.00 leptorrhizum £5.00 viridiflora £4.00 mertensiana var. californica £6.00 cucullaria £4.00 ERIGERON aureus 'The Giant' £4.00 HALIMIUM ocymoides 'Susan' £5.00 HYACINTHOIDES ciliolata £4.00 PELARGONIUM endlicherianum £4.00 'Canary Bird' £4.00 HEDERA helix 'Dyinnii' £4.00 lingulata £4.00 havlasae £4.00 chrysopsidis 'Grand Ridge' £4.00 HELIANTHEMUM IBERIS oschtenica £4.00 ionidiflorum £4.00 ERIOGONUM umbellatum var. humistratum £4.00 appeninum £4.00 'Apricot Blush' £3.50 IPHEION dialystemon £4.00 PENSTEMON 'Amethyst' £4.00 ERODIUM 'Joe Elliott' £4.00 'Beech Park Red' £3.50 'Ben Fhada' £3.50 ISOPYRUM thalictroides £5.00 davidsonii (hort) £4.00 'Stephanie' £4.00 'Ben Ledi' £3.50 'Firedragon' £3.50 JEFFERSONIA diphylla £5.00 davidsonii microphyllus £4.00 'Hartswood Ruby' £3.50 'Karen's Silver' £3.50 'William Bishop' £4.00 'Old Gold' £3.50 'Pink Angel' £3.50 dubia £5.00 heterophyllus 'Blue Spring' £4.00 ERYTHRONIUM Aberconwy Marbled Group £8.00 'Red Dragon' £3.50 'Rose Queen' £3.50 JOVIBARBA allionii £3.50 newberryi ssp. sonomensis £4.00 dens canis 'Frans Hals' £5.00 'The Bride' £3.50 'Welsh Flame' £3.50 LEONTOPODIUM nivale £4.00 rupicola 'Albus' £4.00 dens canis 'Snowflake' £5.00 'Wisley Pink' £3.50 'Wisley Primrose' £3.50 pusillum SAQE79 £4.00 rupicola 'Conwy Rose' £4.00 'Elizabeth' £10.00 'Boughton Double Primrose' £3.50 LEWISIA columbiana 'Alba' £4.00 scouleri 'Alba' £4.00 'Jeanine' £6.00 canum ssp.

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