. Who do you think will win tho Your neighbors' views; Today’s question: American League Eaat, the Yankees. A photo>fMtur0 of briof eommonts on topics of tho day. Red Sox or Orlolea, and why? Don Corriveau George Russman Mary Lourie Bob McConnell Milton Tedford Dave Roback 16 Abbey Dr., Hebron 22A St. Regis St., East Hartford 141 Highland St. Hickory Dr., Hebron ‘T il take the Yankees because my Watson Rd., Vernon 37 Lydall St. " The Red Sox. Dissension on the "The Yankees, all the way 'T m picking the Red Sox. They family likes the Yankees. My father Yankees should help the Red Sox to “Got to be the Red Sox. They've "Baltimore has the best chance, through, although I would like to see have three fine players got the talent.” was always a Yankee fan." come through.” the Red Sox win.” but the Red Sox will pull through. I —Yastrzemski, Hobson and Scott. It still have faith in them.” will be a tough row to hoe.” 2 illil The weather Cloudy, cool with periods of light rain Inside today and drizzle continuing through Sunday. 1 4 High both days in mid to upper 60s. Low Area news I-B, 8-B Churches ........ 2-B tonight in mid to upper 50s, Chance of Classified .. .+-7-B Com ics............ 2-B precipitation 807o tonight and Sunday. SOI Dear Abby — 7-A Editorial ........ 4-A National weather map on Page 6-B. Obituaries .... 8-A Sr. Citizens ... 3-A . im ~ vo LJid vi. S ports..........3—4-B W ings.............. 2-B K No. ^PRi€E> FIFTEEN CENTS Carter sets two major restrictions Concorde SST gets go-ahead "V WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Con­ that it served, and it would be barred Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., long corde supersonic transport has from operating at night. an opponent of the SST, said the ad­ gotten a preliminary go-ahead from The President left at least four ministration proposal should be sent President Carter to serve maJor months of public debate before the “back to the drawing board.” The S cities across the United States. new SST policy becomes final, plane is too noisy, "guzzles fuel..., is But Carter’s tentative decision in leaving open the possibility that op­ far too expensive for most favor of the SST imposed two maJor ponents might sway his final deci­ Americans to use, and ... presents conditions on the controversial cr^ t. sion. serious dangers to the atmosphere.” The Concorde would have to win Concorde critics planned to put up Sen. Howard W. Cannon, D-Nev., local approval from each U.S. city a stiff fight. welcomed the proposal and suggested Las Vegas be "considered a prime possibility for Concorde ser­ I E vice, opening up southern Nevada to a potentially lucrative European Today’s news summary trade.” Transportation Secretary Brock French unhappy with Carter plan Compiled by United Preee International Adams, announcing Carter’s decision Friday, said the current daily Con­ French Transport Minister Marcel Cavaille has labeled as "inadmissible” the Carter Ad­ age for millions of elderly corde flights to Dulles Airport ministration’s decision to prohibit all but the present 16-plane fleet of Anglo-French Con­ State outside Washington will continue Americans from 65 to 70 passes corde transports from landing at maJor U.S. airports. He said the decision necessitates an NEW HAVEN - Hartford Com­ the House and stands a good without interruption. He also reaf­ P mon Pleas Prosecutor Cornelius chance in the Senate. firmed the administration’s desire intervention by the French and British governments. (UPI photo I J. Shea, reappointed but for trial SST flights to New York’s reprimanded for alleged WASHINGTON — Transcripts Kennedy Airport as soon as possible. associations with convicted of Senate hearings into the Concorde service to other U.S. mobsters, says he will do tangled finances of Bert Lance cities must await the final policy everything possible to erase the are being reviewed by the Justice ruling in early 1978, after a series of Buses seen as best means rebuke. Department, but a department public hearings, Adams said. But he spokesman won’t say why. Lance made it clear that Carter favors let­ WATERBURY — A Waterbury resigned as budget director ting the controversial Anglo-French of energy conservation Superior Court judge says the Wednesday. SST land wherever it can win local state can take palm prints from approval and meet such safety WASHINGTON (UPI) - Subways of energy conservation." accused mass murderer Lome requirements as runway length. van pools can probably make the SEDALIA, Mo. — Federal in­ use more energy than city buses, the A copy of the draft, to be published Acquin next week, but it will have Adams said airports serving four greatest contribution to energy vestigators are trying to find out Congressional Budget Office con­ and given Congress next week, was to wait for a state Supreme Court places — Dallas-Fort Worth, Newark savings on a per-mile basis," the if there is a link between a .spring cludes in a blow to proponents of made available to UPI. report said. ruling before it can get blood tornado and at least one confirmed and Philadelphia — already have told sleek new subway systems as the The CBO took into account all The study will be the subJect of samples. Acquin is accused of case of the Legionnaire’s disease him they want the Concorde. Newark would be ruled out because of in­ answer to energy conservation in energy costs involved in various hearings next month before the murdering eight persons in here. cities. modes of transit. The high construc­ Prospect last July 2. adequate runways, he said. Senate transportation subcommittee. A draft of a CBO report draws "a tion costs of rapid rail systems ac­ Subcommittee Chairman Lloyd WASHINGTON - Penalties Carter’s proposed rules were designed “to protect the health and substantive conclusion that rail rapid counted in large part for the relative­ Bentsen, D-Tex., said the findings HARTFORD — Connecticut’s would be increased for doctors transit offers little aid to the nation’s ly low rating, as did the fact that gubernatorial contest, still a year safety of the American people, set a upset conventional wisdom about and providers of health care who efforts to save fuel......indicate that many people use cars to get to sub­ the value of concentrating large away, is already heating up. Rep. cheat Medicare and Medicaid fair and reasonable noise standard for SST operations and strike a new rapid rail systems actually way stations. amounts of federal money on new rai Ronald Sarasin, R-Conn., now programs under legislation ap­ waste energy rather than save it.” balance between legitimate domestic Rated slightly better than buses, systems" such as the ones in says he’d like to take a shot at un­ proved by the House and sent to and international interests of the The study said, "Buses appear to but less practical were van pools. Washington and San Francisco and seating incumbent Gov. Ella T. the Senate. offer the greatest promise in terms “Of all the urban transport modes. Grasso, but will not formally an­ United States,” Adams said. one planned for Atlanta. 2 nounce his candidacy until after Carter’s proposed rules would: "It may well cause Congress to re­ LOS ANGELES — Groucho think its transportation priorities,” the November local elections. Marx’ will apparently will not be • Let the 16 Concordes now built or under construction fly throughout the said Bentsen, who ask ^ for the contested by any of his relatives United States "provided their noise report. Measuring "the combined and friends who were given a part levels are not increased above pre­ energy needed to construct transpor­ of his |2.8 to $6 million estate. Senate in impasse Regional sent levels and they do not operate tation facilities, manufacture and propel vehicles, operate stations and PROVIDENCE, R.I. - over the United States at supersonic NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. speeds.” maintain all parts of the system,” Claiming an infringement of state — Health officials declared the on natural gas issue here are CBO ratings, expressed in rights, Rhode Island Gov. J. British Airways and Air France city's water safe today and lifted terms of British Thermal Units Joseph Garrahy says he will use own nine of those craft, while five 4 a two-day drinking ban for some expended per mile: Van pool 1,400 all the legal means we have more are scheduled to be built and 40,(^ residents who have drawn WASHINGTON (UPI) - The And Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D- Bus 1,420 Commuter rail 1,540 Old available to block the use of offered for sale by next smmer. their water from fire hydrants Senate, at an impasse on the touchy Mass., after several hours of subways 2,320 Carpool 2,390 Trolleys scenic Prudence Island for a • Require any additional Con­ and Air Force tanker trucks. issue of federal controls on natural parliamentary maneuvering, offered 2,590 New subways 3,080 Dial-a-ride maJor liquified natural gas im­ cordes to meet 1969 U.S. noise stan­ gas prices, faces three separate ef­ a substitute proposal which mirrors 5,640 Automobile 8,360. port terminal. dards for subsonic aircraft. No ad­ ditional Concorde production is forts to force action. the administration plan to continue federal price controls at higher International scheduled, but designers are working Senate leaders filed a motion PORTSMOUTH, N.H. - New Friday to limit debate on th ' natural levels. CAIRO, Egypt — Arab health on ways to make future versions to Hampshire’s black leaders have fly more quietly.
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