State Faces Critical Shortage of Civil Employes SEE STORY PAGE 17 Rainy and Cold Kainy, windy and cold today. THEDAILY 'QWPTQUP'D FINAL Clearing, milder tonight. Cloudy, cold tomorrow, EDITION (See Detim, page 2) V VOL. 93, NO. 127 MonmoutU County-s Home Newspaper for 92 Years iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiHiiii RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1969 34 PAGES 10 CENTS • ••«• Illlllillfflllllllllllllllllllllilill" ' r ! lOJHllllUIIH, ,1 1 illlllllJIBllllIBIlinilllllilllll j Spread Jersey Drive On Organized Crime NEWARK (AP) - The federal fight against organized federal investigation in Newark that have led, so far, to crime in New Jersey that recently produced sweeping in- the indictment, of Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio and 14 other dictments in Newark will be extended in a bi-state effort persons, including seven more present and former city to smash a reputed Camden based Mafia rackets empire. officials, on charges of extortion and income tax evasion Frederick B. Lacey, IT.S. Attorney for New Jersey, and to the indictment of 56 other persons on gambling said yesterday the arrangement with federal officials in charges. Pennsylvania will move in on alleged political protection Creamer .said the joint move against alleged criminal rackets in Camden reportedly controlled by reputed Phila- activity in South Jersey will take some pressure off his delphia Mafia leader Angelo Bruno. New Jersey strike force staff which is engaged in the SQUEEZE ARRANGED investigations-in the.northern part of the state. The bi-state anticrime plan was called "a- nutcracker The most recent moves in that probe saw subpoenas arrangement" by J. Shane Creamer, head of the federal issued for the records of various firms in which contractor anticrime strike force in Philadelphia. Creamer said the Mario Gallo of Short Hills,, is believed to have an interest. arrangement had been worked out with Lacey and Louis' Subpoenas have also been'issued for the records'of three C. Bechtle, U;s. Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania and Newark municipal departments by one of three federal John R. Bartles, head of the New Jersey state strike force. grand juries engaged in the North Jersey-based investi- Lacey said the joint team will begin looking into con- gations. tributes allegedly made to political campaigns in South Another federal grand jury has been investigating Mafia Jersey and related income tax deductions. ' activity in Camden since last January. The announcement was the latest move, in the con- Several contracts have also been subpoenaed, including tinuing federal onslaught against organized crime in New- one let for construction of the ?10.5 million South Side sewer Jersey. system. The system ended up costing ?S million dollars Lacey returned Tuesday from Washington and a meet- more than originally expected. ing with U.S. Attorney General John N. Mitchell to say Lacey said the latest subpoenas call for appearances that he had been "assured that I am goingto have all the next Tuesday of the witnesses and records. manpower we need to do the job we are determined to do- He said the grand jury would also receive records on deal a death blow to organized crime in New Jersey." contractors and suppliers involved in 17 different Newark He added that new personnel will be used to "intensify city projects dating from 1964. Snow Storm Fizzles, Rain DECORATION REMAINS — A Christmas decoration remains with little harm among one of about 15 homes de- stroyed by a tornado that touched down in Kaplan, La., early yesterday morning. About 15 homes were de- Causes Floods at Shore stroyed and one person killed by the twister. Three other persons were hospitalized. (AP Wirephoto) Heavy rains, snow and high many Bayshore communities Both Sea Bright and Mon- flooded and several cars had winds lashed the shore areas as well as along the beach- mouth Beach were reported stalled out, they said. Other last night and this morning front areas from Sea Bright completely closed to traffic areas of Middletown were al- causing extensive flooding in south to Neptune City. this morning with Rt. 36 so under several inches of World's People Turn Away (Ofean Ave.)'" impassable water and police commented, through both boroughs. Long "You name it (the area) and Branch police reported ex- it's flooded." tensive flooding on. many roads and streets in the city Slush. and minor flooding The Inside Story and many utility wires down in other areas including Red From Yule Celebrations and across ^streets as a re- Bank made driving hazard- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Knicks squeeze by Pistons _ _.____,_Page 24 sult of high winds. Basilica to a crowd of 25,000 in the square below. He also ous during the morning The world turned away from Christmas celebrations included a wish for an end to the conflicts in Nigeria and NFL playoff prospectus ,.„__ _J „'_ .page 24 Ocean Township also re- hours. today as the decade drew to a close. Hie Middle East. Casey Festival opens today „„..- :._.JPage 25 ported flooding in . various But the shore area escaped, Shoppers flocked to the stores again, to change gifts Or The battle lines in the Middle East were anything but 'Twas the day after Christmas . _..L_._._—..Page 25 to take advantage of postholiday sales. quiet Christmas day. Israeli jets struck at Egyptian targets areas as did; Howell Town- the brunt of the snowstorm U.S. and South Vietnamese forces resumed combat across the Suez Canal for &'/2 hours. In Bethlehem, the Nick's Notes 25 Religious Services _._..3O ship. In Bayshore communi- that crippled most of the east operations Christmas night after their 24-hour cease-fire, birthplace of Christ, the turnout was smaller than usual. Astro Guide 29 Sports 24, 25 ties, Union Beach police said coast. Snowfall, had tempera- but no major fighting was reported. The three.-day Viet Israeli forces loosened the security net they set up 48 hours Allen Goldsmith 6 Women's News. .20-22 high tides were causing some tures not risen above freez- Cong cease-fire does not expire until Saturday, but the earlier to protect Christian pilgrims from attacks that Arab ing, could have exceeded 22 South Vietnamese government refused to extend its truce. guerrillas threatened. The attacks did not materialize. Births _..,__ 2 DAILY REGISTER difficulty, but there was no inches, based on 2.2 inches of The U.S. Army said almost every GI had a hot turkey In Owerri, Biafra, the leader of the secessionist African Jim Bishop , 6 PHONE NUMBERS major flooding as yet. The in- dinner. Thousands laughed and cheered as comedian Bob state, Odumegwu Ojuk'wu, called for peace with honor and rain measured early this Bridge .29 Main Office uC___741-0010 tersection of Park Ave. and Hope and his group entertained them. peace, with freedom in. a Christmas Day message. He morning. Classified ...56-28 Front St., however, was re- . Terence Cardinal Cooke, the Roman Catholic archi- said his troops were counterattacking Nigerian forces in Classified Ads ___..741-6900 bishop of New York, said Mass at noon at the Army head- all sectors ,to regain lost ground. Comics - .29 ported flooded. Southeastern Pennsylva- Crossword Puzzle 29 Home Delivery .741-0010 quarters at Long Binh, near Saigon, and called the mili- For many American wives and children whose hus- 'Middletown police said that nia, Northern and Northwest- Editorials - 6 Middletown Bureau 671-2230 ern New Jersey as well as tary man a hero who is "making sacrifices for freedom." bands and fathers are missing or captured in the Vietnam SEEKS EXTENSION Herblock ....^ 6 the snow caused storm drains most of New York felt the war, Christmas was a reminder that there is an empty space Freehold Bureau ....462-2121 One hour after the end of the allied cease-fire, Pope in their lives that only a reunion can fill. James Kilpatrlck . 6 to become plugged and the brunt of the storm that Obituaries .... 4 Long Branch Bureau 222-0010 Paul VI called for the extension of holiday truces so that A group of 58 of these women and 94 children flew rain was causing some flood- started late.in the afternoon Sylvia Porter 6 Sports Department 741-6017 they would result "in an honorable reconciliation." across the Atlantic Wednesday to Paris, and North Viet- " ing in low areas. Rt. 35 at the yesterday and continued • The 72-year-old pontiff made the appeal in his Christ- namese representatives at the Paris peace talks met three Applebrook intersection was through today. mas message delivered from the balcony of St. Peter's of the women. New Program Will Help Rehabilitate Mental Patients By DORIS KULMAN which owns and operates it. "we'll get off the ground." RED BANK — You become Most of the former patients Under the new program, ill, spend some time in a who come to Bridgeway are still in the planning stage, the mental hospital, recover, suf- women between the ages of Red Bank clinic would begin ficiently to be discharged. 30 and 50. to bridge the patient's way And then ... Hopefully, Bridgeway soon back into the community be- And then . what? will be more than a medica- fore he even leaves the hos- How does the former men- tion clinic. pital, with pre-release meet- tal patient find his way back • Have Plans ings at Marlboro so the staff into the community! Marlboro hospital adminis- can learn who is being dis- For some „ Marlboro State trators have plans for a vital charged and a tour of Bridge- Hospital patients from Mon- after-care program that will way by the patient to give mputh County the road back bring more services to more him the feel of the place and has led through the comfort- people and make the spacious the people who staff it.
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