Redcar & Cleveland Report of Consultation on the Draft Local Plan November 2016 this is Redcar & Cleveland 1 Introduction 3 2 Summary of Comments Received 7 Appendix 1: Individual Comments & Council Responses Appendix 2: Changes to Local Plan Following Consultation Report of Consultation on the Draft Local Plan October 2016 Redcar & Cleveland Local Plan 1 2 Report of Consultation on the Draft Local Plan October 2016 R edcar & Cle v eland Local Plan 1 Introduction Introduction 1.1 The Local Plan is being prepared to replace our existing planning policy framework, currently contained within the Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy and Development Policies Development Plan Documents (DPDs). It sets out our long term development strategy for the borough, for a variety of different types of development including housing, employment, retail and town centres, the natural and built environments and transport. 1.2 This Report of Consultation has been prepared to set out of how consultation was carried out on the Draft Local Plan, it provides a summary of every comment received in response to the consultation, the Council’s response to each comment and details of each change made to the Local Plan document (either resulting from consultation or due to other reasons). 1.3 Details of each individual response has been included in Appendix 1 and a full schedule of changes made to the document as a result of the consultation, or any additional work, has been included in Appendix 2. Supporting Evidence 1.4 A comprehensive evidence base has been developed over the last few years, with wide engagement from partners and stakeholders across the borough and the Tees Valley. The key pieces of evidence used in preparing the Local Plan include: Redcar & Cleveland Strategic Housing Market Assessment, Volumes 1 & 2, 2016 and Volume 2 Update (2016); Redcar & Cleveland Draft Local Plan: Housing Land Supply and Allocations Background Evidence Paper (2016); Redcar & Cleveland Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2016); October Redcar & Cleveland Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment 2016//17-2020/21 (2016); Plan Whole Plan Viability Testing - Redcar & Cleveland Local Plan (2013, updated 2016); Redcar & Cleveland Economic Growth Strategy (2016); Local Redcar & Cleveland Regeneration Masterplan (2010); aft Redcar & Cleveland Regeneration Masterplan Delivery Plan 2012 - 2017; Dr Redcar & Cleveland Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2015); Redcar & Cleveland Town Centre Study (2016); the Renewable and Low Carbon Study for the Borough of Redcar and Cleveland on (2015); Redcar & Cleveland Employment Land Review (2016); tion Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2016); North Yorkshire, York and Lower Tees Valley Historic Landscape Characterisation (2010); Redcar & Cleveland Open Space Assessment (2016); Consulta Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Leisure Provision Strategy (2011); of t Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Playing Pitch Strategy (2015); epor R Redcar & Cleveland Local Plan 3 Redcar and Cleveland Local Wildlife and Geological Sites (2015); Tees Valley Geodiversity Action Plan (2011); and Guidelines for the Selection of Local Wildlife Sites in the Tees Valley (2010). 1.5 The full evidence base can be found at www.redcar-cleveland.gov.uk/localplan. 1.6 The Cabinet approved the Draft Local Plan on the 24th May 2016, following which a period of public consultation took place between 27th June and 8th August 2016. 1.7 The purpose of the Draft Local Plan was to set out the Council’s preferred policy approach for the Local Plan and to give stakeholders and the general public the opportunity to comment on the document and whether there are other factors the Council should consider. 1.8 All of the issues raised from the comments received have been taken into account, and it is considered that a number changes should be made to the plan as a result of these. In addition and, given we are required to prepare the Local Plan using an extensive and robust evidence base, a number of changes have also been recommended due to emerging evidence and to reflect other material changes. Consultation Process 1.9 We have, so far, undertaken two consultations in preparing this Local Plan. The Local Plan Scoping Report (July 2015) set out, in broad terms, what we thought the Local Plan ought to contain, and provided the opportunity for anyone to comment on this. The Draft Local Plan subsequently set out our preferred strategy, policies and site allocations and our consultation provided the opportunity for 2016 anyone to comment on it. 1.10 Consultation on the Draft Local Plan took place between 27th June and 8th August 2016. We made copies of the plan available in all libraries in the borough and on October our website. All of our supporting documents were also made available online. During this period, the Planning Strategy Team hosted 13 drop-in events across the borough. The list of venues and dates is set out in Table 1 below. Plan Table 1 Consultation Drop-in Events Local Location of Drop-in Event Date and Time aft th Dr Council Staff/Member Drop In, The Heart, Redcar Monday 27 June (11.30am – 2.30pm) the Brotton Library, Linden Road, Brotton Monday 4th July (2pm-7pm) on Lockwood Parish Council Building, Davison Street, Tuesday 5th July (2pm – 7pm) tion Lingdale Redcar & Cleveland Community Heart, Ridley Wednesday 6th July (2pm – 7pm) Street, Redcar Consulta th of Ormesby Children’s Centre, Daisy Lane, Ormesby Thursday 7 July (1pm – 5pm) t epor R 4 Redcar & Cleveland Local Plan Skelton Civic Hall, Coniston Road, Skelton Friday 8th July (2pm-6pm) Inspire2Learn, Eston Civic & Learning Centre, Monday 11th July (2pm-7pm) Normanby Road, Eston Saltburn Community & Arts Association, Albion Tuesday 12th July (1pm-6pm) Terrace, Saltburn-by-the-Sea Sunnyfield House, Westgate, Guisborough Wednesday 13th July (2pm – 7pm) Loftus Town Hall, High Street, Loftus Thursday 14th July (2pm-7pm) Marske Leisure Centre, High Street, Friday 15th July (2:30pm – 6:30pm) Marske-by-the-Sea Kirkleatham Pavilion, Kirkleatham, Redcar Wednesday 20th July (2pm-7pm) Nunthorpe Youth & Community Centre, Thursday 21st July (2pm – 7pm) Nunthorpe Academy 1.11 Information about the consultation, including the dates and times for the drop-in events, was publicised through the Council magazine (“this is Redcar & Cleveland”), the Council’s Twitter and Facebook pages, and directly contacted over 2,500 consultees via email or letter. The Evening Gazette also published a press release. 1.12 The Localism Act 2011 places a requirement on us, as a Local Planning Authority, to engage constructively, actively and on an on-going basis with a range of organisations, including neighbouring planning authorities and infrastructure 2016 providers. Throughout the plan making process we have worked closely with the Duty to Cooperate bodies to meet our obligations. A ‘Duty to Cooperate Statement’ will be published alongside the Publication Local Plan detailing all the activity we have done with these organisations. October 1.13 Consultation has also been carried out with the Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, and the report has been considered by Regulatory Committee ahead of Plan its consideration by Cabinet. Local aft Dr the on tion Consulta of t epor R Redcar & Cleveland Local Plan 5 6 Report of Consultation on the Draft Local Plan October 2016 R edcar & Cle v eland Local Plan 2 Summary of Comments Received 2.1 During the consultation we received 657 comments from 186 individuals and organisations. We also received two petitions; the first of these concerning the site allocation adjacent to Rye Hills School (76 signatories), and the second seeking additional commitment from the Council for new development in Loftus (220 signatories). 2.2 The number of comments received on each section or policy is set out in Table 2 below. Table 2 Number of Comments Received by Chapter or Policy Chapter / Policy or Page Section / Policy Title Number of Number comments received Whole document Draft Local Plan 51 Chapter 1 Introduction 38 Chapter 2 Sustainability and Design 3 Policy SD1 Sustainable Development 8 Policy SD2 Locational Policy 23 Policy SD3 Development Limits 15 2016 Policy SD4 General Development Principles 17 Policy SD5 Developer Contributions 11 October Policy SD6 Renewable and Low Carbon Energy 12 Policy SD7 Flood and Water Management 4 Plan Chapter 3 Local Spatial Strategies 0 Local Policy LS1 Urban Area Spatial Strategy 9 aft Policy LS2 Coastal Area Spatial Strategy 11 Dr Policy LS3 Rural Communities Spatial Strategy 16 the on Policy LS4 South Tees Spatial Strategy 4 tion Chapter 4 Regeneration 19 Policy REG1 Coatham 6 Policy REG2 Kirkleatham 4 Consulta of Policy REG3 Skelton 14 t epor R Redcar & Cleveland Local Plan 7 Chapter 5 Economic Development 0 Policy ED1 Protecting and Enhancing the Borough's 13 Centres Policy ED2 Cleveland Retail Park 5 Policy ED3 Hot Food Takeaways 1 Policy ED4 Retail Development on Industrial Estates 2 and Business Parks Policy ED5 Advertisements 1 Policy ED6 Protecting Employment Areas 8 Policy ED7 Cleveland Gate Mixed Commercial 2 Development Policy ED8 Rural Economy 3 Policy ED9 Leisure and Tourism Development 11 Policy ED10 South Tees Motorsports Park 0 Policy ED11 Caravan Sites and Tourism Accommodation 3 Policy ED12 New Hotel and Guest House 4 2016 Accommodation Policy ED13 Equestrian Development 1 Chapter 6 Housing 0 October Policy H1 Housing Requirement and Delivery Phasing 23 Plan Policy H2 Type and Mix of Housing 11 Local Policy H3 Housing Allocations 35 aft Policy H3.1 Low Grange Strategic Site 2 Dr Policy H3.2 Swan's Corner, Nunthorpe 6 the Policy H3.3 Gypsy Lane, Nunthorpe 2 on Policy H3.4 Morton Carr Lane, Nunthorpe 4 tion Policy H3.5 Longbank Farm, Ormesby 1 Policy H3.6 Spencerbeck Farm, Ormesby 1 Consulta Policy H3.7 Normanby Hall 2 of t Policy H3.8 Normanby High Farm 4 epor R 8 Redcar & Cleveland Local Plan Policy H3.9 Former Redcar & Cleveland Town Hall and 1 surplus adjacent land Policy H3.10 Former Eston Park School, Eston 2 Policy H3.11 Corporation Road, Redcar 3 Policy H3.12 St.
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