ARCH IVAL INFORMATICS NEWSLETTER Part 1 of Archival Informatics ISSN 0892-2179 SPRING, 1988 Volume 2, ~ 1 No matter how efficient information scientists EXCITING HERESIES make their full-text searches. methods to reduce the number of documents thot must be seorched, and the parts of those documents that require The RIAO-88 meeting provided an occasion to "reading", will play on increosingly important observe thot archivists and curators hove role in full-text retrieval systems. Archivists knowledges and skills desparately needed by have long employed inferential logic based on designers of image and full-text retrieval the1r unoorstanding of the Wf!tl in which records systems. Two particularly exciting heresies are created and the structural means by which occured to me. which I had an opportunity to documents carry their messages, to find records explore with information retrieval experts at with contents relevant to a user query. Now that meeting (reported further on p.6). information retrieval specialists are looking for As image retrieval systems become more just the methods long emp loyed by archivists. widely available, they are being examined by Archives and museums have direct contri­ users who are no longer just "wowed" by the butions to moke to the design of im~ and full­ appearance of an image on ascreen. These users text systems if they can formal1ze their are asking how images can be indexed. using knowledge of image and dooument access methods. langu~ and symbols, so that the desired image This is aworthy challenge, I think. can be obtai ned. And they are demandi ng system capabilities to manipulate and analyse the images once they are found. TABLE OF CONTENTS Curators have a knowledge, recently formalized in such products as ICONCLASS and the Art & Articles: Architecture Thesaurus, of the differences Advanced Revelation: AReview 2 between SUbject and object indexing and they J. Penny Small have experience I based on years of work with art Machine Reed6b 1e Views 5 historians, archeologists, natural historians and Thomas E. Brown engineers, of the tools required to ~ an image. Equally exciting is the realization by full-text Regular Features: oocument retrIeval systems desIgners that they Conferences need to limit searches for texts toport10ns of the ARLIS/NA 7 full archive of office documentation, and that the RIAO-88 8 methods for limiting searches involve exploiting calendar. 2nd & 3rd Quarter 10 what they only vaguely understand about the In-Box 11 sources of documents, the systems out of which Letters to the Editor 15 they are generated, and the genre of the record. News 18 These concepts of provenance, ser1es and form­ Projects & Proposals 19 of-materIal or oocument type are the stacie in Software 21 trade of archivists. Standards 22 Technical Report Summary 24 (statues and gems) to Roman sarcophagi with ADVANCED REVELATION nearly forty figures. For microcomputers these AREVIEW capabilities appeared only in Revelation (Rev) by Cosmos. now known as Revelation TechnolOJies Inc.. Rev also came with a full by Jocelyn Penny Small, Director. U.S.center. pre.Jramming language. lexicon Icone.Jraphicum Mythole.Jiae CI6SSicae, While Iat times keenly felt the absence of the Rutgers University, College Avenue campus. New bookcase of manuals-to-the-manual available Brunswick NJ 08903 (201) 932-7404 for dBase and RBase. I was very satisfied with the results. So why have I switched to AREV? "It was the best of pre.Jrams, it was the worst of Why have I tortured myself with near paralytic pre.Jrams, it was the age of transparent winOOws. trances over the keyboard? (They changed All it was the age of opaque documentation... ·in the keyboard commands in AREV , and prOVided no short ....some of [theJ noisiest authorities table of equivalents to Rev.) Three things insisted on it bei ng received for ~ or for evi 1. spurred me on: windows. being able to use lower in the super lative degree of comparison on ly." case at the system prompt (TCl for Terminal Advanced Revelation (AREV) provokes extreme Control leve]). and. of course, the compulsive reactions, and, frequently, simultaneously. The need to upgrade. The second release should "power" of the pre.Jram is extraordinary; appear this April. figuring out how to tap that power is also extraordinary. Windows Windows! Wh~t ~ wondorous tool they are. And The US liMe Project & Revelation how marvelously they are implemented in AREV. I shall illustrate its features by describing First, some background on my use of them. The their implementation in the Computer-Index of US liMe has two core files. Objects which have Classical Iconography at the U.S. Center of the 2 Lexicon lconographicum Mythologiae Classicae scenes, and nearly thirty satellite files • which: ( 1) control the words used. and (2) check their (US L1MC).1 The US L1MC ,as part of an spelling. (3) classify the words (Carnelian is a international project to publish a multi-volume kind of Chalcedony which is aQuart used for pictorial dictionary of classical mythology, is Gemstones, which are obviously Stone; Myron is responsible for classical objects (ca.800 B.C­ Greek and a Scu Iptor ), and A.DAOO). with mythole.Jical representations. in (4) index data from the core files for fast American collections. Unlike most computerized retrieval and relating files. projects, its cataloguing goes below the level of Whether or not a particular satelltte We does the title for each scene to record the individual more than one task depends on its data. figures and elements (animals. plants, Furthermore. certain statellite files are linked archftecture. etc.). their types. and what the to other satellite files. Thus Biblie.Jraphy checks figures are wearing or holding (attributes). all bibliographic references no matter where From the outset it was obvious that a relational they appear, while Cultures vets the entries for database program with fully searchable, variable Culture in both the Objects and the Artists file. length I and repeating fields was necessary. The verification of fields in both Rev and AREV Objects currently range from single figures 1s very simple: put the name of the ver1f1cat10n file in the input pattern for the prompt for a field. and the prOJram automatically checks the 1The US LIMC is part of the library at Rutgers Univer5ity. ond is very pleosed to ocknowledge not on ly the support of the University, but also 2 Satellite describes the relative position of the that of the National EnOOwment for the file to the Core files. "Classification", however. Humanities. Research Tools Div. and the David is preferred to "authority" to describe these and lucille Packard Foundation. The US L1MC files, since they are more complex in what they welcomes inquiries. record and what they do. 2 Archival Informatics Newsletter vo1.2.-1 entry against the record identifier of the separate, but linked, screens necessary for the verification file. In Rev, by indexing two core files. One window, or rather template (inverting) the data from fields in Objects and 1n AREV terms, suffices for each file, All, Scenes into Sl:ltellite files, I could retrieve 011 nonetheless, is not sweetness and light. The objects made of stone or all scenses from the imp lementation of "paging" is jerky, annoy'ing, Trojan cycle, but the process could be and absurd in this set up, cumbersome. Now the program "knows" and keeps track of the linkages. Pop-ups & options Pop-ups are winOOws that appear generally AS88rch when you press F2 at pre-defined fields. While For a real example, anarcheologist (from they can perform a number of tasks,l use them Brown University I naturally) I wanted all vases to prov1de llsts of record IDs from small in American collections decorated by the classification files. Techniques and Materials, Providence Painter. We started in the Artists' with a little over a hundred entries, are feasible, file by first accessing the cross-referenced but Artists, with nearly two thousand, is easier index to the individuol word3 in the record to consult vi'J the reloted templates. Thus F2 in identifiers (Artist Name) to find all painters the Techniques field brings up the list of all with Providence in their name. From the 11st of possible techniques, and all the data enterer has four painters we chose the desired Providence to 00 is press the enter key at the appropriate Painter. Merely by pushing Alt-F5 we switched value. Since this field is repeating (multi­ to the Object me with all of the objects by the valued), more than one technique can be chosen Providence Painter saved in a list, available for at one time with F9 saving the selections and browsing backwards and forwards. When a automatically entering them into the field. particular object was of interest, Alt-F6 Pop-ups are also used extensively by AREV; brought up the Scenes on the object, with Alt-F8 HELP lists of your last ona hundred commands at taking us to further information about the Title the TCl prompt, an ASCII chart, etc.. The system in the Titles file and another Alt-F6 for a "second also allows you at any poinno ~to TCl, and copy" of Scenes with only that Title and then Alt­ thence to DOS. It always remembers where you F5 for a second copy of Objects for more detailed are, and moves recursively back to the starting information about a particular object. Hypertext point. I should a<t1 that l1ke Rev. the program has is here. not lost any records in my five months of use; 11 This design speeds corrections for fields where has, however, sometimes "hidden" them from, full verification files do not yet exist. I invert me. the data 1n Objects and scenes into their Wh1Je the types of indeXes tn AREV (cross­ respective classification files, select for all reference.
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