6 • Pittsburgh Legal Journal Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Tanya L Rouse; 6909 Saltsburg Rd, Timothy R. Jialanella; 2212 Oriole Gale, Leo, deceased, of Pittsburgh, PA. No. BANKRUPTCY COURT Pittsburgh, PA 15235, ALLEGHENY-PA; Street, McKeesport, PA 15132, LEGAL ADS 4664 of 2013. Nancy E. Gale, Extrx., c/o 13-23607; Atty: Irene M. Costello; ALLEGHENY-PA; 13-23614; Atty: Ken- Daniel P. Johnson, Esq., Williams Coulson, One Gateway Ctr., 420 Fort Duquesne Blvd., (Continued from Page 1, Column 5) Chapter: 7; Filed 08/26/2013; Judge: neth Steidl; Chapter: 13; Filed 16th Fl., Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Carlota M. Bohm 08/27/2013; Judge: Gregory L. Taddonio Legal notices that are published 13-07431 Oct 22, 29; Nov 4, 2013 Curt E. Taylor; 54 Tudor Drive, Belle Anna L. Scialabba; 27 Rowe in the Pittsburgh Legal Journal Todd A. Twiss; 6625 Adelphia Street, Kieran, Margaret, deceased, of Pittsburgh, Vernon, PA 15012, WESTMORELAND- Street, P.O. Box 284, Rural Ridge, PA Apt. 3, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, ALLEGHE- are done so pursuant to Title 45 Pa. Code 101 et seq. and various PA. No. 5961 of 2013. Sue Ann Smith, Extrx., PA; 13-23587; Atty: Charles O. Zebley, 15075, ALLEGHENY-PA; 13-23608; Atty: NY-PA; 13-23615; Atty: Kenneth Steidl; 106 Wescott Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 or to Jr.; Chapter: 7; Filed 08/26/2013; Judge: local court rules. The Pittsburgh Charles J. Grudowski; Chapter: 13; Filed Chapter: 13; Filed 08/27/2013; Judge: Legal Journal does not edit any David E. Daniel, Esq., Daniel & Kasbee, 999 Carlota M. Bohm 08/26/2013; Judge: Gregory L. Taddonio Thomas P. Agresti legal advertisement for substance West View Park Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15229. 13-07432 Oct 22, 29; Nov 4, 2013 Nicholas J. Fabina; 978 Elizabeth Jermone J. Boea; 1743 T. Royal Oak Gregory B. Janus and Yvonne L. Janus; or content, only for format of the publication. Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15221, ALLEGHE- Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15220, ALLEGHE- 326 Peach Avenue, Belle Vernon, PA Lohman, Mary Jane, deceased, of Mt. NY-PA; 13-23588; Atty: Kenneth Steidl; NY-PA; 13-23609; Atty: Bryan P. Keenan; 15012, WESTMORELAND-PA; 326 Peach Lebanon, PA. No. 06085 of 2013. Joseph P. Chapter: 7; Filed 08/26/2013; Judge: Chapter: 7; Filed 08/26/2013; Judge: Estate Notice Lohman, Admr., 400 Kingsberry Circle, Avenue, Belle Vernon, PA 15012, WEST- Pittsburgh, PA 15234 or to Gary M. Zyra, Esq., Carlota M. Bohm Carlota M. Bohm MORELAND-PA; 13-23616; Atty: Jeffrey S. Letters have been granted on the estate of 525 Carothers Ave., Carnegie, PA 15106. Timothy W. Exler and Elizabeth M. Matthew J. Blasco; 2145 Butler Logan Golembiewski; Chapter: 13; Filed each of the following decedents to the 13-07433 Oct 22, 29; Nov 4, 2013 Exler aka Elizabeth M Nordby; 39 Road, Tarentum, PA 15084, ALLEGHE- 08/27/2013; Judge: Gregory L. Taddonio personal representative named, who requests South Emily Street, Pittsburgh, PA all persons having claims against the estate of Mlakar, Howard V., deceased, of NY-PA; 13-23610; Atty: Jason J. Mazzei; Robert E Badger and Lorelei K Badg- McCandless, PA. No. 5555 of 2013. Marlene 15205, ALLEGHENY-PA; 39 South Emi- Chapter: 13; Filed 08/26/2013; Judge: the decedent to make known the same in er; 628 Walnut Street, Irwin, PA 15642, writing to him or his attorney, and all persons Milliron, Extrx., c/o LeeAnn A. Fulena, Esq., ly Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15205, Thomas P. Agresti WESTMORELAND-PA; 628 Walnut indebted to the decedent to make payment to Robb Leonard Mulvihill LLP, One Mellon ALLEGHENY-PA; 13-23589; Atty: Ken- Kevin R. Kohler and Tracy V. Kohler; Street, Irwin, PA 15642, WESTMORE- him without delay: Bank Ctr., 500 Grant St., Ste. 2300, Pittsburgh, neth Steidl; Chapter: 7; Filed 112 Cabin Lane, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, LAND-PA; 13-23617; Atty: John Eric PA 15219. 13-07434 Oct 22, 29; Nov 4, 2013 08/26/2013; Judge: Carlota M. Bohm ALLEGHENY-PA; 112 Cabin Lane, Pitts- Bumbaugh; Chapter: 7; Filed Carmody, Mary Grace, deceased, of Sewickley, PA. No. 5977 of 2013. Sean J. Murrin, Marie C. a/k/a Dee Murrin, Cari J Gligonic aka Cari Jo Gligonic; burgh, PA 15238, ALLEGHENY-PA; 13- 08/27/2013; Judge: Carlota M. Bohm Carmody, Admr. and Atty., Patberg, Carmody deceased, of McCandless, PA. No. 06139 of 120 Saunders Station Road, Trafford, PA 23611; Atty: Brian C. Thompson; Chap- & Ging, Deutschtown Center, 801 Vinial St., Lila E. Caroselli; 735 Cloverleaf Circle, 2013. Kathleen A. Baldinger, Extrx., 3215 15085, WESTMORELAND-PA; 13-23590; ter: 13; Filed 08/26/2013; Judge: Grego- 3rd Fl., Pittsburgh, PA 15212. Delmont, PA 15626, WESTMORELAND- Sharon Drive, Glenshaw, PA 15116 or to 13-07606 Oct 29; Nov 4, 12, 2013 Atty: David J. Romito; Chapter: 7; Filed ry L. Taddonio PA; 13-23618; Atty: John Eric Bum- Andrew L. Gespass, Esq., K&L Gates, LLP, 08/26/2013; Judge: Carlota M. Bohm Theresa M Webb aka Theresa M. baugh; Chapter: 7; Filed 08/27/2013; Cassidy, Shirley Lou, deceased, of K&L Gates Center, 210 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh, Bernadette Rossetti and Philip E. Luktisch; 410 West Front Street, Oil Judge: Carlota M. Bohm Wexford, PA. No. 6168 of 2013. Becky J. PA 15222. Brown, Extrx., 3024 Etta Circle, Deltona, FL 13-07436 Oct 22, 29; Nov 4, 2013 Rossetti; 114 Tippecanoe Dr, Greens- City, PA 16301, VENANGO-PA; 13-11050; Jeffrey R. Ritenour and Tekla R. Atty: Daniel P. Foster; Chapter: 13; Filed 32738 or to Allison T. Reinersmann, Esq., burg, PA 15601, WESTMORELAND-PA; Ritenour; 403 Fayette Street, Donegal, McMorrow Law, LLC, 10475 Perry Hwy., Ste. Telega, Veronica K. a/k/a Verna K. Telega, 08/27/2013; Judge: Thomas P. Agresti 114 Tippecanoe Dr, Greensburg, PA PA 15628, WESTMORELAND-PA; 403 204, Wexford, PA 15090. deceased, of Jefferson Hills, PA. No. 6128 of 2013. Patricia A. Sorrentino, Admrx., c/o 15601, WESTMORELAND-PA; 13-23591; Steven R. Simmer; 3413 South Street, Fayette Street, Donegal, PA 15628, WEST- 13-07607 Oct 29; Nov 4, 12, 2013 Atty: Faith A Burns; Chapter: 13; Filed Erie, PA 16510-1842, ERIE-PA; 13-11051; Burrell A. Brown, Esq., Burrell A. Brown and MORELAND-PA; 13-23619; Atty: Jeffrey Claire, George a/k/a George F. Claire, Jr., Associates, P.O. Box 569, Clairton, PA 15025. 08/26/2013; Judge: Gregory L. Taddonio Atty: Michael J. Graml; Chapter: 13; Filed S. Golembiewski; Chapter: 13; Filed deceased, of Scott Twp., PA. No. 3489 of 2013. 13-07437 Oct 22, 29; Nov 4, 2013 Mary Ellen Blair; 131 Green Street, Chico- 08/27/2013; Judge: Thomas P. Agresti 08/27/2013; Judge: Gregory L. Taddonio Margaret Claire, Extrx., c/o Thomas J. ra, PA 16025, BUTLER-PA; 13-23592; Atty: Harvey S Nelson; 46 First Ave, PO Box O’Neill, Esq., 1660 Broadway Avenue, Brooks, Frances R., deceased, of Hampton Brennan D Baum; 1058 N. Main Street, Township, PA. No. 05796 of 2013. Deborah R. 481, Franklin, PA 16323, VENANGO-PA; Pittsburgh, PA 15216. Louis R. Pomerico; Chapter: 7; Filed Washington, PA 15301, WASHINGTON- 13-07608 Oct 29; Nov 4, 12, 2013 Brooks, Extrx., 307 S. Lang Avenue, 13-11052; Atty: James W. Malys; 08/26/2013; Judge: Carlota M. Bohm PA; 13-23620; Atty: Jeremy S. Stragand; Pittsburgh, PA 15208 or to Regis C. Welsh, Jr., Chapter: 7; Filed 08/27/2013; Judge: Donaldson, Rita a/k/a Rita Marie Esq., Gamma Bldg., 4068 Mt. Royal Blvd., Ste. Jennifer R. Gabler; 24 Second Street, Chapter: 7; Filed 08/27/2013; Judge: Thomas P. Agresti Donaldson a/k/a Rita M. Donaldson, 115, Allison Park, PA 15101. Ligonier, PA 15658, WESTMORELAND- Carlota M. Bohm deceased, of Township of South Park, PA. No. 13-07321 Oct 15, 22, 29, 2013 PA; 13-23593; Atty: Suzanne M. Bash; Matthew Ryan Edney; 172 College 06049 of 2013. Suzanne A. Wargo, Admrx., Terry L. Martin; 739 Hertzog Street, Chapter: 7; Filed 08/26/2013; Judge: Avenue, Greenville, PA 16125, MERCER- 1547 Holly Hill Drive, Bethel Park, PA 15102 Choice, Raymond, deceased, of Pittsburgh, California, PA 15419, WASHINGTON-PA; or to Paul J. Gitnik, Esq., Keevican Weiss Carlota M. Bohm PA; 13-11053; Atty: Daniel P. Foster; PA. No. 05858 of 2013. Rita Childress, Extrx., Chapter: 7; Filed 08/27/2013; Judge: 13-23621; Atty: Lauren M. Lamb; Bauerle & Hirsch LLC, Federated Investors 1762 Hunters Lane, Blairs, VA 24527 or to Chadwick M. Housel; 1551 East Roy Chapter: 13; Filed 08/27/2013; Judge: Tower, 1001 Liberty Ave., 11th Fl., Pittsburgh, Ryan S. Smith, Esq., Sherrard, German & Thomas P. Agresti PA 15222. Furman Highway, Carmichaels, PA Gregory L. Taddonio Kelly, P.C., Two PNC Plaza, 620 Liberty Ave., 15320, GREENE-PA; 13-23594; Atty: Diane J Baptiste; 103 Barr Avenue, Grove 13-07609 Oct 29; Nov 4, 12, 2013 28th Fl., Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Matthew R Betler and Katie M Betler; Jason J. Mazzei; Chapter: 7; Filed City, PA 16127, MERCER-PA; 13-11054; Garver, Anna Mae, deceased, of Allison 13-07322 Oct 15, 22, 29, 2013 Atty: Daniel P. Foster; Chapter: 7; Filed 1205 Cochran Mill Road, Clairton, PA 08/26/2013; Judge: Carlota M. Bohm Park, PA. No. 5943 of 2013. Deborah A. Cipkala, Theresa M., deceased, of 08/27/2013; Judge: Thomas P. Agresti 15025, ALLEGHENY-PA; 1205 Cochran Wiegand, Extrx., 188 West Starz Road, Leonard Francis Visco; 670 Park Monroeville, PA. No. 05735 of 2013. Melanie Mickey Joe Michael; 399 East Mill Road, Clairton, PA 15025, Cheswick, PA 15024. T. Shellenbarger, Extrx., 7917 S. Fairfax Court, Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15221, Jamestown Road, Greenville, PA 16125, ALLEGHENY-PA; 13-23622; Atty: J.
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