Vol. 106, No. 50 Wednesday, December 15, 1965 3 Sections, 30 Pages 1~ Per Copy Homes, Restau,r.ant Swept by Flames Estimate Loss Around $20,000 Three fires in the Mason area this past week, routed a family from one PRACTICE SESSION--A small group of Mason high school mixed home, destroyed another home and dam­ chorus members are working out last minute details in preparation for aged a restaurant. the Thursday, December 16, choral concert at 7:30p.m. in the high Firemen estimated the loss in the three school auditorium. Working around the piano are (left to right) AI ix blazes at around $20,000. Fetters, pianist; Warren Emrick, choral director; Jeff Cotton, tenor; In Alaiedon and Leslie townships 2 Bruce Anderson, bass; Margaret Clinton, alto; and Jean Roe, soprano fam tlies · were left homeless, and the soloist. Doll House, a restaurant on North u.s.- 2 7 was left inoperable. Chief Hugh Silsby of the Mason fire 4 Staff Sclwol Singers department ruled all 3 blazes as acciden­ tal. SMOKE SCREEN--Mason volunteer firemen battled a kitchen Changes Some 30 customers and 6 water had extensively damaged grease fire at the Doll House restaurant Monday afternoon. Before employes were In the res- the front and back kitchens, the blaze was extinguished some $5,000 worth of damage had been Plan Concert taurant when flames began plus the dining area, done. Here firemen are trying to get into the cooking area entry way At Wyeth Bhootlng out from a ventlla- The r est aura n t was pur­ tlon fan about 12:15p.m.Mon- chased 1n October by Harry while someone else checks the roof for flames. Wyeth Laboratories, Inc. of Mason high school and ensembla will be composed of day. (Doc) Colby, 1244 Okemos Mason has announced 4. junior high school vocal members of Mason high Day manager of the bus!- road, Mrs. Henderson wasthe changes In its supervisory groups under the direction of school's band, ness, Mrs. Lee Henderson of former owner. staff, All those promoted are Warren Emrick will raise Along with the mixed chorus Mason, said acook,dlshwash- Mason men. their 300 voices on high at other performing groups In· er and herself were working Damage was estimated at Holiday E. D. (Jack) Ammerman of the Thursday, December 16, elude the madrl~ral group, in the kitchen during the noon about $5,000, Kitchen equlp- 235 w. Mechanic street, Ma- annual vocal concert to be girls glee club, men's glee rush when the blaze got its ment Is not functioning and how son, was recently named the In the high school auditorium club, 9th grade mixed chorus, start, much of the stored food was senior supervisor of the fin- beginning at 7:30p.m. 8th grade mixed chorus and Mrs. Henderson said she at- ruined by the intense heat Trade Is lshlng department He has the 7th grade general music tempted to put out the names is stlll to be determined, The served as a supervisor In the The concert Is designed to.,_ clnsses for this semester un- with an extinguisher, but failed restaurant Is insured, Colby department·· ·-- ---·· since " -.... 1 .......949, ,... '"·····--·givetypes .a of.. varied- musicpro~tn.m but will of tend all · der the direction of Mrs; Kar- ·when grease in the fan ducts . ,w.ct. · Assisting Ammerman wIll toward some o'f the favorite lene Astalos. caught fire. Customers were Elth d f tl i i k d t 1 er e ec ve w r ng or a be the new supervisor of the Christmas music, Rehearsals ha.ve been pro- as e 0 eave i mme dl a t e 1y, faulty furnace are given as the ChrIstmas shoppers are department RobErt c. Sheldon One of the special num""rs gresslng rapidly and the con- but a few stayed to help carry babl of bl th t of 920 S Eugenia street Ma- "" out the cash register, coin box pro e cause a aze a jamming Ma.son's stores look­ • • Included on the program is cert, which Is open to the destroyed the home of James ing for just the right gift tor son, He was previously em- "Fantasia on Christmas Car- public, should prove to be a. and fight the flames. Nl f il t 2217 lo ed as a quality control Mason's volunteer firemen swonger am Ya Haw- that special person on hls or P Y ols" by Ralph Vau~thn Wll- very entert11ln1ng evening. ley road, Niswonger and his her list, City merchants agree auditor In the control llams. A highlight of these- There wlll bE a tree will of- were called and had the bla2e family which Includes 3 chll­ that business is great, laboratory. Sheldon brings lectlon wlll be soprano solo ferlng during the intermls- quickly under control, but not to the fIn I s hI n g department by Miss Jean Roe, soprano s::l::::o:::n•:..._ _________b_e_fo_r_e_h_e_a_t,_f_In_m_e_s_, _sm_ok_e_an_d ____rs_.,_.,_F_I_R_E_s_, _A_-_s_; __ technical traIning and ex- member of the high school Stores Open perience In qualltycontrollllld chorus. IY/ ld G' 2 G ll related activities. Adding variety to the even- rr OU lVe U OUS Both Ammerman and Shel- lng of song wlll btl a brass Until9 P.M. don will report to E, G, Mil- ensemble accompaniment for lard, manager of purchasing the mixed chorus as they sing For the convenience of and production. "Make a Joyful Sound!' The Christmas shoppers, the Also promoted is David H, She Knows Value of Blood Mason businesses wlll be stone, 306 E. South street, Ma­ She would have given 2 gal­ Sherwood, Mary Jany Bough. open dally until9 p,m, dally son, He has been appointed as Beratta, Robert Clark, Marth except for SUndays when lons of b 1 o a d. Mrs, Allan ner, Louisa Besonen, L. J. senior supervisor of the en­ Maddix, Mary Henneman, most of the stores will be Mason Gets Clark of 103 Gale road, Ma­ Cantrell, Rev. J. Neilson, Leo gineering and malntena.ncedl­ son, was a thankful blood do­ James Leonard, Joseph closed for the clay. Allaire, Beatrice Smlth1 Rich­ Brown, M.D., Mary McDowell, ·vtslon. stone has many years nor at the recent American ard Woodland, Christmas eve day any­ ex per I en c e throughout the Verle Lampaere, PaulM.Sny­ one shopping In Mason will $140,600 in Red Cross bloodmobile Mason Fred Baldwin, Jay Day, plant and with maintenance. der, W. 0, Hall, have to get all his gifts stop, She had reason to be, Lawrence Gregory, William He has been a supervisor selected, purchased and Thorburn, Fread a Nesbitt, since 1945 and will report to Her husband Is suffering Thomas L. Hopp, D.D.s., packaged by 6 p.m. as thls School Aid Barry Wentland, Paul Mudgett, the manager of engineering and from chronic nephritis and Claude Cady, Gretchen is the time setfor the stores Leo Clark, Theodore Hylek, Scnhepp, Jacob Browers, Mar­ maintenance William A. Blair. A total of $2,065 620 the has been In Lansing's Sparrow to close for the Christmas 1 Robert Drexler, Kenneth Val­ His responsibilities Include all December apportkonment of hospital for the past 3 weeks, gie Clark, Lera Clark, Eliza­ holiday, ley, Norma Hoskins, Harold CHARRED RUINS--Warren Mund, 887 E. operations of the maintenance State Aid to school for Ingham At least once every 2 weeks beth Linden, Mrs. Gordon By­ he has to have his circulation Ware, Robert Brooks, Ken­ ron, David Woods, DonaldSco. people are guying and spend­ department and the power county, wasreceivedthlsweek neth Hlll. Jolly road, Okemos , loo~ over the charred system connected to a kidney field, Jean Batemnn, James Ing more ll!ld all that is need­ plant. by Harry Spe nny, Ingham James Maddix, Harvey wyeth also has promoted county treasurer, machine that co mpl etel y Hactdrill, Kenneth Sheffer, ed to make the season a smash­ stairway that was completely burned out in an Clark, Ward Clark, Robert Leon J. Fellows, Jr., and Ray Richard Corts, 845 Brookdale, The funds were distributed cleans his blood of all Im­ ing success would be about 3 Inghram, Dart J. Stone, Ethel Collar. early Friday morning fire which swept .through­ Mason, He has been named to school districts as follows: purities, Inches of the fluffy white stuff B era t t a, Joan Casagranda, supervisor of the mechanical East Lansing, • $ 135,llO.OO called snow, the interior of the Mund home. Inside the dam­ and electrical department, An Lansing , , • , 1 061,730.00 For the past 2 years Mrs, Ruth Judd, Martin Urban, All those who donated blood Kids who have seen their age was extensi,ve, but not a flame touched 1 Clark (Margie) has been giv­ Frank Young, Raymond·Yeut- may call at the Smith Hard­ folks go Into Kean•s shopping employe at Wyeth for 24 years, Dansvllle Agrl. 49 1940,00 Corts has done electrical and Haslett • , • , • 85,960,00 Ing blood every time possible. Ier, William Hasband, Harlan ' ware and pick up one red can figure they stand a good the exterior of the home. maintenance w a r k, plus par- Holt •• , •• , 158,640,00 "MY husband's entire family SmIth, William Donaldson, Christmas bulb which repre. chance of getting Trik-Trak have been donating blood. reg­ George Manning, Roger L. sents one pint of blood given, tlclpatlng in general plant and Leslie , , , , , ~0,340,00 (auto race game) Jingle jumps, engineering activities since Mason , , • , , 140,600.00 ularly to try and replace some Harkness, Wayne Every, Don- The Mason Kiwanis club sup­ a G,I.
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