IN 1H1S ISSUE IN THIS ISSUE B«iy Father in allocution King Boris of Bulgaria ll consistory naminjj new denounced by Pap« for wwKmI». cites dangers fac- YWiatiag his pre • nuptial inf the entire world. THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC pledge. Founded in 1844 by Rt. Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop of Pittsburgh Diocese PITTSBURGH, PA„ MARCH 16, 1933 No. U Denounces King's Actions PROTECTORY BOYS 1Holy Father Cites Dangers 1 Holy Father Sharply Criticizes Bulgarian Ruler for Having Baby Baptized as Non-Catholic, But Exonerates TO RECEIVE FRIENDS Queen of Blame Extant of Charity Work in U. S. Annual Donation - Visiting Day Will Be Held Sunday At Facing the Enti re World; 1 In Year's Time Revealed Sharply criticizing King Boris of Bulgaria for having his In Annual Report Hill Institution baby baptized at non-Catholic rites, but exonerating the Queen York, March 13.—More than of having any part in the flaunting of the royal couple's pledge, Once a year, on the Feast of St. ft^OOO.OOO was expended by the So- the Holy Father in his allocution delivered at the secret con- Joseph, the friends and benefactors Names Eight New Cardinal$ ciety of St. Vincent de Paul in the of St. Joseph's Protectory, Protec- Qhjted States in its various activities sistory on Monday in St. Peter's, spoke very plainly in present- tory Place, are invited to visit and (taring the year ended September 30, ing the Church's side of the matter which hais recently received inspect the buildings which comprise 1982, it is revealed in a report which the institution. This occasion pre- Y nnyir (Condemns Extreme Nationalism And Deplores War| I George J. Gillespie of this city, Pres- wide publicity in the daily newspapers of this and other coun- sents an opportunity to see just ident of the Superior Council of the tries. At the same time, the Holy Father alao took occasion to how the boys live and to observe 400 AT ALTAR RAIL IMSQB. 1 UUILL I Against God In Many Lands—Pontiff Bids All Join United States, has made to M. Henri what is being done for them. It is a de Verges of Paris, France, Presi- offer his criticism of the proselytiz-®" combined visiting and donation day. In Petitions For Concord At Economic, Debt Ab#| ing work being carried on, particu- The older boys act as ushers and dent of the Council General of the larly in Rome, by American Metho- II! L DIES Arms Conferences — Has High Hopes For Year. Satiety. guide the visitors through all of the dists. He did not mention the latter I departments. As there is always I Mr. Gillespie s report states that sect by name, but all those who ] : &218 individual conferences out of 185 ST. BEDE MEN something interesting about the Attendance at Holy Name Mass Noted British Priest Who Came ¡¿^proximately 2,350 in this country heard him knew to whom he re- children of an institution, you are Vatican City, March 14.—Pope Pius at yesterday's secret IgKntiahed data for the year in ferred. invited to come and meet the boys In St. Anne's Church Sets To Pittsburgh Seeking consistory delivered a strong allocution in which he reviewed- In his reference to King Boris. you are helping to support, Sunday New Record There Near East Aid, Dies «Mftion, and that the units that re- Pope Pius said: E • the principal world events of the last two and one-half years ported expended a total of $6,144,- afternoon, March 19, between the 196.65 in the distribution of relief. "In the second place, we must j hours of 2 and 5 o'clock. The Forty , with more than customary outspokenness and vigor. ¡IK The total amount expended by the make reference to the most painful 1 parjsh Branch Iff Organized In Hours Devotion will be held at that Another glorious chapter in the an- The Right Rev. Msgr. Richard surprise we could not help feeling nals of St. Anne's Holy Name So- Barry-Doyle, chief chaplain of the The Pontiff referred to "the critical international situation,'* ;MS18 conferences reporting was time, thus affording all the privilege divided into $5,553,115.72 for Confer- at the baptism of a royal infant ad- Point fireaze Church On of paying homage to Our Divine ciety, Castle Shannon, was written British army during the World War j deploring "the roar of fratricidal arms" both in the Old and in ministered by a non-Catholic minis-1 Lord amongst His little ones. Sunday, March 12, when 400 men re-I and domestic prelate to the Vatican ence Work and $591,780.93 for Sundaj/ Evening ceived Holy Communion in a body at Court, died on Wednesday at Lei- Hhe New World. He expressed hi* Upeeial Works. ter. Not even the constitutional law j Take Center and Lincoln car No. of the country afforded an excuse or the 8 o'clock Mass. The entire church cester, England, where he was distress over the economic crisis 1 The amount of relief reported bi- 82 to Protectory Place, which is two was practically occupied with Holy j pastor of St. Peter's churc!\ ac- which has thrown millions out of lk« Superior Council of the United pretext, for this is against the can-1 With 185 men of the parish en- squares above Holy Trinity church. ons and in contravention of formal | rolled, the Holy Name Society was I Name men, all of whom were ani-' cording to word received in Pitts- work, affording enemies of polities!» States for the year which ended The Rev. F. J. Huber, superin- mated by the exalted purpose of pay- September 30, 1931, was $3,331,- and explicit promises made to us fonnally inaugurated in St. Bale's| tendent, and his assistant, the Rev. burgh. He was fifty-five years old. social and religious order an oppor- with full knowledge of the case, , , . _ „ ing homage to their Eucharistic Internationally known as the 290.26. This amount was divided in- church South 3,allas W. A. Wuenstel, together with the King. It was a spectacle which had tunity to speculate on their suffering, to $2,771,000 spent for Conference written and signed bv august hands > avenue, last | boys, will welcome all visitors. In n6t been witnessed before in St. "Children's Crusader" because of He was especially emphatic in hi» Work and $560,290.26 spent for in the singularjy serious and solemn Sunday night u«hier the direction of i announcing the events of this com- Anne's church and a spectacle which his efforts to relieve the plight of I condemnation of "unjust national- Special Works. It is estimated that circumstances of royal marriage— the pastor, the Rev. John F. En-1 ing Sunday, Father Huber sent the orphans in the Near East, Msgr. nor was this without a sad sequel , is witnessed only in parishes where Barrv-Doyle was the founder and j ism" and distrust among nation«."* the number of Conferences in the ri ht xhe d g ceremonies opened following letter to all friends of the priest and people alike manifest an The events in Russia, MexieOj United States that year totaled for us-and which we were obliged, with reception 0|; the sacraments by Protectory: first 'president of the Catholic Near Triduum Ordered in Cleveland in virtue of our apostolic ministry, the men at the Ho, Xame M abiding faith in the Real Presence I t-ast Welfar e Association. In 1923 Spai n and some States of Control 1^50. The number of Conferences "My Dear Friend—It is with a of Christ in the Eucharist. This j, ^jgited | Church After Desecration «¿raced in the annual report of that to exact by way of stipulation, and whi]e the evening's services were 1 the United States, in- Europe, the Pope declared, *howed great deal of hesitancy that I write matchless demonstration of faith and , ' By Night Thieves j«ar was 1,718. Thus the units of as such were these promises made given over to thte ceremonies of the to you for our coming Donation Day. Cluain Pittpburirh, on a lecture how insidious was the iniquitous pro- the Society increased by one-third, to us by the august persons con- piety was highly gratifying to the> tour *to raise $1,000,000 for the paganda of the "enemies of God,* cerned. induction of the new members. Much rather would I pass this occa- pastor. Father Angel, and to the and expenditures in works of Mercy The Rev. Cyril J. Vogel, assistant sion by this year, but I have no Spiritual Director, Father Haugh, establishment of schools and or- Cleveland, O., March 14.—In rep- actuated by violent hate against te- «em virtually doubled. "As they related to a concession pastor, is spiritual director of the choice in the matter. Our own needs both of whom have emphasized de- phanages in Athens, where some of | ¿ration for the sacrilege committed ligion and the Catholic Church be- The report states that in the and dispensation of utmost gravity society, and he administered the compel me again to ask your assist- the refugee children from Asia j ¡n St Ladislas' church, 2813 E. 92nd and mportance, we could not but ¡ j.j j votion to the Eucharist as a cardinal cause they gee in it the pillar of United States the Society ha»: 15 , . .-. , . 7 . ,, , ... t Hol0 yv Name ple&ge at the evening ance, .The contributions'received by factor for good in the daily lives of Minor could be cared for.
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