Pacific Science (1973), Vol. 27, No.1, p. 8-27 Printed in Great Britain Pelagic Amphipoda from the Waters near Oahu, Hawaii, Excluding the Family Scinidae I GARY J. BRUSCA2 ABSTRACT: This paper reports a study conducted on pelagic Amphipoda col­ lected from the waters near Oahu, Hawaii. Included here are species accounts for all of the amphipods except the hyperiid family Scinidae. The specimens discussed here represent 35 species belonging to 12 families of gammarid and hyperiid am­ phipods. Data and remarks on the systematics, vertical distribution and migration, and reproductive activities are presented, together with geographic distributions. DURING THE SUMMER of 1971 Dr. Thomas of material, it has the disadvantages of being Clarke of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biol­ somewhat unstable in terms of maintaining its ogy, University of Hawaii, made available to fishing depth (Aron et aI., 1964; Brusca, this author a number ofmidwater samples from 1967 a) and, since the mouth is always open, of the waters southwest of Oahu, Hawaii (about capturing large numbers of organisms when lat 21 0 N, long 158 0 20' W). The water depth in the net is being lowered and raised. Both of this sampling area ranged from 1,850 to 3,700 these problems, of course, are most serious meters. This paper concerns the amphipod when fishing at great depths. Two particular crustaceans sorted from those samples with the samples included here are used to illustrate and exclusion of the hyperiid family Scinidae which partially account for the latter difficulty. Sta­ is still under investigation. Included with the tions 71-6~28 and 71-6-30 were "bounce tows," species account are notes on vertical distribu­ during which the net was lowered to a depth of tion and migration, reproductive conditions, 425 meters and immediately retrieved. and geographical distributions. Table 1 lists the species of amphipods taken The author wishes to thank Dr. Thomas from the Hawaiian samples and Table 2 lists the Clarke for his academic hospitality and willing­ station numbers and corresponding data for the ness to help, and Mr. Robert Cimberg of the samples discussed in this study. Unfortunately, University ofSouthern California for supplying no tows were taken during the daylight hours certain manuscripts. Dr. Clarke's work is sup­ at depths of less than 400 meters and, thus, ported by a grant from the National Science where negative data are predicted and needed Foundation(GB-23931). Partial support for this to analyze vertical distributions during the day­ present study was provided from a National time, none are available. Science Foundation, Humboldt State College The samples were initially preserved in Foundation grant (GU-3233). 10-percent formalin solution, and the amphi­ pods were later transferred to 70-percent alcohol. METHODS AND MATERIALS SPECIES ACCOUNTS All ofthe samples considered here were taken during June 1971, on the R.V. El Pescadero IV, Suborder GAMMARIDEA utilizing a 10-foot Issacs-Kidd midwater trawl Family LYSIANASSIDAE (Issacs and Kidd, 1953). Although this type of Genus Erythenes Smith trawl has the quality ofobtaining large amounts Eurythenes obesus (Chevreux). Katius obesus Chevreux, 1905b: 1-5, fig. 1-3; I Manuscript received 11 May 1972. 2 Humboldt State Marine Laboratory, Humboldt Stephensen, 1924-1925: 126-127; Schel­ State College, Arcata, California 95521. lenberg, 1926: 217-218, fig. 26d; K. H. 8 Pelagic Amphipoda near Oahu-BRUSCA 9 TABLE 1 SPECIES LIST OF AMPHIPODS (EXCLUDING THE FAMILY SCINIDAE) FROM THE HAWAIIAN SAMPLES NUMBER OF DEPTH RANGE (m) TOTAL NUMBER POSITIVE OF POSITIVE TAXON COLLECTED SAMPLES SAMPLES Suborder Gammaridea Family Lysianassidae Burythenes obeSt/s 5 4 260-1,275 Cyphocaris anonyx 22 9 425-1,065 C. richardi 8 4 630-930 C./aurei 14 10 260-1,065 Suborder Hyperiidea Family Vibiliidae Vibilia armata 120 10 15-1,065 V. viatrix 19 9 15-1,065 Family Cystisomidae Cystisoma /abricii 35 11 330-1,065 C. pellucidum 4 3 330-690 C. latipes? 2 2 850-1,275 Family Phronimidae Phronima sedentaria 40 13 15-775 P. atlantica 16 8 15-975 P. colletti? 1 1 80-85 Phronimella elongata 7 5 15-1,065 Family Paraphronimidae Paraphronima gracilus 2 2 100-570 P. crassipes 2 2 15-775 Family Lanceolidae Scypholanceola vanhoeffeni 10 6 450-1,275 Family Phrosinidae Primno macropa 19 7 100-620 Phrosina semilunata 37 11 15-1,275 Family Hyperiidae Hyperia luzoni 36 9 15-975 H. bengalensis 350 11 15-975 Family Pronoidae Eupronoe' minuta 45 11 15-775 Parapronoe crustulum 12 7 260-930 Family Brachyscelidae Brachyscelus crusculum 4 2 330-620 B. rapacoides? 2 2 580-1,275 Family PlatysceIidae Platyscelus armatus 6 6 260-930 P. serratultls 19 8 15-1,065 Tetrathyrus ara/urae? 1 1 850-975 Paratyphis spinosus? 1 1 0-425 (bounce tow) Family Oxycephalidae Streetsia challen,geri 12 6 50-425 Oxycephaltls clausi 11 4 15-1,275 O. piscator 17 6 15-690 Calamorhynchus pellucidus 2 2 100-425 Rhabdosoma /vbitei 17 5 15-975 R. minor 1 1 100 R. armatum? 2 2 100-625 Total number of individuals 908 10 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 27, January 1973 TABLE 2 STATION DATA FOR SAMPLES ANALYZED, JUNE 1971 STATION NO. DATE TIME WIRE OUT (m) DEPTH (m) A-B-C 71-6-1 8 2009-0027 2,500-2,700 850-975 21-179-58 71-6-2 9 0121-0500 1,125-1,325 450-600 14-175-30 71-6-3 9 0730-1010 1,200 425 20-125-15 71-6-4 9 1032-1325 1,500 600-625 18-120-35 71-6-5 9 1338-1705 2,100 725-775* 22-120-65 71-6-6 9 2000-2400 1,500-1,700 640-750 18-117-45 71-6-7 10 0052-0600 3,000-3,300 1,100-1,275 38-195-75 71-6-8 10 0721-1014 1,650-1,700 580-620 26-120-37 71-6-9 10 1034-1310 1,350 540-590 11-118-27 71-6-11 10 2036-2300 650 260 17-112-15 71-6-16 15 1957-2203 250 100 03-119-04 71-6-18 16 0303-0520 400 160-170 04-123-10 71-6-19 16 0804-1100 1,400 450-570 32-119-25 71-6-21 16 1510-1818 1,600 630-690 28-135-28 71-6-24 17 0049-0253 100 50 02-119-03 71-6-25 17 0303-0515 150 80-85 03-124-05 71-6-27 17 1200-1625 2,550 900-930 33-177-55 71-6-28 17 2002-2040 1,000 0-425 17-000-21 71-6-30 17 2301-2341 1,000 0-425 17-000-23 71-6-32 18 0803-1240 2,800 1,025-1,065 37-180-60 71-6-34 18 2005-2235 850 330-340 09-123-18 71-6-35t 18 2248-0051 40 15-20 02-120-01 NOTE: A, time (minutes) to payout cable and adjust depth; B, time (minutes) at depth; C, time (minutes) for retrieval. * Malfunction in time-depth recorder; depth from telemeter reading. t Towed at about 5 knots, all others at about 4 knots; 71-6-28 and 71-6-30 were bounce tows (see Methods and Materials). Barnard, 1932: 56-58, fig. 21, pI. 1, fig. 1; was further complicated by Brusca (1967 a: 384) Chevreux, 1935: 63-65, pI. 10, fig. 4-6, reporting specimens captured some 500 to 600 pI. 11, fig. 10. meters off the bottom, the guts of which con­ Burythenes obesus Shoemaker, 1956: 177-178; tained what appeared to be siliceous sponge J. L. Barnard, 1961: 38-39, fig. 8; Brusca, spicules. The water depth in the area of samp­ 1967a: 384. ling for this present study was from 1,850 to Station 71-6-1: 1 female (52 mm); 850-975 m. 3,700 meters, so all of these individuals were Station 71-6-7: 2 females (35, 44 mm); collected some distance from the bottom, espe­ 1,100-1,275 m. cially the one taken at 260 meters. On the basis Station 71-6-11: 1 male (?), (20 mm); 260 m. of these data it seems reasonable to assume that Station 71-6-27: 1 male (?), (10.5 mm); not all of the population ofE. obesus is moving 900-930 m. to and from the bottom on any regular schedule. Unfortunately, this species is rarely taken in high enough numbers to permit accurate analy­ Remarks sis of its vertical distribution or migratory J. L. Barnard (1961) reported the distribution activity. It should be noted, however, that of this species as cosmopolitan between the three of the four positive samples were polar circles at depths of from 500 to 5,610 obtained during the dark hours; the small meters, and suggested demersal habits. The (10.5 mm) specimen was collected in the day­ question ofvertical movement and distribution time. Pelagic Amphipoda near Oahu-BRuSCA 11 Genus Cyphocaris Boeck Station 71-6-27: 1 female (11 mm-ovigerous) ; 900-930 m. Three species of the genus Cyphocaris were Station 71-6-30: 1 male (12 mm); 0-425 m. recovered from these Hawaiian samples. They Station 71-6-32: 6 females (12.5-14.5 mm, 3 are easily distinguished from one another by were ovigerous); 1,025-1,065 m. examining the basis ofthe third peraeopod. The key (modified from Schellenberg, 1926: 206) Remarks below includes the three species discussed in this paper, plus C. challengeri which has pre­ Vertical migration by this cosmopolitan viously been reported from tropical Pacific species has been reported by Waterman et aI.
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