Index of Names Archer, Colonel Liam (Irish Army Barrett, William (65 Whiterock Chief of Intelligence) 266 Gardens, Belfast) 523 Armstrong, Albert Henry (Dublin) Barrington, Gilbert (Newcastle, A 51 England) 106 Abbey Theatre 19, 90, 132, 381 Armstrong, Gerard (Belfast) 522 Barronwell (Barnewell), Frank Photo 19 Armstrong, Louis “Louie” (Belfast) 523 Adams, Dominic(k) (15 Abercorn (American jazz musician) 118 Barrows, Major (Portlaoise prison St., North, Belfast) 214, 373 Armstrong, Captain O. E. (Irish Sea Governor) 336 Adams, Gerard “Gerry” Sr. (15 Air Service) 159 Barry, Bernard (Bunduff, Cliffoney, Abercorn St., North, Belfast) Army Comrades Association Co. Sligo) 374 293, 297, 312, 521, 522 “Blueshirts” 84, 88, 90, 93, 95, Barry, Christopher (Mullingar, Co. Photo 521 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, Westmeath) 374 Adams, Gerry Jr. (Belfast) 293, 297, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115, Barry, Daniel (Cork city) 374 312, 521, 604 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, Barry, Edward (Kilfinane, Co. Adams, “Paddy” “Maghera” (15 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, Limerick) 374 Abercorn St., North, Belfast) 129, 130, 133, 144, 145, 146, 160 Barry, Eileen (sister of Tom) 168 309, 373, 521 Ashe, James Nee (Ashtown, Co. Barry, Hugh (Bunduff Lower, Adams (McAdams), Sean “Johnny” Dublin) 374 Cliffoney, Co. Sligo) 374 (Bogside, Derry city) 146, 158, Ashe, Sean (Straffan, Co. Kildare) Barry, James (Limerick city) 374 279, 292, 522, 563 230, 324, 325, 344, 345, 359, 374 Barry, John (Bandon Road, Cork) Agnew, Archie (Column leader in Ashe, Siobhan (Straffan, Co. 374 South Derry) 302 Kildare) 512 Barry, Kevin 197, 216 Agnew, Margaret (Belfast) 608 Ashe, Tomás (hunger striker) 362, Barry, Marjorie (sister of Tom) 168 Ahern, James (Ballylough, 374 Barry, Monty (wife of Jim Mitchelstown, Co. Cork) 150 Ashgrove House 231 O’Donovan) 216 Ahern (Ahearne), Timothy “Tim” Photo 231 Barry, Thomas (father of Tom) 163 (Spangle Hill, Cork) 373 Ashton, Alice (Derry) 608 Barry, Tom 14, 24, 86, 122, 124, Ahern(e), Christopher (Cork) 150 Atkinson, Joe (Belfast) 246, 247, 131, 132, 133, 136, 143, 148, Photo 124 268, 269, 341, 374 151, 155, 156, 162, 163, 164, Aherne, Daniel (Newmarket, Co. Attlee, Clement (British Prime 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, Cork) 373 Minister) 353 177, 178, 180, 181, 186, 187, Aiken, Frank 7, 12, 18, 83, 86, 90, Austin, John Joseph (Belfast) 522 188, 191, 192, 216, 217, 234, 115, 124, 139, 155, 158, 167, Aylward, John (New Ross, Wexford) 235, 329, 355, 360, 371 176, 195, 224, 225, 237, 246, 374 Photos 124, 163, wedding 164, 264, 283 gravesite 164, 171 Allen, John (Curraghanolomer, B Barry, William (Limerick) 77 Araglen, Co. Cork) 373 Baldwin, Roger 67 Basquille, Jack (Hollyhill, Castlebar, Allman, Danny (Co. Kerry) 13 Bannon, James (Belfast) 297, 522 Co. Mayo) 374 American Red Cross 264 Barden, Michael (Armagh city) 522 Bates, Sir Dawson (Home Secretary) Amnesty International 156 Barnes, Peter (Banagher, Co. Offaly) 4, 140, 195, 198, 237 Anderson, Andrew (Ardnagannagh, 219, 230, 234, 235, 237, 238, Baxter, Sam (Belfast) 97 Castlefin, Co. Donegal) 373, 419, 617, 630 Beary, Joseph (Coolmohan, 374 Photo 235 Kilworth, Co. Cork) 150, 375 Anderson, Elisha or John (Belfast) Barrett, Edward (Coolatooder, Beattie, W. (Belfast) 173 522 Ballinhassig, Co. Cork) 374 Beausang, Michael (Cork city) 375 Anderson, Charles (RUC Constable, Barrett, Ned (UCC student from Beegan, Francis (Mullaghbawn, Co. Belfast) 110 Killeady) 197 Armagh) 375 Andrews, Edward (Belfast) xiii, 522 Barrett, Dr. Ned 180 Beggs, Henry (Dublin) 375 Photo 522 Barrett, Richard “Dick” (Ballineen, Begley, Flo (Co. Cork) 164 Andrews, Joseph (Clontarf, Dublin) Co. Cork) 24, 65, 154, 166 Behan, Brendan (Dublin) 147, 155, 374 Barrett, T. (Belfast) 523 287, 304, 308, 341, 375, 419 Andrews, C. S. “Todd” (Dublin) 14, Barrett, William (Ardagh, Co. Photo 375 181 Limerick) 374 Beirne, Frank (Dromodbeirne, Ansell, Miss Elsie (Coventry, Barrett, William (51 Mary Street, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim) 375 England) 214 Belfast) 523 Photo 375 Beirne, John (Dangan, Kilmore, Co. Boland, Andrew (Tipperary town) Brady, John “Jack” (28 Gray St., Roscommon) 375 376 Dublin) 377 Beirne, Michael (Aughlahard, Boland, Gerry (Cabinet Minister) 8, Brady, John Joseph (68 MacDonnell Lacken, Strokestown) 112 75, 118, 225, 231, 240, 281, 284, Street, Belfast) 525 Beirne, Patrick (Aughlahard, 302, 308, 322, 339 Brady, Josephine (Belfast) 608 Lacken, Strokestown) 112 Boland, James (Tipperary town) Brady, L. (Laois) 76 Beirne, Pat (shopkeeper in Boyle) 376 Brady, Martin (Lakefield, Gort, Co. 36 Bolger, Edward Frederick (Dublin) Galway) 377 Bell, Richard “Dick” (Dublin) 375 376 Brady, Michael (Belfast) 191 Bellow, Saul (author) 60 Bolger, Murray (20 Green St., Brady, Michael (Drumsilla, Bennett, Col. Francis 79, 105 Wexford town) 376 Butlersbridge, Co. Cavan) 377 Bennett, John (Lurgan, Co. Bolger, Thomas Anthony (20 Green Brady, Patrick (Clooncagh, Lacken, Armagh) 523 St., Wexford town) 376 Strokestown) 112 Bennett, John (Portadown, Co. Photo 466 Brady, Terence A. (Glasgow/Lurgan, Armagh) 142 Bolton, James (Dublin) 376 Co. Armagh) 525 Benson, Terence (Belfast) 523 Bolton, William (Killeshin, Co. Brady, Thomas (Clooncagh, Lacken Bergin, Joseph (Curragh military Carlow) 2 Strokestown) 112 policeman) 8 Boran, Nicholas (Kilkenny) 76 Brady, Tom (Drumharna, Co. Bertles, Francis (Coolaleena, Boswell, Bernard “Barney” (Belfast) Cavan) 377 Glasson, Athlone, Co. 524 Brady, Tom (Lurgan, Co. Armagh) Westmeath) 376 Boyd, Margaret Francis Russell (see 525 Betjeman, John 262 Mrs. “Pasty” O’Hagan) Brady, William “Liam” (Crumlin, Photo 262 Boyle (O’Boyle), Cornelius Dublin) 377 Bewley, Charles (member of the (Ballyfatton, Sion Mills, Co. Brankin, Henry (Portadown, Co. Irish Bar) 61 Tyrone) 524 Armagh) 525 Bibby, Father Albert 4, 237 Boyle, Edward Frederick (Dungloe, Bray, James (Limerick city) 377 Photo 4, gravesite 144 Co. Donegal) 376 Bray, Matthew (Clonmellon, Co. Bird, Christy (Dublin) 210 Boyle, Jack (Co. Donegal) 34 Westmeath) 377 Birrell, Joseph “Joe” (Dundalk, Co. Boyle, John (Lone Moor Road, Brazier, Brook (T.D.) 91 Louth) 376 Derry) 524 Breen, Dan (Co. Tipperary) 33, 35, Black, James (46 Stanhope Street, Boyle, P. (Belfast) 173 182, 283, 284 Belfast) 523 Boyle, Thomas B. (Co. Waterford) Photo 33 Black, James F. (107 Estoril Park, 28 Breen, Denis (Castleisland, Co. Belfast) 523 Boyle, Thomas (Cullies, Cavan) 376 Kerry 378 Black, John (Drogheda, Co. Louth) Bradley, Felix (Corick, Co. Derry) Breen, Francis “Frank” (Co. Kerry) 376 194, 524 59, 68 Blain, John P. (Belfast) 523 Bradley, John (Ballymacelligott, Co. Breen, Phillip (Co. Fermanagh) 149 Blanc, John Patrick (Belfast) 523, Kerry) 376 Breen, Tom 88 524 Bradley, John (Carrick Hill area of Breffny, Frank (Drumshanbo, Co. Blennerhasset, (Chief Warder at Belfast) 524 Leitrim) 378 Portlaoise prison) 336 Bradley, William (Belfast) 617 Breheny, James “Jim” (Ballymurray, ─ Blenner-Hassett, Roland (Co. Bradshaw, Bob (Belfast) 102, 177, Co. Roscommon) 378 Kerry/American spy) 299 183, 186, 376, 377 Photo 378 Blythe, Ernie 16, 19, 63, 65, 84, 90, Brady, Christy (Whitehall, Dublin) Breheny, John (Sandfield, 101, 115, 122 377 Knockcroghery, Co. Photo 16 Brady, Desmond (Belfast) 524 Roscommon) 22, 378 Boal (Bole) (Boles), Joseph “Joe” G. Brady, Frances (wife of Andy Photo 378 (Short Strand, Belfast) 200, 524 Cooney) 15 Brennan, Austin (Co. Clare) 84, 93 Bofin, Ned (Rosses Point, Sligo) 28 Brady, Jim (Arigna coal miner) 278 Brennan, Diarmuid (IRA Bofin, Paul (Rosses Point, Sligo) 33 Brady, Joe (Cabra, Dublin) 377 intelligence chief) 262 Boggan, Nicholas “Nick” Brady, John Gerard “Jack” Brennan, James (Derry) 378 (Ballycogley, Co. Wexford) 376 (Andersonstown, Belfast) 524, Brennan, John (Dublin) 378 Bohan, Gerard 376 525 Brennan, Joseph (Currency Bohan(e), Seamus (Dean’s Grange, Brady, John (Inchaboy, Gort, Co. Commission) 304 Co. Dublin) 376 Galway) 377 Brennan, Margaret (mother of Seamus O’Donovan) 215 Brennan, Michael (Chief of Staff of Buckley, James (Belvely, Cobh, Co. Byrne, Jim (Navan, Co. Meath) 19 the Irish Army) 84, 176, 224, Cork) 379 Byrne, John (Lurgan, Co. Armagh) 233 Buckley, Margaret (President of 137, 527 Brennan, Mildred (England) 107 Sinn Fein) 145, 182, 197, 348, Byrne, Joseph (Kimmage, Dublin) Brennan, Pat (Ballytrasna, Boyle, 361 381 Co. Roscommon) 172 Buckley, Mortimer (Keelrovanagh, Byrne, M. (Bath Avenue, Dublin) Breslin, Peter (Dublin) 14 Beaufort, Co. Kerry) 379 381 Brett, William (Kilkenny) 159 Buckley, Seamus (Dublin) 379 Byrne, Mark (Stranorlar, Co. Broderick, George 142 Buckley, Sean (Cork) 57 Donegal) 280 Broderick, Joseph (Tintern Street, Buckley, William (Clyduff, Byrne, Matthew (Blanchfields Park, Salford, Manchester) 617 Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork) 379 Gowran, Co. Kilkenny) 128 Broe, John (Dublin) 378 Bulfin MacBride, Catalina “Kid” Byrne, Michael (Glebe, Conna, Co. Brogan, Seamus (James) (wife of Sean MacBride) 154 Cork) 150 (Mullaghmore, Omagh, Co. Bulman, Daniel (Cork) 379 Byrne, Patrick (Dundalk, Co. Louth) Tyrone) 312, 525 Burke (Bourke), James 381 Brolly, Hugh (Waterside, Derry) (Addergoolmore, Dunmore, Byrne, Patrick (Farndreg, Co. 525, 526 Co. Galway) 379 Louth) 381 Bronsan, Con 102 Burke, James (Grangemockler, Co. Byrne, Patrick (Kimmage, Dublin) Brooke, Sir Basil (Northern Ireland Tipperary) 285 381 Prime Minister) 81, 329, 340, Burke, Liam (Belfast) 230, 245, 267, Byrne, Seamus (Dublin solicitor) 353 268, 270, 272, 287, 292, 293, 231, 243, 244, 381 Brosnan, Sean “John” (Dingle, Co. 296, 297, 298, 302, 305, 308, Byrne, Thomas (Belfast) 527 Kerry) 45, 263, 378
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