S AINT A DELAIDE P ARISH AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM For the Greater Glory of God ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 13, 2017 708 LOWELL STREET |PEABODY, MA 01960 “GO OUT TO ALL THE WORLD AND TELL THE GOOD NEWS.” THESE NUNS OFFER THEIR BLINDNESS FOR THE SALVATION OF SOULS Santiago, Chile, Jul 25, 2017 CNA/EWTN News.- This Aug. 15 will mark 90 years since the Sacramentine Sisters of Don Orione were founded to offer something very particular for the salvation of the world: their blindness. They are a community of blind nuns consecrated to perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and wear a dis- tinctive white habit, a red scapular, and a white Host embroidered on the chest. “I intend to offer with this new branch of the religious family, as a flower before the throne of the Blessed Virgin, so that she herself, with her blessed hands, offer it to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,” Saint Luigi Orione told them when he founded the order in Italy Aug. 15, 1927. This branch of the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity (LMSC) has as its mission, according to its constitutions, to offer to God “the privation of sight for those who do not know the truth yet so that they may come to God, the light of the world.” In addition they seek to support with Eucharistic Adoration and sacrifice “the apostolic action of the LMSC and the Sons of Divine Providence,” the two congregations founded by Saint Luigi Orione. The congregation is present in Italy, Spain, the Philippines, Kenya, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. They have been in Chile since 1943 and currently there are three sisters there: Sr. María Luz Ojeda, Sr. Elizabeth Sepúlveda, and Sr. María Pía Urbina, who is on mission in the Philippines at the moment. These sisters attend computer classes to be able to bring before the Blessed Sacrament the numerous petitions they receive from many faithful through their Facebook account, where they offer to pray for each intention they receive. Sr. María Luz Ojeda had an accident when she was a child which left her with severe vision problems which gradual- ly increased until at 30 years of age she completely lost her sight. “Sometimes I personally thank God, since because of this I was able to enter the congregation. Before the Blessed Sacrament I often tell the Lord: 'this is my means of helping you save souls,' and I'm happy,” Sr. María Luz told CNA. The religious sister explained that “every day in our prayer and Adoration we present to the Lord the poverty, suf- ferings, and sorrows of humanity.” “Perhaps what I am going to say may seem like I'm claiming too much but I am going to have this to present to the Lord on the day he calls me, that I helped him save souls,” Sr. María Luz said. The sisters dedicate each day of the week for a special intention: Mondays for the sick, Tuesday for young people, Wednesdays for peace, Thursdays for vocations, Fridays for the elderly, Saturdays for children, and Sundays for families. Sacramentine Sisters of Don Orione CAN The Boston Pilot Catholic Newspaper July 25, 2017 PRAYERS & OCCASIONS The Sanctuary Candle is lit for the Glory of God in lov- Saturday, August 12 ing remembrance of Carolyn Jean Grady. 4:00 - Goggin Family - Memorial Prayers are requested for the soul of Susan Tague, a Sunday, August 13* former parishioner, who died last week. We thank God 8:30 - Angelo Marchetti - Memorial for the gift of her life and pray she is now at peace. Lorenzo Panzo - Memorial Sister Gemma - Memorial 10:00 - Camella Colanton - Memorial Simone & Florence Tripari - Memorial Wallack Family - Memorial Mary Meehan - Memorial Latin Mass 12:00 - Brian Flanagan - Memorial Elizabeth Poluchi - Memorial Marie Carroll - Memorial Marie Balter - Memorial Alexandra Hussain (living) Eileen Dillon (living) Monday, August 14 9:00 - Joseph and Ketylina Derenzis (living) 18th Wedding Anniversary Collect for 7:00 - Vigil The Assumption of Mary Sunday August 13 Tuesday, August 15 (Holy Day of Obligation) lmighty ever-living God, whom, taught by the Ho- 9:00 - Lillian Romeo - In Remembrance A ly Spirit, we dare to call our Father, bring, we pray, 7:00 - Assumption of Mary Latin to perfection in our hearts the spirit of adoption as your Wednesday, August 16 sons and daughters, that we may merit to enter into the 9:00 - Saint Adelaide Parishioners and Friends inheritance which you have promised. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with Thursday, August 17 you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever 9:00 - NO MASS (unless announced) and ever. Amen Friday, August 18 9:00 - Hazel May Alcott - 2nd Anniversary Readings for the week of Saturday, August 19 August 13, 2017 4:00 - Mass of the Day Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a/Ps 85:9-14/ Sunday, August 20 Rom 9:1-5/Mt 14:22-33 8:30 - Mooney Family - (living) Monday: Dt 10:12-22/Ps 147:12-15, 19-20/ 10:00 - Joe & Mary Scannelli and Joseph, Jr.- Memorial Mt 17:22-27 Lucy Marabito - 90th Birthday (living) Tuesday: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10-12, Mary DiPalma - Birthday Remembrance 16/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56 Latin Mass Wednesday: Dt 34:1-12/Ps 66:1-3a, 5, 8, 16-17/ 12:00 - Jack and Lillian Sanborn - Memorial Mt 18:15-20 Richard O’Leary- Memorial Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17/Ps 114:1-6/ Eileen Dillon (living) Mt 18:21--19:1 Tony and Tricia Reilly (living) Friday: Jos 24:1-13/Ps 136:1-3, 16-18, 21-22, Raimondi Family - Special Intention 24/Mt 19:3-12 *REMINDER: Saturday: Jos 24:14-29/Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-8, 11/ Sunday August 13 7pm Mt 19:13-15Next Sunday: Is 56:1, 6-7/ Our Lady of Fatima Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Rom 11:13-15, 29-32/ Rosary and Procession Mt 15:21-28 Parish Announcements PARISH STEWARDSHIP Our Offertory for the weekend of August 6 amounted to $6872. The Second Collection for Catholic Communications Campaign amounted to $1508. The Second collection this weekend is for our This feast is a very old solemnity in the church. It has Maintenance & Repairs. been celebrated throughout the church from the sixth century on. Originally celebrated in the East, the an- ANNOUNCEMENT cient title is the Dormition of Mary, or the Falling CONCERNING Asleep of Mary. The earliest writing we find of this SECOND COLLECTIONS feast is from the fourth century and it is written in the voice of St. John, whom Jesus entrusted Mary to the In order to expedite the collection care of as he hung upon the cross. process at the weekend Masses, and in consultation with the Finance The teaching is that Mary was assumed into heaven Council, we have decided to begin a after her "falling asleep in the Lord" before her body new procedure for second collections. suffered any decay. This doctrine of the church--even Beginning the first weekend of August, we shall though the church has been celebrating this belief for pass the collection baskets only ONCE, with the centuries--was not declared a dogma until November 1, exception being the monthly Maintenance and 1950 by Pope Pius XII. While the Eastern Orthodox Repair collection. call this event the "dormition," the Roman Catholic Church calls it the Assumption. If there is a mandated second collection on any given weekend, both envelopes should be placed in the one Roman Catholicism is silent on the details of the As- collection. The counters will separate them at the time of sumption. Therefore, Roman Catholics legitimately can counting. Baskets will be placed at the doors of the believe that Mary did not die before the Assumption. church to receive any cash/check offerings for the The holy day has always been celebrated in the church stated collection. Thank you for your patience with this on August 15. new procedure. BAZAAR ~ Nov. 17 & 18 When out shopping, please keep in mind items for our basket donations, children’s items, crayons, coloring books, barrettes and all hair products. Also baby items and bath items. (all new) Chinese Raffle: cash (to purchase lot- tery tickets and to purchase items for raffles, if you don’t have time to purchase them your- selves) We can still use artificial Christmas trees for our special Santa Claus Room. If you would like items to be picked up, please call Wayne or Mark at the numbers below. Keep reading the bulletin for more “Bazaar News” Thank you for your support. The Bazaar Chairmen Wayne Doane - 1.617.548.5626. Mark Tomchik - 978-977-9245 2017-18 Religious Education 2017-18 Religious Education REGISTRATION FOR THE 2017-18 Mark your Calendars with the start dates for the RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM IS NOW Opening of the 2017-18 Religious Education Pro- IN PROGRESS. gram: Religious Education classes are held beginning in Grade Sunday, September 17th 1 and continue through High School. Faithful on-going 10:00 A. M. MASS participation in the program must be maintained in or- OPENING CEREMONY AND BLESSING OF der for students to participate in Sacrament Preparation TEACHERS, STUDENTS AND PARENTS for Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. GRADES 1 – 6 Students must attend Grade 1 class in order to enter Refreshments and a Brief Meeting for Parents and into Sacramental Preparation for Eucharist in Students to follow Mass in the Church Hall.
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