JUNE 2004 DOE-funded researchers receive Presidential honors Secretary launches Global Threat Reduction Initiative DOE lab researchers win technology transfer awards Science.gov takes next step in information retrieval June 2004 1 U.S. Department of Energy Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham discussed energy security and nonprolif- eration issues with world leaders and at major conferences during a six-country 3 trip in mid May 2004. Published monthly in Washington, D.C., by the Department of Energy, Office of Public Affairs, for the information of Department employees and affiliates and available to others by paid subscription. The Department of Energy’s Fermi The Secretary of Energy has determined National Accelerator Laboratory that this periodical is necessary in the transaction of public business as required recently shipped the first of a series by law. Use of funds for printing has been of superconducting magnets that it approved by the director of the Office of Management and Budget. The con- built for the Large Hadron Collider. 8 tent is reprintable without permission and pictures are available for media repro- duction upon request. Spencer Abraham Secretary of Energy Jeanne Lopatto The Celilo Converter Station, Director, Office of Public Affairs The Dallas, Ore., has been Bonnie Winsett modernized by the Department Editor of Energy’s Bonneville Power SUBSCRIPTION price for 12 issues is $22 9 Administration. ($27.50 foreign). Send check, or provide VISA or Mastercard number and expira- tion date, to: Superintendent of Docu- ments, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Credit-card orders can be called in 8 a.m.-4 p.m. ET, 202-512-1800, or faxed to 202-512-2250. Cite “DOE This Month (EINS).” Circulation Office: 202-586-2050 News Office: DOE This Month even researchers funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) were Office of Public Affairs - PA-40 U.S. Department of Energy presented the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Washington, DC 20585 Engineers at a White House ceremony, May 4, 2004. The Presidential Internet Mail Address: S award is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. Government on outstanding [email protected] scientists and engineers who are beginning their independent careers. HQ cc:mail: THISMONTH,DOE In a ceremony at DOE Headquarters before the White House event, the researchers received DOE Early Career Scientist and Engineer Awards Deadline for submissions: 15th of every month for the following month. sponsored by the Department’s Office of Science and Office of Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration. In the photograph, l-r, DOE PA-0027-6 are Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham; Carl Boehlert, Alfred University; Vol. 27, No. 6 Jeffery Blackmon, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Jonathan E. Menard, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory; Edmond Chow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); Christine Orme, LLNL; Krishnakumar Garikipati, University of Michigan; and Sergei Maslov, Brookhaven National Laboratory. DOE This Month is printed on paper containing at least For more on the awards and winners, see page 10. ❖ 50 percent recycled materials. 2 DOE This Month Secretary addresses IEF, IAEA; meets with senior officials in six countries Secretary of Energy Spencer on May 25. There, the Abraham began a nine-day inter- Secretary met with Minister of national trip on May 19, 2004, Development Demetris Sioufas that included conferences and and officially transferred hand- meetings in six countries: held radiological detection Austria, Greece, Poland, equipment to Greek officials Russia, The Netherlands, and to support increased security the United Kingdom. Discus- for the upcoming Summer sions focused on world energy Olympic Games. issues, energy security, and Secretary Abraham ad- nonproliferation. dressed delegates at the Inter- On May 20, in London, national Atomic Energy Agency U.K., Secretary Abraham met Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham (left) is (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, on with British government offi- greeted by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail May 26, and launched a com- cials on energy developments Fradkov on May 27, 2004. prehensive global initiative to and nonproliferation issues. secure and remove high-risk The U.K. and the United States an- to discuss world energy issues, held nuclear and radiological materials. nounced two partnerships to pro- May 22-24. Secretary Abraham ad- In Moscow, Russia, on May 27, mote sustainable, affordable dressed the IEF Opening Session Secretary Abraham met with newly energy in the developed and devel- and the Panel Discussion, “Oil and confirmed Russian Prime Minister oping world—the Efficient Energy Gas Compared.” The Secretary also Mikhail Fradkov to discuss U.S.- for Sustainable Development held bilateral meetings with energy Russian nonproliferation and (EESD) Partnership of the U.S. officials of several countries. energy cooperation. The Secretary Clean Energy Initiative and the U.K. The Secretary signed a Memoran- also signed a bilateral agreement Renewable Energy and Energy Effi- dum of Understanding (MOU) on between the U.S. and Russian ciency Partnership (REEEP). The May 22 with Norwegian Minister of Federation concerning the repatria- EESD agreement was signed May 20 Petroleum and Energy Einar tion of Russian-origin highly en- by Secretary Abraham; Stephen Steensnaes that will enhance research riched uranium (HEU) research re- Timms, MP and Minister of State for in a number of areas of mutual ben- actor fuel to Russia (see related Energy, E-Commerce and Postal efit, including carbon sequestration, article, page 4). Services; and Margaret Beckett, MP hydrogen, and clean fuels. The two On May 28, Secretary Abraham and Secretary of State for Environ- countries have existing cooperative invited Poland to become the 17th ment, Food and Rural Affairs. The agreements through the auspices of member of the Carbon Sequestra- U.S. joined REEEP on April 28, 2004. the International Energy Agency, but tion Leadership Forum. The Secre- While in London, Secretary this is the first formal agreement be- tary extended the invitation during Abraham gave a major speech to tween the U.S. and Norway to ad- remarks after touring the “ELCHO” members of Chatham House, the vance energy research and develop- power plant in the Silesia region home of the Royal Institute of In- ment projects. of southern Poland. The plant, ternational Affairs, a world-leading On May 23, Secretary Abraham powered with clean coal technol- institute for analysis of international signed a MOU with Minister Zhang ogy developed under DOE’s Clean issues. Secretary Abraham addressed Guobao, Vice Chairman of China’s Coal Program, allows the region to the question of how the world National Development and Reform use its abundant supply of coal, should tackle the energy challenges Commission (NDRC), to launch the while still improving air quality. The of the 21st century and the role sci- U.S.-China Energy Policy Dialogue. Foster Wheeler circulating fluidized ence and technology will play in The MOU follows Secretary bed boilers that power ELCHO are meeting those challenges. Abraham’s meeting in Beijing with based on the technology that powers From London, Secretary NDRC Chairman Ma Kai in January a similar plant in Jacksonville, Fla. Abraham traveled to Amsterdam, 2004 (DOE This Month, February Additional information on the The Netherlands, to participate in 2004). The Dialogue will strengthen different segments of the Secretary’s the International Energy Forum energy-related interactions between trip and his remarks at Chatham (IEF) Ministerial Meeting, a high- the two countries, the world’s two House and the IAEA are available at level biennial informal gathering largest energy consumers. http://www.energy.gov, click on that brings together energy-produc- The next stop on Secretary “Press Room,” and then click on ing and energy-consuming nations Abraham’s trip was Athens, Greece, “Press Releases” and “Speeches.” ❖ June 2004 3 Secretary addresses IAEA, launches new Global Threat Reduction Initiative Secretary of Energy Spencer a new U.S. program to secure, removal efforts. Also, the United Abraham addressed an audience of remove, or dispose of an even States plans to dedicate more than delegates at the International Atomic broader range of nuclear and radio- $450 million to the GTRI; but height- Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, logical materials—the Global Threat ened international cooperation will Austria, on May 26, 2004. Secretary Reduction Initiative (GTRI). The be needed. Secretary Abraham has Abraham told delegates that the De- GTRI will be carried out in close proposed that the IAEA and interna- partment of Energy (DOE) has made cooperation with the IAEA and global tional community join the U.S. in significant strides in securing and re- partners. Specifically, the U.S. will: holding a GTRI Partners’ Conference moving nuclear materials of concern • Work in partnership with Russia later this year. to the United States and the interna- to repatriate all Russian-origin On May 27, in Moscow, Russia, tional community, mainly by improv- fresh highly enriched uranium Secretary Abraham and Russian ing the security of hundreds of tons fuel by the end of next year and Federal Agency for Atomic Energy of weapons-usable material in Russia. accelerate and complete repatria- Director Alexander Rumyantsev But, he said, there still exists a sig- tion of all Russian-origin spent fuel signed a bilateral agreement between nificant amount of proliferation-sensi- by
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