THE HAMPTON REACH ADVOCATE PAGE EIGHT____________ _ rs CHECK UP EXPLODES Evening Of Fun At •am conducted by Mrs. John J. Dineen Hbvocate Croteau on the lawn under • Winona Proves A FOR SAFETY OF “OLD MAP Al HAMPTON RFA?u lights; quadrille, Virginia N. H. FRIDAY, AUGUST 13. 1937 raltz, Mr. Kenne-1 Hucre Success reel, waltz, prize w Once each year the turnbuck! dy. Mr. Rose and Mr. Fenton. Sr., E. H. Geddes., the expert who Roman’s Club Day O f Life Savers Assist nr in Approximately 78 guests, em­ Old Man of are pointed with asphaltum vj were judges of the dancing wUITe made repars to the jversion Saturday Power Boat Crew To Btflli ployees of the Springfield Union, 1916. has re- nish, and at that tim e observati£ Mrs. Corcoran and Mr. Levigue the Mountains in are made. For the past f [aS A Fine Program Land At River Mouth ______ _ gathered at The Winona last formed a court of appeals . Io:3o" sa“turday'^"morning at his visited the granite profile in Fran Thursday for an evening *»f *un ears this routine has been p The drum major *n I leader of residenee 71 Ocean Boul- conia Notch at the request of the y rhc Day of Diversion, sponsored About half four and entertainment by Hypolites ormed by Mr. Bodwell. p Wednes. H airdl Hampton Beach, N. H, Aug II, the orchestra was Arthu. Butler ^ ^ pa8aed away soon after. New Hampshire Forestry and the North Hampton Woman's day afternoon heavy clouds with A t T h , New Hampshire Fire Harmony Hounds with Joseph R viously it had been by the R According to the leading business Other commut es were. Offlcor ^ . Friday Mr. Dineen was ap- Recreation Department, and after ft on Saturday, Aug. 16, at the a wind of almost gale force came a / l Chiefs Held Annual aniifnvip noting as Master of Cor- Guy Roberts, who took the ( men and Chamber of Commerce charge. Tommy Corcoran; door- ^ ^ bc3t of heaith and checking measurements (Continued on Pago 8) Continued on oa- vh t A t t I think he will Man's welfare verymuch to he Outing Yesterday officials, Hampton Beach has en­ keeper. Mr. H. J. Croteau played golf with his brother, James joyed up to the present time, the mittee on drinks and stickers, ^ >Dineen_ and Jack Doyle, New ice in 2037.” in theperiod leading up to the 1< Members of the Manchester best season in its entire history. Jimmy Dugan; Lolly-pop girl. betting commissioner, who iver of the man repair work, and thereafter. Scheduled speakers at the an­ Hairdressers’ association enjoyed nual outing of the New Hampshire August gives promise of being a Doris McKenna Punch was « ^ ^ pue3t ftt thc beach. Sat- >ws more about The timelessness of the Old l\ their annual outing at the Hotel Fire chiefs at the Ashworth Hotel banner month also. free lu the cocktail lounge of e morning he suffered a heart { any other liv- during the past and future ^ Ashworth Wednesday. Hotels and guest-houses, that in response to orations appears to be essentia here tomorrow are Col. Paul Kirk, attack. The sports program at the state have been obliged in some instances mts which have a fact. It is believed that Public Safety Commissioner and For the past ten years Mr. Din­ reservation was Charles Decoteau. Stephen Garrity, State Fire Mar­ to turn away business in July, re­ een had been active in the upbuild­ ;ered newspaper Great Stone Face o f Howthoi COMMUNITY CHURCH During the ball game Edgar Geof* shal of Mass. This is the annual port that they are able to take ing of Hampton Beach as one of iial articles dur- fancy will continue to “erabr frion and Gerard Decoteau were Ladies' Day Outing and the Chiefs care of reservations for August the Qnsino Associates. In the all mankind" for many, rm the batteries for the men’s team, clubs of Mass., Maine Vcr- and early September, and that ownership and management of the which lost 4-3 to the women, who there positively will be no advance Continued on page eight. Casino. Ocean Inn and other pro­ had Lora Decroche and Margaret in rates for this period. Real estate perty, he was associated with his Titus for battery. agents report a similar condition Coast Guard Boat brother, John E. Cuddy, Jr., and ester, and C. T. Bodwell of the ,n « E. Albert was chairman of the as far as cottages and aprtments M wiwuiiMumannmnnnH.uiirn.iiHnr.n.iniimr^ir’niiniimn Napoleon L. Demara, both of Law ­ Society for the Protection of New men- outing committee, which was com­ Race Enjoyed By All are concerned. August and Early PEDIGREED NEWFOUNDLAND rence. Mr. Dineen had particular Hampshire Forests, ascended the posed of Miss Nora Broderick, Cottagers On Shore September will see a decided les&-* PUPS. Excellent children’s ent” for the evening service at 1 supervision over the hotel. rough trail to the profile. Theyi Don't miss Farmers' and I president of the association; Miss ening in the pressure of recrea­ jnates - $50 up. MRS.vIRA COLE­ , yj„ ________ wln tnnlnrtn Until 1935 Mr. Dineen was man- took measurements to check with makers’ Week at the Uuiversii Mary Horihan and Mrs. Mabel C. tional business which has tested A large number of cottagers and MAN, Newington, Nl H-* Tel. ager of the Modern Theatre in others taken by Mr. Geddes in 1916* New Hampshire, August 16*20 Curran. Hampton Beach facilities to the vacationists at the North Beach p iww nfh \ f29, A5 Lawrence, which he and his brother 1919, 1921, and 1923. In the 21 limit during July and visitors built. He was born in that city enjoyed the boat race Tuesday years since the first measurements Geranium^ Begonias during the late summer will be 62 years ago, a son of the late Amplifier Cheers As morning about 11:30 between the were taken, ther has been no Double PeUrbias Vine crews of the Hampton Beach sta­ comfortably and adequately cared Patrick H. and Margaret (Calnan) \ Flowers Singing Cop Performs for. change which could be discovered tion and the crew of the Wallis Dineen. in the position of the great ledges Beach /Road Greenhorn From the standpoint of weather RIDE Besides his brother he is sur­ Sand station. The Hampton Beach Let us help create which form the forehead and ex­ l>Near Town Hall) j The second band concert Sun­ conditions August and September vived by two daughters, Miss Alice crew which consisted of coxswain tend back into the southern peak Mo t o p e n S u n d a y day night was given from nine to are the most beautiful months of L Dineen, a teacher in the Law- Clarence D. Beal and crew of surf- a more lovely you of Cannon Mountain. There has Anna M. Cole, Prop. Tel. 1 ten o’clock at which as usual Bill the entire season at the seashore. HORSEBACK rence evening school, who is book­ men Charles Faulkingham, Allen been some surface erosion from Elliot, the singing cop sang. After Cool, moonlight nights, bright keeper in the Cosino office during Hanscom, Carleton Scoville. For- Make these gay months [wind and weather, but nothing several selections which elected sunshiny days with brisk north­ Miles of private bridle paths the summer, and Mrs. Mary C. Continued on page eight your loveliest ones. of a disturbing nature. The applause and blowing of horns west breezes and splendid ocean through beautiful pine woods Hayes, o f Peabody; a son, John J. leading to the sea. turnbuckles installed in 1916 were from the parked machines, the cheering told the crowd “Some­ bathing conditions characterize the Dineen, Jr., who is active in the inspected and fondu in perfect next encore number was greeted body is putting this applause over late season at Hampton, the Private riding ring. management of the Casino ball­ condition. / by great cheering which seemed on me from the Chamber of Com­ “ health and happiness” beach. Personal instruction given by room. and a sister, Miss Mary A. to come from the loud speaker merce.” This was correct as a re­ In addition to the bounties that1 owner and graduate of Dineen. Durland’s Ridiry^ School of araplifing system rather than cord of applause and cheering at nature provides, the Chamber of A funeral mass was held at St. Mrs. Hazel Beers, H. W. Beers New York City/ from the great crowd which was the Chamber of Commerce building Commerce is planning special Patrick’s church on the beach at BUSY BEES H V Ocean Blvd. massed in front. Many of the was fed into the amplifing system entertainment this year fo r late* the same time Tuesday morning Home Baking and Delicatessen Pies, Cakes, Doughnuts, Bread crowd however hearing the cheer­ as Bill concluded his selection and season guests. The 24th Carnival that mass was celebrated in St. Hampton Beach Party and Wedding Cakes IgERVING THE FINEST ing joined in. The singer with his anyone not in front of the band Week will begin Labor Da^ and Patrick’s church, Lawrence. Made to Order-Z-Tel. 161 radio experience recognized the ap­ stand would have been mislead in extend through the following Sun­ Blvd head O St. Hampton Beach 1 FOODS AT REASONAB PRICES. plause and acknowledging the its source. day. For one of the two weeks Boost your local paper I immediately proceeding Labor Day giamiiiiuiniuiUDiiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii^ , a special musical program. wjll be Tel. Rye Beach 139 Cutlers Hotel Evelyn’s Beauty Shop * FISH MARKET built around Hampton’s famous j Excellent Food.
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