24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Feb 5. 1986 SPORTS FOCUS U.S./WORLD DeaD stars form N O W ONLY AT.. ATALSIEFFERTSYOU MCC five guns Crossing guarDs GET MORE.... Down Mitchell are pals to kids the Milky Way? • FREE DELIVERY ... page 9 ... page 13 ... page 20 • FREE NORMAL HOOK-UP • FREE REMOVAL • FREE SERVICE ....PLUS MUCH MORE! I TOP NAME BRANDS.... I F O R LESS! iHaurbpBtfr ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm •M AOICCHtr limlh I • ZtNITH I •MAONAVOX • WHIRLPOOL I •MAYTAO I •MmUBISHI • WHtTf- WtSTlNOHOUSS • AMANA 25 Cents ! •PANASONIC • BROAN ThursDay, Feb. 6, 1986 I •PHILCO • CALORIC I •QUASAX • CARRISR • SANYO II •SHARP •tMlRSON • tURtXA I •SONY • riSHiR Reagan Details •SUMMIT V/SA I • m o lD A IR t Little • SPltDQUUN I • SYLVANIA • PRIIDRICH I • TAPPAN •OtNlRALlLtCTRIC • HITACHI changes I • TOSHIBA C AAINSTANT ! • W ASnXIN O • HOTPOINT plans to meet I • WfLBILT • JtNN-AIR I .RCA •XITCHfNAID 1 500 CREDITIF QUALIFIED. ______ • Lin O N at Capitol CO LO R TV buDget goals By George Lovng HITACHI rTTTTn ^ RCA ITTiTn SHARP ColorTrak Herald Reporter < i> 19 " 19" " O A Combined 13 I?." • • " HARTFORD — The clock behind PMTABLt RIMOTI cowmoi. 25 " 25Ol A o Wire Services FOKTABLI COLOR TV KEYBOARD TUNrJG the House speaker’s podium at the COLOR TV COLOR TV Capitol was stuck at 2:30 when 6 COLOR TV COLOR TV WASHINGTON - j Budget Ibtals • AUTO-FINE TUNING • MULTI-BAND QUARTZ TUNER ’ •157 C H A N N E L , legislators filled the chamber on • CABLE READY '••AUTO-COLOR Wednesday, the opening day of the President Reagan sent n MECHANICAL • SHARPNESS CONTROL CABLE READY Congress today a detailed • DIRECT ACCESS TUNING ^DELUXE WOOD 1986 session of the General # T U N E R • AUTOMATIC COLOR • SWIVEL BASE plan of action to enact his ^ Receipis • AUTOMATIC FLESH TONES • LED CHANNEL INDICATOR GRAIN CABINETCABIl Assembly. conservative agenda at lions ol Dollars Oullays Although it was actually noon home and abroad, calling and some eight months had for no major new pro­ 1,064 1,027 elapsed since the lawmakers last grams but seeking new 900 VU4 QCM3C met, the political exchanges and laws to unleash business 1.000 469 debate over key issues continued ^ 1 9 9 219 34d from regulatory VIDEO RECORDERS WASHERS-DRYERS as if no time had passed. ELECTRIC RANGES MITSUBISHI constraints. 800- vioio CAstmi TOSHIBA WhiteWestinghouse Even before the governor’s The president also said GLENWOOD VIOIO CASffTTI budget message. Senate Pro Tern he will ask Congress for RECORDER HEAVY DUTY 800 RECORDER AUTOMATK Philip S. Robertson, a Cheshire "m oral and material 20" WASHER Republican, strongly criticized aid” for rebels seeking to • S T E R E O Democratic Gov. William A. O’ overthrow the Marxist 400- YOUR CHOICE government of Nicara­ • CABLE READY • 4 H E A D • FAMILY SIZE Neill’s spending proposal for the GAS OR ELECTRIC •WIRELESS REMOTE • CABLE READY • G IA N T 18 LB. next fiscal year and his perfor­ gua and for aid to rebels 329 489 mance in general. trying to accomplish the 200 RANGES He calleD plans to raise state same thing in Angola, ^FREE Lifetime Video Club with purchase SONY spenDing by 11 percent “ fiscally UPl pfroto although he said details THE WORLD S SMALLEST AND absurd” anD applauDeD meDia of Angolan assistance 1985 1986 1967 1988 19B9 CAMCORDERS HITACHI LIGHTEST 8MM CAMERA/RECOHDEH reports over the past year on waste Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Robertson, left, applauds Wednesday will have to be worked out Actual EMknale anD fraud among state workers. after Gov. William O'Neill delivered his 1986 budget message to the General with Congress. Fncal V* The election-year speech drew Assembly. Robertson, a Republican, attackeD the state’s Democratic As the president pres­ hisses from Democratic lawmak­ ented his agenda to reach WhiteWestinghouse ers seated on the west side of the administration in a partisan speech as the Legislature opened. his long-sought goal of a Wliirlpool m T f n HEAVY OUYY chamber and a mixed review from balanced budget, it was announced Reagan’s $994 billion outline was 30” aECTRIC ELECTRK F Manchester.area legislators. today that a special three-judge federal peppered with cuts in middle class "It was too partisan," said Rep. court plans to rule Friday on the programs designed to meet the RANGE CAMCORDER • AMR RECORDING SYSTEM DRYER Gramm-Rudman balanced budget law • FULL COLOR OPTICAL VIEWFINDER James R. McCavanagh. D- Budget battle lines drawn constitutionality of the Gramm- • PULL OUT BURNERS • AUTO>FOCU8 raWER ZOOM LENS CAMCORDER • ELECTRONIC VIEW FINDER/MONITOR • THE WORLD'S LIGHTEST 6MM VCR • LARGE CAPACITY M an ch ester, who w o re an Rudman Act, which requires a bal­ calling for a deficit of no more than $144 • LIFT UP TOP • AUTOMATIC IRIS • CONSTANT AUTO WHITE BALANCE • DIRECT VIDEO PLAYBACK •AUOTFOCUS • FAMILY SIZE “ O’Neill” button on his lapel. "It anced federal budget by 1991. billion for fiscal 1987, which begins Oct. • LARGE OVEN • COMPLETE PACKAQE....INCLUDE8: » 2 HOUR SO MINUTE BATTERY LIFE state grants to cities and towns to help mayors . EASY CLEAN TOP BATTERY PACK, A/C ADAPTOR. • ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER • EDIT SWITCH sounds like he’s setting the tempo Bv Judd Everhart A court spokeswoman said the 1. CHARGER, SHOULDER STRAP, • VHS FORMAT • AC ADAPTOR The Associated Press and first selectmen keep local property taxes decision will be made public at noon. Reagan proposed a $143.6 billion • ONE HAND OPERATION • HARD CARRYING CASE of them (the Republicans) running CARRINO HANDLE. off on their own and not being down. The measure was attacked as "B y ­ deficit by calling for $38.2 billion in concerned with the interests of the HARTFORD — If opening day was any Robertson said state tax cuts would ensure zantine” and an abdication of Congress’ budget cuts in areas ranging from indication, the 1986 General Assembly session that money will be "returned to the people, responsibilities in a suit by a 12 Medicare to education, health to E people.” “ I agree with what he (Robert­ will be marked by political squabbling not seen rather than to mayors and first selectmen who members of Congress. housing assistance. His budget calls for 296 1299 1379 1499 son) said." said state Sen. Carl A. in recent years. just so happen to be important for certain The law, passed in December, a real increase in military spending of 3 MICROWAVES Zinsser, R-Manchester, who has Senate President Pro Tempore Philip S. people’s re-election efforts.” triggers automatic across-the-board percent above inflation — .up to $311.6 CALORIC participated in six legislative .Robertson, R-Cheshire, came out slashing at Robertson was hissed by Democrats twice cuts if Congress is unable to reduce the billion next fiscal year. 3 0 ” ELECTRIC CAROUSEL- Whirlpool opening cermonies. “ He laid out Democratic Gov. William A. O’Neill on during his speech and they refused to join the current deficit of around $200 billion — House Speaker Thomas O’Neill said Litton what the differences were ... I ’m Wednesday, accusing of him of producing a traditional applause afterward. Lawmakers either through spending cuts or tax Wednesday military spending "w ill RANGE MICROWAVE HEAVY DUTY from both parties later denounced him for MICROWAVE AUVOMATK not sure that was the place to bring "politically expedient” election-year budget increases. No matter what Friday’s suffer along with domestic programs” • SELF CLEAN • 1.5 CUBIC FT. with an "obscene” 11 percent increase in giving a "low class” speech. decision says, an appeal to the Supreme unless new taxes are raised, (Story on • TOUCH CONTROLS theih forward, but I can’t fault • BLACK GLASS WASHER him.” spending to bring the budget to $4.92 billion. " I see no reason to throw down gauntlets,” Court for speedy review is expected. page 19). OVEN DOOR • NEW MODEL • PROBE said Van Norstrand, R-Darien. ‘T v e got to • INTERIOR LIGHT • LA R G E Republican Rep. Elsie L. Swens- O’Neill was not in Hall of the House of In submitting his agenda today, • LIFT UP TOP • VARIABLE POWER CAPACITY Representatives during Robertson’s attack. work with the governor. I never have liked the REPUBLICANS AND Democrats • TIME OF DAY CLOCK • TURNS THE FOOD son of Manchester agreed with Reagan reiterated his support for a list • AUTOMATIC CLOCK Zinsser. "Robgrtson calls a But he came in a few minutes later to deliver raw-meat approach.” of unenacted social goals, including a alike on Capitol Hill protested the spade a spade,” she said. "He his budget address. Assistant House Minority Leader Timothy J. constitutional amendment to allow severity of the cuts and called for a tax made some good points. He’s right His speech, like that of Republican House Moynihan, D-East Hartford, said Robertson’s prayer in schools, tuition tax credits for hike — especially an oil import fee — to Speaker R.E. Van Norsirand. was more speech was “ nothing except an attempt to set ic a l o b IE^ • FITS UNDER that we can’t keep overtaxing the parents of children in private schools help ease the pain. CABINETS people.” conciliatory. Both emphasized the need to himself apart from the rest of the legislature, and a new program to give parents Senate Budget Committee Chairman 419 166 289 349 The issues raised by Robertson work together in this legislative and guberna­ including his own Republican Party.” "education vouchers” to send their Pete Domenici, R-N.M., said tax — and answered by the governor in torial election year. The Republicans control But Robertson said afterward that "Bill children to schools of their choice. increases should be included in a deficit Litton Litton his subsequent 20-minute budget both houses of the General Assembly.
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