'ff "vjlisWeV f ."! ,- k- V ' 8- - - ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER' 24, 1910 - v j face of disaator. Many a commanding of for them shows only how tireless and de- ! Stinting public Uetigcc ficer has gone down with his ship, lor no termined they are. In their various ways MAYOR-ELEC- T MOORE'S PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY knew that his career on tho sea was they are following a light that commands LETTER The Christmas Tobacco ended when his vessel was lost. thorn onward. c2!.l,rl' H. I.udinBton. Vice Prfnldents John C. And George S. Sproue, Toting a Lady's f By Christopher Morlcy JMrtln. Berirtary and TreHurrs Philip H. Colllnj. But Secretary Daniels is said to havo they tyill search tho world and M John n. Wlllliim, John J, . Bpurrcon. Dlfnctofi. rejected a large number of lecommenda-tlon- s they will shako it until they establish Suitcase Instead of His Own, Was Illustrated by Charles H. Sykcs EDITOUIAIi BOAnD: Sims peace on cai th and good will among men. Flustered When Offered City Job Custm H. K. Cctth. Chairman for medals made by Admiral tA'rD a. SMILEY , Editor and indorsed by tho naval board und to (According to an eastern legend, tobacco used lo lie grown in the fields outeldo Bethlehem) JOHN C. MAHT1N.... General Dmlneaa Managor havo added to tho list tho names of a SANE RUSSIA AND HER FAITH CAPTAIN JOHN VITtDHN, of the uni- robllslied dally at Poiuo T.moes Iiulldlnc, largo number of men who under tho of what has been told Pilots' Association, is Indeptndenca Square, Philadelphia. ' would never MUCH n close friend of George Sproulc, the new . y ..-- ROM tho golden nlslra of riot, Presa-Vnio- n form practice of tho past l m Atlantic Cnr BulMlne Russia induces paralysis of of ' From jostling press, , Mwr Youk 206 Metropolitan Toner have been considered as worthy of special director wharves, doelts nnd ferries. They tho frantic JDrmioiT 701 Ford Building thought Sensibilities aro dulled and have indulged the river long And is mado par- habit for a time. To a side street's frosty quiet ST. Ult'U ..lOOR Fullerton Hullrilns honors. the situation mental processes balked by the theme of But Captain John, like others of the new CuiCico 1302 Tribune Building ticularly ugly because the secretary's own Homo walked, with bitterness. w NEWS BUHUAU3: a nation gone mad. What cannot bo com- illrector'H friends, was. momentarily alarmed ' Ilt.'IMHU. brother-in-la- w is among those to receive nt possible complications nrlslng . AH tho color, bustle, glamour, j Vl0TONN. U. Cor. Pennsylvania Ave. and St. prehended is frequently dismissed like from a 14th. comedy of Sproulc Seemed to but empty - , Nkw YoitK ritrmu Tho Sim Bulldlne honor after having lost his ship. the problem of squaring the circle or the errors on the day Mr. left him clamor. Xiofitmt Uum:'U London Times to Hie rivers and harbors cotientloii nt Wash- r sunticniPTioN teixms If Distinguished Service Medals aie nature of infinity. teeming spaces, Tha limtMi rem id Lniioui H flened to Sims ington when Governor Sproul was also at the In tho great stores' In Philadelphia and eiiiTOundlne towns he awarded in this way Admital And so a good many Americans of (12) per eapltnl to he called, into the Major's cnblnct In tho throng of Christmas Eve, at the ratfl of twelve cents week. paablo apparently docs not want one. Every nnd-fcel- ing 1 to tho cnrrler. hcait have been excluding in Philadelphia. Spioule was not called , ? , By point-- Philadelphia. In Ho saw worried, weary faces mall to outsUe of seaman, whether in the navy or in the Russia fiom con- until he reached Philadelpliia, just ns ho the United States. Canada, or United States the sphere of their and Told himself, "I disbelieve! pemtaro free, ntty (501 rents per month. merchant service, will understand his sideration. They havo not meant to bo was invited into conference his mind was uot 8Ix ($(1) dollar rer" ear. payable In advance. Merry Christmas, Day of Days To ull forclrn countries one ($li dollar per position. unkind, but they have been puzzled and altogether clear as to what was happening. i " Here is the story : The genial secretary hnd Hypocrite commercial phrasel" Notic Subscribers wlslilnff address chatised it takes some time for action to emerge mujt slve old asiwell as new address. arrived in Philadelphia, hut he suddenly dis- THE MAGI AT YOUR ELBOW from bewilderment. covered that the sultensc he brought with Did ho havo some prlvato reason BELL. J000 WALMJT KEYSTONE, MAIN 3000 STILL- - FOLLOW THEIR STAR If the war hnd not fostered so much him was not his. The contents disclosed that TIiub so savagely to brood? is belonged lady lady phjsl-cla- N CT Address all oommuntcatfoiu to Evening I'ubllo that fantastic, so much which common it to a possibly a ' Anyway, In cheerful season Li doer, Independence Saltan.. Philadelphia. sense in ordinary Whew! What would tho lady say? Their Millions Are Everywhere Now and times would promptly There ho walked in cynic mood, reject, il would have been And nt the same time, where was Mr. Member of (lie Associated Press Is Still for Peace generally Roaming aimless, without plan, Their Search realized that entire Sproule's grip? But wait a minute. The run tv,v ruv.ss u cx,iu- - nations do not go long distance telephone is ringing. "Is this Lonely, issoa icpnbUtatlon on Earth mad, and a disheartened man. flcclu entitled to the use for that a government, born of Governor Hproul?" "No, this is tho secro-tif- v to not of all liars dispatches credited it or no rmht lo icltbiuli Christ- force and nurtured by the same agency, of the commissioner of navigation." otherwise credited in this paper, and also "llrtr Man, wc Christmas trees, banked high and fragrant, mas." said the Amjry "brrause is not necessarily representative of mil- "Well, this is the Rnlelgh Hgl--I, Washing- the local lint? imhltshed therein. The world Breathed a whiff of balsam sweet, special have Jortiattcn what il mianx. lions of its people. ton. Tho Governor left here this morning All rights of republication of hatd-hiarit- has no is and mciviMi. It and forgot his suitcase. Somebody took u But the misanthropic vagrant herein, ire also reserved. vision and it has no pity!"' Speaking at the New England Society's lady's grip in mistake and she won't lene Strode ungladdcned down tho street. riillarfrlpllll. 1dliruJir, December 21. W aic always people who talk like dinner tho other night, a granddaughter - THERE until she gets it." It was under these "Holly?" cried n corner grocer uncon- General And they aro quite of Grant painted n picture of peculiar circumstances nnd with tho dire Homo drew his; surtout closer. TAKE THE CITY HALL, TOO sciously thf living proof of their own Russia which our own citizens should staring him in the face that Mr. upon on or. For, so long as there are minds have reasoned out for Sproule was stidilcnlj called to say Dusk blue-vaulti- rpilE eouncilinen who itrs planning to themselves but for wits starred, the sky , oi'-n- o lo the directorship proposition. - give thcmsi'vps tli" s ami cluiit in iiHiiiieotion against wrong the breakdown of analy ticul safety vahes jrs People hurried homo from work. In the Council eHiiPibcn ate not ijj'rt; i ard fo I; . miellj i.nil unwudom; so long undispicwl of much icir us piopaganda. Whcro ho saw cigars ho halted, " I VTOT alloKPther like llenjiuiilit Franklin in enough. Tiiorc aic electi ie g'H IixIiikm as thoie aii- people whu cunno' but feel As 'it is, tho Princes C'aiitacuzeiio, for By a wooden tuibaned Turk, ' olhot.--, twenty iicliirwment, bill somewhat suggestite in the chambers to which they an en- the sting of pain inflicted upon the years a lesident of Russia, per- ' Ashamed, with empty hands, to sco will in by analogy in that he came out of Mas- titled just as much as to the chairs and miratlo commi'iuoiated at Christmas formed a few fervent words no ordi- All carried parcels, saving ho. continue to shine before your very eyes. nary service. Her authority on sachusetts to ndd to Philadelphia's scientific flcsks. tho subject prestige, is Benjamin Smith Lyman, noted Tlie hope symbolized in these days has is not to bo questioned, and when sho And if it is due the coimcihnen that geologist mining engineer, now eighty-fiv- o Queer tho shop, It seemed (ho entered) In- bhows nnd they should be rewarded with tbfl furni- mado a temple of every ono who hates us that the heart of tho Russian years of age. Stocked with candy, pipes and toys; justice. will live work wonders so peoplo is sound, ture they have been using, it is due to tho It and that bolshevlsm rules, Mr. Lyman, who was born at Northamp- And tho dealer stood there, centered long as there is compassion in the hearts not by tho voico of tho public ? Mayor and to the heads of the various but by tho ton and educated at Harvard, followed up his In-- group of bright-cheeke- d boys. departments that they should also have of men. voice of machine guns, that right-thinkin- g technical studies In Paris and at Freiburg, Urchins loitered, slowly choosing office furniture, including the rugs Tho world just now looks like a hard- Russians by tho millions will never Saxony, and then engaged in public work In their geological Clockwork apes they thought amusing.
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