* 4 V * . > . /% • •* Beach Advocate VOL. X _________ HAMPTON BEACH, N. H„ FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1936 FREE Classes In Physical^ Leavitt Reunion This Crowds Visit Beach Hampton Harbor Training Conducted Year Attended By 200 As Fireworks Display Yacht Club House Daily At The Beach Members Of Families Greets Vacationists Nearly RANDALL'/ Next week Hampton Beach resi­ From many states nearly 200 The fireworks season at Hampton Due to uuuvoiduble construction dents will have an opportunity to members of the National Assocla- Beach opened with a bang last delays it is not expected that the Continued on Page Eight (Contlnuod on Page 4) : Wednesday evening before thous­ new club house of the Hampton ands of spectators. Harbor Yacht club will be ready The first set piece appeared to bo for the first social event next week. an elaborate representation of the It had been hoped that the build­ Casino flanked with two American ing would be nearly completed by flags hearing the greeting. “ Wel- now and ready for Interior decora­ Back On The Beach | come to Hampton Beach” . The tion. Although tentative plans for other set pieces were colorful dls- a dedication to which members of • p ays and augured well for the sea- neighboring yacht clubs wlil be in- WITH THE SEASON'S SMARTEST Contlnued on Page Eight ( Continued on Page Eight! Many Bonfires Will Beach Fashion Show Summer Clothing Celebrate July 4th In Will Display Latest Surrounding Towns In Wearing Apparel There will he more Fourth ot July bonfires in this section this The latest in Summer fashions Beach Wear yea»* than for many years. In addi­ will be exhibited by a bevy of men, tion to the one at the center spon­ women and children models at a AND A sored by the American Legion fashion revue to be staged by there will he a bonfire at Seabrook Hampton Beach shops next Thurs­ Beach not far from the Hampton day afternoon and evening on the river bridge. This will be set off bandstand. New Valet Service ’ early in the evening for the benefit The creations for beach, sport and T he * evening wear will be beautifully {o f younger children. Just over the Gayest 1 state line into Salisbury Beach staged under the direction of Marie The Campion Cruise Shop jjwrogwafcea a there will be a huge midnight bon- Kitchen of the Boar’s Head Inn. Ha ppie st custom CLEANING AND PRESSING Continued on SERVICE. In every sense a VALET Bathing Suits that SERVICE with perfected cleaning methods, you can imagine.. extreme care in handling any kind of gar­ 8 FISH MARKET ment and The Cruise Shop Tailoring Staff * Fish Famous ror to make necessary minor repairs/ r 1 ' V £ Lobsters Lobster Dinners !♦! Clams LORENZ’S and Fried Clams RECONDITIONING . the term that dis­ tinguishes this New Campion Valet Service NEAR MILE BRIDGE from ordinary methods of Cleaning and Pressing. SILEX TEA AND COFFEE £ A Sea Food from the Ocean to your Plate the Same Day y V YOUR CLOTHING CALLED FOR & DELIVERED Call Hampton Beach ioO Agents Agents Jr for for S. S. Pierce LIQUORS S. S. Pierce LOW PRICES CAMPION CRUISE SHOP SHAHEEN’S, INC New and Only Location DARTMOUTH• • OUTFITTERS AUTHENTIC Casino. Next Door to the Ballroom Broadway and Route 1-A SALISBURY Tel. 835-2 BEACH ^ H i R L e y t ^/v i p l E suits by SURF SIDE BEACH SHOP Forest. Hills ON THE BOLTLEVARD @ “C” ST. Featuring the Latest Knits & Styles of Every little girl shoulJ have o n e or more of these M EN’S LA D IE S’ beautiful sturdy suirs. They : JANTZEN SWIM SUITS will love them as they arc Shirley’s own selection. TUCK MIO KAVA KNIT BRA TUCK MIO TOPPER TRUNKS $2.95 N e also carry authentic $4.95 $L50 $4.95 $5.95 Shirley Temple Hats and authentic Shirley Temple 1936 SUMMER PROMOTIONS Hair Ribbons. $3.95 C u l o t t e s ? i.i9 MEN’S ASCOT TERRY ROBES NEW SLACKS 1.19 POLO SHIRTS, all styles 1.00 NEW PAJAMAS 1.95 CAPS, tan crash popular .35 1.95 PAJAMA SETS 1.95 S L A C K S , corded patterns. $2.45 now 1.50 LARGE CANNON TOWELS .35 SHIRTS, collar attached CUT RATE .35 SHOES .................... .79 SEERSUCKER TIES, washable FISH NET BATH 16.75 If you can But it Elsewhere 2.45 PALM BEACH SUITS LADIES’ SHOES For Less We Will Suits - A SUM M ER DISPOSAL S A L E AT $22.50-Every Suit Guaranteed Gladly Refund Your .Money t V * THE HAMPTON BEACH ADVOCATE PAGE TWO THE HAMPTON BEACH ADVOCATE there?" the farmer shouted from and a half ago. tho house. To look back over thirty-six yonri* "Snv, I can't get tin* collar over and nee the vast changes tlmt have INFORMATION this horse’s head. His ears are been made In tho developments of frozen stiff," replied the new hand. the rubber suit to its present stage, nf perfection, is n remarkable storyl I I am the first girl you ever of research and skill In staling. J ^ | kissed how Is It Mint you kiss so The progress made In the eroation A Philadelphia firm advertising | well?” of the rubber suit of today Is to bt ST. PATRICK’S for n salesman received a reply “ if shown step by step by Kiindairs Ex-Governor Rolland Roman Catholic from a man who sold that he was kissed, Cut Rote during tlie Style & Fash-I j COLONIAL S u n d a y Masses at 6, 7. 8. 9 9:45 the greatest salesman in the world. well?” ion Show at tho band stand next OLYMPIA H. Spualding Chrmn. PORTSMOUTH 10:30. 11:35 standard time. They engaged him and guve h im ------- Thursday afternoon and t veiling. This theatre on Daylight Time Theatre Hampton Beach For Moses Committee Portsm outh three UnJk 'J tT T>oodB to sell any- J?^ g| Living models are to displuy ev­ Theatre Hampton Ileach Fri. and Sat.— --------FIR E W O R K S --------- where ln*the West. They expected ery style nf suit manufactured slco * Sun.. Mon. July 5-6 UNA MERKEL Weekly on Wednesdays at 9:30 Standard Time, * CONCORD. July 2 — Announce­ Hugh Herbert Operating on Daylight time the year 1900. (Continued from Page 1) ment that former Governor Rolland “WE WENT TO COLLEGE". This display or ye olden suits who had much to do with the suc­ H. Spaulding of Rochester has ac­ Charles Butterworth. Walter Colonial, Portsmouth. Mat were first shown at the Miami Bllt- Margaret Sullivan Thomas Beck Abel. Edgar Kennedy, Edith cessful fashion revue given In St. cepted an invitation to serve as o Gala 4th of July Program Casino Theatre, in the Casino Petersburg, Fla., last Winter. more pool. Miami, Florida before Atwater HENRY FONDA Every Saturday chairman of the state wide commit­ 2 ZANE GREY’S Ink i Theatre. Exeter, mat There will he special stage and tee \Yhlch will direct his campaign y Sun., MonH 'l ues.— "ARIZONA RAIDERS" lighting effects to enhance the col­ “THE MOON’S OCR H OM E" i “SAN FRANpfSCO” M AILS Night” for the Republican nomination for 2 wlth Buster Crabbe. Marsha orful variety of the costumes t CLARK GABLE Hunt — OUT — Shorts News United Stales Senator, was made against the background of the At­ yesterday by Governor H Styles 4 Jeanette MacDonald 9:00 A. M. ,* 12:00 noon who loaded rue.. Wed. July 7-8 Selected Shorts t Spencer Trac/. Jack Holt O AI Jolsonr Sybil Jason lantic ocean. Bridges. i A _________ Ted /Healey a L Hatton. Cab CaDavav goods." Appearing as models for the ------- DANCING — Mr. Spaulding's election as gov­ Y Wed. andjTnur. Weekdays - Casino Ballroom 8-12 Boar’s Head Yarn shop will be Ann Harding ernor of the state in 1914 returned "Yes.** remarked the golfer, who X MARVDN DAVIES Rbs&mary Cregg. Janet Cregg, Mad­ "THE whfNES^ CHAIR" the Repub lean party to power in had taken 17 to the first hole with­ “HEARTS DIVIDED" Sonde .7. Mondav — ---- B O W L IN G -------- eline Allen. Mrs. Duval. Caroline Ann Sothern state affairs ufter the first or only out reaching It, "this is my favorite X with Dick Powell Daily - Nightly—Casino Bowling Alleys: Femcroft Recreatii Denoncoeur, Adeline Denoncoeur, pc Comedy Cartoon two Democratic administrations In 6 A Startling Drama of Today! * course, the course where I once did T Charles Ruggles. Claude Rains Alievs “A " St. (Skeeball, Blvd., between “A " and “ B" Sts.) E ’ise Marguette, Mrs. Annette BRUCE CABOT the state government since the turn 2 “AND SUDDEN DEATH" i a hole in one ’’ T Edward Everett Horton Butrhelder. Mrs. Percy Wheeler. of the century. Hts administration Selected Comedies & Shorts o Randolph Scott, Frances Drake 2 “ Stroke or day, sir?*’ queried the “Baby" Wheeler and Dianne Hill. was followed liv another long per­ X Sun.. July 12 — Kay Francis caddie. The Campion^ Cruise shop will Bette Davis Shorts iod of Republican success. in "The White Angel" on the PAT O’BRIEN have for models Richard Jeans, As governor Mr. Spaulding gave I Screen. On the Stage Sun. Josephine^Hutchinson in They're rugged individualists in GEORGE BRENT T *>nly: Gerry Garney & Walter Arr. Boston NOTE— a ( “Bud" Walls, Philip Laskey. Jr., the state a forceful administration I MARRIED A DOCTOR 8:13 A. M. 9:15 A Tufftown. that little mountain com­ Wed.. Thur. July 8-9 X K a Bandar with their Golden Austin Barrett and Frank Milliken.
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