\ The Christmas C;ift Tha+ '~, Repeats Itself 52 Times a Year ••• Give a Subscription to The News • • • HomtJ oj ~ws 99 KercheVal Phone TUxedo 2-6900 EDtered all Second Class Matter VOLUME 13-NO. 51 at the Post Office ,lit Detroit, M1ch. Fully Paid Circulation $ , I I I HEADLINES Tree Lighting 'Ceremony to be H'e,ld 'at WaF: Memorial Center Woods Schedules Record Fund of Ih. ,~,;>' ~';':"~' Will Ensure \VEER As Compiled ", Ih. Special Election Merry Xmas Gt'OUtJ PointtJ NtWI Grosse Pointe Lions, Police Thursday, December 11 And Firemen Responsible For February 16 For Drivels Success PRESIDENT - ELECT Eisen- hower arrives in Hawaii for ,eries of conferences with mili- Voters Will Be Asked to Approve Increase in Pay for Coun- Grosse Pointe's 28th CLl'J.nual tary advisers. To confer with General MacArthur on "solution" cilmen and Mayor and Amendment on Publications Goodfellow Day newspaper to Korean War next week. sale, sponsored by the Grosse * * Wood voters will go to the polls in a special election on Pointe Lions' Club Dece~ber REPUBLICAN LEADERS indi4 February 16, 1953, to cast their ballots on two proposed 15, netted a record fund that cate that Alger may give up re- amendments to the city charter, The first amendment con- count in face of gains made by cerns an increase in compensiition to the mayor and council- is expected to total well over Governor Williams in every men of $350 per year for their services to the city. $8,000. county outside Wa)'ne. Alger savs Presently, the charter calls for(~"'-------------- I At the ii:..ne the NEWS w~t recount will continue at lea~,t a compensation not to exceed I p _ to press, the fund was reported until next week. $400 to each councilman, with an arklng Lot to have reached $7,511.27, but . .. ., additional payment to the mayor gifts totaling about $600 were CHINESE REDS ASSAULT top of $200. still outstanding. of Little Nori Hill for second St t Fl Would Get $750 Per Year I Thank Police, Firemen time in 20 hours of savage fight~ ar surry ing that marked beginning llf The "-new proposal states that 0fAt Co-chairman of the drive, largest mass attacks in two "each councilman and the mayor rgumen. S James N. McNally and David months. hall receive as compensation the Nagel, both Lions members, were * llt * particularly grateful to the Pointe TRUMAN DECLARES that sum of .$750 p~r. year. Th: mayor I Farms Council Hears Protest firemen and police officers, whEl Ike's election campaign promise shall, m addItion, receIve the A ' t CI' f M M'1l n' stationed themselves at all the to go to Korea was pure de- sum of $200 per year." gains oSlng.o. C I a I principal intersections through .. magoguery and that he does not The second proposed amend-I Messner Airs VIews out the Pointe through the mom- believe that General MacArthur . ' . --- ing hours until noon. ment deals WIth the publlcatlOn The proposed acquisition "Without their help the drive has plan to bring about Korean War's end. and recording of ordinances en- bv the Citv of Grosse Pointe I could not have been successful," . acted by the council. J". they declared. .. '" Registration Closes January 19 Farms of a portIOn of the . SOS RADIO MESSAGE reports +''Oegistration for the •special R'.ICh ar d SCh 00l' s MClanM'll Merry CbrJstmas Norwegian freighter Fernstream election by those who are not al- ,The fund will ensure a Merry sinking in San Francisco Bay ready registered will be received I playground area for mcreased Christmas for all needy Pointe after colliding with another ~Pictul"e by Fred Runnells at the municipal\.offices through parking space, was the sub- children. That portion remaining freighter, Hawaiian Rancher. For the first time Grosse Pointe will have a community tree lighting ceremony at the Grosse Pointe War January 19, 1953. ject of considerable argument after presents and Christmas Memorial Center, 32 Lake Shore driv'e. The ceremony will take place from 7:30 to l! p.m. on Tuesday night, December ------. .. baskets have been bought will be Friday, Deeember 12 23. The tree is centered in the circular driveway and will be but the introduction to the beautiful holiday decorations D d GI at the Farms councIl meetmg I used throughout the year ior EXPERT JURY in inquest into. which will be found thrpugbp,lJ.t the building proper. This event wm be spo!JsOl'ed by the .service clubs, Rotary, Ki- roppe asses Monday night. 1 Pointe families as needs arise. the death of Detroit undertaker . 0 .. d E h h' h h ld th' 1 h d' t' t th C t M R 11Al hIe f C h The Board of Education was 'I At the close of the sale, Lions Saul M. Lewis returns verdict wanIs, ptlmlst an xc ange, w IC 0 elr unc eon or mner mee mgs a e en er. rs .. usse ger as a so ause 0 ,raS taken to task by a resident of members, police and firemen were of heart disease induced by given special backing to the project. 'The Rev. Erville'Maynard pf Christ Church will act as master of ceremonies, McKinley avenue. and Clarence 'I entertained ?-t a lunc~eon given/ pressure on the neck. Verdict assisted by'the Rev. Paul Kctchum:'of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church and Father Cleary, chaplain of Bon Secours Park police ticketed Earl D. Messner, principal of Richard, at the DetrOIt Turners Club. leaves question of whether Lewis HospitaL The Tuxis Club Choir will lead the singing of carols, and Santa Claus. will, make his appearance on the Anderson for not having his car stated hi~ personal views as to I . ....mmitted 3uicide open. balcony and distribute caRdy canes,to the children presen,t. .All of the Pointe Communities .will be, 1', epres, eo.t, ed by their h t' f th 1 ~ under. control, causing an acci- w y no porIOn 0 e p ay area R t L k • .. • mayors, and .the Grosse ;Pointe W90gs,ppp1IDunity Center and, the ;Neighborhood C!ub. ~y :their respective, d+:rectpl~sJ~s: ~hould be relinquished for park- epor a e G ENE R A L .EISENHOWER Jane Costabile and:'qearg~-,EJ.woi't1~y;: ,'Pi'le':,~Garaen Club m~rribers' will 'de.corcite' the"lritel~ip.;: of the buildin'g." AH;:l'esi- dent, December 15. , ll1g spaCE". L'D I lnad1e it c~dear ttodaYI.that J:le dents of the Pointe are 1inviteCl to attend with their families.~~lf.,.the weather ,is bad, the ;;:ehmiony wiU-be'::held indoors.' ,Andersoi1"\\'ho li.ves at 284 East - - lteuter Protests 'eve.lt~ rOR-,~.. wou d avO! en ang emen t In "\' "", , - G db} rd had cr'ashed I:' eontrove:'sy arollsed by Truman'.s ran ou eva , Erland Reuter of 165 McMillan t t G 1 M IB Th - , U -f T ff- V- I t-' N t d Ch into a car parked near the corner protested vigorously against the Members of the Grosse Pointe ~:t~:~~tsann~~nce~~~~a that ~~ I usy ,leVeS fil orm ra Ie 10a Ion 0 e orus of Devonshire and Charlevoix. idea of closing off a portion of Flood Committee met again at k I The parked car is owned by Wal- McMillan road for the purpose 'h 'IT M .' 1 C t D new of a solution to Korean I Eff N F- S h dID ·d d U T P t ter I tlfty \Of 1385 Devonshire f I' II f th R' h d I ~ e n ar emOlla en er on e- War's end. • ... '. I orts. et IDe j.. c e u e eel e pOD 0 resen .- A;ders~n tol~ police that 'he ~la;~ll~o~~~gsp~ceQin o:e f~~c:~~ i cember 16, ,to review th€ water THREE COUNTIES halt re-I' • F G P ,. t W d "M. h" had dropped hIS glas.ses as he in area. Stating that such a move I level COn~ItlOnSto date. eount of. votes in Michigan I OlD 00 S ~tart.ed across Devonshlr~. R~~Ch-1w0uld throw all of the traffic Compan;;o~s of seasonal 1'15e But Pltta,nce or rosse e essza Ing for them, he had swerved Into now carried bv McMillan onto and fall durmg the past year of- gubernatonal race as Governor Lit'. Williams conti~ued to lldd to I " ------- u y s car. McKinley avenue and Muir I fere~ some imm~diate although his lead over Republican nomi-; A~tion Follows Study Of System Prepared By Hand~I's ,Great Oratorio To ------ roads, he said the demands of not fully substantiated hope that nee, Fred M Alger, Jr. Total of 50 Cents Missing American Bar Association; Park And Shores d the School Board sounded to him the past year's flood threat • '" .. Be Sung By Augmente Fl-re Does ,$800 like blackmail. would not facrz the Pointe ~xt After Three Places Are Have Already Adopted Plan Festival Chorus D t H Wants Concessions summer. MARI-NE VETERAN, 31-year- ------ amage 0 orne The average level for Novem- old Von M. Creek of Wyandotte, Entered; $200 Overlooked The City of Grosse Pointe Woods will'effeet a uniform Mr. Reuter declared he th?ught 11 bel' of this year was recorded as who worked 88 hours a week on fine schedule for traffic violations on January 1, it was an- The Christ Church Festival the School Board sh0l;lld Simply 576.15 feet.
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