Thursday, Jan. 21, 1999 • Volume 5, Number 21 Page 1of8 1•...... • I :- • • --·1&.:-.•.11 Buyer, Managers THE -- Shift the Dynamic Impeachment witnesses loom HOWEY' By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer took his distinct place in histo­ ry last Saturday as he made the case against President POLITICAL Clinton's "assault" on the "administration of justice" in the Senate's impeachment trial. With Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding, Buyer defended the rule of law and emphasized President REPORT Clinton's abuse of its concepts in his 75-minute address. "Do The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink, not be tempted to believe the argument that lying about sex Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is doesn't matter, that's private," Buyer said to the Senate an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the despite speaking with a case of strep throat. "Acts which are political process in Indiana. not crimes when committed outside the judicial realm Brian A. Howey become crimes when they are committed inside the judicial editor and publisher system." The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 Buyer quoted from James Madison's interpretation PO Box 20877 Fax: 317-254-2405 of the British Blackstone Commentaries, telling the senators • Indianapolis, IN 46220 [email protected] that Blackstone placed "bribery and perjury on an equal · [email protected] footing" (Adam Clymer, New York Times). Buyer told senators, "What I am saying unto all of Washington office: 202-775-3242 you is that there is no difference here, and that's the pain of Daytime number: 317-254-2400, Ext. 273 the case. There is no difference between a cash bribe or sit­ Pager: 317-320-2722 ting before a federal judge and perjuring oneself. Whether it be in the underlying civil deposition or in fact the grand jury NewsLink Home Page: http://www.inoffice.com/hpr testimomy, perjury and bribery are side by side." Subscriptions: $250 annually via fax or first Buyer said that White County Superior Judge Robert class mail. Call 317-254-1533. Mrzlak in Monticello, Ind., would convict public officials @ 1999, The Howey Political Report. All rights· facing the same charges and the same evidence. reserved Photocopying, foxing or reproducing in any U.S. Rep. Bill McCollum then presented a chart of form, in whole or in part, is a violation offederal law federal sentencing guidelines, illustrating that a point system and is strictlv prohibited without consent ofthe used by federal judges has perjury and obstruction of justice publisher. outweighing bribery in seriousness. The thrust of Rep. Buyer's case against President ((QUOTE,, OF THE WEEK Clinton as one of 13 House managers completely changes the impeachment trial. Going into the prosecution's case, there was heavy resistence to the calling of witnesses before 'I'll answer your question when I can answer the Senate, even from moderate Republicans and Majority your question·.: .. " Leader Trent Lott. In fact, there were very low expectations of Buyer and his 12 House colleagues, who were accus­ tomed to raucous and ultimate partisanship in their own • U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh, on whether he would take up Judiciary Committee as well as in the well of the lower • Dan Coats' out-of-state trash issue, to the Fort Wayne chamber. By Sunday morning, the dynamic had dramatically Journal Gazette. Continued on page 2 Thursday,Jan.21,1999 Page2 of8 • AWK! GENTLEMEN! WE r.AHi' .w.ii: GEllrLEMEN! 'TilAT... !Ts~ THE MT HOLE OW FASHUJNED1 JS ONLY SO Bi&! \ TJONT PUSH! Said Sustein, "What they showed is Buyer ,Jrompage 1 that perjury is an extremely serious TICKER shifted. The New York Times editorialized, offense and if the President perjured him- T A p E "The presentation focused admirably on self - and if people think that OK, - then • the heart of the case. In examining it, we there's a real problem for the c.ountry." Even though Indiana can see how it is possible to embrace two The Washington Post quoted U.S. Democratic Chairman Joe propositions that appear in conflict on the Sen. Ken Conrad, D-ND, as saying, "They Andrew still hasn't officially surface." did a good job. Any fair-minded person been nominated to be Dem· CNN's Frank Sesno called Buyer's would have to say they made a powerful ocratlc national chairman, presentation "organized, powerful and at presentation. The White House has to the pondering over his suc· times impassioned." CNN's Jeff address the facts; they've got to deal with cess In the Hoosier State the fundamental question of the threshold continues. HPR reported Greenfield called it the "most powerful for impeachment and what is the appropri­ last week that Democratic argument presented" for removing Central Committee Finance President Clinton from office. Greta ate way to deal with the presidential mis­ Chair Peter Manous appear· V anSusteren said the speech was "good conduct contained in these charges." ed to be the leading con· rhetoric, but factually wrong" in some Buyer's presentation and that of tender. But party sources instances pertaining to the concept of other House managers, including U.S. say that Gov. Frank sending a poor message to the military. Rep. Henry Hyde's closing remarks, dom­ O'Bannon may be having The New York Times quoted inated 'Sunday news coverage in the some second thoughts due United States and the world (although the to the "mess" in Lake University of Chicago Law School Prof. Indianapolis Star did not play Buyer's County • the East Chicago Cass R. Sustein as saying, "What the primary battle between Republicans want the question to be is: role on its Sunday page 1). Buyer's pic­ Mayor Bob Pastrick and Did the President do what is alleged in the ture appeared above the fold on page 1 of County Chairman Stephen articles of impeachment. If that is the the New York Times. Stlglich. Our sources say question, they're in better shape than if that Manous still has the the question is: Should the President be Buyer: I await their case edge, but if the "mess" becomes too sticky, former removed from office? I think in the last Rep. Buyer, speaking to the • Marion County chair Kip few days the ball was moved a little bit in Kokomo Tribune shortly after his speech, the direction of what the Republicans said, "These arguments that were present- Continued on page 3 want the question to be." ed and will be presented by the White Page3 of8 Thursday, Jan. 21, 1999 .House were the same arguments presented a lengthy deliberation might impose. I in the trial of federal judges, and the share concerns that there be no unreason­ TICKER Senate rejected their arguments. able delays in performing the Senate's "We should now take a breath and constitutional responsibilities and that as a T A P E permit the White House to put on their trial proceeds, all branches of government defense. I will eagerly wait." maintain vigilance with regard to our Tew would be the gover· Buyer told Dave Kitchell of the national security and well-being. nor's fallback guy. Logansport Pharos-Tribune, "I am sick. I "However, I believe that before I have strep throat. I have this fever. Twice vote on the question of removing a presi­ Hudson Institute economist I've laid down the last two nights. I've dent from office, I should hear all of the Bill Styring told Muncie tax· taken Aleve, Advil and Amoxocillin." evidence that led the House of Represen­ payers that the Indiana tatives to vote articles of impeachment Constitution does not allow tax abatements, mortgage and as complete a defense as President White House: Case botched exemptions or deductions. Clinton and his attorneys wish to make in On Tuesday, attorney Charles Ruff "The Indiana Constitution is response. Both sides should have com­ began presenting President Clinton's clear as a bell," said plete freedom to call witnesses and to defense. In a speech that was extremely Styring. "All property must cross-examine witnesses." academic, Ruff claimed that the House be uniformly assessed and Lugar continued, "This is not a trial taxed unless it is specifical· managers had rushed to judgment. that I look foward to, but it is clearly a ly exempt" {Rick Veneer, Ruff denied that Clinton commit responsibility that I assumed when I was Muncie Star Press). Styrlng perjury or obstructed justice (points the sworn into the Senate with an oath to told the Association of New York Times Sunday editorial con­ uphold the Constitution of the United Concerned Taxpayers and ceded he had). Ruff said the standard of the League of Women States. All senators took another oath at evidence is not beyond a reasonable Voters of Muncie and the beginning of the trial of President doubt. Delaware County that he • Clinton to 'do impartial justice according CNN's Jeff Greenfield said Ruff believed any taxpayer suit to the Constitution and laws.' I intend to challenging the constitu· "was essentially laying a foundation. He's fulfill these two oaths to the best of my tionality of tax abatements saying, 'Look, the House managers ability." would likely win. "By not botched the case at the most fundamental playing the game, communi· level."' Bayh gets testy ties would offer a lower per· manent tax burden." He also The Indianapolis Star reported that said, ''Tax abatement might Lugar supposts witnesses U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh "gets testy" when be a bad idea, but is is U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar said that the topic of Clinton's impeachment trial unavoidable." the House managers presented "a very comes up.
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