TRADBMAEKED BY THE LIFE PUB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTEB VOLUME 28, NO. 25. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 13, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. CHICAGO GLEANINGS. THE BALL A-ROLLIM. HOI ANSON WILL MAKE UP HIS THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE IS NOW a PITCHING STAFF. SOLID FACT. Joyce©s Attack on the Germans in Base An Organization ol Six Clubs Effected Ball Resented by a Celt Yon Der With Two More Clubs in Sight Ahe©s Energy Commended A Tri Walter Mumby, ol Corimna, at bute to the Late Foutz, Etc. the Helm Again. Chicago, March 9. Editor "Sporting The Michigan League of Professional Life:" Oue toy one the great men of the Base Ball Clubs was organized at Detroit, past in base ball are passing from the March 1-2. A six-club circuit was arranged, scene. Scarcely had the old-timers ceased the franchises being awarded to Owosso, to talk of Radbourne and the deeds he dill Sagiuaw. Bay City, 1©ort Huron, Kalaniazoo when another of the mighty pitchers of and Jackson. Fred 1©opkay will manage Itadbourne©s glorious day is called to his the team at Owosso, Faatz will have charge last repose. Eternal rest and gentlest at Bay City, Black at Sagiuaw, peace to David Foutz, for if ever there Cushmah at Jackson and Gobel at Port was in aJl the realm of base ball Huron. There is some doubt about Kalamazoo, as a good man, and an honest man, alicl at the last moment Mr. Frufant backed wit, a man to be loved and respected by all who but it is thought that some other party can knew him, it was the tall, slender veteran of be secured to run a club in Kalamazoo. the old St. Louis Browns. Foutz was a star among pitchers in his day, MUMBY AS PRESIDENT. and held a high rank in the game long after When the question of electing officers cama 3iig pitching skill had passed away, the fact up Charlie Bennett was the unanimous choice, that he had been playing first base for years, and but he declined. After canvassing the situa was over -10 at the time of his death, showing tion the members finally selected the old stand how well this man clung to the game when most by, Walter Mumby, of Corunna, the man who jold-time pitchers had disappeared from view. has piloted every State League that existed Jim Hart, when he heard of "Scissors© " for years to its unwept grave. To do the thing death, had the tenderest words of kindliness for up brown they elected him the whole staff of the gentle, honorable fellow, and Sam Barkley, officers, president, vice president. secretary, who played with him on the old St. Ijouis team, treasurer and all the rest. The following boa id vras completely overcame with gvief at hearing of directors was elected: President Mumby, C. H. of Dave©s last battle with the umpire whose Cushman, of Jackson; W. F. Pierson, of Sagi- call all players must obey. naw; A. E. Willover, of Owosso; A. E. Wilder, THE GERMANS IX BALL. of Bay City, and A. L. Gobel, of Port Huron. I have just seen some statements frcto the PROTECTION ANI> OTHER MATTERS. Hon. William McKinley Scrappy Juyce, which President Mumby was instructed to at once surprises ine most - painfully. He says that secure protection in Class D for the cities elected Germans are no good as great ball players that PATRICK J. DONOVAN, to membership Saginaw, Bay City, Port Huron, they can©t think, and that the only shortstops Owosso, Jackson and Kalamazoo; and besides or second baseman of German blood are those The Manager, Captain and Outfielder of the Pittsburg Club. these for Lansing. Flint, Miiskegon and Manistee. who have Irishmen on either side of them. The salary limit was fixed at $600 per month, Holy Moses! On what meat doth this our William per team, exclusive of manager. The guaran feed that he has developed such scandalous that Barry McCormick will have to take a year charter, or franchise, of the club was obtained in tee fund was fixed at $"00 per club. sentiments? more as a substitute. On the other hand, if the Kcnton County, and the law of this State re It was decided to have an equal division of I am not a German myself, nor an Irishman, Cincinnati boy only blooms out as a sticker, he quires that all corporations chartered in this the gate receipts after deducting 10 per cent, for and can therefore make impartial judgment on can count on holding his job, and making a name State must pay a franchise tax to be fixed by the sinking fund. This percentage must be sens Ihe two great races which furnish the great ma for himself in the records of the great. Person the Board of Valuation. The law further re to President Mumby after each series, and Mr. jority of ball players. I must say that I have ally, McCormick is a line young fellow, and I quires that each company or corporation must Mumby will have to give a $3000 bond to hold seen, Mr. Joyce, to the contrary notwithstanding, would like to see him returned a winner. make an annual report to the Auditor, and for his office. Irishmen without any heads at all, and Ger I rather fancy, from all I hear, that Denzer failing to make said report may be fined $1000 COMMITTEES. mans with intelligent, quick-witted skulls. Will and ©Ihornton will be fanned put, and called in and $50 per day for each day the report is de The following additional committees were ap Mr. Joyce have the hardihood to assert that whenever needed, and that the other live pitchers layed. pointed : Dahlen and Pfeffer are no good unless Irishmen will do the work, while the inneld will line up The object of the report is to furnish the board Constitution and by-laws President Mumby, are playing on either side of them? Hasn©t Harry variously on different days, the Old Man laying data upon which to fix a proper valuation of the Charles A. Faatz, of Bay City; George Black, Keitz a pretty good think tank, even without off to give Decker a chance now and then. franchise for taxation. Attorney General Taylor of Saginaw. the aid of Doyle and JenningsV How about Louis THANKS TO COL ROGERS. and bis assistant, McKenzie Todd, are preparing Transportation Messrs. Black, Faatz and Cusii© Bierbauer? And Herman Long? I notice that my idea concerning allowing a to make a move against the Cincinnati corpora man. CHKIS VON DER AHB man to take his base uo matter where the ball tion and Mr. Todd will go to Coviugton early this Franchises Messrs. Mumby and Black. must be in deadly earnest this spring. For a hits him, which I urged in this column some week to collect data upon which to file the suit. Uniforms and base ball Messrs. Mumby, Faatl man hampered as he is under the rules, and weeks ago, was taken up and adopted at the Whether the suit will be simply to recover a and Black. shut off from much chance of getting »tars by League meeting. As I said before, that rule reasonable franchise tax for the years 1893-4-5-lS Contracts President Mumby. the determination of every magnate to keep his was framed to head off Curtis Welch, and with or to collect the heavy fine which has accrued The franchise committee will get to worft kings for himself, he has done nobly. He made the pat-sing of Welch from the National League and run up into the thousands- for refusing to right away and pick out two more towns, if a ten strike when he won out in the Hutchison ended the necessity of the ruling. There is a report is not known. Forfeiture of the charter possible. The idea is to settle the matter sd matter, and another when he set his claws on joke therein on Jim Hart, for I spoke of the rule is oue of the penalties that can be imposed, so that the schedule committee. Messrs. Gobel, the once great and still valuable Bierbauer. to Jim a few days before lie went to the meeting, unless the base ball club is prepared to abandon Cushman and Black, will ha.ve plenty of tim« Let me see, how does Chris line up now? and he disapproved of any change. its charter in Kentucky its owners had better to perform the assigned work and report Maxell Hutchison for chief pitcher; Kissinger, Hart, and Jim©s new dignity pleases the cranks im be making some move about these suits. Douahue as aides; McFarlanU and Murphy, catch mensely, for all men know that the Chicago THE SEASON. ers; Connor, Bierbauer, Hartman, Cross, inneld; president can be depended upon to do the right DUBUQUE DOINGS. The season will open between April 28 and Dowd, Turner, Parrott, outfield; Sullivan and thing in the right place every time. 30, and will run until September 12. 126 games Douglass, utilities. Well, on that showing, all THE PHILLJES. It begins to look as it© your uew manager, Stnll- A New York Offer For Catcher Otten for each club. This will be about four months Chris wants is one more heavy batter, and one and a half. more good pitcher. ngs, liad already practically whipped the Phila Declined. The claim list entitles the clubs to name 15 THE LOCAL CLUB. delphia te4im into shape, and, when his pitchers Dubuque, la., March 8.
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