Queen Mary, University of London Archives QMC/PP/14/10 Issue 161 OffQS (JCml it} ft / )/n //? DR. ROOKE'S SOLAB ELHISR Is the most effectual HEALTH RESTORER recorded in the history of medicine. It is above all things serviceable in cases of weakness and exhaustion. As a medicine it far surpasses any known preparation, hence it has a most marvel­ lous effect on all nervous complaints, whether arising from overwork or mental anxiety. Sold in Bottles at 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. each, by all Patent Medicine Vendors, or direct from FRIDAY, DECEMBER i?, i8go. DR. ROOKE SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND PURE WHELPTON'S PILLS, SOLUBLE The Beit Family Medicine, W H E LPT ON S HEALING 0IHTMENT>O^ lid., U IJd.. aod^V 0» Sd , of ail Cbemitn. C WHELPTON N AND SON, j. CtantCI. Fltd St., London, E.C. SPECIAL NOTICE. People s Palace Students will be served with Strings and Instruments at Specially Reduced Prices. PIANOS AND ORGANS ON SALE OR HIRT. BIRKBEC: BANK SEJ LIFE OFFICE For Assurances VttiDER COST PR\CE." Apply for NEW OPTION PROSPECTUSES to— HARRIS C. L. SAUNDERS, General Manager, 63, Threadneedle Street, E.C. PLVPHLFLL TREE.I Possesses the Tower to SOOTHE. • il.Mesit* Cha|»«XiUn^ BCWARC! Doirt Ltaan- BELIEVE, TO \ E' L'S' VAPPLUWCE! and HEAL, Mrs CAMP. Be i^rrtU toi "tc our (MARTIN CHUZZLEW1T). V ADOUSS wiuchexiat? RHEUMATISM, im. Sciatica. ^*531 *>* « Ijiwbigft. IwUjr N tn no other "HEALTH" says:— HYSTERIA, SLEEPLESSNESS, AC. preparation I BOOK of TESTIMONIALS. PAMPHLET, and \S.C CAUTION When ytni ask for HALLS LUWO I CONSULTATION Vltr.E. ' ° DOES ) LAUDANUM. RXSTCRXR /v frmmdtd U *crr*t mnytkt*r "None of the numerous cocoas have as yet equalled this inventors in solubility '• '* Acy hrmtst not Karnr it in vlock. can fivilf K. Tho MEDICAL BATTEKY CO., Limited, NOT [ OPIUM, or procure is I pon the ooiuda wrapper oi every agreeable taste and nutritive qualities." 52, OXFORD ST.. LONDON, W. CONTAIN J MORPHIA. Ijrnutne hcttar appears ry Trade Milk (the Figure \ (CORN I * OF RATH HONK PLACE.) of Hopf) wd SifB' d»e « 1/ • 1 ESTABLISHED <0 TEARS. S*Ld ,n B*c.< /. iKtf.A-u.9a Its purity is beyond question Can also be obtained from CARMAN BROS.. 27S-280. Roman Road, Bow, E., and KNOWLES and PHILLIPS. 47. Minories. E. ' . ONCE USED, ALWAYS USED . ' JUST BY READY THIS COCOA SOLELY USED AT THE PEOPLE'S PALACE. FaYouritc Antbors £ BySv<l Watson Applications for Advertisements in the " Palace Journal" to be made to SMITH & BOT WRIGHT, 6, Eldon St., Finsburj, E.O. 37° The Palacc Journal. December 12, 1890. other for girls. These sections are of the nature of continuation • I-if dj2L/> ™«i \"ere shafts, vertical, horizontal, and inclined, in the working Evening Schools, in which instruction and recreation are combined. ot which our engineering lads took much interest We were then These Junior Sections were taken advantage of during the Session shown the " mash-tuns " hop-backs." and -hop boilers," the by 200 boys, and 102 girls. latter being immense reservoirs of about 200 barrels capacity, which The Duke of Fife, in an address to the students, said, while a£e , ate<*. by self-feeding furnaces. We next proceeded to they could not all be prize-winners in the battle of life, all by the fermenting vats of which there are a great number We also courage and industry could do something to add to their own happi­ visited the cooling room in which liquor is cooled before it is sent ness and the welfare of their neighbours He had no* cot.ie there to the fermenting vats This is done by allowing it to flow very to read them a lecture, but he wished to impress upon them the slowly down the outside of tubes through which cold water pjcvK fact that hard work and industry paved the road to success in life The last place to visit in the brewery house was the room in which He was sure that it was not w ithout considerable self-denial that the malt is measured and crushed The malt, after tbe husks are the prizes he was about to present were earned, but after all. self- separated is then sent to the mash-tuns as wanted The time that denial and bard work became easier the more they were practised, now remained did rot enable us to visit both the stables and the until what at first seemed difficult and irksome ended by becoming tower, which is so conspicuous an object in the East of London. a simple habit. In days gone by many a youth with far fewer ad­ Our guide wished us to visit the stables, but our members clamoured vantages than they possessed by the exercise of these qualities had loudly to be allowed to ascend the tower, so that he at last made for himself position and fortune, and had conferred great consented. The tower is said to be 1S5 feet high and the benefits upon their country. In these days of feverish competition, ascent is accomplished by means of an iron spiral staircase when our very existence as an industrial country depended upon which winds round a solid iron newel On reaching the first stage ihe scientific knowledge and the artistic training of the working some 90 ft. high, we were shown the places in w hich are stored the VCL. VI.—No. 161.J FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890. [ONE PENNY. men. it was impossible to exaggerate the value of the noble gift malt, these are of great capacity, each one holding when full 2000 which had been presented to their institution by the Drapers' quarters of malt The total capacity is 32.000 quarters. The Company Their liberality and munificence deserved some recog­ tower is used for the purpose of distributing the malt When malt PEOPLE'S PALACE French, the Use of Tools, and Gymnastics. Third Year's nition at the bands of the s;udents. and he was sure that what is brought to the brewery it is unloaded into bins and is taken, bv Course In the third year pupils specialise, taking up those would please them best was that the people of the East-end should means of an elevator, to the top of the tower, whence it is discharged Club, Class ant> General Gossip. subjects which have a more direct bearing on the trade or profession use to the very full their splendid gift—(cheers)—so that in davs to into channels to be taken to the store, or direct to the brewing which they intend to follow The instruction given has been of a come they might have the satisfaction of feeling that their liberality house. On reaching the top we went on the balcony, but. owing to thoroughly practical character. Wherever possible, each subject had added well-equipped and worthy recruits to the great army of the mist, could not see far erough to make the view COMING EVENTS has been illustrated by models and experiments. The pupils have labour.—His Grace then presented the awards, to the number of interesting Descending, we thanked our guide and left the vard FRIDAY 12th December—Library optn 10 to 5 and from 6 to also had practical experience with tools and apparatus in the work­ nearly 700. Subsequently a concert was given by the People's after an interesting two nours visit. A. G 10. free Newspapers may be seen from 8am shops and laboratories of the school At the examinations of the Palace Choral Society. Science and Art Department, our boys gained 814 second-class Among the many holders of certificates we noted that the Art SATURDAY. 13th—Library open from 10 to 5 and from 6 to 10. PEOPLE'S PALACE ORCHESTAL SOCIETY.—'The Choral Society's certificates. 500 first-class certificates, and 66 Queen's prizes The Classes haVi come out very well, four students having obtained Art free Newspapers may be seen from 8 a m Quefn's Hall. Social on Saturday evening last, was a great succcss Much prais« advantages of a training in a technical school are now being felt by Class Teachcrs" Certificates, and two prizes in design, their names at S. Tableaux Vivants. " Faust," by the Garnck Company is due to Mr. Femley for the artistic taste displayed, and the a great many of our o*d boys, who have been able to obtain situa­ being as follows —Miss Attwell, Miss COISOL Mr. Jesseman, Mr. Orchestra, People's Palace Miltary Band and Choral Society able manner in which he carried oat the necessary arrangements. tions. which they could not have taken without the special train­ Croker. Mr. Evans, and Mr Layton, some of whose work was bung In all. a most enjoyable evening was spent, and it afforded us great SUNDAY. 14th.—Library open from 3 till 10 p.m.. free. ing which they had received at the People's Palace. Employers in front of the platform for inspection. of skilled labour are also becoming alive to the fact that our pleasure in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr Fernley and his MONDAY. 15th—Library open from 10 to 5 and from 6 to io, colleagues. this, it hardly needs saying, was responded to by all free Newspapers ma- be seen from 8 am In Queen's boys, with their knowledge of science and drawing and their manual dexterity, are more useful to them than boys who have THE Technical Day Schools" and Evening Classes' Christmas present. \V. S.OCK. Hon Sec., P. P.
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