-.0------- --------------------------- • .... arianas %riet.r;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ews VoL 22 No. 246. ... .. .' . Saipan, MP 96950' '25¢ ~1994 Mariana~~ariety _ T~ur~day. Febr..ary 24, 1994 ServingCNMlfor21 Years '. CRC wants to privatize On the collection of$18.6Min unpaid hospital bills By Ferdie de la Torre ties. TheDentalDivisiongenerated plained to Cabrera the need for Abraham said a balance of a total revenue in 1992 of privatizationofCHC' scollection DR. ISAMU J. Abraham, acting $18,419,818remainsuncollected $260,042 but the division col­ of outstanding receivables. directoroftheDepartment ofPub­ for both Public Health and the lected only $133,233 or 50% of He said they received various lieHealth andEnvironmental Ser­ CHC plus another. collectibles the total. In 1993, total revenue proposalsfromprivatefirms,and vices, has been gearing for the amounting$274,044for theDen­ was$262,271 of which$II5,036 copiesofithavebeengiventoher privatization of the Common­ tal Divisionin 1992 and 1993. or 46% remains uncollected. It office and at the Attorney wealth HealthCenter's collection Abraham however, assessed bringsto a totalof $274,044col­ General's Office. toaccumulate unpaid hospital bills that the $18.4 balance will even­ lectiblebills. "The recommendation to amounting to $18.6 million. tually decrease when posting of In orderto enhance the collec­ privatize the collection was met InhisreportsubmittedtoMaria paymentsis updated in the com­ tionratesforCHCandthebudget with great resistance...we finally Cabrera, Acting Director of the puter system. Currently, CHC fortheDepartment, Abrahamex- continued on page 10 Department ofFinance,Abraham staff has been working to close said topping the non-paying ac­ out payments for Fiscal Year counts are the government enti- 1993. Halfoftaxpayers yetto file returns By Rafael I Santos ' A. S~!:'HOR officialattheDivi­ sion of Taxationand Revenue yesterday reported that a big number of taxpayers in the CNMIhavealreadyfiled their incometax returns, threeweeks after the filing of tax forms began. Edward C. Sablan, Acting Manager of the Compliance Section of the Revenue divi- sion told a workshopon taxa- '%)~;;\ "',,,. ,'(Z~<,\; tionthatabout8,000taxpayers «<' "";;';; Governor Froilan C. Tenorio (left) andCarolinian AffairsExecutive Assistant AbelOlopai listen intently to the have already submitted their Cd deS bl discussion on theFY 94 budgetduring yesterday's Governor Council meeting. tax forms. &;;. wan . a an Sablanindicatedthatthefigureishighercomparedtothatoflast yearas far as the first two weeks of tax collectionis concerned. The Revenueoffice in Susupebegan accepting individualand Deficit plan to entail continued on page 8 tax structure changes Man runs away By Rafa~1 H. Arroyo fiscal years. A deficit is defined as a situa­ THE TENORIO Administration tionwhereinthebudgetspending is busy preparing the mechanics outlayexceedstheamountofrev­ with fum's cash ofaplantoraiseenoughrevenues enues availablefor government. By Ferdie de la Torre Meanwhile, two persons com­ toenablegovernment towriteoff Under the law, incurred defi­ plainedTuesdayat4:51 p.m.that an estimated $40 million accu­ cits must be written off within THE DEPARTMENT of Public theylostundetermined amountof mulated Commonwealth budget two fiscal years. Safety is pursuing a man who itemsandcashwhichtheyplaced deficit. Earlierfigures fromanFY 1993 reportedly ran away $1,153.72 on the sand while they spending Accordingto GovernorFroil an audit of the CNMI government cashownedbyMicronesian Sales the day on ManagahaIsland. C.Tenorio, amongthesalientfea­ indicated that the Tenorio Ad­ Company in LowerBase. In Garapan, thief entered a turesofhisdeficitreductionplan ministration has inheriteda defi­ J According to the report, the house and took a bicycle worth are temporary changes in the lo­ cit of $19millionfrom theprevi­ I Micronesian Sales Company $100.ThecasewasreportedTues­ cal tax structure which will be ousadministration highlighted by askedthe suspectto deliver sev­ day at 12noon, police said. proposed via an administration twosuccessivefiscal yearsofdefi­ f eralitemsto theirrespectivecus­ In Chinatown, unknown re­ legislation soonto be transmitted citspendingandasevererevenue tomers who then paid him cash. sponsible also entered a residen­ to the Legislature. Froilan C. Tenorio shortfallin fiscal year 1993. Themanhoweveraftercollect­ tialhouseandtookasuitcaseand "Pursuant to the Constitution, ference yesterday. Although the official overall ingthemoney neverreturneditto jewelryboxTuesdaymorning. No we are mandated to write off the He did not give details on the deficit figure for FY 1993 was thecompany, the reportsaid. other details were given. deficit within two years so what proposed taxchangesbutsaidthe peggedat $12.36 million,the ac­ Police refused toreveal theiden­ It was a generally peaceful is­ we suggestis a legislationto ef­ deficitplanwillbesubmitteddis­ cumulated amount rises to $19 tity of the suspect for follow-up land in the past two days. The fect a temporary revisionof fees tinctfromtherevisedsubmission millionifappliedtotheestimated purposes. The incident was re­ DPSreceivedonly 17complaints sowecangeneratemoneytocure of the fiscal year 1994budget. It $7.2 million deficit incurred in ported to the DPS Tuesday at mostly minor cases of burglary! it," the governor told reporters willaimtoraiseanaverageof$20 FY 1992. 11:42 a.m. theft and vehicularaccidents. duringan impromptu' news con- million for each of the next two continued on page 8 PAC NEV'/SP!\rER STACK$ .. 2-MARIA:-':AS VARIETY r--;EWS A:-':D VIEWS-THl'RSDAY-FEBRVARY 24.1994 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS ANDVIEWS-3 US House attacks Senate crime bill .. ByCAROLYNSKORNECK thathavesentnumerouslow-level nalafterthefactcan try toexplain bill last year because of its new least IOyears. That,hesaid, would Investorconfidence ret drug offenders to federal prison that choice to the victim," she mandatory minimum sentences, target the 6 percent of violent By Rafael H. Arroyo WASHINGTON (AP) - Puni­ and equalize the harsh sentences testified. its billions of dollars for new re­ prospective developers planning He added that he has already ing Pacific Islands Club Re­ PIC had differences with the criminals whocommit 70pcrcent to put up business in the Com­ tiveaspectsof the Senate-passed for crack cocaine - a drug used Rep.JamesSensenbrenner,the gional prisons and its "three­ had talks with a big company in sort Hotel in San Antonio, is Legislature with regards to its of the violent crimes, GOVERNORFroilanC. Tenorio monwealth. crimebillcame under attack dur­ primarily in the inner cities - and panel's senior Republican, em­ strikes-you're-out" provision. Japan lookingatthe possibilityof said to be under consideration. request for a IS-year lease ex­ Biden said the Senate bill he yesterday predicteda turnaround He has been in touch withquite inga Househearing as "bumper­ the lighter sentences for powder phasizedtheneedforpunishment, The Senate's three-strikes wrotecontainedmanyprevention putting up a private school on the project was shelved after tension in 1992. of the economy in the very near a good number of other investors sticker gimmicks" and "quick cocaine. saying, "Onceyoucommit an act measure would imprison for life programs Washington supports, Saipan for students from kinder­ future as investor confidence in from Japan and elsewhere seek­ fixes" that don't reduce crime. "We havea mock-toughSenate of mayhem. yououghttobetaken anyoneconvicted in federalcourt but "screwy amendments" added garten tojunior high school. the CNM1 continues to build up. ingto pursueanumberof projects "A simplistic 'get tough' is crime bill, filled with bumper­ out of society." of a third violent or drug-rela on theSenatefloorstolethehead­ Another group is trying to ar­ Inan interviewyesterday at his ranging from hotel and realestate bankrupting our state and local sticker gimmicks that will waste But Washington said more ar­ ted felony. President Clinton lines because of their punitive range for a lease of real estate Capitol Hill office, Tenorio dis­ development to agricultural governments,whosee anendless money and have no effect on restsandlongersentenceshaven't has supported the proposal in aspects. They would make fed­ property in the Marpi area for a closedhehasbeenreceiving"feel­ projects. flow of tax monies going for crime," Jackson told the panel. reducedcrime. general, while Attorney General eral cases out of most gang- and farming enterprise, specifically Janet Reno hascautioned against ers" from prospectiveforeign in­ prisonconstructionand adminis­ "We speak of leadership and Subcommittee Chairman gun-related crimes and impose "The indicationsare encourag­ for a flower nursery and a sports a too-broad measure that would vestors and developers whom he ing. Interest is picking up. It also tration whileotherpressingneeds yet, on the issueof crime, wefind Charles Schumer urged his col­ severe penalties on offenders. complex. fill scarce prison space with ex­ said are seeking to pursue big seems likedevelopersnowdo not suffer,"Rep.MaxineWaters said ourselves fallingfor 'quick fixes' leaguesnottobedividedbetween "Let's not take a really solid The chief executive said an­ pensive, elderly inmates. development projects in the is­ mind paying the 2% infrastruc­ at the hearing Tuesday of the that look good in the public opin­ preventionand punishment. "We proposal and because of a half­ other developer is eyeing a 92­ Senate Judiciary
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