Environmental Research Letters LETTER • OPEN ACCESS Extreme sea level implications of 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, and 2.5 °C temperature stabilization targets in the 21st and 22nd centuries To cite this article: D J Rasmussen et al 2018 Environ. Res. Lett. 13 034040 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 06/02/2019 at 18:03 Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 034040 https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aaac87 LETTER Extreme sea level implications of 1.5 ◦C, 2.0 ◦C, and OPEN ACCESS 2.5 ◦C temperature stabilization targets in the 21st and RECEIVED 21 October 2017 22nd centuries REVISED 31 January 2018 D J Rasmussen1,7 , Klaus Bittermann2 , Maya K Buchanan1,6 ,ScottKulp3,BenjaminHStrauss3 , ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION Robert E Kopp5 and Michael Oppenheimer1,4 2 February 2018 1 Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States of America PUBLISHED 2 Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 15 March 2018 Potsdam, Germany 3 Climate Central, Princeton, NJ, United States of America 4 Original content from Department of Geosciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, United States of America 5 this work may be used Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences and Institute of Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, under the terms of the NJ, United States of America Creative Commons 6 ICF International (Climate Adaptation and Resilience), New York, NY, United States of America Attribution 3.0 licence. 7 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. Any further distribution of this work must E-mail: [email protected] maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal Keywords: sea level rise, coastal flooding, climate change impacts, paris agreement, IPCC, extreme sea levels citation and DOI. Supplementary material for this article is available online Abstract Sea-level rise (SLR) is magnifying the frequency and severity of extreme sea levels (ESLs) that can cause coastal flooding. The rate and amount of global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise is a function of the trajectory of global mean surface temperature (GMST). Therefore, temperature stabilization targets (e.g. 1.5 ◦Cand2.0◦C of warming above pre-industrial levels, as from the Paris Agreement) have important implications for coastal flood risk. Here, we assess, in a global network of tide gauges, the differences in the expected frequencies of ESLs between scenarios that stabilize GMST warming at 1.5 ◦C, 2.0 ◦C, and 2.5 ◦C above pre-industrial levels. We employ probabilistic, localized SLR projections and long-term hourly tide gauge records to estimate the expected frequencies of historical and future ESLs for the 21st and 22nd centuries. By 2100, under 1.5 ◦C, 2.0 ◦C, and 2.5 ◦CGMST stabilization, the median GMSL is projected to rise 48 cm (90% probability of 28–82 cm), 56 cm (28–96 cm), and 58 cm (37–93 cm), respectively. As an independent comparison, a semi-empirical sea level model calibrated to temperature and GMSL over the past two millennia estimates median GMSL rise within 7–8 cm of these projections. By 2150, relative to the 2.0 ◦C scenario and based on median sea level projections, GMST stabilization of 1.5 ◦C spares the inundation of lands currently home to about 5 million people, including 60 000 individuals currently residing in Small Island Developing States. We quantify projected changes to the expected frequency of historical 10-, 100-, and 500-year ESL events using frequency amplification factors that incorporate uncertainty in both local SLR and historical return periods of ESLs. By 2150, relative to a 2.0 ◦C scenario, the reduction in the frequency amplification of the historical 100 year ESL event arising from a 1.5 ◦C GMST stabilization is greatest in the eastern United States, with ESL event frequency amplification being reduced by about half at most tide gauges. In general, smaller reductions are projected for Small Island Developing States. 1. Introduction coastal floods that threaten life and property when flood defenses are over-topped. Rising mean sea lev- Extreme sea levels (ESLs) are defined as the combined els are already magnifying the frequency and severity height of the astronomical tide and storm surge (i.e. of ESLs that lead to coastal floods (Buchanan et al the storm tide) and mean sea level. ESLs can cause 2017, Sweet and Park 2014) and, by the end of the © 2018 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd Environ. Res. Lett. 13 (2018) 034040 century, coastal flooding may be among the costliest of ESLs across 1.5 ◦C, 2.0 ◦C, and 2.5 ◦CGMSTsta- impacts of climate change in some regions (Hsiang bilization scenarios at a global network of 194 tide et al 2017,Diaz2016,Hinkelet al 2014). Sea-level gauges (section 2.1). We use long-term hourly tide rise (SLR) is expected to permanently inundate low- gauge records and extreme value theory to estimate lying geographic areas (Marzeion and Levermann present and future return periods of ESL events 2014,Strausset al 2015), but these locations will (section 2.4.1). We extend our analysis through the first experience decreases in the return periods of ESL 22nd century to account for continuing SLR in order events and associated coastal floods (e.g. Hunter 2012, to inform multi-century planning and infrastructure Sweet and Park 2014). investments. Lastly, we assess differences in the expo- The rate of global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise sure of current populations to future SLR under 1.5 ◦C, depends on the trajectory of global mean surface tem- 2.0 ◦C, and 2.5 ◦C GMST stabilizations (section 3.2). perature (GMST; Rahmstorf 2007,Koppet al 2016a, Unlike deterministic or median estimates, the use Vermeer and Rahmstorf 2009), with the long-term of probabilistic projections allows for the character- committed amount of GMSL largely determined by ization of uncertainty, which is important for risk the stabilized level of GMST (Levermann et al 2013). management. Thus, the management of GMST has important impli- Various approaches have been used to project cations for regulating future GMSLs (Schaeffer et al GMSL under GMST targets. For instance, Jevrejeva 2012), and consequently the frequency and severity of et al (2016) estimate future local SLR under a GMST ESLs and coastal floods. However, GMST stabilization increase of 2 ◦C using a representative concentra- does not imply stabilization of all climate variables. tion pathway (RCP) 8.5 GMST trajectory that passes Under stabilized GMST, GMSL is expected to con- through 2 ◦C of warming by mid-century, but this tinue to rise for centuries, due to the long residence approach likely underestimates SLR relative to a sce- ◦ time of anthropogenic CO2, the thermal inertia of nario that achieves 2 C GMST stabilization by 2100 the ocean, and the slow response of large ice sheets as it neglects the time-lagged, integrated response of to forcing (Clark et al 2016, Levermann et al 2013, the ocean and cryosphere to warming (Clark et al Held et al 2010). For instance, Schaeffer et al (2012) 2016). More generally, studies that condition future found that a 2.0 ◦C GMST stabilization would lead ESL or flood projections on the RCPs may be insuf- to a GMSL rise (relative to 2000) of 0.8 m by 2100 ficient for assessing the costs and benefits of climate and >2.5 m by 2300, but if the GMST increase were policy scenarios, such as GMST stabilization targets held below 1.5 ◦C, GMSL rise at the end of the 23rd (e.g. Section of Church et al 2013,Buchanan century would be limited to ∼1.5 m. These find- et al 2017,Hunter2012,Tebaldiet al 2012). The RCPs ings suggest that selection of climate policy goals are designed to be representative of a range of emis- could have critical long-term consequences for the sions scenarios that result in prescribed anthropogenic impacts of future SLR and coastal floods (Clark et al radiative forcings by 2100 relative to pre-industrial 2016). conditions (e.g. 8.5 Wm−2 for RCP8.5). They are not The Paris Agreement seeks to stabilize GMST by representative of a specific emissions trajectory, cli- limiting warming to ‘well below 2.0 ◦Cabovepre- mate policy (e.g. GMST target), or socioeconomic and industrial levels’ and to further pursue efforts to ‘limit technological change (Moss et al 2010, van Vuuren the temperature increase to 1.5 ◦C above pre-industrial et al 2011). Recently, Jackson et al (2018)pro- levels’ (UNFCCC 2015a). However, a recent literature duced probabilistic, localized SLR projections under review under the United Nations Framework Con- 1.5 ◦Cand2.0◦C GMST targets, but did not assess vention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) found the ESLs or consider sea-level change after 2100, the notion that ‘up to 2.0 ◦C of warming is considered latter being necessary for evaluating the effects of safe, is inadequate’ and that ‘limiting global warming GMST stabilization. to below 1.5 ◦C would come with several advantages’ Semi-empirical sea level (SESL) models (Rahm- (UNFCCC 2015b). The advantages and disadvantages storf et al 2012) can estimate future GMSL rise of each GMST target as they relate to coastal floods under various GMST scenarios (e.g. Schaeffer et al and ESLs have not been quantified. This is critical, 2012, Bittermann et al 2017). Unlike their process- as >625 million people currently live in coastal zones based counterparts (e.g. Kopp et al 2014), SESL with <10 m of elevation, and population growth is models do not explicitly model individual physical expected in these areas (Neumann et al 2015).
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