\ ^/^PY C H E N E Y ^ H U M D A T , Average Dally Cbcnlatlan jlanr(|pat?r lEoifttfttg If^rald IM S Ike Weather r^^;^-:.' .**4 I a « D. a. Wemkar I The Salvation A n t f will hoM Ha Hr. and Urc. Sadrlok J. Straugta* Sira. Harry firtd of 1 » WaaeU An important annual Harvaat Hoaw aala 8396 OB and family who hara Utad oa atraat gave a birthday party Tuaa- nance committee o t thp Slai FENDER AND M isM am San Girl Scout drive for nmdb will ba at 8:15 in the Junior hall, tha yto- arai Snturiay. Abont Town gSoat canter atraat for more than day avanlng for Mr. and Mra. John cMda of which will ha uaad toward BODY W ORK HALE'S SELF SERVE twenty sraara, hare moved to 44 Hunt of Andover, both of whom held tomorrow avuning at 7:80 in iEuruttig B vralb have Mrthdaya thla weak. Oueata the High achool rafarenea room of ut NntM C roTMt, tnwta atreet the Eaat Side RaoroatloB building borne# and hoapitaja. woman pC tha 80LIMENE R FLAGG The Origfaal In N «w EBfIandl, Maiekmer—A COy of rui^ Charm who were preaant from Hartford, corpa will alao aarva luyaahmahia • M CMBia 0t M ^ v ^ i win oiMt WUllmantlo and thla town remem* on School atraat Urn. A. W. Oatao INC. at tk» ItBinrtn Ttanpla at «lcM Hie daughter bom at Hartford at moderate prlcea. AQ hoaplUl. Sept. IS to Mr, and Sira. bered tha ooupla with glfta, alao a Is chairman of tha noaaafiHtae and t T a iS M I VOL. LXV., NO. 305 U) MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1945 (FOURTEBlf PAGES) tontCM, ■■* proctoad la a the campaign for funda will be freah and canned vegetal™. PRICE THREE CENTS b ^ r tfrttaBoOoraa Fuaaral Homa Bd^rd Laakl of 127 Waat a t i ^ aura of money. Their daughter, IM and other edmiaa will bb Mlaa Katherine Hunt played piano conducted from biwiaa to houaa,. Oc­ to Jallua Wlaklar, wbo haa been nanted Sharon Joan. The for eale. WEEK-END SPECIALS! baby la the flrat grandchild of Ur. aokM and other paatlmeo were fol' tober 27 to Novatnbar 8 taieluBlva. aaa a w m t m . All Tall Oadars will lowed with a buffrt lunch aerved TED * BILL'S waar tkair nrraaaXla. and Mta. Joaeph Nemeroff of Weat Six Die in Topsy-TurYey Train Wreekage atreet. and Mr. and Mra. Stanley by tha boataaa. AUCB OOrBAH Refrigwalion Senriee For Today, Friday ond Saturday Uaakl of Spring atreet Olaatonbury. For Maxlataat Hsat and (anowB Aa Qaan Picketing Sterts a w Batty K rtckaen of Smith 8a* balk Oaagkta^ a ----- Wai t e , tea a a ta ^ tba She la aecond great grandchild of OIL BURNERS ^ Best Bomlaff EfRddaey Bara WHh a VaB Flood in San Antonio Qaaaaetlaot School of Faahlon, Mr. and Mra. Alexander Crockett Inatnlled and Serviced Usp PeadiBge te n ». In jitRT Green Stampa Given With Caiah Salea! Bavtfocd. Sba waa gradoatad In of Weat atreet. thU tojm. Mra. A. N In • r. M. Ot py Laakl waa the former Mlaa Haaal Famaecs Cleaned Jana from niaworth High achool mant la At Power Plants; Zemanek. AS Work Onamateed! pie fat. 8# Tanta. _______ Henry Parent TEXACO spiamiAL MBonm GOLD MEDAL FLOUR n w WllUag iw Choreh Street, llaitfard. HOME OF Brings Death to Six; - - - «-dlS5 Soath iCathodlat W8CS will bold a -------S-StSd 5 — 10 and 25-Pound Bugs maunaga aala la tba gym at tha RAN GE O IL Supply Getg Low church. Wadnaaday, Oct. J with NORGE Sira. AithOT Bronkle In cbarga. G ill 4 4 9 6 ------- PRODUCTS Tetley Tea Bags Mueller Agrees to Re- Boeaaaa o f tha markat coodU OIL BURNERS l Worst for 25 Years Farmers WUI . tiww, the Slanehaatar Auction S ^ ^AD/0 USERS! L T. Wood Co. SALES — SERVICE, dbme Stalemated Ne­ hot did not opan today, and will ' Box of 100 85c not ba open tomorrow or Saturday. Now Available! gotiations With Any­ Torrential Rains Pile af Anak Decide When Opcratlona wfll ba raaumad Sunday one in Authority. But Truman Firm Windy City at *:lb P- «“• ___________ _ PrompL Expert B.^D. PEARL Up Water Faster RACKLIFFE OH. CO. APPLIANCE A rCRNTTUBB 1 Lb. Jar Fixes No Time or Radio Repairs iffee Meat Freed Upon Keeping Than- Overburdened TAIX OBDABS 898 Maple At#. Hartfsrd M8 Mala Stfoat Place lor Parleys Economical Prices Tel. H tfA 7-5191 PHONE 7BW Rivers and Storm Cattlemen o f Midwest­ Meat Curbs Sewers Can Garry Gnaranted >• ,Vt Lb. Box Pittaburgh, Sept. 27.-y(/P) Cocoa 11c — ^The first picketing in a ern Grasslands and Bingo W e.W orii-SavidKiy It Off; Hope Resent 90 Days strike af 3,200 Duquesne Western Ranges Hold Rifiki Party Discord in Boats W ill Airive The thtag to do about Oaoar- Light company employes ntav traubla la-<ome to ua and Near Future Supplies Midst of G>ngression- To Save Marooned Orangd Hall I The moat nutritious Can threatened further this city’s MMI Itl Wa anvo tba knowl* Chili Con Came 29c power supply now dwindling al Election Campaign edge, tools. parU for qatrk. da- food Is milk! It's Washington, Sept 27—(Pt—Cat­ Tomorrow Night pen da Me Ofweratar Sepal rm. not only n perfect Ultra-Modern 'near the clanger point in the San Antonio, Sept. 27.—</P) VanlM BlaM tlemen of the mldweatem grass­ To Maintain His Stand —^Torrential rains, piling up St RBGULAR GAMK8 25e Onnw to as oaea. aad you'll re- food but it's ifood f o ^ h day of a crippling lands and the western ranges actu­ water faster than overbur­ 7 SPECIAL GAMES tnm lor aay aaeded Sole Wee- nr. •. ir 'N l)f n for you — youth or woric stoppage. No settle­ ally will determine the accuracy of Waabington, Sept 27 — (F) — trleal wavlea. Ooea • far • an, Cooked Spaghetti in ment w u in sight. President Truman’s forecast of dened rivers and stopn sew­ SWEEPSTAKES laam that top-grade work aad adult. N e Caafereaeee Sohednied early relief from the acute meat Risking party discord In the midst W f'.U P’J f..Ari()NAL Stores ers could carry It off, brought WEEKLY PRIZE aaatertale prove lawaat-prlead. Union President George Muel­ shortage. of the oongreastonal election cam­ INDt A*, r.i I r f o lo Tomato Sauce Can 19c San Antonio its wont flo ^ MONTHLY PRIZE la tha and! With 1,000 to 2,100 Square Feet of Floor Space Each ler agreed to reaume stalemated These farmers and they alone paign, Prealdent Truman stood fJ M t. I flI■ r .;flIf. r|. negotlationn with “anyone in au- today in a quarter of a cen- hold the power to boost supplies of firm today for keeping meat under W A R BOND I, 'i ■ /. ■ > • ■ '< : I (< I , S Now Nearing Completion At Comer of Center and V a oln MaM thortty” hut fixed no time or meat In the near future. They are ;ury. Six persons were known TO ■ ■ DHAWN SETT. 87 b P A ceUlnga—with no boost in Adams Streets. —place-and~h6 conferences were the only livestock producers who to be dead and some aourcea y " " ■ scheduled. NORTON 'O np!: s (111 *. f n ( 11 o n ‘ A ' ‘ Ravioli __________C.n 1 9 c have any appreciable number of prieee. Sacad the death toll at nine or Meanwhile, pickets appeared at animals ready for slaughter. The chlM executive made this an. ELECTRICAL <3an be leased'singly or in combinations to provide varloua company plants after dls- Hogs won’t be available In any What was the Union Pscific’g, crack tramcontlnental passenger train looks like a Jumble of Jackatrawa Oanpbeira In this alrvlew token after the train cracked Sept 26 near Victorville, Cal. Six peraons were known to unmistakably clear by aettlng Muay OUMrs Marooaad aoluUon of an anti-strike Injunc­ volume before early December, f&rth hla own views on the surg­ INSTRUMENT. you with the fioor space yon need for your business. tion. They halted delivery of coal be dead and more than SO Injured In the telescoped care.—.(NBto telephoto). Many others w e n marooaad In and grain-fattened cattle won’t be ing clamor over empty meat COMPANY Front and rear entrances to all stores provided. Ample Tomato Soup 3 Cm. 31c at a main power station. TTiey alao ready for market In any sixeable trees or on rooftops, hoping daa* 6aU 3733 persuaded bua drivers on 28 city counters. ttaly that a reaena fieat of mo- parking space front and rear for any occasion. numbers before late winter. Seee Sltuatlua Shortage 71 HiDlsrd St. T«L 4060 routca^io leave their vehicles ga­ Have Near-Record Herda boats would arrive frees Aus­ Baltcaea raged ; rather than cross picket On the other hand, farmers who Breaks Silence Emphasising that hs regards the tin before the continuing rains Phone 6430 raised the water level suificlently For complete Information regarding choice of loca­ lines. The bus lines are operated grow and fatten cattle on grass 75 Per Cent Damages situation as a ahortege and not a Potterton’s to waoh them from their pcecarl- No. 2</2 Can by the Pittsburgh Motor Coach have near-record herds. Some of "famine,” Mr. Truman briudicd tion in this building, call or see: Clam Chowder 41c company. On Air Losses ous havena. Open Thuradaya '019:00 P. M. *Tl^^CurutAiUtf^ their stock, however, le lean and aside demands of some Dcmocra- Public Tenaeneee Relaxe.
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