Ecoaesthetics and Literature ètude A Multidisciplinary Research Journal 1 Ecoaesthetics and Literature ètude - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal PUBLISHED IN INDIA BY The Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) ètude of the Panampilly Memorial Government College (PMGC) Chalakudy, Potta P.O., Thrissur District, Kerala, India. PIN 680722 A Multidisciplinary email: [email protected] / [email protected] Research Journal http://www.pmgc.ac.in © IQAC-PMGC 2015 The moral rights of the authors have been asserted This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no production of any part may take place without the written permission of the Coordinator, IQAC, Panampilly Memorial Government College, Chalakudy, Kerala, India Published in January 2015 Managing Editor: Dr. Sreevalsa V.G., Principal Chief Editor: C.R. Murukan Babu, Coordinator, IQAC Editorial Board: K. Renuka, Dr. C. C. Babu, Dr. N. A. Jojomon, Dr. Dimpi Divakaran, Dr. B. Parvathy, Dr. N. Sreerekha, Dr. Leena Samuel Issue Editors: Dr. N. Sreerekha (English), Dr. B. Paravathy (Malayalam), Dr. Leena Samuel (Hindi) ISSN: 2394 - 6482 Etude Printed in India by Nirmala Offset Printers, Chalakudy, Kerala +91 480 2701259 Cover design & illustration by Rajiv Babu, CET, Kerala 1 2 Ecoaesthetics and Literature ètude A Multidisciplinary Research Journal Special Inaugural Edition on Ecoaesthetics and Literature Published by IQAC Panampilly Memorial Government College Chalakudy 3 Ecoaesthetics and Literature ètude - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal Contents ètude A Multidisciplinary FOREWORD 6 Research Journal PREFACE 7 SECTION ONE - ENGLISH 9 Introduction - Dr. N. Sreerekha 1. Eco Feminism - An overview - Dr. Prathibha 13 2. Revivifying Woman-Nature Equations: Politics in the Poems of Sugathakumari - Suja T. V. 19 3. Ecological guild and rapture in Arundhathi Roy’s God of Small Things - Darly Mathew 28 4. An Ecological Musing: Nature / Nature in selected Special Inaugural Edition Malayalam short fiction - Seeja H. 33 on 5. Imagining a Sustainable Utopia out of Contemporary Dystopia: Ecoaesthetics and Literature Reading Gift in Green as a Paradigm of Ecofeminism - Niji C. I. 41 6. Eco- friendly sculptures: An analysis of Andy Goldsworthy’s work using Gaia Hypothesis - Krupa & Geons Jose 47 7. Experiencing Nature, Exploring Life: A Study Based on Autobiographies of Environmental Activists - Praseetha K. 51 SECTION TWO- MALAYALAM 59 ]cn-ÿn-Xn-]-T\w: {]iv\-ßfpw kao-]-\-ßfpw ˛tUm. _n. ]m¿∆Xn 61 8. {]IrXnt_m[-Øns‚ BZym-£-c-߃ ˛ tUm. C. DÆn-Ir-jvW≥ 63 9. a\p-jy-\n¬ \n∂v {]Ir-Xn-bn-tebv°v ]cnÿnXn Published by ]T-\-Øns‚ ⁄m\hnjbw- -- - - - - - ˛ -tUm.- ]n. -hn. -{]-Imiv _m_p 68 IQAC 10. {]IrXn \nXy-Po-hn-X-Øn¬ ˛ ap-c-fo-[-c≥ hn. 72 Panampilly Memorial Government College 11. `mh-\-b√ ˛ Hmtcm hm°nepw tNmc-bp≠v ˛ tUm. Aw_n-Im-kp-X≥ amßmSv 75 Chalakudy 3 4 Ecoaesthetics and Literature Contents 12. F≥a-IsP ˛ aÆn-s‚bpw a\p-jy-s‚bpw \ne-hnfn ˛ jo_ kn.-hn. 78 13. "BXn' apt∂m´p-h-bv°p∂ ]cn-ÿnXn Z¿i\w ˛ A\q]v B‚Wn 83 14. "{]IrXnbpw ]mcnÿnXnImht_m[hpw' sk_mÃys‚ IhnXIfn¬ ˛ jn‚ Pn. s\√mbn 87 15. \K-c-h¬°cWhpw Krlm-Xp-c-Xzhpw : s]ms‰-°m-´ns‚ IY-I-fnse ]mcn-ÿn-XnImht_m[w ˛ tacn doa 92 SECTION THREE - HINDI 99 {…÷Æ˙…‰¥……E¬Ú - b˜…Ï. ±…“x…… ∫……®…÷¥…±… 101 16. {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ“ +…ËÆ˙ ¥…i…«®……x… ÀΩ˛n˘“ ∫…… Ω˛i™… ˛- b˜…Ï. §…“. ¥…V…™… E÷Ú®……Æ 103 17. ÀΩ˛n˘“ EÚ“ ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… EÚ ¥…i…… ®… x…n˘“ +…ËÆ˙ {……x…“ |…n⁄˘π…h… - b˜…Ï. <•…… Ω˛®… E÷Ú]¬ı]ı“ 108 18. ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… EÚ ¥…i…… ®… S… j…i… {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ +¥…§……‰v… -b˜…Ï. Æ˙“x……E÷Ú®……Æ˙“ §…. B±…. 116 19. BEÚ…∆i… ∏…“¥……∫i…¥… EÚ“ EÚ ¥…i…… ®… |……EfiÚ i…EÚ i……x… EÚ“ +x…÷M…⁄ƒV… - b˜…Ï. B. |…™…… 123 20. ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… Ω˛xn˘“ x……]ıEÚ: {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ {……`ˆ - "GÚ…ÈS…¥…v…' +…ËÆ˙ "EÚ…‰™…±…… S…±…… Ω∆˛∫… EÚ“ S……±…' E‰Ú ¥…∂…‰π… ∫…xn˘¶…« ®… -b˜…Ï. {…“. M…“i…… 127 21. ®…fin÷˘±…… M…M…« EÚ“ EÚΩ˛… x…™…… ®… {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ ∫……Èn˘™…«∂……∫j… - Ω‰˛®…… x……Æ˙…™…h…x… 133 22. ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… ¶……Æ˙i… E‰Ú {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ ∫…∆EÚ]ı E‰Ú ∫…∆n˘¶…« ®… "¶……‰{……±… BC∫…|…‰∫…' °Ú±®… EÚ“ ∫……l…«EÚi…… - ®…∆V…÷ ¥…“. B∫…. 138 5 Ecoaesthetics and Literature ètude - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal Contents Panampilly Memorial Government College, Chalakudy Potta P.O., Thrissur District. PIN. 680722 Email. [email protected] 12. F≥a-IsP ˛ aÆn-s‚bpw a\p-jy-s‚bpw \ne-hnfn ˛ jo_ kn.-hn. 78 13. "BXn' apt∂m´p-h-bv°p∂ ]cn-ÿnXn Z¿i\w ˛ A\q]v B‚Wn 83 14. "{]IrXnbpw ]mcnÿnXnImht_m[hpw' sk_mÃys‚ IhnXIfn¬ ˛ jn‚ Pn. s\√mbn 87 FOREWORD 15. \K-c-h¬°cWhpw Krlm-Xp-c-Xzhpw : s]ms‰-°m-´ns‚ IY-I-fnse ]mcn-ÿn-XnImht_m[w ˛ tacn doa 92 I am extremely happy to note that the first ISSN journal of the college ‘ètude’ is being launched in the Ruby Jubilee year of the college by the IQAC. With the SECTION THREE - HINDI 99 publication of this journal, the college is also entering a new phase in its academic {…÷Æ˙…‰¥……E¬Ú - b˜…Ï. ±…“x…… ∫……®…÷¥…±… 101 pursuits, i.e., publication. It is also very much appropriate that the first issue of 16. {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ“ +…ËÆ˙ ¥…i…«®……x… ÀΩ˛n˘“ ∫…… Ω˛i™… ˛- b˜…Ï. §…“. ¥…V…™… E÷Ú®……Æ 103 ‘ètude’ throbs with serious concerns for the mother earth. 17. ÀΩ˛n˘“ EÚ“ ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… EÚ ¥…i…… ®… x…n˘“ +…ËÆ˙ {……x…“ |…n⁄˘π…h… - b˜…Ï. <•…… Ω˛®… E÷Ú]¬ı]ı“ 108 Wishing all success to the new venture 18. ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… EÚ ¥…i…… ®… S… j…i… {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ +¥…§……‰v… -b˜…Ï. Æ˙“x……E÷Ú®……Æ˙“ §…. B±…. 116 19. BEÚ…∆i… ∏…“¥……∫i…¥… EÚ“ EÚ ¥…i…… ®… |……EfiÚ i…EÚ i……x… EÚ“ +x…÷M…⁄ƒV… - b˜…Ï. B. |…™…… 123 Dr. Sreevalsa V.G. 20. ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… Ω˛xn˘“ x……]ıEÚ: {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ {……`ˆ - "GÚ…ÈS…¥…v…' +…ËÆ˙ Chalakudy, 08 January 2015 Principal "EÚ…‰™…±…… S…±…… Ω∆˛∫… EÚ“ S……±…' E‰Ú ¥…∂…‰π… ∫…xn˘¶…« ®… -b˜…Ï. {…“. M…“i…… 127 21. ®…fin÷˘±…… M…M…« EÚ“ EÚΩ˛… x…™…… ®… {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ ∫……Èn˘™…«∂……∫j… - Ω‰˛®…… x……Æ˙…™…h…x… 133 22. ∫…®…EÚ…±…“x… ¶……Æ˙i… E‰Ú {…… Æ˙Œ∫l… i…EÚ ∫…∆EÚ]ı E‰Ú ∫…∆n˘¶…« ®… "¶……‰{……±… BC∫…|…‰∫…' °Ú±®… EÚ“ ∫……l…«EÚi…… - ®…∆V…÷ ¥…“. B∫…. 138 5 6 Ecoaesthetics and Literature Preface The term ‘ètude’, in French, means ‘study’. It is also an instrumental musical composition designed to perfect a specific musical skill. True to the original meaning of the term, this serial publication titled ètude, is conceived as a research journal meant for the dissemination of new knowledge in multidisciplinary areas – knowledge that is born out of sheer hard work and meditation in academic pursuits. Multilingual in nature, the inaugural edition of ètude has been set apart for the publication of the proceedings of the two-day seminar under the patronage of the Director of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala, jointly organized by the departments of English, Malayalam and Hindi from 4-5 December 2014 on the theme of ‘Ecoaesthetics and Literature’ which is one of the fittest themes for the debut of an academic journal as well. It is a vibgyor of scholarly articles on a theme of perennial interest and universal significance. This first issue of ètude to be released in January 2015, to commemorate the 40th year of the establishment of Panampilly Memorial Government College, Chalakudy, throbs with genuine concerns for the survival of the mother earth and its inhabitants, the humans. It is hoped that this ISSN monthly journal will go a long way in providing the much needed platform to the members of the fraternity in the higher education sector to realize in black and white their academic goals and endeavours. With warm regards and good wishes C.R. Murukan Babu Chalakudy, 8 January 2015 Chief Editor 7 Ecoaesthetics and Literature ètude - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal Preface The term ‘ètude’, in French, means ‘study’. It is also an instrumental musical composition designed to perfect a specific musical skill. True to the original meaning of the term, this serial publication titled ètude, is conceived as a research journal meant for the dissemination of new knowledge in multidisciplinary areas – knowledge that is born out of sheer hard work and meditation in academic pursuits. Multilingual in nature, the inaugural edition of ètude has been set apart for the publication of the proceedings of the two-day seminar under the patronage of the Director of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala, jointly organized by the departments of English, Malayalam and Hindi from 4-5 December 2014 on the theme of ‘Ecoaesthetics and Literature’ which is one of the fittest themes for the debut of an academic journal as well. It is a vibgyor of scholarly articles on a theme of perennial interest and universal significance. This first issue of ètude to be released in January 2015, to commemorate the 40th year of the establishment of Panampilly Memorial Government College, Chalakudy, throbs with genuine concerns for the survival of the mother earth and its inhabitants, the humans. It is hoped that this ISSN monthly journal will go a long way in providing the much needed platform to the members of the fraternity in the higher education sector to realize in black and white their academic goals and endeavours. With warm regards and good wishes C.R. Murukan Babu Chalakudy, 8 January 2015 Chief Editor 7 8 Ecoaesthetics and Literature SECTION ONE ENGLISH 9 Ecoaesthetics and Literature ètude - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal SECTION ONE ENGLISH 9 10 Ecoaesthetics and Literature Introduction Dr.
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