This Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS or HOLMDEL, MADISON One Section MARLBORO. MATAWAN AND 16 PAGES MATAWAN BOROUGH “ NewwJeney Press Association Mombcr 90th YEAR — 2nd WEEK Usmber National Editorial ASfOtiattoD MATAWAN, N. JL, THURSDAY, JULY 10, 19S8 Monmouih County PrtM Aaioslatioa Single Copy Ten Centi I t Audit O f Matawan Township Books barge Number Of Gonlcslaiiljg hi Keyport Day “Queen” Contest Former Keyport Now Superintendent It Is anticipated that the MadlaOn Township Board of Underway To Determine Shortage Pastor Electedv Rducattou will vote at 1<h. iiiftltt's mouthly meetlnz lo of­ Collector Charles J. Kelly Free In $5000 Bond Rev. Smyth To Head fer a contract to Dr, Eugene For Alleged Embezzlement Of Funds Pennington Section. AV. Hhronk? Mnrgate, to $uu* . coed Churles C\ Mafrlll UN Completion of a thorough The Rev. Dr; Charles R. towmihlp NUperlttipndcnt af . audit ol Matawan Township Remarks At Session Smyth, MIUvllIo, was elected HchooU, WUllam Kerr, presi­ books, begun Monday to deter­ to the post of headmaster of dent, Kiild last night the board mine the exact amount of pub­ ' " I was never more shock­ tho Pennington 8 I o o 1, was prepared lo aot oo an ap- lic funds allegedly embezzled ed in my llfe. IJnever _tana^_ PennlngtonrsubJeot to0 tho1 np- polntnienttonlglit. .................. “ by" Township Collector. Charles gfned it wouldt happenIsTour polnlmont of Bishop- Fred Tho bourd gtilLinuHt eliooso J. Kelly, “will take about two town." These were the words Plcrco Corson, at a meeting succoHNora for L e W t Nocck- weeks’ . it was disclosed yes­ of Matawan Township May­ of tho Bonrd of Trust'ccs. The er? elementary eupervlsor, terday by Jasper Johnson, act­ or John Marx Jr. yesterday Rov. Mr..Smyth ls a former and Arthur J. WImo, Old ing township collector arid When he was asked to com­ pastor of Calvary Methodist RrldffO prlnrlpul? both of treasurer.; ' ■ ' " . ment on the discovery of Church, Keyport. ............ — whum havo Indloutcd (they M r., Johnson, who is con­ missing publlo funds ' at the Announcement of the elec­ will not return to MarilRoit ducting the audit of township regular Matawan Township tion of. Dr, Smyth wns mndb schools In tho faU. books, ■ declared ’ yesterday Committee meeting. : by tho Rov, Vlranklln T. Mr. ICorr confirmod thn that figures estimating the In reply to'Peter Waters, Buck, vice president of tho board had recelvcd a Joint, missing funds as amounting to Woadbrook Dr., Mayor Mars board, and the Rev. Dr, Alex­ uotlfluntlon from t It © State between ■ $30,000 - and $45,000 indicated .the township is ander K.. Smith, Philadelphia, Uoimrtmcnt ot Education and "are Just guesses at this “ fully protected financially'* chairman".of Uie faoully com­ Iho Htuto Dfparlitiont of Lg« time." The’ amount believed and that:Mr, Kelly is bond­ mittee. Tho headmaster-cloct to bo missing will' riot be ed according' to state re­ will sucoeod tho Rev. Dr, Ira oal Govprumont ta thn effect known until the lull audit Is quirements. Mr. Ke 11 y* a 8, Pimm who has resinned to they had 90 day* from the bond as colleotor Is $37,000. return lo llio pastorate, Dr. date of NiibmlHiilou of tho completed. • An unsigned letter, appar­ Smyth will ossumo tho office townNhlp hiffh Noliop’ bulldinff ■ Informed' sources; however, ently referring to the miss­ proaram ta act upon thn $3»« declared yesterday that “at ing funds, angered the may­ 300,000 proponnl, Tho hoard least $301000 Is known to be or at the meeting. He .tore it xuhmltted Hu bluim June 12. Into bits and ordered: ■o *lu> aulhorllles nt Trenton thrown Into the wastepapcr will hnv© until Aug. \t to re- basket. The letter concluded Voting now is underway In the annual Keyport Day “ Queen * /. Standing, Qefi io riffhw, arm Barunra Rchalblo, Union Npotnl. with the inference that public^ contest. Eighteen young ladies are entered in Uie contest thlg Beach; Doris Ackerman.Horiet; Peggy O’Neill. Keyport; funds “ had gone down \$llh year and the winner will reign over Keyport Day. activities Frances Stcfansk), Keyport;3 Barbara LcwaudowNkl, Keyport; Silky Sullivan." Aug. 9. Contestants, shown above seated,, (left to right), are: Mickey McKern, Hazlet; Kathleen Hlmnahan, Koyport,. and No Odors Traced Sue Terry, Keyport; Connie Sacco, Keyport; Audrey Darlahd, Jnno Miller, Keyport,, Contestants not shown In tho picture Hazlet; Gail Matthews, Union Reach; Patricia' Staats, Union are Antoinette Tlnnerlno, Judy Dane, Toni Marino ond Joan Beacli and Barbara Einhorn, Keyport. ; Cornell, all of Keyport. To Sewer Plant Limited Parking Bond Sale Set Bus Line Lost Money Southwood Unit l» “ Full Acre Suits Marlboro Board Inspected By Mayor Combined bond Issues? to* ' Despite a $1050 subsidy —MatawanTownship 'taitng” $ttt;ooor"wtti-"tor“ssta~ icqm iteyporl merchant*, —Madison-Township-Commit:— at a special meeting of the Put O ff To Fall Louis Rollo Jr.? vlco pres* GriFlk^Rtqiicst lec’a mcellng Mondny wns Also Awards Job Matawan Borough Council idcnt of the Kollo Trnnsli nlnrkod by renewed brushes An ordinance 'establishing July 29? It was decided Tues­ Holmdel Large Lots Corp., yesterday reported Transportation Af between Thomas 1", Mlllel’, two-hour parking and no park­ day night. The bonds were More Than Stop Gap . the bus firm lost $200 on Less Than Two Miles f o r pi e r cinnmHlenmim, rind ing zones on various streets authorized th ordinances the, 12*u'cek operation of tho membera of Uio present gov­ was adopted yesterday by the adopted in 1955 and 1956 for Trial of the Holmdel Town­ belt bus lino linking Keyport Marlboro Township Board erning Jindy on tho nubjeot ot Mntawan Township Commit capital Improvements. ship full acre lot suits .waa With four surrounding com­ of Education wns confronted the Simthwond "paol<liao" Bow­ tee following a public hearing. Of tho total issue to be suspended by Mon­ munities. ' with the Inevitable request er plant n.ud Ihe way r o n il Those wbo spoke at the hear­ sold, $20,000 represents mouth County Judge Edward Mr, Rollo also dlsoloKcd for transportation al less than work wns. lo bo done In Uin . CHARLES J. K E LLY ing expressed approval of a­ funds used to purchase a fire J. Ascher In Freehold. July 2 thnt during the period, fran­ the two-mlle "Unilt at "'which 'towiinhlp, . ' doption of the bill as a safety engine and to construct a after a conference with attor­ chise taxes totalling $241 stnto aid Is allowed, at !U Mayor John L, CIminbetlala missing at this time.” measure. combined water and recre­ neys. The Judgo observed that were-paid to RnrUap Town?. July meeting, ■ . repofteil mi’ hls Inspe.ctlon with Discovery of fund shortages Two hour parking limits are ation building. Autliorlza- with the detail to _be_ involved _Jilil|LlJictl—Koyport? 1 towns Mr,und M r a. ..John HEV. ClIAltl.PH lt. HMVTII Samuel Clink, head ol t il« by Mr. Johnson, a member ol. established on both - sides" of ‘UotT'for the fire engine was ‘ In'' t h e rs u 11 / ir W s ” a'p p h re nTit’ through which tho bus lino Doloweky, Moevl's Corner ltd,, lowiihlilp scweratvo depnrl- the Joseph J. Seaman Co., Harrison Ave., Second St., given In an ordinance adopt­ would run w eir beyond, the ivus/outed. 7:11© figure did wero Intensely critical of the an of Oot, 1, moat, of the Houlliwood plant, Perth Amboy . auditing firm, Mathlascn PI. and on the-east ed in August 1955 and the tfmc assigned this month aud not iitoludo taxes paid. Union board's position,’ .They declar­ For many yearn, Dr, Hmylli Thn mnym- riald IJiero wnu no during a routine audit of the side of Atlantic Ave. from Lit* work on the recreation build­ lie set a reconvening date of -M Hb^ttAol' (Towu- ed thetr.horitu'.wan luculcd on has been nHHWed notlvoly i-ynoo-of the "now kind of uiloi" township books resulted in the! Ue-St>.; t6"JJower Main St. No ing was approved in a bill Sept. 8. / ' th6 i& iiiperiod; -Mr? r})e routo ■ Hiking .. Ihe .older ;)y.-:Ui the, affairs or JPomdiurhin tlio day ho - tvii tlioro, Tho nrrert Thursday ..Of Ml’.' Kelly packing is permitted on Cllff­ adapted! lit October of tlio An attempt to adJust 'iho y Ratio added. ■; C : clilJdron to Marlboro School, ftehboh.. Up „ attended ( ft e “ now kind of odor".1 te«S'“Tliit "on the alleged embezzlement wood Ave. from . Route, 35 to same year. .: . matter before-tlmfc tlmo. wa s Tho transit executive said which Is* mdro (Ifrin two inlloii Mrir'cor- Comity, J’ rrpnlatory (ciuiitliined uu pBge eight)-' count. ■-•■ / ■ , Raritan,‘St., on the southeast Bonds amounting to $100,-. n part of the consideration the belt line will be- oontln- nwny. They sniv no ronson School from -11)35-36, mid unul- t Reported TO Firm ’ side of ,Cilflwood/.Ave. from 000 were authorized in July for the postponement. This was ued through this nionlli or why the bus should not slop to miteU nn president of Urn Chum Mr Johnson* reported his Van Cleat Lnnfr to-fimlth Rd.; 1955 for installation of water Indicated Tuesday when the. until tlio - I’ubllo Utilities pick up lava first grndo pu­ of 1630, Ho haa been -ncllvo In Two Confess Sale discovery Immediately to Mr. on the northeast side of Cllff­ mains and tho remaining township planning bonrd held Commission orders the serv­ pils nnd n bbJlnner's clnsn the alumni uuaoolttlloii-nnd-for Seaman ln Perth Amboyr Mr. wood Ave, north of the New $30,000 vvas approved in Nov­ a speclnl mcetlfig. to see what ice halted. Mr. Rollo said pupil from tlielr homo for 15 yours haa boi'ir.
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