16 Pages Thursday, October 15, 2020 ◆ Pacific Palisades, California $1.50 A Creepy Crypt Voting in the Palisades: Community Council Hosts Presentation By LILY TINOCO tures, to offer an “independent Reporter and private voting experience.” Klein explained that voting by he Pacific Palisades Com- mail is the method the county is munity Council invited Jeff promoting: “It is the safest meth- TKlein, civic engagement manager od in terms of the pandemic, it is for the Los Angeles County Reg- essentially contactless and keeps istrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s people out of congregating in the office, to speak at a virtual board public.” meeting on Thursday, October 8. Ballots must be postmarked Klein led an in-depth presen- by Election Day, November 3, tation about the voting process for and there is a 17-day window for the election, sharing the county ballots to be received. learned a lot during the primary Klein addressed voting by election and the changes that have mail safety and election security. been made. “What makes it a very secure LA County is the largest vot- process is that we check the signa- ing jurisdiction in the country. Outside of the library ture of every single vote by mail From its total population of 10.2 Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer ballot that’s returned,” he said. million, more than 5.5 million One Palisadian asked about people are registered voters and will be spaced six feet apart and signature comparison: Since sig- approximately 6.1 million are el- sanitized after each voter. natures change over time, what igible to vote. Klein said there will be over signature will it be compared to? “Implementing an election 750 vote centers throughout the Klein said the signature will really takes a community effort county, and there will be an 11- be compared to the most recent … partnerships like this and do- day period of voting. Voters are registration in the voter database Community members in neighborhoods throughout the Palisades are encouraged to enter this year’s ing these types of presentations free to visit any of the locations in or the most recent signature pulled Creep Your Crypt home decorating contest for a chance to win a prize for Creepiest Crypt, Best Theme are really useful, we really want the county and are no longer as- from the DMV. or DIY-Originality. Pictured here is one of the 2020 entries. To sign up or nominate a neighbor, visit to encourage you to spread the signed to one specific location. If a signature doesn’t match, a palipost.com. Photo courtesy of the Peil family information that I provide today,” The most convenient voting letter will be sent notifying the in- Klein said. center for Palisadians will be Pali- dividual, giving them the chance All registered voters will sades Recreation Center. The next to respond and a second chance to be issued a vote by mail ballot, closest will be Santa Monica’s pass their ballot. People can also which were mailed on October Roosevelt and Franklin elementa- re-register and update their signa- LAFD Knocks Down Stubborn 5. Completed ballots may be ry schools, both located on Mon- ture that way. ‘ ’ placed in drop boxes—one is lo- tana Avenue. Voters can track their ballot cated in front of Palisades Branch In addition to schools and through the “Where’s My Bal- Library—in the U.S. Mail or community centers, there are lot?” website, which will offer Fire at Palisades Branch Library dropped off at a voting center. also high-profile locations being real-time notifications: when it’s Vote centers will be open for utilized this year, including Uber sent and when it’s received, as it By LILY TINOCO the water flow from automatic It took roughly an hour to those who prefer to vote in-per- headquarters, Dodger Stadium, makes its way through the pro- Reporter fire sprinklers,” Prange said. extinguish the “stubborn fire,” son; all vote centers will strictly STAPLES center and more. cess. The 28 firefighters on scene which appears to have started in follow state and county guide- Introduced in the primary The deadline to register to os Angeles Fire Department were able to complete salvage the attic. lines, and enforce social distanc- election, the ballot marking devic- vote is Monday, October 19. Vote firefighters responded to a work, covering books and trying All Los Angeles Public Li- ing. es will be returning to vote cen- centers will open beginning Satur- Lfire that broke out at Palisades to keep the water off of them. brary branches remain closed to To enter a vote center, vot- ters. Voters will be issued a paper day, October 24. Branch Library on Thursday, Oc- Bates said the books looked like the public because of COVID-19 ers must wear a mask. Klein said ballot that will be cast on the de- For more information, visit tober 8, in the morning. they would be salvageable. precautions, according to the li- masks, gloves and hand sanitizer vice, with no internet or network LAvote.net or email Klein directly “An automatic alarm with “There was a lot of the library brary’s website. Although some will be available. Voting machines connection, just accessibility fea- at jklein@[email protected]. several sprinkler activations was that kept from getting damaged “Library To Go” service is avail- upgraded to a structure fire by because the guys did such great able at selected libraries, the Pal- (the) first arriving truck at a li- work on the salvage operations isades Branch is not one of them, brary,” Nicholas Prange of LAFD to protect it,” Bates said to the according to the website. Winding Way 2020 Features said in a statement. Palisadian-Post. “They protected The cause of the fire was still The fire was first reported at a lot of the interior of the library under investigation as the Post 7:10 a.m., prompting a swift re- just from further damage with went to print Tuesday evening. ‘Upcycling Cardboard’ sponse from not only LAFD Sta- that sprinkler head going off.” Representatives from Los An- tions 23 and 69, but also 19, Task Upon arrival, firefighters also geles Public Library did not re- By SARAH SHMERLING Force 63, Rescue 69 and Battal- worked to cut around the burnt spond to requests for comments Editor-in-Chief ion 9. material on the roof: “We had to at press time. Captain Robert Bates said a do a lot of cutting just to check nother beloved facet of the Pal- fire sprinkler was able to keep the for extensions, that’s our normal City News Service contribut- isades-Malibu YMCA Pump- fire contained until firefighters- ar operation,” Bates said. ed to this report. Akin Patch at Simon Meadow has rived and did the final extinguish- returned in 2020: the Winding Way ment. nature trail. And this year’s display “Firefighters saved nearly all features “Upcycling Cardboard.” of the books inside, while extin- Winding Way was brought to guishing the flames and stopping life four years ago by Palisadian Tracey Price of American Growers, a local landscaping company, who partnered with longtime friends Dorothy Miyake and Cindy Simon. The exhibit went into what was This year’s display Rich Schmitt/Staff Photographer a previously unused and overgrown section of the meadow. “Many were doubtful that their Is that a Cheerios box?’” “We cleared out the debris and cracker box could be a piece of art,” The creators of “Upcycling filled this area with colorful bird- Simon wrote. “Many also remarked Cardboard” shared a message of houses, wooden bridges, stone how surprised they were in discov- thanks to Palisades-Malibu YMCA walls and several seating areas, ering how many household items Executive Director Jim Kirtley, Di- all shaded by native coast live oak were packaged in cardboard—often rector of YMCA Programming Os- trees,” Simon explained in a state- saying ‘over packed.’” car Rodriguez, and Dylan Prudente ment. “Each October, we create a Simon shared that one neighbor and Scout Troop 223 “for their hard public art installation within Wind- told her that she didn’t eat anything work in creating a new path and ing Way for the enjoyment of fam- from a box, so she couldn’t help. small bridge.” ilies who visit the Pumpkin Patch.” She soon realized she could contrib- Matt Rodman and his daughter, This year’s theme, “Upcycling ute boxes from Kleenex, pizza, Ty- Della, were thanked for securing Cardboard,” focuses on the “pro- lenol, sugar, baking soda and more. the birdhouses in Winding Way and cess of taking an item we normally “After hundreds of boxes of all painting each one in a “fresh, new consider trash and turning it into shapes and sizes were collected, we color.” Lorenzo Argueta painted something of enjoyment or beauty.” carefully ‘sliced and diced’ off the and repaired furniture and pots in Over the course of two months covers and randomly glued each the area, including benches, picnic at the end of last summer, neigh- one onto large cardboard panels, tables and a shed. bors and community members now displayed in the arbor section “We hope Winding Way in- throughout Pacific Palisades, and of Winding Way,” Simon explained. spires you to go home and have as far away as Lake Tahoe, col- “From a distance, one is not sure fun upcycling,” Simon concluded. lected cardboard trash, which was what they are looking at when they The Palisades-Malibu YMCA then dropped off in Simon’s drive- approach the arbor. Has someone Pumpkin Patch is now open through way.
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