ILT Performance and Results Annual Report 2006 Annual Report Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT 2006 Foreword manufacturing techniques that we will The Fraunhofer ILT has actively accom- be able to hold onto or even expand panied its implementation from the our top-league position as an export very start. The initiative has already nation and justify our claim to being produced its first results: the signing-up the Land of Ideas. It is the only way to of over 500 members, the submission generate growth and create jobs for of a European agenda to EU commis- the future. And this implies that govern- sioner Viviane Reding, and the creation ment and industry must demonstrate of a new unit dedicated to optical tech- an even greater commitment than in nologies by the European Commission. the past, both ideologically and finan- Total funding of 90 million euros has cially, to research and education. been earmarked for photonics projects in 2007 and 2008 under the 7th Frame- »Germany - Land of Ideas« is the title The German government has followed work Programme. of an initiative under the patronage this call to action by making available of German president Horst Köhler, around 15 billion euros between now The Fraunhofer ILT intends to strengthen launched in 2006, the year in which and 2009 under its high-tech strategy its focus on nanophotonics, microen- the country was hosting the FIFA World to promote innovation. More specifi- gineering and surface engineering in Cup, as a means of illustrating to the cally, 310 million euros have been set the coming years. The Institute has ob- world how innovative and creative Ger- aside for projects in the field of optical tained certification for a number of many can be. The Fraunhofer Institute technologies, and 250 million euros for applications used in the aircraft industry for Laser Technology was among the production technologies. Such support for the repair of engine components. 365 »landmarks« selected to represent gives us the motivation to continue There is still considerable potential for the Land of Ideas. This was not the first working on promising innovations with new polishing, structuring, and gene- social marketing campaign launched in our partners. In the field of nano-pho- ration techniques. Advances in laser- an effort to make the German people tonics, EUV technology is one of the assisted microfabrication processes are more aware of their strengths and major thematic areas that the Fraun- being driven by innovative sectors of encourage them to take up the chal- hofer ILT has been driving forward for industry including medical devices, lenge of designing their own future. many years. Over the next few months, mechatronics, and solar technology. An earlier campaign in 2005, pro- our industrial partner will be testing A foretaste of things to come was pro- claiming »You are Germany«, carried the first alpha version of the tools we vided by the Aachen Colloquium for a similar message. The all-important have designed for an industrial EUV Laser Technology AKL’06 held on May question we must ask ourselves, how- lithography plant for semiconductor 3 to 5, 2006. Over 430 participants ever, is how best to channel all that manufacturing, with a view to their gathered to hear about the latest creative energy into preserving and future implementation in a full-scale developments in laser technology for improving our standard of living, given production environment. Interesting the production environment and dis- that the world around us is developing things are also happening in the field cuss its future prospects. The response at such a tremendous pace. of laser beam sources. Fiber technology, was so positive that we will be inviting tunable lasers, high-quality fiber-coupled the laser community to meet in Aachen One of the key aspects with regard diode lasers, are all areas of research once again in 2008, on May 7 to 9. to the global market is no doubt the in which the Fraunhofer ILT is heavily We can promise you a highly interest- competitive status of our manufactur- involved. ing program and a chance to do some ing industry and the service sector that efficient business networking. All that relies on its vitality. Because ours is a Now that the European Commission’s remains is for me to wish you every high-wage country, we have to con- 7th Framework Programme is under success with your development projects. centrate our strengths on producing way, the conditions are right for pur- premium-quality goods, with a special suing urgently needed pre-competitive Sincerely, focus on those products that can be research on a transnational scale in the manufactured using a high level of au- context of collaborative projects. The tomation. The key to this is innovation. technology platform »Photonics 21« For it is only by designing innovative serves as a communication network for products and employing automated interested companies and institutes. Professor Reinhart Poprawe M.A. Fraunhofer ILT Annual Report 2006 3 Contents Profile of the Institute 6 Some Special Research Results from the Business Areas Declaration of Principles 7 of Fraunhofer ILT Business Areas 8 Laser and Plasma Sources 33 - 58 Board and Committees 10 Laser Material Processing 59 - 100 Contacts 11 Laser Plant and System Technology 101 - 110 Core Areas 12 Laser Measurement Services 14 and Testing Technology 111 - 132 Facts and Figures 16 European Laser Institute ELI 110 References 19 Patents 133 Fraunhofer USA Center Dissertations 134 for Laser Technology CLT 20 Diploma Theses 134 Coopération Laser Franco-Allemande CLFA 22 Scientific Publications 135 Fraunhofer Alliance Surface Lectures 137 Engineering and Photonics VOP 24 Conventions and Conferences 141 The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft at a Glance 26 Trade Fairs 145 Laser Technology Publications 146 at RWTH Aachen 28 Technical Book »Laser Cluster of Excellence Technology for Manufacturing« 149 »Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries« 30 Video Films and Multimedia Software 150 PhotonAix e. V. - Competence Network for Optical Technologies 32 Information Service 152 Imprint 153 Fraunhofer ILT Annual Report 2006 5 Profile of the Institute In the business area »laser plant and Short Profile system technology« prototypes are developed, built up and installed on site. ILT - for more than twenty years, this ab- Process monitoring and control as well breviation has stood for extensive know- as system components and control how in laser technology. Innovative software are part of the activities. In solutions for manufacturing and pro- the business area »laser measurement duction problems, development of and testing technology« processes and new technical components, competent systems for inspection of surfaces, for DQS certified by advice and training, highly-qualified chemical analysis, for testing the accu- DIN EN ISO 9001 personnel, the latest technologies and racy of dimensions and geometry of Reg.-No.: DE-69572-01 an international reputation: these are workpieces as well as for analysis of the guarantors for long-term business static and dynamic deformations are relations. The numerous customers of developed. the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Tech- nology ILT belong to various sectors The comprehensive offer of services like automobile industry, mechanical of the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser engineering, chemical and electrical Technology ranges from research and engineering, steel construction, preci- development as well as system construc- sion mechanics and optics. tion and quality assurance to advice and training. Industrial laser systems With more than 250 employees and from various manufacturers as well as 10.000 m2 of usable floor space the an extensive infrastructure are available Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technolo- for the work on research and gy is world-wide one of the most development projects. important development and contract research institutes of its specific field. In the Laser User Center of the Fraun- The four business areas cover a wide hofer Institute for Laser Technology range of actual and vertical integrated guest companies work in their own topics. In the business area »laser and separated laboratories and offices. The plasma sources« development activities basis of this special form of technology are concentrated on innovative diode transfer is a long-term cooperation and solid state lasers for industrial use agreement with the institute in the as well as compact EUV-sources for field of research and development. lithographic use in semiconductor The surplus value lies in the use of the production. The business area »laser technical infrastructure and in the material processing« offers solutions information exchange with ILT´s in cutting, ablation, drilling, welding, experts. Already 10 companies profit soldering, surface treatment and micro from the advantages of the Laser User processing. The activities cover a wide Center. Besides laser manufacturers range of applications from macro and laser users, entrepreneurs from processing via nano structuring to the areas of special machine production, biophotonics. laser processing and laser measurement find a suitable frame to realize their ideas on an industrial scale. 6 Fraunhofer ILT Annual Report 2006 Declaration of Principles Mission We occupy an international top position in transferring laser technology to industrial application. We continually expand the knowledge base and know-how in our sector and make significant contributions to the ongoing development of science and technology. Working with our partners in industry, science and government, we create innovations on the basis of new beam sources and new applications. Customers The customers needs are the focus of our work. Discretion, fairness and a spirit of part- Fascination: Laser Management style nership are top priorities in our customer relationships. Our customers can rely The unique characteristics of laser light Cooperative, demanding and suppor- on us. and the resulting diversity of applica- tive. Knowing the value of our staff as tions, are a constant source of inspiration individuals and the value of their We tailor solutions and their cost- and fascination.
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