UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE UBRARY •. ) ·.C STATE OF DELAWARE. J'OURNALof the SEN·:ATE, AT A SESSION OF THE GENERALASSEMBLY CC>NVEN'JDDAND HELD AT DOVJ,:R, ON TUESDAY, THt SIXTH DAY OF JANUARY, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONJC THOUSAND 'NINE HUNDRI£D AND . THRKJB, AND OF THE INDEPlDNDJDNCJ1JOF THE UNITED STATES, THE ONE HUN- D'RED AND T,VENTY-SKVENTH. H)03. CHRONICLE: POWJ~R PRTN'l', MILFORD, DEL. t / ' ' ' ,,\, ., ...· ~. ,) . \,{?:·P~ \''\03 '<: C'l r,on o o 0 0 ~.:, o o O ,;'.l O 0 O C O e ::,. 0 '.) :, con.~oo '.J:, :-, :, O O O 0 ,., ') ., :, '.'\ Cl., .,..,..,., 0'1 : .:" ~ ,;,:') / \:"'trr,d \l'l L1.bm7, '/':>O'rO. o,c:,, OFFICERS AND MEMBERS . OJ<' 'rHJ~ ST ATE SE-NATE LrnUTENANT GOVERNOR,. PHILIP L. CANNON, Bridgeville, Sussex Co. PRJ~SIDEN'f PRO TEM., . H)BNRY C. ELLISON, Summit Bridge, New Castle Co. GJWRGE H. BAYNU:M,. Milford, Sussex Co. l{EADING CLERK, GEORGE L. TOWNSEND, Odessa, New Castle, Co. ENROLLING CLERK, ASA BlBNNlBTT, Ocean View, Sussex Co. CHAPLAIN, T. F. _WALDRON, Dover, Kent Co, ~ERGEAN'f-A T-ARi\IS, .JAMES L. HAWKINS, Wilmington, New Castle Co. PAGE, \V. E. Sl\IITH, Dover, Kent Co. MEMBERS. GEORGE W. SPARKS, New Castle Co., ............... Wilmington. FRANCIS .J.. McNULTY, New Castle Co., ... : ........ Wilmington. THOMAS .J. STIRLING, New Castle Co., ............. Henry Clay. BlBN.JAl\IIN A. GROVES, New Castle Co., ............ Mar,3h'allton. ARTTBMASSJIITH, New Castle Co., ..................... New Castle. 6 HENRY C; ll.:LLISON, New Castle Co., ............ Summit Bridge .. •JOHN A. LATTA, New Castle Co., ....... , ................ Townsend. THOMAS C. MQOR;E, ,Kent Co.,.,..... , ........... '.,.......... -.Smyrna. ,TAMES R. CLEM'EN'fS, kerit' Co.,. :. :: . ; ·.: .. ;... :........... Clayton. · J. FRANK ALLEE, Kent Co.,.: .. , ............................... Dover. GEORGE D. HARRINGTON, Kent Co, ............. '.Farmington. ALVAN B. CONNER, -E:ent-Co,; ... ,.; .. ,,, ... ,... .-,,:.. -.,:..... Felton. ~ ,1 § r · , , r· . ,. ,~·, t ,. ._. ,. ••, SIMEON S. J-,,ENNEWILL, B1fssex .co.,.L .. i: ... :;.. : .. C+reenwood. CH A.RLES "WRIGHT, Sussex Co., .......................... Seaford, - DAVID 0. MOORE, Susse,x Co., .; ... ; .......................... Laurel. I. J. BRASURE, Sussex Co., ..................... .'......... Selbyville. THOMAS W. JEFFERSON;''Sussexl~o.; .':................... Milton. ,: ,:. / ( •1 .,,, '.. _.. ,;·::: •",,:..;:,··. / ·' ! .: ·,,; . / ..··,,, '.,1"'°,' ... !'. ,·;.·i; ,)'l. ,' JOURNAL 01'' '1'.11E STATE S.ENAT•E~·· . l)ove1·, Delaware, .Januaw 6, mos. " ' ' : ' . ' , : ' : , .·, At a session of the General Assembly.of the State of Delaware, convened and held at Do.ver on Tuesday, the sixth day of .January, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three; and of the independence. of the, United States, the one hundred and twenty~seventh; · Messrs. Benjamin A. Groves, Henry C. Ellison and Francis J. McNulty, 0£ New Caflile'County, and Messrs. ,James R: Cle~ents and George D. Harrington, Of .Kent County, and · Messrs. Isahh J. Brasure and Charles Wright, Of Sussex County, : · Appeared and took their seats. President of the Sei1ate P. L. Ca1h1on,called the Senate fo order at 12.05 P. :H. , · . Prayer by the Rev. T. F. Waldron, The President appointed Mt. Brasure, a committee of on!:lto no~ tify the judges to present the Certificates of Election, which was done by .Judge Pennewill of Kent County, .Judge Boyce of Sussex County and Prothonotary Speakman, of New Castle County. · 10 On motion of Mr. Sparks, Mr. Brasure was made temporary secretary. The certificates of elections of. the several Senators were read as follows: By the certificates of returns approved by the .Judges of the Su­ perior Court of New Castle County, it appeared that on the Tues­ day next after the first Monday in the month of November last, at the several .and respective places appointed by1aw for the hold­ ing of the election in and for said county, .John A. Latta, Thomas .J. Stirling, George vY. Sparks and Artemas Smith were duly chosen to represent the said county in the Senate of the State of Delaware for the ensuing term of four years. By the ceitificates of returns approved by the J uclges of the Su­ perior. Court of Kent County, it appeared· that on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in'the imonth of Nov.ember last, at the severalarid tespective places,appoi1ited by ]aw'for the holding of tlie elec~ion :in a:nclfor·saicl coun:ty, .,J. Frank Allee, Alvan B. Con­ ner and Thom:as C. Moore were duly chosen to represent the said comity in the Senate of the State of Delaware for the ensuing four Y(?US. By certificate of returns approved by the Judges of the Superior Oourt of Sussex County, it appeared that on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November last, at the several and respective ,places appointed by la:w for the holrling of the election in and for said county, Thomas vV.. Jefferson, David 0. Moore and Simeon S. Pennewill were duly chosen to represei1tthe said county it1 the SenatA. of the State of Delaware for the ensuing four years. Senators elect .John A. Latta, Thomas J. Stirling, George W. Sparks, Artemas Smith, .J. Frank Allee, Alyai1 B. Conner, Thomas C. Moore, Thomas W .. Jefferson, 'David 0. Moore and Simeon S. Pennewill, appeared and took the following oath. of office: I do solemnly swear that I will support. the Co11stitution of the United States and the Constitu.tion of .,the State of Delaware, and that I. will faithfully discharge the duties ofSenator inthe General Assembly from :Senatorial District No.' 7, :in .New Castle County, ac'cordi11g to the,best of my: ability; ,and ldo further solemnly swearthat I have not·directly or indirnctly paidJoffered or prum- ised to pay, •contributed, or ,offered' or promised to contribute, :any 11 money or other valuable thing as it consideration or rewanl .for . the giving or withholding a vote at the election at wh.ich I \vas elected to said ofifoe. JOJ;IN .A. LATTA. I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States· and the Constitution of the State of Delaware, and that I will .faithfully discharge the duties of Senator in the Gen­ eral .Assembly from Senatorial District No. 3, in New Castle Coun­ ty, according to the best of my ability; and I do further r,olemnl)~ swear that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered or prom­ ised to pay, contributed, or offered or ,promised to contribute, any money or other.valuable thing .as a conr,ideration or reward for the giving or withholding a .vote at.·the election at which .I was elected to said office. THOMAS J. STIR.LH:m. I do solemnly 8\Vear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Confititution of the State of Delaware, and that I will :faithfo.lly discharge the. duties of Senator in the General Assembly from Senatorial Di8trict No. 1, in Ne,v,Castle County, according to the best of my ability; and I do, further solemnly ·swear.that I have not directly or.indirectly paid, offered or prom­ ised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to c,ontrilrn.te, any money or other valuable thing as a.consideration or rewa~·d,for the giving or withholding ..a vote. at the. election.at which· I was elected to said office. GlWRGE W. f-\PA~KS. I do solen~nly swear that I will 8upport the Com;titution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Defaware, and that I ·will' faithfully discharge· the .duties of. Senator in the Gen­ eral Assembly from Senatorial District No:/\ in New.Castle County, according' to the' best of my :1.bility; and I do· further Solemnly swear that I have not 'directly paid, offorecl or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised ·to contribute, ariy mdney or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward' for the giving or withholding a yote at·· the election at ,vhich , I .was elected to said office: ARTKMAS. SMlTH. 1 do solemnly swer1r.that; I will 8upport the Constitution pf the United States and the Constitution of the State of Delaware, and that I will faithfully :discharge ,the. d1,1tiesof Senator in the. General Assembly from:Senatorial:District-No. ,3, in ..Kent County, accord­ ing to : the best of my ability; , and I do. further· solemnly swear . that I have not directly .o:dndi..rectly paid, ofl'eri;,dor, ,prqmised, .to 12 · pay, contributed, .or offered or promised to contribute, any money · or oth<:lrvaluable thing as a consideration or ·reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office. .J. FRANK ALLEJiJ. ,. ' ·· I do solemnly swear that I 'Will suppprt the. Constitl'ltion of the United States ,and the Cortstitution:of' the .State of DelMvare, and that I will: faithfully discharge the' 'duties of Senator in the General Assembly:from Senatorial DistHct No. 5, in Kent County;· accord­ sng to thebest of my ability; and I do further solemnly swear that · I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, .. contributed·, or offered or. promised to contribute, any money or valuable thing ·as·a c<;msiclerationor reward for 1the giving or with­ holdin'g· a vote at the: election at which I was elected to 'said office. ' , ALVA~ B. CONNER. i • ' ' .•I do ~61,emi'.ilyswe~r th~t I ·.will' 'stipport the Coristifotfon 'of tlje United' States and. the Cciiistitution of' the State I of Delaware. and that J will faithfµliy d,ischarge the duties ·orSeniitor in the' General Assembly from ·senatorial District No .• 1, in Kent County, accord­ h1g to t,he,best of myabHity; 1 'and'! do further ~olenmly swear that I have not directly'6r 'indirectly paid, offered.or promised to pay, contributed, or offered'o'r promised' to' contril:iute, an:y money or other, ;v:3:lµable'thing a~.~.consideration: or rewai·d for' th<;igiving or·.
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