UNAMI Newsletter United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq Newsletter - Issue 14 July 2011 IN THIS ISSUE Security Council extends UNAMI mandate Security Council extends UNAMI mandate ... 1 Census takes forefront as Iraq marks World Population Day ....................................................... 2 Address the needs of Iraqi youth says Melkert ... 3 Working towards the establishment of a new human rights body for Iraq ................................ 4 UNHCR assists hundreds of displaced Iraqis along Iranian border ............................................. 5 Iraq launches groundwater database ............ 6 WHO: moving towards a schistosomiasis-free Iraq by 2013 ............................................................. 7 Iraq land policy focus of workshop ................. 7 Study to estimate burden of tuberculosis in Iraq .............................................................................. 8 Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Ad Melkert, is welcomed by the United Nations Guard Unit at UNAMI Iraqi Government, FAO to improve agricul- headquarters in Baghdad. Photo: Rick Bajornas/UNAMI PIO tural sector ............................................................... 8 News Briefs ............................................................... 9 n Resolution 2001 adopted unani- ing strategies to ensure that women can mously on 28 July 2011, the Security play a much greater decision-making List of UN Acronyms ............................................. 9 ICouncil extended the mandate of the role in society. United Nations Assistance Mission for Photo Essay:The UN Agencies at Work .........10 Members also called upon the Govern- Iraq (UNAMI) for another year, welcom- ment to continue its ongoing coopera- ing recent security improvements in the tion with the Kuwaiti Government and country while stressing the need for fur- meet its outstanding international obli- It is time to develop ther progress on the humanitarian, hu- gations. Iraq’s vision, policies, man rights and political fronts. The Resolution is in line with the lat- strategies and plan of ac- The Resolution noted that Iraq’s secu- est report of Secretary-General Ban Ki- rity situation had improved “through tion for youth based on the moon on the work of UNAMI. The report concerted political and security efforts” representative participation summarizes key political developments, and stressed that further advances will and leadership of youth, as well as regional and international be made through meaningful political events concerning Iraq since his last re- dialogue. port, dated 31 March 2011. Council members urged the Govern- Mr. Ad Melkert, In the July report, the Secretary-General ment to continue to promote human the Special Representative of the expresses concern that nearly seven rights, including by supporting the months after the Parliament approved UN Secretary-General for Iraq country’s Independent High Commis- the current Government, and 16 months sion for Human Rights and by develop- after Iraq’s parliamentary elections, there are outstanding issues relating to for Iraq, Ad Melkert, briefed the Council making. And in a departure from de- government formation, particularly ap- members on the situation in the coun- cades of authoritarian regime, negotia- pointments to key security posts. “I call try. He addressed Iraq’s internal affairs tions between all parties have become on the political leaders of Iraq to put with regard to humanitarian, human the predominant feature of political life,” aside their differences and move swiftly rights and political matters and touched he added. to agree on the way forward,” Ban Ki- on pending issues between Iraq and Ku- “Whilst many challenges remain to in- Moon says. wait. grain human rights and democracy fun- Recalling that considerable challenges “In some important aspects, Iraq is at damentals into the minds and acts of all still need to be addressed to ensure that the heart of fundamental changes in the stakeholders, it is hard to see that the fundamental rights and freedoms are region. The Iraqi system of government change could be reversed,” he noted. protected in Iraq, the UN chief expresses incorporates a power-sharing Constitu- “The change, however, has come at an support for ongoing preparations to tion, guaranteeing the participation of extreme cost, still visible and tangible create the Independent High Commis- women and minorities and nurturing on a daily basis in the victims and the sion for Human Rights. a culture of ongoing constitutional de- damage despite eight years that have bate,” said Melkert in his speech , high- The report also notes that although the gone by. Developments in the region are lighting major gains made and chal- status of Kirkuk and other disputed in- showing that change must, and eventu- lenges ahead. ternal territories remain divisive issues, ally will, come primarily from within,” he the Secretary-General is encouraged by “Regular elections have taken place, added. recent efforts on the part of key stake- conducted in line with international “For the foreseeable future, the United holders to find common ground. standards. While drawn out, govern- Nations will be well placed to remain a ment formation has indeed progressed. Earlier in the month, on 19 July, the Sec- trusted partner in this endeavour,” Melk- Meanwhile, the Parliament is taking an retary-General’s Special Representative ert concluded. increasingly important role in decision- World Population Day Census takes forefront as Iraq marks World Population Day raq joined the world on 11 July 2011 in marking World Population Day Iwith the release of a report by Iraq’s National Population Commission. The date, which serves as a time to cel- ebrate humanity and diversity, was celebrated in Iraq at events in Baghdad and Erbil. This year represents a milestone in that the world’s population is soon expected to reach 7 billion. While pov- erty, inequality and increased stress on resources represent major challenges, the world is more interconnected than ever before, creating enormous possi- bilities. The report, entitled “The State of the Population in Iraq 2010,” depicts a pre- liminary representation of the demo- graphic situation in Iraq. It serves to pave the way for a comprehensive ob- In an event marking World Population Day on 11 July 2011 in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, Ad Melkert receives Iraq’s 2010 National Population Commission report on the state of population in the country. Photo: Sarmad Al-Safy/ UNAMI PIO jective study that constitutes a reliable, scientific, analytical and authoritative www.uniraq.org UNAMI Newsletter 2 base on the size, structure and distri- stage of counting the people that A similar event, headed by Kurdistan bution of the population, thus enhanc- make up Iraq: counting the numbers Minister of Planning Ali Al-Sindi, took ing knowledge of the vital interrelation as much as counting the aspirations. place simultaneously in Erbil. between demographic issues. In order to deliver services accordingly In conjunction with UNAMI, the United In Baghdad, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri the one cannot be without the other,” Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has Al-Maliki, UNAMI Special Representa- said SRSG Melkert in a speech to the been working in Iraq since 2005. In tive for the Secretary General (SRSG) group. He added that while a 2007 fig- the past three years, UNFPA has imple- for Iraq Ad Melkert and Iraqi Minister ure placed the country’s population at mented a US$ 7 million budget to pro- of Planning Ali Shukri addressed senior 29.6 million, the number remained in vide technical assistance to the Central Government officials and representa- question as to whether it was derived Statistical Organization of Iraq to assist tives from UN agencies and the inter- for the country or broken down from them in conducting a nationwide cen- national community on the topic. Most the regions. sus. notably this included highlighting Mr. Melkert went on to discuss the The census is to provide the Govern- the need for a population policy, the importance of reducing poverty and ment with the information to help importance of completing a census, gender inequality, noting that the two leaders and policy-makers to make women’s empowerment issues, repro- issues are linked irrevocably with popu- informed decisions about the needs ductive health, and youth and adoles- lation growth. “If properly addressed, it on the ground to reduce poverty and cent needs. can result in the empowerment and par- hunger, advance education, address “Today is a welcome occasion to high- ticipation of women and girls as agents health and gender equality issues and light the new stage that Iraq has em- of change, and as a consequence lead to effectively respond to humanitarian barked upon after so many years of to the acceleration of human, social and crises. suffering and devastation… It is the economic growth,” he said. Youth Report Address the needs of Iraqi youth says Melkert t is time to develop Iraq’s vision, poli- cies, strategies and plan of action for “Iyouth based on the representative participation and leadership of youth,” said Ad Melkert, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Iraq. The comment, delivered in Baghdad by the SRSG on 16 July, came at the launch of Iraq’s Youth Status Analytical Report, an event which attracted more than 300 par- ticipants, including some 200 youth repre- sentatives. The report analyzes the needs and priorities of Iraqi youth in
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