OUR EDITIONS: JAIPUR & AHMEDABAD CORONA 26°C - 34°C www.fi rstindia.co.in ALERT www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/ thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia AHMEDABAD l WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2020 l Pages 12 l 3.00 RNI NO. GUJENG/2019/16208 l Vol 1 l Issue No. 230 instagram.com/thefi rstindia WORLD INDIA GUJARAT COVID-19 UPDATE 5,77,908 1,33,38,517 24,314 9,36,368 2,070 43,723 DEATHS CONFIRMED CASES DEATHS CONFIRMED CASES DEATHS CONFIRMED CASES MAHARASHTRA DELHI TAMIL NADU KARNATAKA RAJASTHAN 10,695 DEATHS 2,67,665 CASES 3,446 DEATHS 1,15,346 CASES 2,099 DEATHS 1,47,324 CASES 846 DEATHS 44,077 CASES 524 DEATHS 25,571 CASES 18 MONTH OLD GEHLOT-PILOT COLD WAR COMES TO A TRAGIC END! AN ‘AGGRESSIVE’ PILOT LOST HIS Dy CM & PCC JOB; HIS TWO MINISTERS ALSO DROPPED Aditi Nagar Pande, in making much well as PCC Chief, which and a half years in the awaited political ap- he nourished for a long Gehlot government, Jaipur: After being en- pointments and an im- time and technically, it where inspite of a clear gaged in a 18 month old pending cabinet reshuf- was his tenure when in Sonia-Rahul-Priyanka cold war with his deputy fle, which is likely to take 2018 assembly polls, Con- understanding in De- and PCC Chief Sachin place on Wednesday or gress rose from 21 to 99 cember 2018 to Pilot have Pilot, Chief Minister Thursday afternoon. seats and formed the gov- a fifty percent power Ashok Gehlot was a ‘re- Gehlot already sound- ernment, where Gehlot sharing with Gehlot in laxed man’ on Tuesday ed Governor Kalraj was the face of the party the governance, he was afternoon, once Pilot lost Mishra, when he met the in election campaign and not given his due share his deputy CM and PCC Governor on Tuesday af- therefore, along with Pi- and was sidelined, while Chief job and also his ternoon, to take his for- lot, he had also a major taking all key decisions two ministers Vishven- mal approval on the re- contribution to dislodge of the state government dra Singh and Ramesh moval of Pilot, Vishven- the saffron government by the Chief Minister Meena were shown the dra Singh and Ramesh and bring Congress back and his senior col- door. Meena from his cabinet. to power for a five year leagues. According to sources, In this way, after Pi- term. Pilot camp feels that after Pilot’s departure, lot’s exit, Gehlot was According to sources, now he will be in a posi- Gehlot is likely to have a sounding a highly re- even after his removal tion to carry out a ‘deci- hundred percent free laxed person, who has from two top positions, sive battle’ against Ge- hand, mainly in consul- now no challenge from he was seen completely hlot government, with tation with Avinash within, at least for the enthusiastic and upbeat an indirect but active time being. along with his support- support of BJP. Meanwhile, serving a ers in New Delhi because record tenure of 6 years according to a Pilot camp 5 months and eighteen spokesperson, he is also days at PCC as its Chief, now a relaxed person as former deputy CM he was feeling ‘suffo- Sachin Pilot was virtu- cated’ and rather ally removed from the humiliated dur- post of deputy CM as ing the last one END OF AN ERA! A RECORD 6 YEARS A RELAXED MAN 5 MONTHS & 18 DAY PCC TENURE BCCI wins `850 India to buy drones, anti-tank COVID-19 vaccine: India cr law suit against World guided missiles from Israel Sports Group starts human clinical trials New Delhi: Engaged in New Delhi: An arbitral a boundary dispute New Delhi: Human clin- tional Limited in collab- tribunal consisting of with China in eastern ical trials for a vaccine oration with the Indian Supreme Court Justices Ladakh, India is plan- for COVID-19 has been Council of Medical Re- (Retd) Sujatha Manohar, ning to enhance its sur- initiated in the country search and another one Mukunthakam Sharma veillance capabilities with approximately 1,000 by Zydas Cadila Health- and S.S. Nijjar upheld and firepower by plac- volunteers participating care Ltd to go in for the the termination of the ing orders for Heron in the exercise for each first and second phase of IPL media rights agree- surveillance drones and of the two indigenously human clinical trials. ment for overseas terri- Spike anti-tank guided developed vaccine candi- There are two Indian tories with WSG by the missiles from Israel un- dates, the ICMR said on vaccine candidates that BCCI, on June 28, 2010. der the emergency fi- Tuesday. have undergone suc- It will allow BCCI to nancial powers granted surveillance and Target ing the requirements of Since India is one of cessful toxicity studies appropriate amounts by the government. The acquisition batteries our Air Force fleet. We the largest vaccine pro- the chain of coronavi- oped indigenously. in rats, mice and rab- lying in escrow ac- Heron unmanned aerial and Air Force in the are planning to place or- ducers in the world, it is rus transmission, ICMR The Drugs Controller bits and these data was count, to the tune of vehicles are already in Ladakh sector. ders for these UAVs,” gov- the country’s “moral Director General Dr General of India (DCGI) submitted to the DCGI, over Rs 850 crore. The the Air Force, Navy, and “There is a need for ac- ernment sources told responsibility” to fast- Balram Bhargava said has permitted two vac- following which both matter went to arbitra- the Army and are being quisition of Heron UAVs ANI here without speci- track vaccine develop- referring to the two vac- cines -- one developed by got clearance to start an tion, after WSG staked used extensively at the to add to the existing fleet fying the numbers to be ment process to break cine candidates devel- Bharat Biotech Interna- early phase Turn on P6 claim over Turn on P6 moment by both Army of these drones for meet- procured. Turn on P6 TREATMENT IN TIMES OF CORONA Another discharged patient’s death brings policy under scanner Former standing Monday night. Indian Council of Med- Hospitals no longer need to wait committee chairman “Sukhadia had re-de- ical Research (ICMR), for negative results to discharge of the Ahmedabad Mu- veloped the symptoms patients who do not nicipal Corporation of COVID-19 last night. show symptoms are asymptomatic patients and senior BJP leader Soon, he was taken to discharged. Hospitals Yogendra Sukhadia the private hospital but do not need to wait for Gargi Raval same time, the state died on Tuesday. succumbed to the infec- negative results to dis- high court had com- Sukhadia had been un- tion,” a senior health charge patients. In fact, Ahmedabad: Almost pared the hospital der treatment for COV- official said on Tuesday, policy advocates home exactly two months with a dungeon. The ID-19 at a private hos- admitting that the man treatment for asympto- ago, a man was found official data shared by pital but was dis- could have been saved matic patients,” said dead at a bus stop in the government shows charged last week as had he been tested be- the health official. Danilimda after being an improvement in the he was asymptomatic. fore being discharged Chandaharsh Joshi, discharged from the mortality rate, but the Local health officials the first time around. the husband of Naran- Civil Hospital, where picture is still gloomy. confirmed that the lead- According to a sen- pura councillor Sadha- he had been under The state’s discharge er began to show symp- ior health official of na Joshi, died under treatment for COV- policy has come under toms of novel coronavi- the state, “Under the similar circumstances ID-19. Around the question again. A hospital in Ahmedabad. —FILE PHOTO rus infection again on revised policy from the last week. Turn on P6 NEWS www.fi rstindia.co.in I www.fi rstindia.co.in/epaper/ I twitter.com/thefi rstindia I facebook.com/thefi rstindia I instagram.com/thefi rstindia AHMEDABAD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2020 02 Does playing the ‘caste’ card have Teachers to be deployed at POLITICAL DIVIDENDS? villages for COVID-19 duty Former MP Devjibhai Fatepara launches community forum, on the hunt for a by-poll ticket Haresh Jhala tendrasinh Chauhan, BJP’s General Secre- Ahmedabad: When tary of Surendranagar. elections roll around, For Fatepara, who there are many pow- has little influence on er plays made by pol- his caste community, iticians to influence this may be an attempt and showcase their to attract the attention popularity with of both parties since masses to bag a seat the Limbdi constitu- at the table. One of ency is up for by-polls. the aces up the sleeve But BJP General Secre- Teachers conducting COVID-19 health survey at Shah Alam Toll naka in Ahmedabad. of wannabe minis- tary Jagdish Makwana ters is the caste wild- expressed his doubt First India Bureau posted at check posts in The district has 692 vil- card that can ensure that this time around three shifts. The Mang- lages and four towns an election ticket. neither of the parties Ahmedabad: Teachers rol checkpost will have and a population of 9.54 Former Member of may give any impor- are the purveyors of four teachers for each lakh people, as per the Parliament (MP) from tance to Fatepara. knowledge which they shift, whereas Olpad 2011 census.
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