BEECH FORESTS ALONG THE GREEN BELT ALBANIA INTRODUCTION In Albania, due to less intensive land-use in the the project “Nature Conservation and Sustain- border areas during recent decades, a significant able Development at the Green Belt Albania”. biological diversity has been preserved in most The project was financially supported by the Ger- parts. Today, the terrestrial border area of Albania man Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) is part of the ecological network European Green with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Belt. the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety. The main purpose of the project From June 2015 until July 2017, EuroNatur Foun- was to achieve a contribution to the protection of dation and PPNEA (Protection and Preservation of biodiversity and sustainable rural development in Natural Environment in Albania) jointly implemented two protected areas along the Albanian Green Belt: • The core zone Rrajca of the Shebenik-Jabllanica National Park in the southeastern part of Albania at the border to FYR Macedonia, • The Strict Nature Reserve Lumi i Gashit in the planned National Park Albanian Alps in the northern part of Albania at the border to Kosovo and Montenegro. Both areas are ecological treasures characterized of the current conservation management with the by impressive mountains with the most relevant living conditions of the local population by means remnants of primeval beech forests in Albania. of an environmentally friendly rural development. Virgin beech forests provide habitats for over 10’000 Furthermore, the approach demonstrates the species, but in whole Europe only few ancient importance to maintain a functional ecosystem and forests still exist. Therefore, the remnants in Albania its services related to human wellbeing through deserve special attention. Both areas are part of the environmental protection. Implementing agencies UNESCO World Nature Heritage “Primeval Beech were local CSOs, as they play an important role in Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of nature conservation on site level, additionally, they Europe” since July 2017. are a key factor to secure public participation and Main focus within the project was put on the thus ensure acceptance of nature conservation implementation of pilot projects by local Civil measures. Chapter three of the publication gives Society Organizations (CSOs) in the two project an insight in the implemented pilot projects and its areas along the Green Belt Albania (see above). The participatory approach. pilot projects aim at connecting the improvement The two projects sites are The designation of Rrajca and In the last decades the national highlights along the Balkan Lumi I Gashit as UNESCO interest in the protection of the virgin Green Belt, due to the fact that World Nature Heritage as beech forests in Albania with its they still contain virgin beech part of an all-European natural values and high biodiversity forest areas. These impressive network for the protection has been reflected in proclaiming areas are home to many animal of ancient beech forests Rrajca and Lumi I Gashit as strict and plant species, which means great international nature reserves. After the ’90s due depend on old grown trees and acknowledgement. But it to the hard economic situation, deadwood. It is important to is also connected with an these forest sites were affected ensure the protection of these increased responsibility of by unsustainable forest use in forests, but at the same time, Albania to effectively protect the surrounding areas, but the not to forget about the people the sites and their natural current policy reflects an increased living in the surrounding areas. processes. Additionally, conservation effort. In addition, Through the implemented pilot the designation offers the implemented pilot projects projects we show possibilities opportunities for the local contribute to the enhancement to combine nature conservation population in terms of the of protection of the beech forests and the improvement of development of small-scaled along the Albanian Green Belt livelihood of the local people. nature-based tourism. and support a nature friendly development of the area. Dr. Uwe Riecken, Gabriel Schwaderer Prof. Spase Shumka German Federal Agency for EuroNatur PPNEA Nature Conservation (BfN) HYRJE © Gabriel Schwaderer/EuroNatur Për shkak të përdorimit më pak intensiv të tokës në i Qëndrueshëm në Brezin e Gjelbër në Shqipëri”. zonat kufitare të Shqipërisë gjatë dekadave të fundit Projekti u mbështet financiarisht nga Agjencia është ruajtur një larmi biologjike e konsiderueshme. Federale Gjermane për Mbrojtjen e Natyrës (BfN) Sot zona kufitare tokësore e Shqipërisë është pjesë me fonde nga Ministria Federale Gjermane për e rrjetit ekologjik të Brezit të Gjelbër Europian. Mjedisin, Ruajtjen e Natyrës, Ndërtimin dhe Sigurinë Bërthamore. Qëllimi kryesor i projektit ishte të Nga qershori 2015 deri në korrik 2017, Fondacioni siguronte një kontribut në mbrojtjen e biodiversitetit EuroNatur dhe PPNEA (Shoqata për Mbrojtjen dhe dhe zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm rural në dy zona të Ruajtjen e Mjedisit Natyror në Shqipëri) realizuan së mbrojtura përgjatë Brezit të Gjelbër Shqiptar: bashku projektin “Ruajtja e Natyrës dhe Zhvillimi • Zona qendrore Rrajcë e Parkut Kombëtar Shebenik-Jabllanicës në pjesën juglindore të Shqipërisë në kufi me IRJ të Maqedonisë, • Rezerva Strikte Natyrore Lumi i Gashitin, Parku Kombëtar i Alpeve Shqiptare (në proces shpalljeje) në pjesën veriore të Shqipërisë në kufirin me Kosovën dhe Malin e Zi. Të dyja këto zona janë thesare ekologjike që e jetesës së popullatës lokale me anë të një zhvillimi karakterizohen nga malet mbresëlënëse me pasuri rural rural miqësor. Për më tepër, qasja demonstron të rëndësishme si pyjet e virgjër të ahut në Shqipëri. rëndësinë për të ruajtur funksionimin normal të Pyjet e virgjër të ahut ofrojnë habitate për mbi ekosistemeve dhe shërbimet e tyrë të lidhura me 10’000 specie, ndërkohë që në Evropë ekzistojnë mirëqenien humane përmes mbrojtjen e mjedisit. vetëm disa zona të tilla të lashta. Prandaj, këto pyje Njesitë zbatuese ishin OShC-të lokale, pasi ato në Shqipëri meritojnë vëmendje të veçantë. luajnë një rol të rëndësishëm në ruajtjen e natyrës në nivel lokal dhe përveç kësaj ato janë një faktor Në kuadër të projektit fokusi kryesor u vu në kyç për të siguruar pjesëmarrjen e publikut dhe zbatimin e projekteve pilot nga organizatat lokale për rrjedhojë të sigurojnë pranimin e masave për të shoqërisë civile (OShC) në dy zonat e projektit ruajtjen e natyrës. Kapitulli i tretë i botimit jep një përgjatë Brezit të Gjelbër në Shqipëri (shih më lart). pasqyrë të projekteve pilot të zbatuara dhe qasjet Projektet pilot synojnë të lidhin përmirësimin dhe me pjesëmarrje. menaxhimit aktual të ruajtjes së natyrës me kushtet CONTENT © Spase Shumka 1. From Iron Curtain to European Green Belt 4 Nature Guides for the Shebenik-Jabllanica National 2. Beech forests along the European Green Belt 6 Park (Rrajca) 16 2.1 European beech in general 6 Reducing amount of fire wood through efficient 2.2 European beech in Albania 7 heating devices (Rrajca) 17 Lumi i Gashit (Albanian Alps) 8 Improvement of under-utilized and degraded Rrajca (Shebenik-Jabllanica National Park) 9 agriculture land (Rrajca) 18 2.3 UNESCO World Nature Heritage 10 Rehabilitation of water facilities (Lumi I Gashit) 19 3. Pilot Projects along the Albanian Green Belt 11 Environmental education and awareness 3.1 Experiences in the implementation of small grant raising in the Albanian Alps (Lumi I Gashit) 20 projects 12 4. Conclusions 21 3.2 The approach to develop and identify suitable pilot 5. List of abbreviations 22 projects 13 6 Implemented Pilot Projects 22 Method 14 7. Source references 23 FROM IRON CURTAIN TO 1 EUROPEAN GREEN BELT © Gabriel Schwaderer/EuroNatur The boundary division between Eastern and Western The European Green Belt, our shared natural heritage Europe from the end of World War II in 1945 up until along the line of the former Iron Curtain, is to be 1989 was called “The Iron Curtain” – physical in conserved and restored as an ecological network form of border defenses between the countries of connecting high-value natural and cultural landscapes Europe. For almost five decades this line was a symbol while respecting the economic, social and cultural of the political and ideological divisions between the needs of local communities. European powers. Most of the areas along the Iron Curtain were a closed zone where no or very few human The European Green Belt Initiative is made up of four activity was allowed. The only positive outcome of this organizational regions: Fennoscandia, the Baltic Region, strongly guarded borderline has been the preservation Central Europe and the Balkans. The overall steering of some of the most important habitats for biodiversity of the initiative is carried out by the European Green of almost all of Europe’s biogeographical regions. Belt Association since September 2014, consisting of governmental as well as non-governmental organizations from all regions. Each section is coordinated regionally – Today the former Iron Curtain line - including the whole currently EuroNatur is acting as regional coordinator for terrestrial border of Albania – is called the European the Balkan Green Belt. Each country appoints a formal Green Belt. It spans along 24 country borders, representative as “National Green Belt Focal Point”. In running for about 12’500 km from the northern tip of case
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