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Collection: President, Office of the: Presidential Briefing Papers: Records, 1981-1989 Folder Title: 01/29/1982 (Case File: 056768) Box: 13 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ ID# {)%7~[ WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT &$ · . 0 X ·MEDIA WORKSHEET 0 H • INTERNAL Subject Codes: Name of Ooeument: ?i2 Od7.e _L -0£ a) S-:- I ~ - - L -·-- ---. -- ---. -- E-1 0 LO._ - ---. -- ROUTE TO: ACTION DISPOSITION Tracking Type Completion Action Date of Date Office/Agency (Staff Name) Code YY/MM/DD Response Code YY/MM/DD RM MATT RSZ Referral Note: v~ ')_, .67 ~ ID# tJ~ 1Pcf uWHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT D X ·MEDIA WORKSHEET 0 H · INTERNA L Subject Codes: Name of Document: BRIEFING PAPERS FOR 2 12 0~7 . o 1 PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE~ /1._;J z_C? </ "2-- APPO.INTMENTS FOR _ ll ,_ ~ - _ 7 ---. -- ---. -- . --~ -- ---. -- ---. -- . --- -- ROUTE TO: ACTION DISPOSITION Tracking Type Completion Action Date of Date Office/Agency (Staff Name) Code YY/MM/DD Response Code YY/MM/DD RM MATT RSZ Referral Note: UNPUBLISHED January 28, 1982 THE WHITE HOUSE 5:00 pm WASHINGTON THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Friday, January 29,1982 9:00 am Staff Tik e Oval Off ice (30 min) (Baker, eese, Deaver) 9:30 am Nationa Security Briefing oval Off ice (15 min) (Willia P. Clark) 9:45 am Senior taf f Time Oval Off ice (15 min) 10:00 am Persona Staff Time Oval .Off ice ( 30 min) 10:30 am Meeting with Juan Antonio Sarnaranch, Oval Off ice (15 min) Pres id t, International Olympic Committee; & Pete V. Ueberroth, President, L. Angeles Olym i Organizing Committee 1 Deaver) (TAB A) 10:45 ain with Senators Strom Thurmond and Oval Office (20 min) ateµ & Attorney General Smith 11:05 am Staff Time Oval Off ice (40 min) 11:45 am Jacob, Pres., National Oval Office ( 20 min) c 12:05 Oval Off ice ( 5 min) (TAB D) 12:10 pm Time Oval Off ice (80 min) 1:30 pm th Senator John Tower Oval Off ice ( 20 min) uberstein) (TAB E) 2: 00 pm P'9rsona.l Staff 'f'ime ~ ct1.\.... Oval Off ice (2hrs45min) ~ ~M - (.....el~, 4:45 pm Taping Session (David Gergen/Mark Goode) Map Room ( 15 min) (1) Message for George Eccles Testimonial (TAB F) Dinner (2) Message for ICA Poland Solidar­ ity Program (draft remarks attachE 5:00 pm The President and Mrs. Reagan join ICA Blue Room (15 min) group for reception following taping (Muffie Brandon) (TAB G) 5:30 pm Staff Time Residence UNPUBLISHED January 28, 1982 THE. WHITE HOUSE 5:00 pm WASHINGTON THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Friday, January 29,1982 9:00 am Staff Time 9: cJ~ - Oval Office (30 min} (Baker, Meese, Deaver} 9:30 am National Security Briefing 9·./'f- 9,_ yo Oval Office (15 min} (William P. Clark}, 'iMt, ..,.t-g, HtfJW;J 9--:.AS am Seni-0-~---&taff---'Pime Oval Office (is_ min) 10:00 am Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice ( 30 min) 10:30 am Meeting with Juan Antonio Sarnaranch, Oval Office ( 15 min) President, International Olympic Committee; & Peter v. Ueberroth, President, L. Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee /t:J: rt - /t:Jf Y 7 (Michael Deaver) /..A/I~~ ,.o~s 10:45 am Meeting with Senators Strom Thurmond and Oval Office (20 min) Orrin Hatch & Attorney General Smith (Kenneth Duberstein) /O:~t:1 - //: ~r 11:05 am Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice (40 min} UM ,i • • ~ - ),..v(bt;,/,q 11:vs-1;:s1. ~ ¥fl1~, JI;!. ~Dt~, 1. 11: 45 am Meeting with John Jacob, Pres., National Oval Off ice (20 min) Urban League /1: s 1 - I 'Z-" ~ o (Elizabeth Dole) 12:05 Photo with Tricia Rodgers 1 ~ ·. ~ 1 - 1 ~ ·. ~ L Oval Off ice ( 5 min) (Gregory J. Newell) 12:10 pm Lunch and Personal Staff Time · oval Office (80 min) 1:30 pm Meeting with Senator John Tower t'.?t- ~:s-7 Oval Office (20 min) (Kenneth Duberstein) ~"<HJ- ~:"'2.. ct-.~.~~. s't-tu~IH-, ru.~~ Av~ ~4-1 2:00 pm Personal Staff Time Oval Office (2hrs45min) s-:~- ~ , ..J...:d, t.~L, w. ~ss.r~t.., <?... s-rt4~ ~r. <Jt~"Nrl-t.r 4:45 pm Taping Session (David Gergen/Mark Goode) Map Room (15 min) (1) Message for George Eccles Testimonial Dinner (2) Message for ICA Poland Solidar­ ity Program 5:00 pm The President and Mrs. Reagan join ICA Blue Room ( 15 min) group for reception following taping (Muff 1e Brandon) / 5:30 pm Staff Time Residence I?"'<. - , _ - - '"""'" - .! - \ UNPUBLISHED January 28, 1982 THE WHITE HOUSE 5:00 pm WASHINGTON THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Friday, January 29,1982 9:00 am Staff Time Oval Off ice (30 min) (Baker, Meese, Deaver) q ' l.rO l). ) f> <- 9: 30 am National Security Briefing OVal Off ice (15 min) (William P. Clark) 9: 4 5 am Senior Staff Time Oval Off ice ( 15 min) 10:00 am Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice ( 30 min) 10:30 am Meeting with Juan Antonio Samaranch, Oval Off ice ( 15 min) President, International Olympic Committee; & Peter V. Ueberroth, President, L. Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee (Michael Deaver) (TAB A) 10:45 am Meeting with Senators Strom Thurmond and Oval Off ice (20 min) Orrin Hatch & Attorney General Smith (Kenneth Duberstein) · (TAB B) 11:05 am Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice (40 min) / !; L{ O rn ~l.- '6 ~ YJ t_fc, t i\' ~ 11:45 am Meeting with John Jacob-/. Pres., National Oval Off ice ( 2 O min) Urban League (Elizabeth Dole) (TAB c) 12:05 Photo with Tricia Rodgers Oval Off ice ( 5 min) (Gregory J. Newell) (TAB D) 12:10 pm Lunch and Personal Staff Time Oval Off ice (80 min) 1:30 pm Meeting with Senator John Tower Oval Off ice ( 20 min) (Kenneth Duberstein) (TAB E) 2:00 pm Personal Staff Time ECo ~vO t\\ IC ,i1i·G ( Lf 5,.., r"' s) oval Off ice ( 2hrs 4 5min) s-u:.o A'.11 -~ I\ it/.#""~ ..3 ~of) -(f~A11 Jw!.) uJ f'C:...,.. A..vo ~·- '.) A fl.-yl' \,.+N 4:45 pm Taping Session (David Gergen/Mark Goode) Map Room" (15 min) (1) Message for George Eccles Testimonial (TAB F) Dinner (2) Message for ICA Poland Solidar­ ity Program (draft reinarks attache 5:00 pm The President and Mrs. Reagan join ICA Blue Room (15 min) group for reception following taping (Muff ie Brandon) (TAB G) 5:30 pm Staff Time Residence THE WHITE HOUSE - WASC-i lNGT ON JANUARY 28, 1982 MEETING WITH JUAN ANTONIO SAMARANCH AND PETER UEBERROTH DATE: January 29, 1982 LOCATION: Oval Office TIME: 10:30 a . m. (15 min) FROM: Michael K. Deaver I . PURPOSE Mr. Samaranch, President of the International Olympic Committee, would like to discuss the 1984 Olympic games which will be held in Los Angeles. Mr. Ueberroth, President of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, is accompanying him. II. BACKGROUND Mr. Samaranch has met recently with Frangois Mitterand and Helmut Schmidt, and will be meeting with Leonid Brezhnev later next month. Mr. Samaranch will o emphasize the international importance of the Olympic games. o describe the effect of the United States boycott at the 1980 Olympic games. o encourage you to open the games in Los Angeles on July 28, 1984. (Traditionally, the head of State of the host country does this.) He may o request that a special visa be issued for the visiting athletics. o report on the status of the Olympic Commemorative Coin minting bill. This bill would authorize the United States Mint to issue gold and silver commemorative coins which the committee will buy above cost and resell to fund athletics worldwide . The bill has been reported out of committee. o request your continuing support of the private funding of the Los Angeles games. III. PARTICIPANTS The President ~ Juan Antonio Samaranch / -Peter Ueberroth ~ichael K. Deaver IV. PRESS PLAN White House Photographer V. SEQUENCE OF EVENTS 10:30 a . m. You greet Mr. Samaranch and Mr. Ueberroth 10 : 45 a . m. Mr. Samaranch and Mr. Ueberroth depart Oval Office. THE WHITE HOUSE VVA:3H i ~G TCJ N January 28, 1982 MEETING WITH SENATOR STROM THURMOND (R-S. C.) AND SENATOR ORRIN HATCH (R-UTAH) DATE: January 29, 1982 LOCATION: The Oval Office TIME: 10:45 a.m. (20 minutes) FROM: Ken Duberstein~ 0 • I. PURPOSE To respond to a request from Senators Thurmond and Hatch for a meeting with the President to discuss the tax exempt status of private schools and the recent testimony on the Voting Rights Act before the Senate Judiciary Committee. · II. BACKGROUND On January 18, you submitted to the Congress legislation regarding the tax exempt status of private schools. The purpose of this legislation is to prohibit tax exemptions for any schools that discriminate on the basis of race. The bill was submitted in the wake of previous (January 8) IRS action to discontinue denial of tax exempt status. In the Senate, the Administration bill is being introduced today (January 28) by Senator Robert Dole. Dole plans to begin hearings on Monday, February 1 in the Senate Finance Committee. Senators Thurmond and Hatch are extremely displeased with the contents of this legislation, and Senator Thurmond was particularly concerned that he was not given an opportunity to review the bill before it was sent to the Hill.
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